Like a beast stalking its prey, Kaiba Seto's fierce gaze went straight to Peacock Dance.

"The special effect of Blue-Eyes 3D Dragon is activated!"

"When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, you can target a face-up monster on your opponent's field and negate its special effects!"

"I choose to disable the special effects of the Amazon Swordsman!"


"Blue-Eyes Three-Dimensional Dragon!"

"Show your powerful strength and destroy the enemy in front of you!"

"Colorful Dragon Breath!"

Since the effect was invalidated by the Blue-Eyes 3D Dragon, this attack also hit the Amazon Swordsman hard.

Peacock Dance LP4000>3000

At the moment when the Blue-Eyes 3D Dragon's attack ended, Peacock Dance directly activated the special effect of the Amazon Secret Treasure

"The special effect of the Amazon Treasure is activated once per turn, and the equipped monster will not be destroyed by the effect!"

"I've been waiting for the moment when you activate the effect!"

As if he had expected the Peacock Dance to activate the special effect of the Amazon Secret Treasure, Kaiba Seto waved his hand and directly activated the effect of the Blue-Eyes 3D Dragon!


"The second special effect of Blue-Eyes 3D Dragon is activated!"

"It can only be activated when the opponent activates magic, trap, or monster effect!"

"Return the Blue-Eyes 3D Dragon to its owner's deck, and Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from the deck!"

"My soul, my pride, my most faithful servant!"

"Come on!"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"


"Blue-Eyes, do you see the enemy in front of you? Pour out your anger and defeat the enemy completely!"

""Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"


The powerful light wave hit the Amazon Swordsman again. Since he had already used the Amazon Secret Treasure once and the special effect was invalidated by the Blue-Eyed Three-Dimensional Dragon, the Amazon Swordsman had no power to fight back and was directly blasted into pieces.

"Hahahaha! Smash, crush, cheer!"


The wind pressure hit, and Peacock Dance was directly blasted back to the edge of the duel arena. If she hadn't firmly grasped the handrail of the railing, she would probably have fallen directly from the duel arena due to the strong airflow!

Peacock Nest LP3000>1500

"Trap Card Activated!"Forcibly stabilizing her body, Peacock Dance quickly opened the last cover card on her field.

"The Queen's Choice!"

"This card can be activated when an"Amazon" monster on your field is sent to the Graveyard by your opponent's monster, and you can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower"Amazon" monster from your Deck!"

"I Special Summon from the Deck!"

"Amazon Chain User! Attack Display!"(Attack Power 1500 Defense Power 1300)

"Humph, useless little trick, what a waste of my time."Glancing coldly at the monster on the Peacock Dance Field, Kaiba Seto took out a card from his hand.

"I cover a card and my turn is over!"

"Come on, woman, enjoy your few precious times, because in the next round, I will completely defeat you!"

"Kaiba, you are indeed a powerful duelist, but I will never give up easily!"Although she was sweating profusely, Kongquewu still maintained her tenacious fighting spirit.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on Kaiba Seto's field, an idea of turning defeat into victory had already emerged in Kongquewu's mind.

"The monsters in my hand can't defeat the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Now the only way is to get the God Card in Kaiba's hand!"

After deciding on the tactics he would use next, Peacock Dance immediately played a magic card.

"I activate the magic card"Burying Arm" from my hand! (Original anime)

"Send the Amazon Chainer on my field to the graveyard!"

""Mai-chan, what are you doing!" Seeing that Peacock Dance actually destroyed the monster on her field, Jonouchi below the ring immediately screamed in panic.

Reaching out to stop Jonouchi who wanted to move forward, Yami Yugi quickly spoke to persuade him:"Jonnouchi, don't panic, Miss Mai must have her reasons for doing this. She is not a duelist who can be defeated so easily. Believe in her!"

"Wow, are you ready to use that effect?" Unlike Jonouchi and Yugi, Li Youfeng knew what Peacock Dance wanted to do at a glance,"But President Kaiba's expression is too calm, could it be that he already knew it?"

Just as Li Youfeng was looking at President Kaiba with some suspicion, Peacock Dance had already activated the special effect of the Amazon Chain User.

"Amazon Chain User's special effect is activated!"(Original anime effect)

"When this card is sent to the Graveyard, I can activate it by paying 1000 life points, and I can take a card from the opponent's deck into my hand!"

Peacock Dance LP1500>500

"The card I want to take is Oberisk's Giant God Soldier!"


As he spoke, the Amazon Chain Master suddenly shot the chain in his hand towards Kaiba Seto's deck on the way to the graveyard. As the chain in his hand was retracted again, a blue card suddenly appeared in Peacock Dancer's hand.

And this card is one of the three god cards - Oberisk's Giant God Soldier!

"Kaiba, the God Card is mine now!"

"Humph, I have told you long ago that you will pay the price for your arrogance. Next, you will be defeated by God!"

"Hehe~Haha!"Hearing what Peacock Dance said, Kaiba Seto burst into laughter on the spot

"Stupid woman, I should be the one saying this. In fact, everything that happened just now was already within my calculations!"

"The Gospel of the Resurrection of the Dragon in my Graveyard can be protected by banishing it to protect the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from one battle or destruction by effect. The reason why I did not activate and keep this card is to give you more psychological pressure, because under the absolute power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, you only have one way to go!"

"So, do you really think I didn't guess what you were thinking?"

"Open the cover card!"

"The notebook is destroyed!"

"When this card is activated, both players must throw all the cards in their hands into the graveyard!"

"Since Obelisk's God Warrior originally belonged to me, it will return to my graveyard when it is thrown into the graveyard!"

"Come back to your original master, Obelix!"

"How is this possible?"The God Card that she had just obtained had not even warmed up when it returned to Kaiba Seto's graveyard. At this time, Peacock Dance was already sweating profusely.

She threw two cards from her hand into the graveyard, and then drew out three more cards (Obelix was also one of them). Peacock Dance's face was already pale due to excessive tension.

"I covered two cards!"

"My turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Giving a cold look to Peacock Dance, Kaiba Seto slowly raised a card from his hand.

"Foolish woman, I want to thank you for being so smart and sending the God Card into my grave."

"Next, you will be lucky enough to witness this great moment of God’s coming with your own eyes!"

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Resurrection of the Dead!"

"Tremble before God!"

"This is an unrivaled all-powerful creature!"

"Come on!"

""Obelix's Giant God Soldier!" (Attack 4000 Defense 4000)

A powerful airflow appeared in the sky above the duel airship, and huge energy continued to gather on Kaiba Seto's field. With a shaking sound like a landslide, Obelix's Giant God Soldier landed on Kaiba Seto's field.

"This is, the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk?!" Witnessing the majesty of the god at such a close distance, Peacock Dance was already shaky in the violent wind and airflow. Half squatting, Peacock Dance glared at the god with a stubborn face.

"I still have a chance, I haven't lost yet, come on, attack me! Kaiba Seto, when you give the order to attack, that's when you lose!"


Just as Peacock Dance expected, Kaiba Seto looked back at Obelisk's Giant God Soldier and gave the order to attack.

"O Colossus of Obelisk, obey my orders and use your unrivaled strength to completely crush the enemy before you!"

"Divine Fist Crushing Strike!"

"You fell into the trap, Kaiba!"Watching Obelisk's giant fist coming towards him, Peacock Dance gritted his teeth and waved his hand to open the two cover cards on the field.

"Trap Card Activated!"

"Amazon's will!"

"This card allows you to Special Summon a monster with the name Amazon in your Graveyard in Attack Position. I choose Amazon Swordsman!"

"Next, open another cover card!"

"I equip the Amazon's Secret Treasure to the Amazon's Swordsman, and once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by battle!"

"The Amazon Swordsman special effect is activated, and all damage in the battle with the opponent's monster will be borne by the opponent!"

"Hippocampus, according to the special effect of the Amazon Swordsman, you will suffer 2500 points of damage, and you lose!"

"No horse! No horse! No horse!"(It's useless!)

Looking at the Amazon swordsman who appeared in front of Obelisk's God Warrior, Kaiba Seto showed a hideous and crazy laugh on his face!

""Oberisk is not a monster, it's a god!"


The wrath of God poured down on the Amazon Swordsman. Although the Amazon Swordsman was not destroyed by the battle due to the effect of the equipment card, 2500 points of damage still hit Peacock Dancer heavily!


Just like a leaf drifting in the storm, with a scream, Peacock Dance's HP has dropped to 0!

Peacock Dance LP500>0

(Note: All three God Cards in the Duel City chapter are treated with the highest standards.

Here, the effects of the God Cards in the original anime are used.

The summoning of God Cards cannot be invalidated.

In addition to its own special effects, this face-up card on the field does not accept magic, traps, low-level monsters and other card effects that are activated with the target as the effect.

Except for God vs.

God, all monster special effects will only be effective against Gods with monsters above 10 stars.

The effect of resurrection of the dead in the graveyard can only exist for one round, and it returns to the graveyard at the end of the round.



After being knocked off the duel field by Obelisk's giant soldier, Kong Quewu was already in danger. Fortunately, Li Youfeng had already warned Jongno before Obelisk's attack, so Jongno was already ready to rescue Kong Quewu at any time.

"Mai, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

He pounced on Kongquewu who had fallen from the duel arena, hugged her tightly in his arms and took all the damage with his back.


Peacock Dance, who originally thought she was seriously injured, slowly opened her eyes. When she found herself in Jonouchi's arms, two lines of aggrieved and unwilling tears slowly fell from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I lost."

Hugging Kongquewu tightly, Jonouchi smiled and comforted her softly,"It's okay, Mai, as long as you're okay, everything will be fine! Don't worry, I will definitely get this place back for you, and I will defeat Kaiba Seto myself!"


"Mai-chan~don't cry. You Feng has said it many times before, victory and defeat are common in the military. Besides, that bastard Kaiba Seto only defeated you with the help of the God Card. He can't do it in a real duel!"

"It doesn't matter, there will be plenty of opportunities for revenge in the future, and you were just careless for a moment, Mai-chan, let's not cry anymore!"

Unwilling to accept her failure, Kong Que Wu buried her head in Jonouchi's arms and started crying. At this time, Jonouchi also fully demonstrated his warm-hearted character and kept saying encouraging words to Kong Que Wu.


Seeing Jonouchi and Kongquewu ignoring the eyes of others and immersed in their own world, Li Youfeng, as a little assist expert, secretly gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

Just as expected in the Duel Kingdom, the seed of love that had long been buried in the hearts of the two has begun to sprout its own buds.

It can almost be foreseen that in the near future, after Jonouchi and Kongquewu have experienced more wind and rain, this small bud will surely bloom its own brilliance and thrive, thus blooming the most beautiful flower symbolizing happiness.

"How to play ↗ Feng↘?"

Not interested in the peacock dance flirting with Jonouchi, Kaiba Seto walked down from the duel arena and came straight to Li Youfeng.

"Have you seen the true power of God? Humph, let me tell you that in front of God, all your clown tricks are ineffective. Now, I am looking forward to the moment when I step onto the duel ring with you!"

"After all, the punch you gave me still hurts on my face!"


Without waiting for Li Youfeng to say anything, Kaiba Seto, who was fantasizing about using Obelisk to punch Li Youfeng in the face, couldn't help but laugh wildly and turned to the elevator leading to the interior of the airship.

"Alas, I always feel that although Kaiba won, in a sense, he lost completely. Is this the style of a card player?"

Looking at Kaiba Seto's back, Li Youfeng touched his chin. After his eyes moved back and forth between Jonouchi and Kaiba Seto, he couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

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