Because Jonouchi and Peacock Dance were making so much noise, even Honda and Mika Ryuji came over. Just when they were getting excited about the Black Magician's cards, a sudden voice came from a small hill not far away.

"Haha, I didn’t expect you guys are still here!"

"Is this the Absolute Defense General?"

"No, his voice sounds like one of the five giants!" Seeing the sudden appearance of the Absolute Defense

General, Jonouchi and Peacock Dance were ready to fight at the same time.


After a burst of sneers, the Absolute Defense General jumped down from the hillside and showed the duel disk on his arm. He ignored Peacock Dance and Jonouchi and pointed his finger at Li Youfeng.

"Li Youfeng, let's duel! Let's bet everything we have!"

"Duel with me? What the hell? What's going on?"

Li Youfeng suddenly turned around and looked around, and then he realized that not only was Kaiba Seto not here, but even Yami Yugi and Kyoko were also not back.

"It's over, it's broken again, it seems I can only rely on myself this time."

Although he didn't know why the five giants were targeting him, Li Youfeng, who was used to the big changes in the plot, would not back down.

After showing his duel disk, Li Youfeng found that not only Kongquewu and Jonouchi put on a gloating smile, but even Honda and Yuga Ryuji also found a good position to be the spectators, and they looked like they were watching a good show.

"Jonouchi, how many rounds do you think it will take You Feng to break his opponent's mentality this time?"

"Haha, I think three rounds should be enough! Come on, Mai-chan, I've prepared a stool for you, let's sit down and watch the show!"

"Hey, Jonouchi, although I am relieved that You Feng will take action, you must not forget that there are five people in the Big Five? To break the mentality of five people, it will take at least five rounds, right?"

"No, no, no! Honda, you can't say that. When I went to the Lavender Game Store to pick a fight, You Feng defeated me in one round. Although I am just a beginner, I have personally experienced You Feng's strength with my own body!"

"How could you guys do this? ? ?"

Seeing Jonouchi and the others sitting on the trailer, chatting and laughing while eating melon seeds, how many people could understand Li Youfeng's sadness at this moment?

"Haha, You Feng, it seems that your companions are not that good either. Well, next I will use my superb duel (nonsense) skills to let you fully experience what the endless abyss is!"

"You Feng, hurry up and choose your deck leader. I can’t wait to send you to hell!"

""Deck leader!" After drawing his own deck, Li Youfeng thought for a while and showed a card,"I choose the half-dragon maid laundry dragon girl as my deck leader!"

Seeing a little loli maid in blue clothes appear behind Li Youfeng, the five giants immediately laughed grimly.

"Haha, we can’t wait any longer, let’s start fighting now!"


Big Five LP4000

Li Youfeng LP4000

"Humph, let me go first in the first round!"

The image of a deep-sea warrior appeared beside him, and the Absolute Defense General placed his hand on the duel disk.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I'm going to activate the Field Magic Card from my hand, the legendary city of Atlantis!"

"The effect of this card is to increase the attack and defense of the Water attribute monsters on the field by 200, and as long as this card exists in the field area, the level of the Water attribute monsters in the hands of both players and on the field is reduced by one level."

"Next I will summon this monster card, Legendary Fisherman!" (Attack 1850 Defense 1600)

"What? The Big Five actually use such a card? That's Kajiki Yuta's trump card monster!"When Jonouchi, who was watching the excitement on the trailer, saw this monster, he immediately screamed

"Haha, You Feng, this is not the end yet. Because of the venue magic, the legendary fisherman's attack and defense power are both increased by 200 points!"The legendary fisherman's attack power 2050 defense power 1800 UP!

"My turn is over, You Feng, it's your turn!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

After glancing at his hand, Li Youfeng turned around and looked at the laundry dragon girl beside him.

However, what made Li Youfeng almost vomit blood was that before he could say anything, the laundry dragon girl asked first with a blank expression:"Master, why are you looking at me so lustfully? Do you want to have sex? Secretly tell you, master, I'm wearing black this time!"


After calming down his mentality that was about to collapse, Li Youfeng secretly regretted why he chose the Washer Dragon Girl to be the leader of his deck.

Looking at the serious loli maid, Li Youfeng said with a sad face:"I need you to activate the ability of deck leader, so let's stop playing around, okay?"

"Oh~! Master, you should have told me earlier. I misunderstood your meaning. Really, don’t you know that people can be shy too? Master is so H!"

Li Youfeng:"???"

With a black question mark face, in front of Li Youfeng's painful gaze, the laundry dragon girl sent the three cards on the top of Li Youfeng's deck into the graveyard. After seeing this scene, the five giants laughed without hesitation on the spot.

"Haha, what kind of deck leader ability is this? It actually sends your own cards to the graveyard. How idiotic!"


Hearing the other side actually mocking her ability, the Washing Dragon Girl immediately pointed at the Absolute Defense General with veins on her forehead and said in a cold and speechless voice:"A mere maggot in the cesspool dares to underestimate my ability, master, quickly cut him!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Li Youfeng nodded helplessly and raised his hand to take out a card.

"I summon this monster in face-down Defense Position, then cover a card, and my turn ends."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Just after drawing a card, Oshita Konosuke, who is a deep sea warrior, was about to play a card when suddenly someone stopped him in the inner electronic world.

"Konosuke Oshita, leave this to me. My deck leader can increase the attack power of water attribute monsters. Now is a good time for me to appear."

"Well, okay."

Unable to persuade Otaki Shuzo, Oshita Konosuke had to retreat.

"Haha, next it's my turn as Ōtaki Shuzo at the age of 55 to appear!"

Due to the change of personality, the leader of the deck was also changed. The Nightmare Penguin replaced the Deep Sea Warrior and appeared next to the Absolute Defense General.

"First, I will activate the deck leader's effect to increase the legendary fisherman's attack power by 200 points!"

The legendary fisherman's attack power is 2250 UP!

"Damn it, didn't you say before that the leader of the deck was fixed? Although it's an electronic world, what the hell is this random replacement? Your behavior should be considered as blatant cheating!"

(Substituting players off the field, what else could this be?)

Ignoring Li Youfeng's complaints, Otaki Shuzo said with a wretched smile:"Youfeng, I will definitely defeat you this time, and then take the young girl's body, haha!"

"Wow~ That's really disgusting."She was really disgusted by Otaki Shuzo, and she couldn't help but complain.

"I Normal Summon Arrow Turtle in Defense Position!"(Attack 1000 Defense 2000)


"The legendary fisherman attacks that card!"

After receiving the order from Otaki Shuzo, the legendary fisherman rushed towards the card on Li Youfeng's field!

Then, he bumped into a monster that looked like cotton candy!


Seeing the monster that Li Youfeng turned over on the field, Otaki Shuzo couldn't help but widen his eyes. At the same time, Li Youfeng also activated his own monster effect.

"Marshmallow's special effect is activated!"(Attack 300 Defense 500)

"This monster cannot be destroyed by battle. After calculating the damage of the face-down card being attacked, the controller of the monster that attacked this card receives 1000 damage!"

Big Five LP4000>3000

"Damn! You idiot, you rashly launched an attack without understanding the situation. Are you looking for death on purpose?!"

"Are you kidding me? I lost a thousand health points right at the beginning. Are you kidding me?"

"Otaki Shuzo, this is our last chance. If we lose, everything will be over!"

Unsatisfied with Otaki Shuzo's mistake, the other five members immediately accused him in the electronic space. After all, this was their last chance. If they failed, it would really be over.���I'm in a hopeless situation.

"Damn it, damn You Feng!" Being accused by four colleagues, Otaki Shuzo felt ashamed and extremely angry at the same time, especially when he saw Li Youfeng standing opposite him with a sly smile on his face, Otaki Shuzo's mood at this moment can be imagined!

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Mist Altar!" (original anime card, no real card)

"This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spells and Trap Cards, and after three turns you can add a Ritual Spell to your hand."

"My turn is over!"

Seeing the opponent gnashing his teeth and ending his turn, Li Youfeng's smile became even wider.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Washerwoman, send three more cards to my graveyard!"

""Okay, Master!"

After receiving Li Youfeng's order, the laundry dragon girl once again activated her deck's command effect.

"Hehe, the Big Five, right? I'll give you a big baby to play with!"

Li Youfeng proudly raised his eyebrows at Otaki Shuzo (55 years old), and directly slapped a red and shiny card on the duel disk.

"I will release two monsters on your field, then Special Summon a monster for you!"

"Come out!"

"Warmth~ Bah! It's the Lava Demon!"(Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

Zuoyouming: Add a touch of warmth to you in the hot summer!

"What's up with this monster?"

"What kind of attack power is 3000 points?"

"Hahaha, Li Youfeng, are you looking for death?"

Seeing that Li Youfeng had summoned a monster with attack power comparable to that of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Otaki Shuzo immediately became a little inflated.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he could laugh out loud, Oshita Konosuke, who was standing behind everyone in the electronic space, had already changed his face.

"Oh no, this monster is no good, Otaki Shuzo, you idiot, the controller of this monster will suffer 1,000 points of damage at the beginning of each of his turns!"


Oshita Konosuke's words made Otaki Shuzo's face change instantly. At this time, Li Youfeng covered another card in his backcourt and ended his round with a smile.

"Damn it, it’s my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, you will suffer 1,000 points of damage. Lose blood, Big Five!"

"Ah! It's so hot! It's burning me to death!"

The Big Five LP3000>2000 saw the embarrassed appearance of the Big Five, and Jonouchi and others sitting on the trailer were already laughing.

"Oh, I'm dying of laughter. Mai-chan, did you see that? It's only the third round and the health of the five giants has exceeded half, but You Feng didn't even get a scratch. Did you see the face on the other side? It was so black that it was almost as black as a coal ball!"

"Haha, of course I saw it. By the way, Jonouchi, have you noticed that the Big Five seem to have been replaced again this time? And judging from his tone, it seems that these people have had an internal conflict."

"I think it's 100% certain that there was an internal conflict. Each round they lose 1,000 health points and are unable to attack. It would be strange if they weren't angry after seeing the duel turn out like this!"

"Well, Honda is right. This routine is very similar to the routine that You Feng used to deal with me!"

In fact, just as Jonouchi guessed, even with Oshita Konosuke's reminder, the five giants still lost 1,000 health points at the beginning of their turn.

In the blink of an eye, the health of the five giants was gone by half. In this case, the contradictions between the five giants became more prominent.

"Get out of my way! If you fight me for another round, the four of us will die without a burial place because of you, a fool!"

With an angry face, he dragged Otaki Shuzo behind him. As the incarnation of the Judge, Ooka Chikuzen, a former lawyer of the Kaiba Group, took the leading position. Due to the change of personality, even the leader of the deck changed from Nightmare Penguin to Judge.

"You Feng, your good luck ends here. Now that you meet me, you are destined to be defeated!"

"I activate the Spell Card Pot of Greed from my hand, and then release the Lava Demon to Advanced Summon the Machine King!" (Attack 2200 Defense 2000)

"The effect of this card is that each face-up Machine-type monster can increase the attack power of this card by 100 points. Since the Machine King itself is also a Machine-type monster, its attack power is 2300 points!"

""Oh? So what?" With a confident smile on his face, Li Youfeng crossed his arms and said with some disdain,"My marshmallows cannot be destroyed by battle, and I will not lose health points when I defend myself, so what can you do to me?"

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