After shaking hands with Jonouchi with a smile, Li Youfeng put his arm around his shoulders and walked down the Sky Arena together amid the applause and laughter of the supporters.

Yami Yugi:"Jonouchi, well done, you are already a real duelist!"

Honda:"Haha, Jonouchi, well done, you made it to the fifth round, which is pretty good, especially the egg you summoned, hahaha, I can't stand you, I'm laughing so hard that my stomach hurts!"

Oga Ryuji:"It's okay, I didn't have any hope for you, so it's not shameful to lose, and you looked really funny on the duel arena just now, so I decided to support you!" Peacock Dance:

"Look at you, you obviously can't use the God Card but you still want to show off, why did you summon that ball for no reason? You're so stupid!"

Kawai Shizuka:"Brother, I told you to surrender a long time ago, but you just didn't listen. Look, you still lost! But this duel was really interesting, brother, you are great, I'm proud of you!"

"Hey! Are you sure you are trying to comfort me? Please~! Can't you save some face for me?"

Listening to what everyone said, Jonouchi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If it wasn't for the game that tricked him, he wouldn't have faced Li Youfeng like this.

Although this matter was a bit self-inflicted, for Jonouchi now, he still felt very unhappy that he didn't trick Kaiba Seto as planned.

"The second match of the Battle City semi-finals is about to begin. Please invite Kaiba Seto and Muto Yugi to come on stage and get ready for the duel!"

Without any delay, the referee Isono announced the start of the second match directly in the Sky Arena.

"Humph, it's finally my turn to fight. I'm getting a little impatient to be honest. Although the loser's fight looks very boring, it's still pretty good as an entertainment program! Jonouchi, I have to compliment you on this aspect. As a clown who seeks attention, you are definitely a professional, hahaha!"

While mocking Jonouchi, Kaiba Seto laughed and walked onto the Sky Arena. Seeing Kaiba Seto's arrogant look, Jonouchi's old face turned red.

"Hippocampus, you bastard, don't be too proud. I was just careless for a moment. Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you. If you have the guts, come and fight me right now!"

"Jonouchi, don't make a mistake." Patting Jonouchi on the shoulder, Yami Yugi said with a smile,"Now it's my duel!"

In order to find out the mystery of his life experience, Yami Yugi found Kaiba Seto privately and agreed to a duel.

After getting Isis's Millennium Jewelry, Yami Yugi also used its power to try to find his own life experience when no one else was around. However, what surprised Yugi was that the future picture shown by the Millennium Jewelry was actually the scene of his duel with Kaiba Seto.

"It seems that I can only find the answer in this duel!"In order to find the mystery of his life experience, An Yugi participated in the Urban Duel Competition. It was not easy to get to this point, and he would not miss this opportunity no matter what.

"Come on, Yugi, teach that arrogant bastard Kaiba a lesson!"When Dark Yugi walked onto the Sky Arena, Jonouchi was the first to support him.

"Game, come on, it’s up to you!"

"Yugi, we believe in you, you must defeat Kaiba!"

"No problem, I will definitely not let you down!"Listening to the encouraging words of his companions, Yami Yugi walked onto the Sky Arena with a confident smile.

"Brother, come on! You can definitely become the Duel King, don't lose to Yugi!"Looking at Yugi's fan club with some dissatisfaction, Kaiba Keihei also cheered for his brother.

Just as Kaiba Seto and Yami Yugi stood facing each other, Li Youfeng calmly included the Sun God's Winged Dragon into the Void Deck.

As he expected, when the location of the Winged Dragon card slot was officially engraved into this card, his Void Deck really appeared in front of him very actively.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: 6

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (limited to 3 times per game), High Star Start, Low Star Start, Destined to Draw (HP less than 2000 and limited to 1 time per game), Dark Resistance (Passive: Greatly reduce the soul damage in the duel under special circumstances), Fighter's Soul (Active: Open the special duel barrier that can destroy the dark barrier with adjustable damage to three modes: slight, severe, and death.

) Summoner's Contract (The next card draw will definitely draw a bonded elf card, limited to 1 time per game.

), Fusion Premonition (limited to 1 time per game.

) Blessing of the Sun God.

Bond: Atlas Worm Demon, Vampire Lady, Half-Dragon Maid Laundry Dragon, Connector of Nephthys, Witch Craft Master Weir, Black Magician (Red Robe Version), Silver City Lord Labiris. Unlock

: People favored by the Winged Dragon of the Sun God. Due to the blessing of the Sun God, your existence will fully exert the true power of the Winged Dragon. The Winged Dragon is divided into a three-piece set of special cards and the corresponding cards are unlocked!

"Three-piece set of special cards for Pterosaur?"

Li Youfeng was stunned when he saw the latest unlocked cards. You know, the gods in this world have their own consciousness, especially as the highest-level upper god among the three fantasy gods, Pterosaur's temper is the most demanding among many gods.

However, what Li Youfeng never expected was that after entering the void deck, Pterosaur actually surrendered to him directly, and also derived three matching cards.

What's more surprising is that the void deck also unlocked the corresponding magic cards and trap cards in a very humane way. This change also made Li Youfeng's face full of bright smiles. He quickly opened his void deck and found the three cards that had just been unlocked.

As Li Youfeng expected, as two new cards derived from it, Pterosaur not only retained the resistance function of the original card, but also made him ecstatic that these three cards basically maintained the special effects in the original animation except for some minor effect changes.

(Here, the Pterosaur uses a combination of real cards and animation effects.)

"The spherical body of Winged Dragon, the phoenix of Winged Dragon, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, haha, it really deserves to be the big brother of the three mythical gods, this style is really different!"

As an original anime card, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God directly retains the original effect. Below this card, it also explains more directly the four special effects of this God Card.

First of all, this card is not affected by the effects of trap cards. The effects of magic or monster cards targeting this card are only applicable for one round, and it is immune to the special effects of low-level God Cards and monsters of ten stars and below. In addition, God Cards do not accept the destruction effects of magic cards.

(The reason for setting the effect in this way is to lay the foundation for the plot of the three evil gods in the comic version, because the settings between the original and the real cards are too different. Readers who have read the original comic should know that there will be a class system between the god cards in the three evil gods plot.

In order to avoid readers' confusion, the god cards are directly defined here, and the combination of the real cards and the animation is used. There will be no god card nonsense in the future story. This is a precautionary shot in advance. )

Secondly, the attack and defense of this card summoned by the superior summon are increased by the total attack and defense of the monster released when the superior summon is summoned.

In this turn when the superior or special summon is successful, you can choose to pay any life points to increase the attack and defense of the pterosaur.

Thirdly, this card can attack when it is special summoned.

Finally, this card can be activated when it is successfully special summoned. This turn, when a monster on your field other than this card is selected as an attack or effect target, the attack or effect target is transferred to this card.

This effect is simply outrageous!

As for the Phoenix of the derivative card Pterosaur, it inherits the ability of Pterosaur to ignore the rules and blow up the field after paying 1000 life points, as well as the special ability of not accepting any other card effects. Moreover, the effect of this card will not be invalidated when Pterosaur is sent to the graveyard. After special summoning, it will have a powerful body with 4000 attack and defense points!

Thus, the majesty of God is truly brought to the extreme!

There are some differences between the effects of this book and the actual card effects, so just understand it.

After strongly condemning the God Card with such a perverted effect for two seconds, Li Youfeng directly added it to his deck with a sinister smile on his face.

When Li Youfeng was surprised, just when he added the Pterosaur card and two derivative cards to the deck, his deck actually continued to emit bursts of soft golden light.

Although I don’t know if others can see it, Li Youfeng knows in his heart that this strange phenomenon is the manifestation of the powerful power of Pterosaur. In the sky arena, Kaiba Seto stood opposite Yami Yugi with his arms folded.

After a slight hesitation, Kaiba Seto's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, as if his mind was clear. Kaiba Seto said to Yami Yugi in a firm tone:"Yugi! I have thought through what you said to me before. No matter what happened in the past, it has nothing to do with me now. I have never regarded this unfounded legend as my destiny!"

"For me, no matter what is blocking my progress, I will use my absolute strength to crush it completely. If I have to choose an opponent, then only that bastard Li Youfeng is my recognized enemy. So now I am standing here as a duelist!"

"Kaiba, I agree with your point of view!"

After a faint smile, Yami Yugi's eyes were no longer confused.

"Take the beginning for example, the reason why I participated in the Duel City competition was just to regain my lost memories. However, after so many duels, I finally realized that without the support and help of my companions, without the power of friendship and bonds, I would never be able to get to where I am now!"

"Now I am very glad that I can wake up in this era, and I am also happy to make so many good friends. Regardless of whether I can find the lost memories, this bond will become the most precious memory in my life that cannot be replaced."

Showing his duel disk to Kaiba, Yami Yugi said loudly:"Kaiba, the reason why I challenge you is to make a complete break with my past self and the so-called fate, because I have a feeling in my heart, that is to put a final rest to this unfinished duel!"

"Hippocampus, I believe that I am not the only one who made the same choice, and that is why you are standing in front of me!"

""Hehe, Yugi, you’re only half right!" Kaiba Seto sneered as he also showed his duel disk,"My goal is not only to end the past, but more importantly, I want to create my own legend and future, and the God Card in your hand will become the cornerstone of my future!""

"Moreover, as the first battle that started my legendary life, such an environment is really unsightly!"

"Stereoscopic imaging system activated!"

After saying this, Kaiba Seto snapped his fingers, as if receiving some signal. The surrounding stereoscopic image gradually turned into an arena like a Roman gladiator arena.

Countless spectators formed by the stereoscopic image���Shouting Kaiba's name, as if becoming the most eye-catching focus, Kaiba Seto opened his arms and shouted loudly:"Yugi, this is the most perfect form of the Sky Arena, go! Our stage has arrived, in order to make a break with the past, and to create the best future, let the two of us fight it out!"

"Game! For us now, the cards in our hands are sharp swords, and the duel disk is a solid shield. Now, pull out the sword in your hand!"


Kaiba Seto LP4000

Muto Yugi LP4000

"I'm going to do it, Kaiba!"

"Come on, games!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

He quickly drew a card from the deck and placed it directly on the duel disk.

"I Normal Summon Queen Knight in Defense Position!"(Attack 1500 Defense 1600)

"Next I cover two cards and that ends the turn!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the Obelisk's Colossus he had just drawn, a scornful smile instantly appeared on Kaiba Seto's face.

"Humph, what about ending the past fate? In the end, the goddess of victory still smiled at me. From now on, as long as I gather three sacrifices on the field, the wine of victory will be within my reach!"

"I Normal Summon X-Boss Cannon, Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1500)

"As expected!"Looking at the monsters summoned by Kaiba and Yugi in the arena, Li Youfeng immediately understood that at this stage, the tactics used by these two people are all centered around the God Card.

You know, the God Card is powerful but also extremely difficult to use. In Li Youfeng's mind, deliberately gathering sacrifices to summon the God Card is absolutely unacceptable.

After all, with the resources to summon the God Card, he can make a favorable opening that is no less than the God Card. The advantage of this is that you may not have the chance to summon the God Card, and I am afraid you have been killed in advance.

Sky Arena

"I will also cover two cards, and then end my turn!"

Looking at the monster on Yu Feng's field, Kaiba Seto sneered in his heart:"Okay, the game, the chain of instant kills has been completed, hurry up and summon your monster. Once you summon a monster, the next turn will be your last turn!"

(At the end, the original comic version of the ancient Egyptian priest's blessing to the Pterosaur is attached: Heavenly beast, please listen to my call and transform yourself from the ball of light to bring me victory in this battle. Surround the desert with your glory and show your anger to my enemies. Open your inner power and let us win together. Appear in this dark game, I call your name, the Pterosaur of Ra! )

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