Seeing Li Youfeng finally stop, Guiguzhong's forehead was already covered with cold sweat. You know, for Guiguzhong, what Li Youfeng did at this stage could definitely be considered an anti-human act. After all, before him, no duelist had ever done this.

"Hey, hey~ Is this guy crazy? What on earth does he want to do by drawing so many cards?"

"I don't understand it either, but I also think he might be crazy. After all, he has to throw the extra cards in his hand into the graveyard at the end of the turn!"

"Throw it into the cemetery?" Hearing the words of the two followers, Guiguzhong immediately laughed sinisterly,"Hehe, what I'm waiting for is the moment when he throws the cards in his hand into the cemetery. Since he wants to die, I will fulfill his wish."

Li Youfeng glanced at the card in his hand and felt that there were still some flaws, so he immediately played another card.

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Load!"

"The effect of this card is that you can add all the cards in your hand to the deck, shuffle them, and then draw out the number of cards added to the deck!"

"I put all fourteen cards in my hand into my hand, shuffle them, and then draw out fourteen more cards!"

"Hey, Ghost Bone Tomb, are you ready?"

"The show is about to begin!"

As if transformed into a funny protagonist Sakaki Mouya, Li Youfeng opened his arms and announced loudly:"Ladies and gentlemen!"

"The entertainment duel has officially begun!"

"Please enjoy the wonderful light show today!"

"Now I must immediately give the other party a roar!"

"Activate the field magic card, Fusion Gate!"

"This moment!"

Li Youfeng's performance was interrupted forcibly, and Gui Guzhong waved his hand and directly opened a cover card.

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Devil's Temptation!"

"Hehe~ What do you think, little brat? You must want to fuse monsters, but unfortunately, the effect of this card is that when the card is sent to the graveyard, the card holder will suffer 300 life points of damage. If you want to fuse monsters, you have to lose life points first!"

"Is that really the case?"

After a faint smile, Li Youfeng immediately showed two monster cards. Under the horrified gaze of Gui Guzhong, Li Youfeng directly began his operation.

"The special effect of Fusion Gate is activated, and I remove the Hot Girl and Wingman in my hand from the game and Special Summon them from the Extra Deck!"

"Come out, hero of justice, Flame Wing Man!" (Attack 2100 Defense 1200)

"What a pity, Mr. Obitozuka, my card was banished instead of going to the graveyard, so your trap card is ineffective against me!"

"How~ could this happen!" Seeing this scene, Guiguzhong and the two followers behind him were already sweating profusely.

As if he had noticed the attack power of the Flame Winged Man, Guiguzhong said quickly with a glimmer of fantasy:"The attack power of the Flame Winged Man is no match for the Golden Demon Elephant. The monster you summoned is completely useless!"

"Haha, when did I say my summoning was over?"

In order to prove his words, in front of Gui Guzhong's confused eyes, Li Youfeng once again showed the card in his hand.

"I banish the elemental heroes Thunderman and Clayman on the field, and Special Summon Thunder Giant!" (Attack 2400 Defense 1500)

"I banish the elemental heroes Clayman and Hot Girl, and Special Summon Barrier Gunner!" (Attack 2000 Defense 2500)

"I exclude the elemental heroes Wingman and Savage, and Special Summon Savage Wingman!" (Attack 1900 Defense 2300)

"I exclude the elemental heroes Electro and Clayman, and Special Summon Awesome!"

"The special effect of Superman is that the attack power and defense power increase by the total value of the original level of the fused material monsters. Since Thunderman and Clayman are both four-star monsters, its attack power and defense power are both 2400 points!"

"What do you think, Ghost Bone Tomb? I forgot to tell you that heroes can call on their friends!"

(Gui Gu Zhong:"As far as I know, not only heroes can call their friends, I remember that the hooligans on the street can do it too!")


Seeing five fusion monsters appearing in Li Youfeng's field at once, Gui Gu Zhong was completely numb at this time

"Damn, I've never seen a duelist this powerful, where did he come from?"

"What the hell is going on? I'm afraid I'm having a nightmare! Ghost Bone Mound, please think of a solution quickly!"

"Solution? Yes, I remembered, I still have a cover card!"

After being reminded by the two followers, Guiguzhong suddenly thought of something. He was sweating profusely and had no time to think about it, so he quickly opened his cover card.

"Activate the magic card, Nightmare Bars!"

"The effect of this card is that all monsters cannot attack within two turns. Hehe, what do you think, little brat? Now your attacks have been completely blocked. You can't defeat me!"

"Oops~ It seems that I am trapped now, what should I do?"Imitating Sakaki Mouya's classic entertainment duel moves, Li Youfeng shrugged slightly,"But it doesn't matter, because the special effect of my elemental hero Savage Wingman has been activated!"

"The effect of this card is that you can discard a card in your hand and then destroy a magic card or trap card on the opponent's field, and there is no limit to the number of turns!"

"So, according to this effect, I discard a card from my hand and choose to destroy your Nightmare Bars"

"Although 300 life points will be subtracted because of this, because your magic card is destroyed, you will also lose 300 life points!"

With the activation of the effect of the Savage Winged Man, the black iron bars that bound Li Youfeng were directly destroyed by a gust of strong wind. After seeing this scene, Gui Guzhong said that he was now completely numb.

Li Youfeng LP4000>3700

Gui Guzhong LP3600>3300

Looking at the five elemental hero monsters on Li Youfeng's field, Gui Guzhong held a glimmer of hope and shouted loudly:"It's useless. There is no way to attack in the first round after the fusion monster is successfully fused, so you can only end your turn!"

"Of course I thought of this, otherwise why do you think I would draw so many cards?"

Li Youfeng waved his hand towards the Ghost Bone Mound and directly showed a magic card.

"I activate a Spell Card Quick Attack from my hand!"

"You can allow the Fusion Monster to attack directly during the turn when fusion succeeds!"

"But because I activated the magic card, 300 life points will be deducted!"

Li Youfeng LP3700>3400 knew that he was powerless to save the situation. Guiguzhong, who had completely collapsed at this time, no longer had any illusions. He stretched out his slightly trembling arm and pointed at Li Youfeng. Guiguzhong asked:"Who are you?"

"Huh? Didn't I introduce myself?"

After thinking about it, it was indeed the case. Li Youfeng smiled and said,"My name is Li Youfeng, and I'm just a duelist out of interest!"

"Li Youfeng? The champion of the Duel Kingdom? Are you just interested?"

Oh my god!

You, the champion of the Duel Kingdom, come all the way here to bully a cannon fodder like me. Is this appropriate? After learning about Li Youfeng's identity, Ghost Bone Tomb has completely collapsed!

Seeing the Thunder Giant slap his golden magic elephant to pieces, and watching the four elemental heroes and monsters rushing towards him like wolves and tigers, Ghost Bone Tomb let out a miserable cry because of excessive fear.

Bang bang bang!

"Ah! Hero! Don't hit me in the face!"

Ghost Bone Mound LP3400﹥0

"Hehe, according to the competition rules, you not only have to hand over the puzzle card to me, but also give me one of your most precious rare cards. Hurry up and hand it over!"


With a bruised face, he handed over the three puzzle cards in his pocket, and Gui Guzhong reluctantly took out the golden magic elephant from the extra card box.

"This is my most precious rare card, you must treat it well!"


Looking at this fusion monster, the corners of Li Youfeng's mouth twitched slightly. He threw the card back to Gui Gu Zhong and snatched his deck.

"Hey, come on! You want to take my entire deck? Isn't this against the rules of the game?"

"I have no interest in your deck, and I have no interest in your fusion monster card either. I can just pick a card from your deck!"

"Really~really? You Feng, you are such a good person!"Seeing that Li You Feng did not take away his most precious rare card, Gui Gu Zhong also showed a smile on his face as if he had survived a disaster.

Although it was a bit unpleasant to be given a good person card by Gui Gu Zhong, Li You Feng was no longer in the mood to care about it. After carefully searching Gui Gu Zhong's deck, Li You Feng really found a particularly interesting card.

Ghost Plank Pumpkin Lantern. (Attack 800 Defense 0)

"I want this card!"

""Okay, okay, no problem!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng actually picked such a weak one-star card, Gui Guzhong was already laughing in his heart. However, he didn't know that this card, which was basically useless to him, would undergo such earth-shaking changes in Li Youfeng's hands.

As expected, after getting this Ghost Plan Pumpkin Lantern, Li Youfeng immediately unlocked the Ghost Plan series of cards. However, it is regrettable that the most critical Gyz monster in the Ghost Plan deck is still in an unusable state, which greatly weakens the control power of this deck.

As a typical autistic deck, the Ghost Plan deck focuses on a Flip effect, all monsters have the effect of changing back to face-down defense position after activating flip effect once per turn, plus field cards, this deck has completely become synonymous with"disgusting"!

Anyway, I don't know what the people who made this deck were thinking, including the effect of not being able to attack face-down defense position, as well as various continuous trap cards and field magic cards with card reduction effects. In short, this deck lacking in attack power is definitely among the best in terms of disgusting degree.

We don't know whether it will win or not, but how can I say that the highlight of this deck should be the main focus of happiness!

(Li Youfeng: You are disgusting, but I am happy!)

After getting the three puzzle cards from Guiguzhong, Li Youfeng now has eight puzzle cards in his hand. After telling Guiguzhong to go home quickly, Li Youfeng turned and walked out of the cemetery. After installing the puzzle cards in the duel disk and knowing the gathering place for the final game, Li Youfeng directly called a taxi on the street.

After explaining the location to the driver and agreeing on the price, Li Youfeng rushed to the destination alone.

Knowing that he had no hope of advancing, Guiguzhong could only leave here dejectedly with his two followers. However, not long after he left, a boy who seemed to have rabbit ears finally found this place.

"Hehe, I heard that someone here has obtained several puzzle cards by playing tricks. I already have two puzzle cards in my hand. As long as I get the puzzle in this person's hand, I should be able to advance!"

Feeling the gloomy and terrifying atmosphere in the cemetery, Mo Liang was incomparably happy at this time. However, what he didn't know was that because of Li Youfeng's intervention, the original story line had already been changed. After searching in the cemetery for nearly an hour but still finding nothing, Mo Liang realized that he seemed to have been fooled. He ran out of the cemetery in anger, but at this time, it was almost dark.

Duel City Competition Assembly Point.

Tong Shiye Arena

"Dear driver, you see, I have been riding in your car for such a long time, can you give me a discount?"

"Damn, you think it's too expensive for such a long journey? My price is already very fair, okay? Forget it, since you are a duelist, I will give you a discount.���Hundred Sakura Coins!"

"Hehe~ OK, thank you, driver."

After some bargaining, Li Youfeng paid the fare and turned to walk into a circular venue under construction. Seeing that no one had come yet, the bored Li Youfeng had to find a seat in the stands and sit down.

While thinking about the subsequent plot, Li Youfeng sorted out his existing cards. After careful consideration, he divided these cards into three decks. The first deck is based on Nephthys, mixed with robot monsters' self-destruct direct attack deck.

The second deck is based on the ghost card deck, mixed with monsters with card cutting effects and alien warrior monsters, as well as a large number of An autistic deck composed of trap cards.

As for the last third deck, Li Youfeng chose a resource suppression deck composed of Witch Craft as the main body, mixed with some Insect Bewitching cards.

The last ray of sunlight finally dissipated, and the night began to quietly fall on Tongshiye.

Just when Li Youfeng had just sorted out the three decks and stored them in the void deck, a boy who looked like he was the same age walked towards him with a kind smile.

The boy had a dark complexion, and his eyes were full of gentle smiles.

He wore a white armless vest and many ornaments unique to the ancient Egyptians, which made him look very noble.

"Hello, are you also a duelist who made it to the preliminaries?"

He greeted Li Youfeng with a smile, and the young man sat down next to Li Youfeng in a very familiar manner.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Namu, and I’m also a duelist who made it into the Duel City qualifiers. May I know your name?"

"Ah? Namu?"

Looking at the boy's fake smile with a gloomy face, Li Youfeng snorted coldly, and then said indifferently:"You are wrong, shouldn't your name be Malik?"

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