"In fact, judging from the current situation, what you are thinking is probably the same as mine!"

"Because, the moment your Obelisk was resurrected, I had already planned to take it, but I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to help me get Osiris's Sky Dragon from the deck, so now I don't need to wait any longer!"

After listening to Yami Yugi's words, a drop of cold sweat oozes out of Kaiba Seto's forehead. Looking at Yami Yugi's sinister smile, Kaiba Seto gritted his teeth and slowly asked,"What exactly do you mean by this?"

"That's what I mean!"

Pointing at the card behind him, Yami Yugi laughed.

"Magic cards activated, exchange of notes!"

"It's actually a magic card for exchanging cards?!"After seeing Yami Yugi's face-up card, Kaiba Seto realized that he was completely tricked by Yami Yugi.

"Okay, Kaiba, give me back the Sky Dragon of Osiris!"

"Damn bastard!"

Having been slapped in the face by Yami Yugi twice in a row, Kaiba Seto's face was already���Seeing the extreme, especially looking at Yami Yugi's somewhat mean smile, President Kaiba seemed to see the shadow of Li Youfeng in him.

Taking Osiris's Sky Dragon from Kaiba Seto's hand, Yami Yugi gave his only card to Kaiba. After all, he only had this one card left, and now Kaiba had no choice.

"Kaiba, thank you very much, God is in my hands now!"

After saying this, Yami Yugi gave Kaiba Seto a cool turn, and then walked towards his own venue.

"This despicable little dwarf!"

For Kaiba Seto, who always likes to mock others but doesn't like others mocking him, Yami Yugi's behavior is obviously taking advantage of others. He couldn't help but burst out with a swear word, and Kaiba Seto also gritted his teeth and returned to his own field.

"Yugi, aren't you happy too early? It doesn't matter if you got the God Card. Without the sacrifice, I wonder how you can summon the God Card!"

"And you have to know that my turn is not over yet!"

"I cover this card, and then activate the magic card, the life-destroying treasure!"

"The effect of this card is that you draw cards from your deck until you have five cards in your hand, and then at the beginning of your fifth standby phase after this card is activated, send all cards in your hand to the graveyard."

Showing a monster card, Kaiba Seto said with a smile:"Yugi, it seems that your luck has run out. The God Card is just a useless card in your hand. Now I Normal Summon, Z Metal Track, Attack Position!"

"I then attached the Z Metal Tracks to the XY Dragon Cannon!"

"Transform and attack!"

"XYZ Dragon Cannon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2600)

"Fight, XYZ Dragon Cannon, attack the King Knight!"


Unable to resist this powerful firepower, the King Knight was blown into pieces and entered the cemetery.

"Humph, Yugi, you keep struggling. Without the sacrifice, I wonder how you can summon the sky dragon of Osiris. My turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Glancing at the cover card on Kaiba Seto's backcourt, Yami Yugi's face gradually became serious.

"The card on Kaiba's backfield must be the card that was taken from me, which has a decreasing lifespan. The effect of this card is that when this card is activated, it can reduce the opponent's hand by the number of turns covered. Originally, this card was specially prepared by me in case the opponent took away the Sky Dragon, but I didn't expect it to become a stumbling block for me now."

Looking at the card he just drew, Yami Yugi decisively slapped it on the duel disk.

"Activate Angel's Charity, draw three cards from the deck and discard two!"

After quietly sending Magnet Warrior β and Magnet Warrior γ to the graveyard, Yami Yugi then inserted a card into the duel disk.

(Note: The Magnet series is divided into Magnet Warrior and Magnet Warrior series, with the same number, but the monsters are different. Because there have been readers who can't tell the difference between Cang Huang Shen and Feng Huang Shen, and Yan Wang Beast and Yan Wang Shen Beast, the author has specially marked it here!)

"I cover this card and end my turn!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Humph~ Yugi, you only have the card Osiris Sky Dragon in your hand. Unfortunately, you don't have a sacrifice to summon it. Next time it's my turn, Obelix will be back in my hand, and you will suffer a humiliating defeat!"

Pointing to a monster on the playing field, Kaiba Seto laughed.

"Now, I will reduce the number of offerings on your field again and completely crush your hopes!"

"XYZ Dragon Cannon, attack the Guard Knights!"


Due to the powerful firepower of the XYZ Dragon Cannon, the guard knights on the Dark Game field were also destroyed. However, just when Kaiba Seto thought he had won the game, Dark Game suddenly laughed.

"Hehe, Kaiba, thank you for your attack, because at this moment, my sacrifice is complete!"


Under Kaiba Seto's incredulous gaze, Yami Yugi directly opened his cover card

"Trap Card Activated!"

"Soul Rope!" (Original animation effect)

"The effect of this card is that when a monster on my field is destroyed, by paying 1000 basic points, you can Special Summon a 4-star or lower monster from your deck!"

Muto Yugi LP4000>3000

"I Special Summoned from the Deck, Electromagnetic Warriorα!"(Attack 1700 Defense 1100)

"The special effect of Electromagnetic Warrior α is activated!"

"When this card is Special Summoned, you can activate its special effect, adding an 8-star Magnet Warrior from your deck to your hand!"

"I added the Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Warrior to my hand!"

"Next, I will activate another special effect of Magnet Warrior α. During the opponent's turn, I can release this card and special summon a four-star Magnet Warrior monster from the deck!"

"I Special Summoned from my Deck, Magnet Warriorε!"(Attack 1300 Defense 1500)

"The effect of this card is that if it is Special Summoned successfully, you can send a Level 4 or lower Magnet Warrior monster from the Deck to the Graveyard and activate it. Then, select a Magnet Warrior or Magnet Warrior that is not on your field from the Graveyard and Special Summon it!"

"I sent Magnet Warrior α from the deck to the graveyard, and then Special Summoned Magnet Warrior.γ!"

(Seto Kaiba: Is this your turn or mine?)

"Three sacrifices!!!" Seeing the two monsters suddenly appearing on the dark game field, Kaiba Seto's face was obviously panicked.

"Damn you, you dared to plot against me!"

Although he was very unwilling, Kaiba Seto decided on the tactics he would use in just a moment.

"I cover this card on my backfield and end my turn!"

"My turn, draw a card!"After drawing a card from the deck, Yami Yugi raised the God Card in his hand high.

"Kaiba, this turn, I'm going to summon the God Card!"

"I offer two Magnet Warrior Monsters and the Queen Knight as sacrifices!"

"When the sky is thundering and chaotic, the power of the ancient magic books in the chain can be infinite!"

""God of infinite power, accept my sacrifice and descend now!"

Along with Dark Yugi's summons, a dazzling red light began to bloom from the Sky Dragon card!

This red light enveloped Dark Yugi's entire body and suddenly shot into the sky. The cloudless sky suddenly became overcast, accompanied by the sound of lightning and thunder, and the red Sky Dragon gradually revealed its true appearance from the dark clouds. The huge body almost encompassed the entire Duel Tower, and Osiris' Sky Dragon descended on Dark Yugi's field.

"Osiris' Sky Dragon! Descend!" (Attack power? Defense power?)

Feeling the pressure of the gods up close, not only Seto Kaiba felt the huge pressure, even the people watching the battle below the Sky Arena were also amazed by the power of God.

Honda:"Is this the Sky Dragon of Osiris? It's so spectacular!" Jonouchi

:"Great, Yugi, he actually summoned the God Card before Seto Kaiba!"

Miga Ryuji:"As expected of Yugi, he is a powerful duelist!"

Peacock Dance:"Isn't this natural? Have you forgotten? In the Duel Kingdom, Yugi was the duelist who almost killed Yu Feng!"

Anzi:"Yugi, come on! Defeat Kaiba completely!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Just when everyone was optimistic about Dark Game, Li Youfeng shook his head slightly.

"The attack power of the Sky Dragon is linked to the number of cards in hand. Don't forget that Yugi only has two cards in his hand now!"

Sky Arena.

Just as Li Youfeng said, Yugi, who only has two cards in his hand, now controls a Sky Dragon with only 2000 points of attack and defense. Looking at such a weak God Card, Kaiba Seto couldn't help laughing and said,"Haha, Yugi, even if you summoned God first, what can you do? If we compare attack power, my XYZ Dragon Cannon is more powerful!"

"Hum~! Soleiwadoga!"

After saying his classic line, Yami Yugi smiled and opened the cover card on the field.

"Pot of Greed activates, and I draw two cards from my deck!"

"Because the number of cards in my hand has increased, the attack and defense of the Sky Dragon on my field is now 4000 points!"

Looking at the Sky Dragon with increased attack power, Kaiba Seto, who was slapped in the face again, couldn't help but secretly complained:"Damn it! Why doesn't this dwarf finish his words every time? By the way, what's the matter with the Greed Pot on your field? You are deliberately picking on me, right!"

Smiling and pointing at Kaiba Seto, Yami Yugi said loudly:"Kaima, the Sky Dragon's attack power is now 4000 points. The XYZ Dragon Cannon with only 2800 attack power can't withstand the footsteps of God, so you lose this duel!"

"I lost? Haha, that's ridiculous!" With a confident smile on his face, Kaiba Seto made a provocative gesture to Yami Yugi,"How about you try to hit me?"


Seeing Kaiba Seto so confident, Yami Yugi was unsure. After hesitating for a few seconds, Yami Yugi decisively launched the attack.

"Nothing can stop the gods, Osiris the Sky Dragon, attack me with the XYZ Dragon Cannon!"

"Superconducting lightning cannon!"

"Humph, Yugi, stop daydreaming and open the cover card!"

Waving his hand to open the cover card on his field, Kaiba Seto said loudly:"Trap card activated, subspace matter transmission device!"

"The effect of this card is to remove a face-up monster on your field from play until the End Phase of the activating turn!"

"Hehe, Yugi, since you lost your target, your attack is invalid!"

(One of the classic Hades scenes in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Don't tell me you haven't seen it.))


This is even possible!

" Looking at this very familiar dark scene, Li Youfeng covered his face with his free hand, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Fortunately, he used his free time in the game store to review the duel rules of the Battle City Competition in advance, otherwise, he would probably collapse on the spot.

In the duel field, as the initiator of the trap, Kaiba Seto didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him.

Looking at Yami Yugi who was extremely frustrated because his attack failed, Kaiba Seto even laughed on the spot.

"Game, how is it? Your attack missed. So what if your attack power is high? Your tactics are child's play in my opinion!"

"Damn it, I didn't expect you to cover such a card! I cover two cards and end this round!"

Since two cards were covered on the field, the Sky Dragon's attack dropped to 2000 points.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card, Kaiba Seto laughed and announced,"This turn, since the Sword of Sealing Light is ineffective, Obelisk's Colossus is back in my hand again!"

"Game, open your eyes and watch, this is the most powerful god, this is the God of Destruction who possesses infinite power!"

"I offer three XYZ Dragon Cannon monsters as a sacrifice!"

"Accept the sacrifice, and answer my call!"

"This is the great force of destruction. When it arrives, the scorching wind will blow the land to wasteland, and the living will become corpses!"

"Come on!"

"Obelisk's Giant God Soldier, attack display!"(Attack power 4000 Defense power 4000)

""Kaiba, don't be happy too soon!" Waving his hand to interrupt Kaiba Seto's words, Yami Yugi took the lead in attacking,"Osiris's Sky Dragon special effect is activated. When the opponent summons a monster in attack position, its attack power can be reduced by 2000 points!"

"Summon thunder bomb!"


Opening his other big mouth, the Sky Dragon fired a cannon directly at the face of the Giant God Soldier. Because the attack range was too large, even Kaiba Seto was so scared that he quickly covered his head with both hands.

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