"Summoning two monsters with attack power second only to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon at once? Is this the power of the Duel Spirits?" Looking at the two dragon monsters that appeared in front of him, Kaiba Gosaburo couldn't help but open his eyes wide.


"Canghe Dragon Girl

, attack that cover card!"Li Youfeng had no intention of showing mercy to Kaiba Gosaburo, and in the original story, Kaiba Gosaburo and Noa completely disappeared in the virtual world of this electronic network, so even if he knew the existence of elves, he would not be able to study it anymore.


With a burst of torrent breath hitting the cover card, Kaiba Gosaburo's fifth girl~ oh no, it was his right hand that disappeared again on the field due to the effect of the other-dimensional arena

"The Scarlet Flame Dragon Girl attacks directly!"

"Ah! It's so hot and painful, what's going on?"

Under Li Youfeng's command, the Red Flame Dragon Girl suddenly sprayed flames at Kaiba Gosaburo. The feeling of being burned by the flames was simply too good. Kaiba Gosaburo screamed in pain.

Kaiba Gosaburo LP4000﹥1300

"Damn it, what's going on? I am the master of this world, so why am I still feeling pain?"

"Mr. Gang Saburo!" Looking at Gang Saburo who looked puzzled, Li Youfeng explained with a smile,"The duel elves themselves have incredible power. Your so-called world master is just a crack in the elf world for them. It is an inevitable result that you will feel pain in the elf world."

"It's actually like this!" Looking at the duel elves standing behind Li Youfeng, Kaiba Gosaburo's eyes became more fanatical,"I must take your body, no matter what the cost!"

"Haha, try it if you can. I cover a card on the field and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Activate Angel's Charity, I draw three cards from the deck and discard two!"

Slowly raising a card, Kaiba Gosaburo said with a sinister smile:"You Feng, although I let you have a little sweetness, your good luck will end here. Just now, I threw the Fifth Lady~ Damn! It was I who threw Exodia's right hand into the graveyard, and now, I can activate this magic card!"

"Magic card activated, contract with Exodia!"

"This card can only be activated when all Exodia parts are in your Graveyard, Special Summoning an Exodia Ghost from your hand!"

"Come out!"

"Exodia's Undead!" (Attack 1800 Defense 0)

"Hahaha, did you see it, You Feng? This is the most powerful monster!"

"Exodia's Undead cannot be destroyed by battles or effects, and after each battle, its attack power will increase by 1000 points!" (The effect here is the original anime effect, please refer to the actual card for reference)

"How about it? Faced with such an ultimate life form, can you crack it?"

"Pfft~ Is this the ultimate monster? Oh, yes, yes, you are right, okay!"

"Damn you, brat, it really makes me angry!"Just when Kaiba Gosaburo was furious at Li Youfeng's attitude, an unexpected voice suddenly appeared.

"You Feng, how are you doing?"

"Is this Keipi's voice?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Kaiba Gosaburo and Li Youfeng were both surprised.

"No, I am Noa, and I am just borrowing Keipi's body temporarily!"

"Naiya, you unfilial son, are you going to betray me now too?"

Because of Gang Saburo's words, there was a slight silence for a few seconds, and Naiya's voice came again in the air.

"No, you are not my father. My father has passed away long ago. You now are just a fake program. Although I am not as good as you, I still want to continue to survive as a human being with conscience!"

"You Feng, listen to me, the secret weapons station of the Seahorse Group floating in space has opened fire. I can't stop its attack, but I can change its target. Now this sea fortress is about to be attacked, and you only have less than ten minutes."

"Ten minutes? More than enough!"Looking up at the sky, Li Youfeng responded loudly,"I will get rid of this culprit soon, Naiya, get ready to pick me up!"

"No problem! I have already set up the exit, and I am just waiting for you to come out."

Looking down at Kaiba Gosaburo, Li Youfeng said with a faint smile:"Mr. Gosaburo, you have heard what Noa said. Now I don't have time to play with you anymore. Come on, hurry up and do your turn!"

"Damn bastard, you'll never leave here!"

With an angry roar, Kaiba Gosaburo directly gave the order to attack.

"Exodia's Undead, attack Canghe Dragon Girl!"


Due to the difference in attack power, Exodia's attack was naturally blocked by Canghe Dragon Girl. However, at the same time, the attack power of the former was also increased because of the attack.

Kaiba Gosaburo LP1300>500

Exodia's Undead Attack 2800UP!

"Haha, what do you think, You Feng? Exodia's attack power has increased. Now the two monsters on your field are no match for it. My turn is over!"

"At the moment you finish the battle!"Ignoring Kaiba Gosaburo, Li Youfeng directly activated the special effect of the Red Flame Dragon Girl.

"I leave Canghe Dragon Girl on the field, add Crimson Flame to my hand and Special Summon Distillery Dragon Girl!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Gang Saburo, I don't have time to play games with a beginner like you, so this round, I will completely eliminate you!"

"The battle started, Canghe Dragon Girl attacked directly!"

"Haha, it's useless. The Canghe Dragon Girl only has 2600 attack points. She is no match for the Undead of Exodia!"

"Is that really the case?"After sneering, Li Youfeng pointed to the cover card on the field,"Open the cover card!"

"Heart too cannon style!"

"The effect of this card can only be activated when attacking, targeting a monster and returning it to the owner's deck!"

"Mr. Gosaburo, you have overlooked one thing. Although the Undead of Exodia cannot be destroyed by battle, magic, and trap cards, they are powerless against the effect of bouncing back to the deck!"


Looking at the Exodia's Undead on his field rolling back into his deck, Gosaburo said that his mentality had completely collapsed.

"It's not over yet. I will send the Scarlet Flame Dragon Girl in my hand to the graveyard. For this turn only, I will increase the attack power of the Canghe Dragon Girl by 2000 points!"

The attack power of the Canghe Dragon Girl is 4600 UP!

"Mr. Gosaburo, now you should understand that I have more than one way to easily defeat the most powerful monster you mentioned!"

"Canghe Dragon Girl, attack directly!"



Kaiba Gosaburo LP500﹥0

(It turns out that Kaiba Gosaburo is so bad at picking his feet that he is not suitable for playing cards at all!)

The breath of Canghe Dragon Girl directly hit Kaiba Gosaburo. In a violent explosion, the latter gradually expanded and turned into a monster with a red body.

Seeing this scene in front of them, just as the duel elves around Li Youfeng were ready to attack, the card pendant hanging on Li Youfeng's chest shot a white stream of light directly at Kaiba Gosaburo!

""Ah! What is this? No! It hurts! How is this possible? I am the master of this world, I will not fail! Ah!"

Amidst a miserable cry, Kaiba Gosaburo's figure gradually shrank until it was completely destroyed by the white flames, and then the stream of light returned to the card pendant again.


Without Kaiba Gosaburo, this virtual world began to gradually collapse.

The floors began to collapse, and the world began to shatter. After seeing this scene, Li Youfeng was immediately frightened and his hair stood on end.

Regardless of his image, under the cover of the Black Magician and other duel elves, Li Youfeng covered his head and hurriedly ran away.

"Naiya, I'm out, hurry up and open the passage!"

After climbing to the top floor of the Haima Group Building, Li Youfeng shouted to the sky.

"You Feng, jump off the building! The exit is right there!"

"Jump off the building? This is a 50-story building!"Looking down, Li Youfeng couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"Master, don't be afraid. It's just 50 floors. Didn't you see that the Seahorse boss jumped once for fun?"

"That's right, boss. We are here to protect you. It's okay. You won't die from the fall.���Just jump with confidence!"

"My Lord, just jump with peace of mind. Don't worry, I would still like it even if it's a corpse!"

"Atla, Connector, and Washerwoman, you three are truly the good elves I bred. You are so filial to me!"

The black magician quickly supported Li Youfeng and jumped downstairs after finding that he seemed a little scared.

"Master, there is no time now, let me help you!"

"Ah~! I'm not ready yet, no!"

Amidst a scream, a transmission channel with a flashing rainbow light appeared in front of the falling Li Youfeng. In a dazzling white light, when Li Youfeng regained his vision, he found that he was already lying in a game cabin.

"You Feng! You're back!"

"Very good!"

"I'm back? So soon?" Touching his head in surprise, Li Youfeng quickly jumped out of the game cabin.

"Hahaha! From today on, I am also the man who can jump from a 50-story building and remain unharmed!"


"Hey, Yugi, is Yugi's brain stimulated?"Seeing that Li Yugi's mind seemed a little abnormal, Jonouchi quickly pulled Yugi aside and whispered,

"Well, I think it's possible. After all, who would jump from a 50-story building every day for no reason? That's too stupid."

Kaiba Seto:"Huh, childish, you dare to brag about a mere 50-story building!"

Everyone:"So you are the culprit?"

"Mr. You Feng, you are finally back safely, that's great!" Seeing Li You Feng wake up, Malik came up a little embarrassedly,"Mr. You Feng, I'm sorry for causing you trouble before, thank you for saving me"

"Malik, you are awake now, don't be polite to me, just call me You Feng." Li You Feng patted Malik's shoulder and continued,"This is all thanks to your sister. If she hadn't been willing to do everything to save you, you probably wouldn't have recovered. Malik, I have to say you really have a good sister.""

"Yes, I have always felt that I am really lucky to be my sister's brother. Looking back at Isis, Malik's eyes were full of deep affection.

"Malik, don't say that. As your biological sister, this is what I should do." Seeing that Li Youfeng did not seek repayment for her kindness, Isis was even more grateful to him.

At this moment, Kaiba Keipi, who had lent her body, also recovered and took out a disk from the control center. Kaiba Keipi said with a smile:"Brother, it's all done. All of Naiyago's personality data is here!"

"Well done!"

After praising Keipi, Kaiba Seto said to everyone,"This place is about to be hit by a missile. We must leave here immediately. Let's talk on the airship. Now, everyone, follow me closely."

Before leaving the virtual world, Kaiba Seto had checked the entire sea fortress in advance.���After looking at the road distribution map, they chose the nearest road and ran back to the airship in one breath.

Seeing Kaiba and others return safely, the bodyguards who stayed on the duel airship also breathed a sigh of relief and quickly started the duel airship. Not long after the airship took off, several missiles whizzed from the sky and accurately hit the huge sea fortress.


The shock wave caused by the explosion spread to the surroundings. Although it had gone far away, the duel airship was inevitably caught in the airflow.

The aftermath of the explosion slowly dissipated, and the sea fortress that suddenly appeared from the bottom of the sea gradually sank into the deep sea. Because it deviated from the course, the duel airship was now quite far away from the final duel competition venue.

After taking a glance at the gradually sinking sea fortress, Kaiba Seto turned to the pilot of the duel airship and said,"The goal remains unchanged. Reset the course and move towards Aruka Tolas!"

"Yes, President!"

"Phew, it’s finally over!" Completely relieved, Li Youfeng walked to Kaiba Keipi’s side. Looking at Kaiba Keipi who was busy in front of the computer, Li Youfeng asked with great interest:"I heard that you brought out all of Noa’s personality data. How is it going now?"

"Ah, it's Brother You Feng!"

Nodding with a smile, Keiping replied,"Basically everything has been done. I uploaded all of Noyago's personality data to the central computer of the Kaiba Group, and I also asked my brother to see if he could make an artificial body for Noyago. If successful, Noyago can live with us like a normal person."

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