The meat was cooked, and the meat was cooked.

"Here, these skewers can be turned over now."

"Also, skewers like pork belly are rich in fat, and the oil will come out after heating, so you don't need to brush too much oil."

"Well, these skewers of potato chips and baby cabbage are ready. If they are grilled further, they will be burnt. Now just brush them with sauce and sprinkle them with seasonings and they are ready to eat."

Xia Tian stood aside and patiently taught Qiu Mengyun how to grill skewers.

I don't know if she is really interested in the skill of barbecue, or if she likes Xia Tian's teaching method very much, Qiu Mengyun is also very happy to learn. She listened to Xia Tian's story with a smile throughout the whole process. Whenever Xia Tian said what needed to be done, she also cooperated with Xia Tian to complete it together.

"Hehe, the skewers I grilled myself are finally ready. I didn't expect that grilling skewers is so simple."

Hearing Xia Tian say that the vegetable skewers are ready, Qiu Mengyun excitedly picked up a string of potato chips and couldn't wait to taste them.

"Well! Not bad, quite delicious."

After taking a careful bite, Qiu Mengyun's eyes instantly burst into a light of surprise. She held up the potato chips in her hand like a show-off, telling Xia Tian about her excitement and joy.

"Hehe, since it tastes good, you can order more." Xia Tian replied nonchalantly.

"What do you mean? Don't you believe in my craftsmanship? I really learned it very seriously just now, and this time the grilled skewers are not as inedible as before, they are really delicious."

"Why don't you say anything? Don't you believe me? If you don't believe it, try it."

Seemingly a little disappointed with Xia Tian's indifferent reaction, Qiu Mengyun eagerly handed the potato chips she had just taken a bite of to Xia Tian's mouth, wanting him to taste it too.

"No, there's some here, I can just take it myself." Although he knew Qiu Mengyun didn't lie this time, Xia Tian still had some psychological trauma about her feeding him after she had just forced him to eat a bunch of black lamb skewers.

"No, you must eat it immediately. This is the first batch of finished products I baked after studying hard. If you don't eat it, it means you don't respect the fruits of my labor and don't value my hard work just now."

Qiu Mengyun held Xia Tian's arm with one hand and handed the potato chips to his mouth again with the other hand, as if she would not stop until she finished eating.

"Oh! So childish, I'll eat it!" Looking at Qiu Mengyun's serious look, Xia Tian shook his head and ate the potato chips that were sent to his mouth.

"How is it? How does it taste? Is it good? I feel that the level of my baked potato chips is no less than those professional barbecue restaurants outside."

Before Xia Tian finished eating, Qiu Mengyun couldn't wait to ask.

"Well, it's great! Although the control of the heat is still a little lacking, I have to say that the taste is really nice." Looking at Qiu Mengyun's expectant eyes, Xia Tian gave a thumbs up and praised generously.

"Hehe! I knew that such a simple thing could not be difficult for me. This girl is really a genius. Not only is she talented in singing and dancing, but she can also learn barbecue in one go."

"Come, try this string of baby cabbage. It tastes great to me too."

After receiving Xia Tian's praise, Qiu Mengyun was obviously very happy. After tasting a bite of the baby cabbage, she couldn't wait to pass the rest to Xia Tian's mouth, wanting to share her achievements and let him taste her craftsmanship again.

Looking at the half-eaten leaf in front of him, Xia Tian said with some embarrassment: "Why don't we forget about this baby cabbage? The potato slices just now were at least slices, but this baby cabbage has only one leaf on it. Wouldn't it be bad if you just finished eating it and then I eat it? Otherwise, I'd better wait and taste it after the others are cooked."

"What do you mean, kid? I don't dislike you, but you dare to dislike me?" Qiu Mengyun asked angrily after hearing Xia Tian's refusal.

Xia Tian smiled awkwardly: "Ahem, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to dislike you. It's just that we are not real lovers after all, and eating a leaf together is a bit..."

He was interrupted by Qiu Mengyun before he finished speaking.

"I say, kid, you are obviously not old, why are you still so old-fashioned! I'm not asking you to do anything extraordinary, just to taste this bunch of baby cabbage. What do you mean?

So shy. Besides, when we eat together, don't we all use chopsticks to pick up food from the same plate? This is obviously a very common thing. Can you not be so dirty and think about it so complicatedly? "

"I am dirty? Do you want to listen to what you are saying? It is obviously you..."

Xia Tian stopped talking halfway because Qiu Mengyun had already stuffed the remaining half of the baby cabbage into his mouth.

Although he was a little reluctant, Xia Tian still ate it reluctantly. First of all, under his guidance, the food Qiu Mengyun baked this time was indeed not bad. Secondly, she is a girl after all. If he vomited what she fed him in front of her, it would definitely make her feel embarrassed.

"How is it, delicious? I think this baby cabbage is baked quite well, much better than the potato chips just now."

Seeing Xia Tian finish eating the half of the baby cabbage, Qiu Mengyun said with a smile.

"Well, delicious. Our Master Qiu has already graduated. He will not be in the entertainment industry anymore. He can consider setting up a stall to sell barbecue. "Xia Tian responded with a smile.

"Xia Tian, ​​try this. I feel that the chicken wings I grilled are not as good as the ones you just grilled."

"Try this again. After the chicken skin is grilled, it tastes really good. I didn't expect that the chicken skin can be so delicious, and I grilled it myself."


"Well, this is grilled very well. I'm afraid that even if I do it myself, I may not be able to compare with it. It seems that you are really talented. You have surpassed your master so quickly. "

After the previous incident with baby cabbage, Xia Tian no longer cared about feeding him other grilled skewers. Therefore, whenever a grilled skewers was cooked and Qiu Mengyun came to feed him, he would never refuse. At the same time, in return, he would always give a few words of praise at the right time.

The two of them stood by the barbecue stove, grilling skewers together and feeding each other. This scene looked a bit warm and sweet.

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