Time flies and it's Sunday. Just like what's described in the original book, because Wang Yang felt depressed and Xingzi was strange, Xiao Biao, who noticed something, asked Xingzi out on a date very gently. Without Wang Yang's knowledge, he even forcibly exchanged souls with him.

Wang Yang, who couldn't refuse, could only accompany Xingzi to play for a whole day. During this time, Xingzi not only understood her feelings, but also understood the fact that another game was actually another soul.

Since Shizuka took the initiative to help at the lavender game store on Sunday morning, Jonouchi, who cared about his sister, and Honda, who fell in love with Shizuka at first sight, also appeared in the game store. Just when Honda was looking for excuses to chat up Shizuka, Li Youfeng also learned from Jonouchi that Biao Yugi took the initiative to ask Xingzi out on a date.

Li Youfeng sighed slightly. Although he didn't say anything, he was very helpless in his heart.

Unlike the heartless Jonouchi, Pyo Yugi's personality is sometimes so gentle that it makes people feel distressed. Just like Wang Yang can see things in the outside world in Pyo Yugi's body, Pyo Yugi is also the same?

To put it more clearly, the current Xiao Biao is completely sacrificing himself. As long as Wang Yang agrees to establish a relationship with Xingzi, Xiao Biao will definitely dare to directly offer his body and never appear again.

Just because no matter whether it is the original anime or the original comics, Xiao Biao has always been such a gentle person.

(Except when playing cards, his heart is a little dark!)

Li Youfeng, who already knows Xiao Biao's intention, is naturally very unhappy, and therefore he is more determined to match Pyo Yugi and Rebecca. It's not that he intends to target Wang Yang, but he knows very well that Wang Yang will return to the underworld one day.

As if guided by fate, that night, Yami Yugi and Xingzi came to the bottom of the museum. After seeing the ancient Egyptian murals in the exhibition, Yami Yugi realized that he was the last pharaoh of the ancient Egyptian empire whose name was removed!

"You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As if to put the twisted fate back on track, Isis appeared behind Yami Yugi.

"Who are you?"

Isis walked in front of Dark Yugi. After looking at Dark Yugi, she slowly said,"I am Isis Ishdar, and I am also the guardian of the Millennium Jewelry. My Millennium Jewelry has the ability to see into the future, so I saw your arrival."

"Don't beat around the bush!" Extending his hands to protect Xingzi behind him, An Yugi asked seriously,"Just tell me, are you my enemy? Or my companion?"

"The Millennium Items I have are not anyone's enemy." Shaking her head slightly, Isis said calmly,"But I can feel that your destiny has deviated from its original trajectory. All this is caused by that person named Li Youfeng. If you want to return to your original life, you must stay away from that suspicious person of unknown origin!"

"You Feng?" x2 looked at Xingzi in surprise, and An Yugi said angrily:"You Feng is my best friend, I don't allow you to slander him like this, take back what you just said!"

"So you, like Kaiba, have been influenced by this person?"

As if she had suddenly realized something, Isis nodded thoughtfully.

""Nameless Pharaoh, if that's the case, then I'll be frank with you. According to the original destiny, you are Kaiba's lifelong enemy. Although there has been a slight deviation in destiny, you still cannot escape the arrangement of the trajectory of destiny. The real enemy will soon appear, and your battle has just begun."

After saying this, Isis turned and walked towards the stairs at the door. Seeing this, An Yugi hurriedly stepped forward and asked loudly:"What do you mean by the battle that belongs to me?"

Stopping her steps, Isis glanced sideways and said:"If you really want to get your own memories back, then go to the central square, there, you will get the answers you want to know.""

"Central Square?!"

Looking at Isis's back as she left, An Yugi slowly clenched his fists.

"Okay! I'll go see what you're up to!"

Haima Group Center Building

"The Giant Warrior of Obelisk!"

"I offer two monsters as sacrifice!"

"Use your power!"

""God's Hand Crushing Fist!"


Accompanied by a huge explosion, the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was directly smashed by Obelisk's Giant God Soldier with one punch. At the same time, the duel robot that could not withstand the power of the God Card was also destroyed.

"Awesome, is this the power of God?"

"I didn't expect there were two such cards. Hehe, no matter who the enemy is, I will definitely get the other two God Cards!"

Taking the God Card on the duel disk in his hand, Kaiba Seto's face was full of smug smiles.

"After the thorough improvement of the Zero Duel Disk, the new model of the first generation Duel Disk was finally completed, and with the power of the God Card! You↗Feng↘, it's time to settle the accounts between us! This time, I will definitely send you to hell and make you never stand up again!"

"The new generation of duel king must be mine!"


Just when Kaiba Seto had just finished testing the new generation of duel disks, Yami Yugi and Anzi came to the central square of Domino

"Xingzi." Taking out his own deck from the card holder on his waist, An Yugi said worriedly,"I have something to ask of you. I hope you don't tell Aibo about coming to the museum today. Similarly, I don't want You Feng to know."

"Games, why?"

"Because I don't want them to worry."

(Kyoko: Then I'll leave?)

Looking at the Black Magician in his hand, Yami Yugi said with a nostalgic look:"This deck was put together by Aibo and I. It's the result of our joint efforts. As for You Feng, I think it's better not to let him get involved in this matter. After all, Aibo and I have caused him enough trouble."

"But the game, just like what the woman said just now, if it is really You Feng who messed up your original destiny, then you……"

""Anzi, stop talking!"

Waving her hand to interrupt Mazaki Anzi's words, Yami Yugi said with a firm look in her eyes:"You Feng has never done anything to let down Aibo and me. On the contrary, I can feel his worry. He is not only worried about me, but more about Aibo. Although I don't know how many secrets he is hiding, for Aibo and me, he is our best friend."

Looking at Yami Yugi's eyes, Mazaki Anzi nodded slowly, and at this moment, she also confirmed her feelings, that is, she was hopelessly in love with Yami Yugi.

"Yo! Xingzi, Yugi!"

Just when Xingzi and Yugi fell into silence, a familiar voice came over.

"Miss Dance?"

"Peacock Dance, why are you here?"

"Haha, long time no see, are you two dating?"

Because of Li Youfeng's appearance, Kong Que Wu's fate has also changed greatly. Because of the deep friendship established in the Duel Kingdom, Kong Que Wu now sincerely regards Yugi and others as her friends. She even exchanges letters with Jonouchi in private.

"No~no more!"

"Miss Wu, that's not the case."

After being teased by Peacock Wu, both Yami Yugi and Kyoko felt a little embarrassed.

"Hey, why are there only two of you here? Where's You Feng? Where's Jonouchi?"Looking around, Kong Quewu was very curious why Li You Feng didn't show up.

"Hey, Miss Wu, don't you know? You Feng still has to look after the store, and as for Jonouchi, hehe, he's probably playing games at home."

"Let's not talk about this idiot Jonouchi!"

After hearing what Yami Yugi said, Kongquewu was confused.

"Why would You Feng go to the store? He is so rich, but he still needs to work? Is he so obsessed with money? Hehe, if that's the case, why not give me some money, hehe!"

"Haha, he was originally a waiter at the Lavender Game Store!"Looking at Peacock Dance's mercenary look, An Yugi said that he really couldn't accept this.

"By the way, Miss Wu, why did you come back here?"After an awkward smile, Yami Yugi immediately asked

"Alas, you came here without knowing anything? No wonder, in fact, I saw a piece of news in the newspaper not long ago, the content of the news is, duelists, assemble, go to the resting place of ancient duelists and card engravings!"

"So I guess there will definitely be a large-scale duel competition here, and the date is today!"

"Ancient duelists? Card engraving?"Suddenly thinking of something, Yami Yugi's face immediately darkened.

Just as Yugi was lost in thought, the big screen in the central square suddenly changed to Kaiba Seto's head. At the same time, even the TVs and radio stations in the entire Tongshiye were all connected to Kaiba Entertainment Group at the same time. For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire Tongshiye became tense.

"This is the man who spread the news!"

"Kaiba Seto, is he the organizer of this competition?"

Just as Yami Yugi and Mamoru showed their faces, Kaiba Seto on the big screen also started his broadcast.

"Dear Duelists!"


"In a week, Kaiba Group will hold a duel tournament in this city!"

"There are two conditions for participating in the competition!"

"Prepare a deck of 40 cards including rare cards, and then have this new first-generation Duel Disk!"

"The duel rules adopt the latest urban rules announced by the Kaiba Group. In addition, the gambling card rules are also used during the duel!"

"The loser must give the most precious card in his deck to the winner!"

"In other words, the winner can get the most precious card."

After hearing Kaiba Seto's broadcast, except for Yami Yugi and Peacock Dance who expressed dissatisfaction with the gambling card rules, most duelists cheered. After all, Duel Monsters itself has gambling elements, so gambling card rules are actually very common in duels.

Along with the duelists' cheers, a helicopter appeared above the central square. Kaiba Seto, wearing a white windbreaker and a duel disk, swept the duelists present with a proud look on his face.

"Humph, is it only the games that are here? Damn You Feng, he actually wants to be a coward!"

Yes, for Li Youfeng who already knew the plot, when he saw Kaiba Seto's avatar on the TV in the Lavender Game Store, he already knew what he was going to do, and that was why he didn't come to the Central Square.

I am a waiter in the game store. Don't you have to go through me to distribute the duel disks?

Since you have sent the duel disks to my store, why should I go through that detour! After secretly cursing Li Youfeng in his heart, Kaiba Seto immediately announced on the helicopter:"The stage for the battle is the entire Doshino City. In a week, this will become a duel city! Duelists, fight for your glory!"

On the night when Kaiba Seto announced the start time of the Duel City, Malik couldn't sit still. After ordering all members of Gurus to go to Doshino, he also embarked on the journey.

The next morning

"What? A duel competition will be held in Domino in a week?"I missed Kaiba Seto's ad because I played games at night.���, so Jonouchi did not receive any notification about the Duel City

"Yes, what's wrong, Jonouchi, do you want to participate?"Seeing that Jonouchi seemed very interested, Oyayuki immediately asked with a smile

"Hehe, I actually have this plan!"

"Ha, really, there’s nothing you can do about it. By the way, will You Feng participate?"

"I don't know, You Feng didn't go to school, so he didn't tell me."

Hearing what Jonouchi said, Honda immediately interrupted with a smile:"Didn't Shizuka go to You Feng every other day? Why, didn't she tell you anything?"

"No!" Touching his chin, Jonouchi seemed to remember something,"But Shizuka said that judging from You Feng's appearance, he doesn't seem to be interested in this competition, and he hasn't made any preparations in the past few days."

"But this is not bad, with one less strong enemy, my chances of winning the championship will be greater, right?~!"

""Jounouchi! You!" He sighed helplessly and said worriedly,"This competition requires gambling cards, don't accidentally output the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

"What! Gambling card?!" He quickly took out the card of Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon from his chest and said nervously,"Don't joke, this is my soul card. The bond between me and Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon can never be severed, not even by Yugi!"

"Hi, let’s not talk about this for now. Do you have a duel disk?"

"Don't look at me, I can't use a computer, so my game store doesn't supply duel disks!"

Suddenly thinking of something, Biao Yugi continued,"But I think Miss Xun's game store will definitely have duel disks. After all, her game store is much bigger than mine. You Feng and Shizuka can also use computers. After school, we can go to the Lavender Game Store together to have a look."

"OK, it’s happily decided, we’ll set off after school!"

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