"Okay, now it's your turn."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking up at Li Youfeng, An Yugi asked in a somewhat surprised tone:"Youfeng, why didn't your Witch Craft Master Weier attack when she was clearly in attack mode?"

"Of course I am on guard against your card cover, after all, my Wei'er has a shortcoming in terms of attack power!"Looking at Wei'er, the witch craft master on his own field, Li Youfeng replied somewhat dejectedly

"Wise judgment!" After praising Li Youfeng, An Yugi activated the button to activate the trap card.

"Trap card activated, magician navigates!"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon a Black Magician monster from your hand, and after that, you can Special Summon a Magician-Type Dark monster below level 7 from your deck!"

"My most powerful and faithful servant, please heed my call and descend upon my grounds!"

"Black Magician!" (Attack 2500 Defense 2100)

"Black Magic Girl!" (Attack 2000 Defense 1700)

"The magic card Pot of Greed is activated, and I draw two cards from my deck!"

"There are three monsters on You Feng's field now. We can't let him continue to increase the number of monsters on the field!"

After taking a look at Li You Feng's backcourt, An Yugi gritted his teeth and showed a card from his hand.

"Magic card, Dark Magic Explosion is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that it can only be activated when there is a Dark Magician Girl monster on our field, destroying all face-up monsters on the opponent's field!"

""Hey!!!" After receiving the order from Dark Game, the black magic girl raised her staff with a cry, and launched a powerful black magic with destructive energy. Li Youfeng's field was like a firecracker, and it was directly blown up! Bang!

"Tsk! It's worthy of being a card that hosts Duel Spirits. You can even draw such a weird card."

Regarding Yami Yugi's magic drawing skills, Li Youfeng said that he had never doubted it from the beginning. Seeing the two half-dragon maid monsters being destroyed by the magic of the black magic girl, Li Youfeng quickly activated the effect of the continuous magic card Witch Craft Narrow Alley.

"The special effect of the continuous magic card Witch Craft Alley is activated. Once per turn, the Witch Craft monsters on our field will not be destroyed by battle or effects!"

"So that's the effect of the continuous magic card."

His attack failed to clear Li Youfeng's field, and Dark Game immediately ordered the black magician to attack.

"Humph, I want to see what that cover card of yours in the backcourt is."

"Black Magician, attack Witch Craft Master Weir!"

""Black magic!"

Yes, in line with the principle of stepping on the minefield again, An Yugi's original plan was to let Li Youfeng use the cover card in the backcourt.

However, what An Yugi did not expect was that when Li Youfeng saw the black magician coming, he did not activate the cover card, but directly showed four magic cards from his hand.

"The special effect of Witch Craft Master Weir is activated. It can be activated when the monster is calculating battle damage. By showing the opponent the magic cards with different card names in your hand until the end of the turn, each card can increase the monster's attack power by 1000 points!"

"I have four magic cards in my hand: Witch Craft Sabotage, Creation, Chaos Combination, and Cooperation. Therefore, Witch Craft Master Weir's attack increases by 4000 points!"

Witch Craft Master Weir's attack power increases by 5000 points!


"No wonder You Feng didn't launch an attack in the last round, it turns out that this is what he was thinking!" Kaiba Seto immediately understood Li You Feng's plan and showed an excited expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, Yugi, I just said that Veil's attack power is a weakness, but I was lying to you!" He raised his eyebrows at An Yugi with a smug look on his face,"Dark Magician, accept 2500 points of damage for me!"

"Wei'er, fight back, magic star bomb!"

"Humph, what a shame!"

Looking at Wei Er's counterattack with confidence, just when Li Youfeng was sure that the black magician would be destroyed, An Yugi suddenly sneered.

"The special effect of Desperate Throw in the Graveyard is activated. When this card exists in the Graveyard, you can negate one attack by banishing it. I choose to negate the attack of the Black Magician!"(Note: Bone Pig Throw, this is a joke made by the production team, just understand it here.)

Since the attack was not successful, the Black Magician retreated back to Yami Yugi's field, hugged his arms, and said with a smile:"I knew that You Feng, you would not be so kind as to place a monster with only 1000 attack points in attack position on the field. It turns out that you were waiting for me here."

"You are also very good, Yugi." He nodded with a smile. The counterattack resolved by An Yugi was naturally within Li Youfeng's calculation range."But the desperate move can only be used once. Yugi, you used it like this, and I didn't lose anything."

"As expected of You Feng, he is really amazing. I cover two cards on the back field, and my turn is over."

"Game, you have no cards in your hand, this is very dangerous! It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity, 0 times left in this game

"The special effect of Witch Craft Creation is activated. The effect of this card is that you can select a Witch Craft monster card from the deck and add it to your hand!"

"I chose to add Witchcraft Schmidt to my hand!"

"Next, I switch Witchcraft Master Weir to Defense Position, then Normal Summon Witchcraft Schmidt from my hand and activate its special effect."

"This card can be activated during the main phase of either player's deck by discarding a Magic Card from your hand and Special Summoning a Witchcraft Monster from your deck."

"I discard Witch Craft Co-op from my hand, then Special Summon, Witch Craft Tailor Heine!"

"Witch Craft���Activate this card, you can Special Summon a Witchcraft monster in the Graveyard. I choose to Special Summon Witchcraft Schmidt"

"Witchcraft Chaos Combine is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that you can send a Witchcraft Monster determined by a Fusion Monster Card from your hand or field to the Graveyard and then Special Summon a Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck."

"I send Witch Craft Schmidt and Tailor Heine to the Graveyard and Special Summon them!"

"Acting head of Witchcraft."(Attack power 2700 Defense power 2800)

"Witchcraft Schmidt's special effect is activated. This card in the Graveyard can be banished and activated to send a card with the Witchcraft character from the deck to the Graveyard."

"I choose to send Witch Craft Draping to the Graveyard, and Witch Craft Acting Master's special effect is activated. When a Sorcerer-Type monster or Spell Card other than this monster activates its effect, it can be activated to destroy a card on your field!"

"I choose to destroy, the Black Magician Girl!"

A colorful halo emerged from the hands of the acting head, and then a bolt of lightning hit the Black Magician Girl directly. After a scream, the Black Magician Girl was directly destroyed by the acting head and entered the cemetery.

"Jiejie~!"Clearly hearing the screams of the black magic girl when she was destroyed, Li Youfeng licked his lips like a treacherous villain,"It's really cool to destroy a flower with ruthless hands!"

(Black Magician: Damn it, you dare to hit my apprentice, I'll never let you go!)

Everyone: (︶︿︶)=╭∩╮ Than the middle finger

"You Feng~ What do you mean by this?!"

After hearing Li You Feng's shameless words, not only did the audience below the arena show a look of contempt, even An Yugi couldn't help but sweat a few drops of embarrassment on his forehead.

"It's meaningless!" Shrugging at An Yugi, Li Youfeng raised his eyebrows and replied,"Who told her to blow up my front court? Actually, I just think the black magic girl is very cute, so I decided to punch her. I believe that after this punch, such a delicate girl will cry for a long time."

An Yugi thought to himself:"How shameless!"

Li Youfeng's ability to manipulate people's mentality is indeed unique. Until this moment, An Yugi truly realized how shameless this person is in a duel.

"Strange? Why did You Feng destroy the Black Magician instead of the Black Magician with higher attack power? Could it be that he just wanted to play the game?"Unable to understand Li You Feng's operation, Peacock Dance touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

(There is an old joke in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, that is, the apprentice is always better than the master, so Li You Feng chose to kill the Black Magician first.)

Everyone:"Yes, that's the truth."

In the Sky Arena

"My turn hasn't ended yet. Now, I'm going to activate the Spell Card from my hand, Half-Dragon Maid's Dressing!"

"I send Half-Dragon Maid Laundry Dragon and Baby-Raising Dragon from my hand to the Graveyard, and then Special Summon Half-Dragon Maid Dragon Butler!" (Attack 3000 Defense 2000)

"Because the magic card Half Dragon Maid's Dressing was activated, another special effect of the Acting Master was also activated. I added the Witch Craft Slowdown from the graveyard to my hand."

"The fusion monster cannot attack at the moment of successful fusion. My turn is over. At the same time, I want to recycle the witch craft demonstration in the cemetery, three-dimensional cutting, cooperation, my turn is over."

"Two fusion monsters with an attack power of 3000 and 2700? I didn't expect You Feng to hide his strength. This time Yugi is in danger!"Looking at the two fusion monsters on Li Youfeng's field, Jonouchi also began to get excited. After all, for him, Yugi and You Feng are both his good friends, and it's not appropriate for him to cheer for them.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"There are two fusion monsters on You Feng's field. The current situation is extremely unfavorable to me. If I don't find a way to deal with these two monsters, I'm afraid I will be beaten out by You Feng in the next round!"

Looking at the fusion card he just drew, Yami Yugi took a deep breath and inserted it into the back field of the duel disk.

"Can't hold back anymore!"

"Open the face card and activate the magic card Treasure Card Falling from the Sky. Based on this effect, both players can replenish their hand cards to six!"

"Oh? It turns out that Yugi put the Treasure Card that fell from the sky on the field in the last round. Well, this operation is almost as good as the president's backfield fusion."

After Yami Yugi replenished his hand to six cards, Li Youfeng looked very casual on the surface, but in fact his attention was always focused on Yami Yugi.

"Yoshi!" Looking at the six cards he had just drawn, Yami Yugi once again showed a confident smile on his face.

"You Feng, since you summoned two fusion monsters, let me reciprocate the favor!"

""Okay!" Li Youfeng nodded lightly and said casually,"I want to see what kind of fusion monster you can summon. Come on, Yugi! I hope you can give me a little surprise!""

"Don't worry, I won't let you down, open the cover card!"

After launching the cover card that had just been shot in the backcourt, Li Youfeng saw clearly that in order to make the most of the treasure cards that fell from the sky, it turned out that the game had just covered the fusion in his hand.

"The Spell Card Fusion is activated, and I send the two monsters in my hand and on the field, Black Magician and Death Magic Dragon, to the Graveyard for a Fusion Summon!"

"Super Magic Dragon Knight - Red-Eyes Dragon Knight!"

""What the hell!!!"


Youfeng was completely stunned when he saw the fusion monster that appeared on the Dark Game field!

Moreover, this was no longer a surprise but a shock!

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. Under Li Youfeng's painful gaze, Dark Game directly activated the special effect of this monster.

"Red-Eyes Dragoon's special effect activates. During your main phase, you can choose any monster on your opponent's field to activate it, destroying���Monster and inflict damage equal to the original attack power of the opponent's monster. Since I used a normal monster as the fusion material, this effect can only be activated once per turn."

"Now, the monster I choose to destroy is the half-dragon maid, Dragon Butler!"


Under Yami Yugi's command, the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight focused his (obscene) gaze on the Dragon Housekeeper, as if he was being stared at by a sloppy and rough man who had been thirsty for many years. The Dragon Housekeeper couldn't help but tremble on the spot.

"Stop! Suppress it!"

(Li Youfeng: Game, take care of your dragon knight, my dragon housekeeper is a queen!)

(Dark Game: Damn, You Feng, what are you saying? Who can understand what you are saying?)


Ignoring Li You Feng's screams, the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight threw the spear in his hand fiercely and stabbed the Dragon Housekeeper accurately.

This scene of ruthless destruction was staged again. The Dragon Housekeeper had no power to resist and was directly destroyed and sent to the cemetery.

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Dragon Knight is activated. As the controller of the Dragon Housekeeper, You Feng, you will also suffer 3,000 points of damage!"

""Fuck! This is unscientific!"

Once again ignoring Li Youfeng's protest, the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight aimed the black spear in his hand at Li Youfeng's waist and stabbed him suddenly.

Just as he was about to be hit from the front by the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight, at this critical moment, a glass wall made of crystal suddenly blocked the tip of the spear, and at the same time, the witch craft master who had been dozing off before appeared in front of Li Youfeng - Weier!

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