It took nearly eleven years for Ruan Yu to finally say the phrase "I miss you" when this thrilling day is about to end.

It wasn't a sudden change of sex, but on this day, after witnessing a lifelong miss that was regrettable, she suddenly discovered that she shouldn't care about winning or losing in a relationship.

You shouldn't care about who has the upper hand, who speaks first, or who bows his head first.

Because you never know, when you make these unnecessary calculations, will there be a sudden disaster that will separate you completely and forever, and even lose the opportunity to care.

Therefore, when you can still say "missing you", you must tell him.

It doesn't matter if you lose.

The moment the voice fell, it seemed as if the world was still on the other end of the phone, and no echo was heard.

Ruan Yu blinked his eyes in a daze. Just as he was about to move his mobile phone to look at the signal, he heard Xu Huaisong say, "The signal is uninterrupted."

Xu Huaisong leaned on the railing of the hospital corridor, raised his head from the warm yellow halo, and slowly stood up straight.

The signal didn't break, but his brain circuit was broken.

He suddenly said: "Wait for me." Then he hurried to the end of the corridor and down the stairs.

Ruan Yu was confused. After a long time, he heard the footsteps stop, and a slightly panting voice sounded: "Me too."

"What?" She almost forgot where she just said.

"I miss you too, or...maybe I miss you more than you miss me." Xu Huaisong finished speaking, then subconsciously held his breath.

It wasn't until the other Ruan Yu laughed that he completely loosened his tight body and began to breathe in relief again.

When he finished breathing, Ruan Yu asked, "Why do you have to run a lap before talking?"

He choked, and replied: "Just now there was a nurse on duty in the corridor outside the ward." So at first he clearly heard that she wanted to be comforted, and he also pretended to be stupid and didn't say anything explicit.

"What's wrong? Do they understand Chinese?"


makes sense. He forgot.

Xu Huaisong lowered his head and smiled: "Today's consumption is too much, it may be a bit confused."

"What does it consume?"

He winced helplessly: "What do you think?"

Ruan Yu mumbled: "I asked you if I didn't know."

Xu Huaisong gritted his teeth and had to say clearly: "I'm worried about you."

Ruan Yu laughed again.

Look, it's not that difficult to speak directly.

She pondered and said, "But on the phone at the time, you were obviously very calm and said that the police would protect me, so don't worry."

"That is to comfort you."

He didn't trust the police that much. One in ten thousand probability that she might have an accident is enough to make him unable to sit up.

It has been twice, and she will never know how powerless he was to suffocate after hearing bad news from her across the vast mountains and rivers. He was just to comfort her, pretending to be calm.

He removed the phone, turned to the ticket booking page, and cut a picture for her.

Ruan Yu received the news and found that it was a flight to China at 11pm San Francisco time.

Within five minutes of receiving her call, he bought a plane ticket. Only after the news of her safety was confirmed, she did not rush to the airport.

Her nose was sore, and she took a breath with a touch of crying.

This crying tone reminded Xu Huaisong, his voice became a little harsh: "In the future, if you have to cry on the phone, please speak clearly before crying."

Excited by his tone, Ruan Yu's move was wiped out in a flash.

He then solemnly declared: "You may be fine, and my heart will stop first."

Ruan Yu choked, "Oh". But I got the comfort I wanted, so she didn't care about his tone. She said, "I see, you go back to the ward and look at Uncle."

Xu Huaisong stood under the street lamp with his mobile phone, and glanced at the direction of the inpatient department: "It doesn't matter, the nurse is here. The situation has basically stabilized. He is asleep now."

"Do you like standing outside and feeding mosquitoes?"

"Well, I pinched your chin to death last time, and I still feel sorry to take care of its compatriots."


Ruan Yu smiled, took the phone and left from the door, let out a sigh of relief, and fell on the bed.

Hearing this rustling movement, Xu Huaisong asked, "What are you doing?"

"Tired, lie down for a while." She sighed and said, "Actually, I am still very scared today. My legs are weak. I didn't know I was going to go up the ladder..."

"Are you on the ladder?" Xu Huaisong's tone was a little surprised, "Aren't you afraid of heights?"

This time it was Ruan Yu's turn that was strange: "How did you know?"

Because on the 40th anniversary of the First High School, many students were arranged by teachers to set up the reception venue. Maybe it was too much life, the teacher came randomly when assigning tasks, and did not take care of men and women. At the beginning, she was assigned a job of tying ribbons. She had to wrap the ribbons around a pole along the window. Because she didn't dare to climb high, she looked for someone to change it.

Then he went.

When she returned from finding a replacement, she looked up and saw that the ribbon had been fastened, thinking that she was the one who did the wrong job.

Xu Huaisong was silent for a long time in the night, and finally looked up at the first quarter moon in the sky and said, "I will tell you when I come back."

What, it's mysterious.

But Ruan Yu was really tired and didn't think deeply. He turned over on the bed, thinking of what it was, and said: "What do you think about Zhou Jun? I went to make a transcript in the afternoon and watched him enter the interrogation room and didn't come out for a long time."

Xu Huaisong has already learned about the case from the police and said: "The current situation is that objective evidence points to him, and his subjective explanation is only one-sided. Even if he did not kill, it is difficult to easily remove the suspicion."

Ruan Yu's throat choked and he continued to say: "He may be released in two ways. First, other suspects appeared before the trial, and all the evidence pointing to him has been reasonably refuted. Second, He was found not guilty in court because of insufficient evidence."

"According to the current situation, assuming the real culprit does exist, he must be a very experienced habitual offender. He may not be caught in a short period of time. Therefore, he has a high probability of trying the second way."

Ruan Yu said with an "um": "Can't you defend him?"


Not to mention that he has not participated in the domestic examination, even if he has passed the examination and obtained the lawyer's qualification certificate, he is not a professional criminal lawyer. This matter should still follow the principle of "specializing in surgery".

He said: "I have asked Liu Mao to make arrangements for the defense lawyer. I will discuss the details with them when I return to China after two days of work."

Xu Huaisong kept feeding the mosquitoes until more than two o'clock in the morning before returning to the ward.

Ruan Yu got up to cook and went to bed early, only to have a nightmare all night. So early the next morning, Mother Ruan, who saw her dark circles under her eyes, drove her back to the city.

It's too close to the place where the crime happened. She was so courageous, she probably had nightmares all the time in this house.

Ruan Yu also felt that it should be the geographical location, and it would be better in the city, so he listened to his parents.

Unexpectedly, even in the city, once she left the lively environment and returned to a quiet place, especially at night, she still felt physically and mentally uncomfortable.

Because Shen Mingying happened to be shopping for the online shop in other places these days, she went to the downtown hotel to pick up Xu Pippi, leaned on the cat for two consecutive nights, and barely fell asleep with Xu Huai Song Lian Mai.

Her night is his day. Xu Huaisong could hardly do anything else during the two consecutive days, and occasionally had something to deal with. After turning off Mai for a while, she woke up and heard his lifelessness, and immediately asked "Why is there no sound?", he had to open Mai to explain immediately. , And then accompany her to sleep again.

He knew she was a man of measure.

If you are not really afraid, you will never be willful.

So on the third day, Father Xu moved from the ICU to the general ward, where he could eat and drink. Everything was normal, and Xu Huaisong began to consider returning to China.

Lu Shenglan just happened to come to the hospital and went to the cubicle of the ward. He was wearing a headset. The phone displayed the voice call interface. He understood, took a piece of paper and wrote to him: "I'm done with the case at hand. I can do it in the next few days. If you work here, go back to your country first if you have something to do."

Xu Huaisong glanced at the note, but did not answer for a while.

She continued to write: "Uncle Xu is my mentor to the profession. I should take care of him. Don't worry."

Xu Huaisong was about to take a pen to write back to her, but when she heard Ruan Yu's dream come from the earphones, she seemed to wake up crying again.

Before he could write, he immediately said to Mai: "Have you had a nightmare? I am here."

Ruan Yu's voice was vague, and it took a long time before he came back: "Um... it's okay, I get up and pour a glass of water..."

"Well, turn on the bedside lamp first, remember to wear slippers, walk carefully, and don't drink cold water." Xu Huaisong's speech was slow, as if she didn't really want to tell her, just keep her voice constant so that she can go. Don't be afraid when you go to the living room.

After she finished drinking the water and returned to the bed, he said: "Cover the quilt and continue to sleep, I will not hang up."

After more than 20 minutes, Ruan Yu's breathing became well-proportioned. He thought that she should be able to sleep for a while, so he gently closed the Mai, then raised his head and said to Lu Shenglan, who had been standing aside for a long time, "I'm sorry."

Lu Shenglan shook his head to indicate that it was okay, hesitated and asked, "What happened to her?"

Xu Huaisong briefly explained: "The suspect is taking hostages. She was asked by the police to assist in the negotiation."

"The negotiation was successful?"


"Did she be too calm at the time?"

Xu Huaisong frowned.

Lu Shenglan continued: "I have done research in this area. According to her personality, if the incident happened to overcome her stress reaction to complete the negotiation, it is likely to cause a psychological backlash afterwards."

Xu Huaisong's brow furrowed more severely: "You mean, do you need to contact a psychiatrist?"

"That should not have reached this point, but if there is no one around her now, and there is no other important enough event to divert her attention, this situation will continue for a long time, and it will have a great impact on her physical and mental health. You or Ask someone to help take care of her for a few days, or go back as soon as possible."

Xu Huaisong took out his mobile phone and opened the ticket interface.

"If she has trouble falling asleep, try to avoid her sleep time when you buy a ticket." Lu Shenglan added.

He said "Um", raised his head and said, "Thank you."

When Ruan Yu woke up early the next morning, he found Xu Huaisong's voice was broken.

There is a message from him in the message box, from half an hour ago: "I am ready to take off now, and I will be there before you go to bed tonight. Have a good meal and wait for me at home."

She clicked the cursor on the input box and typed "um", thinking that he couldn't see it, she deleted it altogether.

I was about to get up to wash, when my phone shook and I received another WeChat message.

From Xu Huaishi.

When she was sent back to Suzhou by Liu Mao the other day, she asked him for her WeChat account.

Xu Huaishi: "Sister, the courier I sent you is now being delivered, so remember to sign for it."

Ruan Yu woke up from his drowsiness and typed: "What the **** is it?"

Xu Huaishi asked her for the address the day before yesterday, saying that there was something very important to send to her, but he refused to say what it was.

Xu Huaishi: "You'll find out later."

As soon as this message came in, the doorbell rang.

Ruan Yu put on his clothes, got out of bed in a hurry, took a package from the courier, closed the door, and took a knife to open it.

Then, she saw an old machine that looked very old.

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