"Wow! Soul Release, select up to 5 cards in both parties' graveyards, and remove those cards from the game. Yugi, have you seen through Rebecca's tactics and prepared a targeted counterattack in advance? What a great trick!"

"Let me take a look at this one. Haha, Revolutionary Counterattack? Prevent your opponent from destroying all your covered cards?"

"The last card is, Counter Trap, Trap Interference! Yugi, this round isn't over yet, I didn't expect you've already thought about the next round!"

Seeing her grandfather turning over the cards that Yugi had placed on the console one by one and reading the effects on the cards, Rebecca was completely stunned at this moment, because the attack surface of these cards was too targeted. If Yugi really wanted to attack her, she might not be able to survive a single round.

Her face began to turn livid, and tears of grievance were already welling up in her eyes. She looked at Yugi with disbelief at the smiling face. Rebecca suddenly felt that this boy who had once turned into a devil on the duel arena now looked so shy and gentle.

"Great, really great, Yugi, I just saw you put the card you drew back, so let me see the top two cards in your deck."

"Wow, this is even more outrageous!"

"Single rider assistance! Black core!"

"Rebecca, you should understand what I'm saying now. The game originally allowed me to kill you instantly in one round, but I chose to admit defeat in order to save your face!"

"Moreover, the game has seen through your idea of piling up graveyards. Even if you summon an ace monster, it will still be eliminated by this black core. So from the beginning to the end, you have no chance of winning this duel."

"Why?" Two tears could not help but fall from Rebecca's face. Then she turned her head in disbelief and looked at the table game.

"Why are you doing this? Do you look down on me? Or do you sympathize with me? Or do you pity me? In your eyes, am I, the champion, just a pathetic clown? Tell me, answer me!"

Rebecca walked towards Biao Yuxi step by step, and in the end she stretched out her little fist and kept hitting Biao Yuxi's chest.

After seeing this scene, Li Youfeng, who was hiding at the back of the crowd, almost laughed out loud. Looking at Biao Yuxi who was embarrassed and silently enduring, an idea that he could push the two from behind suddenly popped up in Li Youfeng's mind.

"Hehe, let me offer my best wishes for your future!"

In fact, the biggest common problem of the anime Yu-Gi-Oh is that the other half of the protagonists of all generations did not have a clear ending until the very end. Looking at the hasty ending, for true fans like Li Youfeng, it is undoubtedly a great regret in life.

Just because he didn't want to leave any regrets in his heart, Li Youfeng found a way to push Jonouchi during the Duel Kingdom, only because he realized that everything in this world was real to him!

Therefore, he hoped that the regrets in his heart could be made up, and he also hoped that his friends could find their own happiness.

Of course, Yami Yugi is an exception. After all, he has been dead for thousands of years. Some things that should have faced reality, to put it bluntly, really can't be forced.

""Rebecca, calm down, I didn't mean that!" Facing Rebecca, whose emotions were already somewhat out of control, Biaoyou could only comfort her softly with a helpless look on his face.

"Rebecca, regarding this question, let me tell you a story first."

Instead of stopping his granddaughter from acting like a spoiled child, Professor Arthur smiled and told about his past. The story was very simple. It was nothing more than that he and Mutou Sugoroku were trapped underground when they went to Egypt for archaeology more than ten years ago.

When there was only a mouthful of water left, the two began to duel. In the end, Mutou Sugoroku deliberately admitted defeat and gave the water to Professor Arthur.

As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Professor Arthur was moved by Mutou Sugoroku's kindness.

In the end, out of gratitude, Professor Arthur gave Mutou Sugoroku the Blue-Eyes White Dragon (87 million) as a gift symbolizing their friendship.

After saying this, Professor Arthur looked at Rebecca and said with a smile,"Do you understand now? The reason why Yugi took the initiative to admit defeat was entirely because of his kindness!"

"Is this really the case?"With tears in her eyes, Rebecca looked at the game pitifully. Although she is now the champion of the United States, she is just a 12-year-old girl.

"Well, I just think that this duel is meaningless. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon was never ours, so it's understandable that you want to go back. The reason I agreed to duel with you is just to prove that grandpa is not a thief."

"Game, I'm sorry, I wronged you"

"It's okay Rebecca, I don't mind."

"Rebecca, this card……"

""Wait!" Just when Yugi Muto was about to give the friendship bond from the original book to Rebecca, Li Youfeng suddenly appeared in front of Yugi and quickly snatched the card, which had no effect but was just a sample.

"You Fengjun, what are you doing?"Biao Youxi was also a little confused by Li Youfeng's uncharacteristic behavior.

"Sorry, Miss Rebecca, give me a minute!"

Li Youfeng apologized to Rebecca with a smile, then he put his arm around Biao Youxi's shoulders, turned around, and secretly put a card into Biao Youxi's hand.

"I'm talking to you, Yugi. Professor Arthur gave your grandfather a Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. How can you give him a card without any practical effect? This is wrong! Come on, take this card!"

"You Fengjun, what are you doing?"

"Don't ask, don't look! Just do what I say, I won't hurt you! Trust me!"

"This~, okay!"

Facing such a strong Li Youfeng, Biao Youxi softened all of a sudden. Looking at Li Youfeng's excited expression, Biao Youxi was really embarrassed to refuse, so he had to blush and handed the card in his hand to Rebecca.

"Rebecca, this card represents my heart, I hope you can accept it!"


Looking at Yugi with a look of surprise, Rebecca quickly turned back to look at her grandfather. After seeing Professor Arthur nodding with a smile, Rebecca took the card from Yugi's hand with a smile.

However, when Rebecca picked up the card and saw the pattern and name on it, her cute little face instantly turned into a ripe apple.

Realizing that his granddaughter seemed to be a little bit wrong, Professor Arthur also lowered his body to look over. When he saw the pattern on the card, he also laughed instantly.

""Game, are you sure this is what you want?" Professor Arthur asked with a smile.


He touched his hair and looked back at Li Youfeng with some doubt. However, when he saw the latter quietly gave him a thumbs up and nodded continuously, he nodded to Rebecca a little embarrassedly.

"Well, yes, that's what I mean!"

"Yugi! I, I'm so happy! In fact, I have the same idea about you!"

After seeing Yugi nod, Rebecca's face seemed to get even redder. After throwing the picture frame with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in her hand to Yugi, Rebecca held the card she had just received tightly in both hands and said shyly:"Yugi, I accept this bond with you! It's just that I'm still very immature now. Through the duel with you, I have already understood that I am not worthy of you at all now!"

"But I promise you, I will work harder to become an outstanding woman. When the time comes, you must hold my hand tightly!"

""Yuyou, see you next time. I will definitely come back to find you!"

Rebecca seemed to have made up her mind. After saying this, she suddenly pounced on Biao Yuyou. After giving Biao Yuyou a light kiss on the face with her cherry-red lips, Rebecca covered her face with her hands and ran out of the duel game hall without looking back.

""Oh, it's good to be young!"

Looking at Rebecca's performance, Professor Arthur nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Li Youfeng thoughtfully.

However, when he saw Li Youfeng pretending to be stupid and whistling with his head tilted up, he immediately shook his head helplessly.

Turning his head to look at Muto Sugoroku, Professor Arthur smiled and said,"Old friend, I have to say that you really have a good grandson. Since you have made a mistake...���It's been solved, and it's time for me to leave. See you next time if there's a chance!"

"Okay, you have to take care of yourself too, Arthur!"

"Don't worry, I will never die so easily if I don't see the day when Rebecca gets married. To be honest, I really hope Rebecca will grow up soon!"

Professor Arthur disappeared in the duel game hall. Except for the petrified Biao Yugi, everyone present laughed and laughed.

Sitting on the plane to the United States, Rebecca happily took out the card that Biao Yugi gave her.

"Bless the Church—the Ritual Hall!"

""Your proposal, I accept it. When I become a perfect lady, you must marry me! Hehe!"

The next afternoon.

Due to the weather, it started to rain in Tong Shiye in the afternoon. In the lavender card game store, there was an unpleasant singing voice.

"The little conch trumpet blows blindly, and the seagulls fly blindly after hearing it!"

Since Izayoi Kaoru still has idol work after class, the task of watching the store naturally falls on Li Youfeng alone. After eating the loving bento left by Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng sat at the counter in the store with a comfortable look on his face, sorting out the existing unlocked cards.

"Alas, many powerful decks require Xyz or Synchro to unleash their power. As for Pendulum and Link Summoning, hehe, forget it!"

Since the Duel Kingdom competition came to an end, Li Youfeng has used the new cards he just got to experiment with new summoning methods more than once. However, these summoning methods that violated the existing world rules all ended in failure without exception.

"Forget it, I won't try it anymore!"

After putting all the cards on the counter into the storage space, Li Youfeng picked up the teacup and slowly sipped the freshly brewed tea.

"Ah, such a leisurely life is really enjoyable. I really hope I can live a peaceful life like this!"

Ding Ding!

Just when Li Youfeng was imagining a wonderful life, the door of the game store was opened.

"Welcome to Lavender Card Shop"

"You Fengjun, it's me."

As an extremely familiar voice sounded, Li Youfeng immediately saw who was coming.

"Yugi? You came here in the rain. What's the matter? Huh? Why are you alone?"Somewhat surprised that Yugi came here at this time, Li Youfeng asked immediately.

"Well, it's just me."

He looked inside the game store with a guilty conscience, and after finding that Izayoi Kaoru didn't seem to be in the store, Biao Yugi asked shyly,"You Fengjun, what was the card you gave me yesterday? Why did Rebecca suddenly do that? Do you know that you have made me suffer? Not only was I questioned by Jijiang last night, but I was also teased by everyone this morning. How can I face Rebecca when I see her in the future after you do this?"

"Haha, that's how it is.���

Thinking of the petrified look of Biaoyouxi yesterday, Li Youfeng immediately laughed out loud in a rather unkind way.

"It’s nothing actually. I just gave you a magic card that can make you and Rebecca happy. As for the content of the magic card, maybe next time you meet Rebecca, you can try to duel with her. I believe you will get the answer in the duel!"

""Eh? You Fengjun, how could you do this?"

Patting Biao Youxi's shoulder gently, Li Youfeng looked like an old father who was worried about his son.

"Oh~ Yugi, you are such a slow-witted person! It's just you. If it were someone else, I wouldn't give such a precious card as a gift. Anyway, you have to understand that I will never harm you!"

"Well, I believe that You Fengjun will not harm me!"

It should be said that she is a gentle and kind-hearted girl. She easily believed Li Youfeng's sweet words without a duel.

"Looking for the answer in the duel? Well, that's the style I like, and it sounds pretty good!"

Ding Ding!

At this moment, the bell hanging on the door of the Lavender Card Shop rang again. In addition to Keppei Kaiba who was already drenched by the rain, Jonouchi, Kyoko, and Honda also appeared.

""Oh no, You Feng, Yu Yu, my brother is in trouble, please help me!"

These familiar words came out of Kaiba Keipi's mouth again, and Yu Yu's face immediately showed an extremely surprised expression.

"Oh my god, Kaiba Seto is such an idiot!"

A slap hit his face, and Li Youfeng was too tired to complain at this time!

With a dark face, he took Kaiba Keipi to the living room on the second floor of the game store. After giving him a towel, Li Youfeng quickly made a bowl of ginger tea to drive away the cold. After all, this is the real world, and if you catch a cold, it is very easy to catch a cold.

Looking at the frustrated Kaiba Keipi, Li Youfeng sighed slightly, only because he knew very well that a new plot was about to begin.

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