Slightly different from the original anime, Li Youfeng came to a circular hall after passing through his contestant gate. Looking at the control console that appeared in front of him, just as Li Youfeng was trying to figure out how to use it, Kaiba Seto, Ota Yugi, and Jonouchi also appeared at the other four corners of the hall. Following

Isono's footsteps, the accompanying personnel came to a viewing platform diagonally above the hall, where the view was excellent and they could clearly see the movements of all the contestants in the circular hall.

"Dear contestants, we will be holding the qualifiers for the semi-finals in this circular arena. The specific rules are as follows!"

"The game adopts a melee mode. All players can attack any player. However, no attack is allowed in the first round of the melee mode. Please be sure to pay attention to this!"

"The order of rounds is determined by the order in which each player reveals a card in his hand and decides based on the attack power!"

"But I would like to remind you that, as the first attacker in this match, the cards you show will not be usable in this duel. Players with zero health points will be teleported by the elevator to the duel stage above the duel tower until your semi-final opponent appears!"

"The first two duelists to lose in this duel will become the first semi-finalists of the Battle City Tournament."

"Now, please choose the cards you are about to show!"

Looking at the deck in his hand, Li Youfeng inexplicably fell into a choice dilemma. After all, there is basically no useless card in this set of Silver City specialized mixed deck. After repeated selection, Li Youfeng could only reluctantly give up the idea of attacking first and took out a card from the deck.

"In the first round of the melee mode, no one can attack, so the person who gets the first attack will undoubtedly have the greatest advantage."

This thought came to mind at the same time, and Yami Yugi, Jonouchi, and Kaiba Seto, who had already transformed, realized the advantage of this duel at the same time.

"Time is up, please show the cards in your hands at the same time!"

Kaiba Seto:"I choose this one, Masked Monster, with an attack power of 3300 points!"

Jonouchi:"I will choose this card, Black Panther Warrior, with an attack power of 2000 points!" Yami

Yugi:"I choose this card, Strange Fruit Magic Girl, with an attack power of 1800 points!"

Li Youfeng:"I will show this card, Antlion Bug Demon, with an attack power of 1600 points!"

"The order is decided!"

Seeing that everyone showed their cards, Isono announced loudly:"The battle city semi-final qualifiers have officially begun. The first to attack is Kaiba Seto, followed by Jonouchi, then Muto Yugi, and the last one is Li Youfeng!"

"Now, please have the player who attacks first take his turn and temporarily remove the Masked Beast card from the deck!"



Seto LP4000 Jonouchi LP4000

Muto Yugi LP4000

Li Youfeng LP4000

"My turn, draw a card!"

As the first attacker in the melee mode, Kaiba Seto has already seized the initiative. Two turns are enough for him to create a pretty good scene.

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I draw two cards from my deck!"

"Next, I will Normal Summon Dragon Ruler!"(Attack 1200 Defense 1100)

"Magic card Dragon Summoning Flute is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon two Dragon-Type monsters from your hand!"

"Come out, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" X2

"I'm not done yet, I send two Blue-Eyes White Dragons to the Graveyard and Special Summon this monster!"

"Powerful and beautiful dragon, show your perfect figure and come here!"

"Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon!" (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

"It turned out to be this monster!" Seeing the Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon appear on Kaiba Seto's field, Jonouchi and Yami Yugi immediately looked at each other. After all, after what happened with Noa, they naturally knew the special effects of this monster.

"I will cover one more card in the backcourt"

"My turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

It was his turn, and Jonouchi certainly wasn't going to be polite. After drawing a card from the deck, Jonouchi also played a card.

"Angel's Charity is activated, I draw three cards from my deck and discard two!"

"I chose to send Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Red-Eyes Flying Dragon to the graveyard!"

"I Normal Summon, Baby Dragon!"(Attack 1200 Defense 700)

"Activate the special effect of Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

"This card can remove a face-up Dragon-Type monster on your field and Special Summon it from your hand!"

"O true red emperor, roar, rage, and descend here!"

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is activated. Once per turn, you can select a Dragon-Type monster other than this card from your Graveyard or hand and Special Summon it!"

"Come out, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"(Attack 2400 Defense 2000)

"I cover two cards and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card from the deck, An Yugi looked at Li Youfeng in a very obscure way and then played a card.

"Normal Summon, Black Magic Wand, Attack Position!" (Attack 1600 Defense 100)

"The effect of the Black Magic Wand is activated, select a Magic Card or Trap Card with the Black Magic character from the deck and add it to your hand!"

"I cover three cards on the field, and my turn is over!"

"Finally it's my turn!"

With a confident smile on his face, Li Youfeng looked at Kaiba Seto with a pitying tone and said with a sinister smile:"Hehe~! President Kaiba, you are so unfortunate. You should know that besides you, Jonouchi and Yugi are all my beloved relatives and friends. This one-on-three situation is extremely disadvantageous for you!"

"Yugi, Jonouchi, do you think I am right?"

"Of course! We are good friends, and I have long disliked that bastard Kaiba!"Glazing at Kaiba Seto fiercely, Jonouchi was the first to express his position!

"I will always stand on Youfeng's side!" Folding his arms, An Yugi smiled and nodded at Li Youfeng,"Kaiba, even if you attack first, but this wave, the advantage is not on you!"

Seeing that Kaiba Seto still had no expression on his face, Li Youfeng laughed and put his hand on his deck,"Haha, it's my turn, draw cards!"

"Activating Pot of Greed, I draw two cards from my deck!"

"Field magic card activated!"

"The Silver Labyrinth Castle Lavirisse!"

"I cover five cards in the backcourt. My turn is over. Please give me some advice!"


The moment Li Youfeng finished his turn, the entire circular duel field suddenly became surprisingly quiet. A bleak atmosphere slowly rose. Whether it was the spectators or the duelists participating in the competition, they all knew that the real fight was about to begin.

"You Feng, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. It's my turn, draw a card!"

With a murderous look on his face, Kaiba Seto pulled out a card from the deck and slapped it directly on the duel field.

"I activate from my hand, Raise the Dead, and revive a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my Graveyard onto my field!"

"My soul, my pride, my most faithful servant, obey my call and come to my place!"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

"Fight, Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon, attack You Feng!"

"President, you have a bad conscience. I knew you were going to attack me!"

Looking at Kaiba Seto's stinky face that looked like he wanted to eat someone, Li Youfeng, who had been prepared, opened a cover card directly!

"Trap Card activated, Welcome to Labris!"

"The effect of this card is to special summon a Labris monster from the deck. I choose to summon my other wife! Oh no! It's the Labris of Silver City!" (Attack 2900 Defense 1900)

Everyone:"This is a card that I have never seen You Feng use!"

"You Feng! You bastard, you call a card your wife? Is your wife as fun as me? Can she give birth to your children?"Unlike others, when hearing Li Youfeng calling the monster his wife, Shizayoi Kaoru immediately ignored her own image and started yelling!

Everyone:"Huh? ?"Σ(゚д゚lll)

"Awesome! Sister Xun is so bold!"Shizuka Kawai covered her mouth with her hands shyly.

"Wow, Miss Xun is so proactive, should I learn from her?" Masaki Kyoko touched her chin and began to ponder.

"Haha, what Xiaoxun said is right. You should take control of your own love. I fully support you!" Kongquewu laughed out loud, looking like he was gloating over other people's misfortunes and was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.


Waterfall of sweat!

"It's over. I'm impulsive.~!"(/ω\)((So shy)

Hearing this fierce remark, not only did Li Youfeng sweat profusely, but even the entire competition venue was filled with an extremely awkward atmosphere. It seemed that he realized that he had said something wrong. After realizing it, Izayoi Kaoru blushed immediately.

"This superficial woman!"Looking at Izayoi Kaoru who buried her head in her clothes and acted like an ostrich, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but complain. As the person involved, Li Youfeng was so stimulated that his blood pressure seemed to be a little high.

""I'm sorry, boss, I was wrong!" Thinking of the punch he had received before, Li Youfeng decisively chose to admit his defeat on the spot. As for the Silver City Lord Labiris who stayed on the field, as a duel elf, she couldn't help but look at Izayoi Kaoru with disdain after hearing this.

Unlike Izayoi Kaoru who was already too embarrassed to face people, as the party involved in this game, looking at the monster that appeared on Li Youfeng's field, not only Kaiba Seto's face became solemn, but even Jonouchi and Yami Yugi who were present also looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"I'm going to activate the effect of the Field Spell Card Silver's Labyrinth Castle!"

"When activating Labirice's Normal Trap Card, you can select a card on the field and destroy it!"

"What I want to destroy is the Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon!"


As the field magic card was activated, the Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon on Kaiba Seto's field was directly blown into pieces.

"Hehe, what do you think, President? Even though the Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon cannot be destroyed by battle, it can still cause destruction with its effect!"

""Damn You Feng!" Looking at Li You Feng's nasty look, President Kaiba once again issued an attack order,"It doesn't matter, the monsters on your field are not as powerful as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, I can still attack again!"

"You have no chance!"

Waving his hand to stop the president from speaking, Li Youfeng continued:"I am going to activate the monster effect of Silver City Lord Labris. If a monster on the field leaves because of Labris's Trap Card, I can choose to destroy a card. I choose to destroy the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

As Li Youfeng spoke, Labris pointed the silver double-edged giant axe in her hand at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. A burst of silver-white light flashed, and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was directly blasted into pieces and entered the graveyard.

"What a powerful combo!"

In an instant, the two monsters on Kaiba Seto's field were easily solved. Not only did Kaiba Seto look solemn, but even Jonouchi and Yami Yugi also looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Humph, in that case, I won't let you off even if the round ends!" Staring at Li Youfeng with gritted teeth, Kaiba Seto directly played another card.

"I activate the magic card Cyclone to destroy a covered card on your field!


As the cyclone was activated, a covered card on Li Youfeng's field was broken. At the moment of destruction, everyone realized that the card Li Youfeng covered was the Holy Shield Reflector Power.

"Haha, President, you are so lucky. You actually destroyed this card among the four covered cards. I admire you!"

"Humph, you don't need to praise me, my turn is over!"

""Wait a minute!" Just as President Kaiba was about to end his turn, Yami Yugi spoke expressionlessly,"Now I'm going to activate the effect of the card!"

"Trap Card Magician Navigation activated!"

"This card can Special Summon a Dark Magician Monster from your hand, and can also Special Summon a Magician-Type Dark Attribute Monster of level 7 or lower from your Deck!"

"Come out, Black Magician (Attack 2500 Defense 2100), Black Magician Girl (Attack 2000 Defense 1700)!"

"All right, Jonouchi, you can start your turn now!"

Nodding to Jonouchi with a smile, Yami Yugi once again put on his indifferent attitude.

"Look at my performance, You Feng!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card from the deck, Jonouchi looked at Kaiba Seto and laughed coldly.

"Kaiba, there are no more monsters on your field, it's time for us to settle our accounts!"

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