(This book friend collection activity has ended. The book friends who registered for the activity will appear in the extra chapters one after another. Thank you for your participation.)

Because he had witnessed the horror of the Five Emperors Dragon with his own eyes, Yami Yugi understood how difficult it was to defeat a monster as terrifying as the Five Emperors Dragon with just one person's strength.

Especially when facing the successive attacks of five people, to win this duel, in addition to strong strength, one must also have extraordinary consciousness, and these two points are exactly what the five giants lack.

"Hey, I just won by luck, I'm not as good as everyone thinks."

He waved his hand very modestly. Just when Li Youfeng wanted to ask Yami Yugi if he had seen Kaiba Seto, a Blue-Eyes White Dragon-style train suddenly appeared from the black hole in space and stopped in front of Li Youfeng and others.

"Is this ~Blue-Eyes White Dragon's train?"

"Wow, this is really President Kaiba’s style!"

"Look everyone, the door of the train is open. Are they going to let us get on?"

"You Feng, what do you think?"As a strong duelist among his friends, Li You Feng has unknowingly become an indispensable member of the game's protagonist group.

"The entire electronic world here is controlled by Naiya. Since he took the initiative to invite us, we have no right to refuse. Anyway, there will be a battle in the end. Since we can't avoid it, we might as well go and see what Naiya wants to do."

"You Feng's words make sense."

After figuring out the key issue of the matter, Yugi and other members of the main character group also expressed their agreement. After everyone got on the train, the train started slowly and rushed into a black hole.

In an area full of lava in the electronic world, Kaiba Seto and Noa were standing facing each other. Looking at Noa who looked very similar to him, Kaiba Seto asked with a gloomy face:"You bastard, what did you do to Keipi? Return him to me quickly!"

"Don't worry!" Noa shook her head with a smile, her face full of sarcasm,"No matter what the outcome between us is, this matter has nothing to do with Keiping, I will let him go!"

"Let’s not talk about this for now, Seto, don’t you think this place is beautiful?"

"This is the primitive earth that has just been born!"

"With this kind of technology, combined with the military might of the Kaiba Group, if used properly, we will have the power to change the entire world!"

"Shut up! I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore!" Kaiba Seto suddenly interrupted Noa, already a little impatient,"Tell me your real purpose, after all, I'm not here to listen to your feelings."

"Well, in that case, I will just talk about the main points!"

Shaking her head indifferently, Noya said with a smile:"Seto, don't you think it's a waste to use such technology only for making games? In fact, I invited you here just to make a break with you and see who is the most suitable man to become the head of Kaiba Group."

"Humph, it turns out to be such a meaningless thing!"Pointing at Noa, Kaiba Seto sneered,"Noa, you have been dead for many years. Your so-called severance is simply ridiculous."

"Haha, Seto, it seems you still don't understand!"

With madness flashing in her eyes, Noya smiled and said,"Do you think my father didn't foresee this when he uploaded my consciousness to the computer? Seto, to tell you the truth, your body, your technology, and even everything about you, are all specially prepared for me by my father! Becoming a stepping stone for me to rule this world, this is your original destiny, Seto!"

"I think the one who really doesn't understand is you, Noa!"

With an angry expression on his face, Kaiba Seto directly showed his duel disk.

"In that case, let me make it clear that from the moment I was born, I have lived my entire life for myself, so the fate you talk about is worthless to me!"

"I have my own ideals and pursuits, and I also have a sense of honor as a duelist!"

"My inventions can only be used in the areas that interest me the most. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will use my own strength to completely crush it!"

(A great scientist with an IQ of over 250 who was delayed because of playing cards!)

"Noa, it's useless to say anything now. If you want to prove yourself, then show your strength to match it!"

"Haha~ Don't be so anxious, sir. How can such a good stage be without an audience? Wouldn't that be a bit too much of a downer?"

While saying these words, Noa put her hands in her trouser pockets and raised her eyebrows behind Kaiba Seto. A black hole that seemed to tear apart space suddenly appeared behind Kaiba Seto, and at the same time, a train track also extended from the black hole. The

Blue-Eyes White Dragon's train slowly stopped, and as the train door opened, Yugi Muto and other protagonists also got off the train one after another.


"Wow, President Kaiba, you are here, oh? This kid must be Noa, she looks so much like you, President Kaiba!"

"You Feng, Yugi, hum~ you are really nosy."

Looking at the two people in front of him who greeted him, Kaiba Seto raised a barely perceptible arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, Kaiba, what's with your attitude? We finally met, but you ran away by yourself. Do you know how worried we are about you?

Seeing that Kaiba Seto was still looking down on people, Jonouchi immediately became unhappy.

"I don't remember the last time I needed a mediocre person to worry about! Jonouchi, don't think that you can be on equal footing with me just because you managed to win against that trash Malik. With your strength, you are not qualified to use the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

"To be realistic, that divine card is nothing more than a visual feast for your eyes. Do you really think you are a big clove of garlic?"

""What did you say, Kaiba, you bastard? I can't stand it anymore, I want to challenge you right now! Right now! Right now! Kaiba, if you are a man, come and duel with me now!" Hearing such heartbreaking words, Jonouchi showed his duel disk to Kaiba Seto.

"Jonouchi, calm down. Even if you want to duel, you have to figure out the time!"

"Yes, Honda is right. Now we have a common enemy. Wouldn't it be a joke for others if we quarrel at this time?"

Seeing that Jonouchi was about to go berserk, Honda and Mika Ryuji quickly hugged his arms on the left and right. After pulling Jonouchi back, the two of them tried to persuade him with kind words, fearing that the former would do something irrational.

"Okay Seto, now that the audience is here, let's officially start the fight!"

Pulling his hand out of his trouser pocket, Noa raised his hand and conjured up his duel disk.

"Humph, do you need to tell me? I can't wait any longer!"With a cold smile on his face, Kaiba Seto inserted his deck into the duel disk and posed in a battle-ready posture.


Kaiba Seto LP4000

Kaiba Noa LP4000

"Noa, I choose Genesis Dragon Knight as the leader of my deck. Next, I will use my own strength to let you understand how stupid it is to challenge me without knowing your own limitations!"

"I got the first attack, it's my turn, draw a card!"

"I summon a giant virus to attack!"(Attack power 1000 Defense power 100)

"Next I cover a card!"

"My turn is over!"

"Oh my god! Why is it the same old tactic again!" Seeing that Kaiba Seto actually used this outdated tactic again, Li Youfeng couldn't help but slap his forehead.

Seeing Li Youfeng's actions, Biao Youxi couldn't help but asked:"Youfeng-kun, is there anything wrong with Kaiba-kun's tactics?"

"There are just too many things wrong with this!"

Without noticing that Dark Game beside him had turned back into Watch Game, Li Youfeng spoke to himself,"Kaiba's trap is too obvious. According to normal logic, no matter who it is, seeing that the other party actually let a monster with an attack power of only one thousand points to display an attack, they should be suspicious, right?"

"Therefore, the trap should be set more secretly. Even if it is not good enough, the other party should not be able to see your intention at a glance."

"Should the trap be set more secretly? I see!"As if he had learned something, Biao Yugi nodded repeatedly while stroking his chin.

"What the hell? This!"

When Li heard that the sound of the game suddenly became a little strange,���Feng turned around quickly, but when he saw that the person who had asked him the question was Biao Youxi, and that the latter immediately showed a thoughtful look after getting his answer, Li Youfeng's mouth twitched slightly.

"Shit! I'm such a jerk!"

(It is better to mess with the king than with the little cousin! This is the truth that everyone has concluded after watching the Yu-Gi-Oh anime! )

Just as Li Youfeng secretly slapped himself in the face, Naiya also started his own operation

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Seto, I will show you what a real duel is.)!"

"I Normal Summon, Chiron the Sage!" (Attack 1800, Defense 1000)

Looking at Seto Kaiba who was still complacent about the Chain Death Destruction Virus on his backfield, Noa at this moment seemed to have transformed directly into the Creator.

He opened his arms and shouted to everyone present:"Seto, today I will let you see what the highest realm of duel (pretending to be cool) is. This is my strongest tactic, the seven rounds of creation of heaven and earth!"


""How chuunibyou!"

After hearing Naiya's declaration, all the protagonists, except Li Youfeng, including Yugi Muto, exclaimed in surprise.

Under Kaiba Seto's solemn gaze, Naiya sneered and pointed at the card on the backcourt of the former.

"Chiron the Sage's special ability is activated, Mirror of Truth!" (Original anime nonsense effect!)

"The Mirror of Truth can show the covered cards on your backfield and destroy them. Seto, your tactics are useless to me!"

(In fact, the author does not understand the point of the original anime. When the effect is activated, you can just destroy the card directly. Why do you have to show it? Isn't this just taking off your pants to fart?)


Seto Kaiba, who was unaware of Noa's nonsense, showed a surprised expression, and then with the activation of the Mirror of Truth, the card on the backcourt of President Kaiba was broken.

Seeing this classic Hades scene, Li Youfeng was extremely annoyed and secretly sighed, the village rules players are so scary, it's just playing cards, is it necessary to talk so seriously?

(Note: In the solid card state, this monster must discard a card to destroy an opponent's backfield.)


After dealing with Kaiba Seto's backcourt, Noa would not miss this great opportunity to launch an attack.

"Sage Chiron attacks Giant Virus!"


Due to the huge difference in attack power, Giant Virus was directly hit by a shot from Sage Chiron.

However, at the same time as his own monster was destroyed, Kaiba Seto was not willing to be outdone. He waved his hand and said:"The special effect of Giant Virus is activated. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, it inflicts 500 points of damage to the opponent, and you can Special Summon any number of Giant Viruses in face-up Attack Position from your own deck."

"I choose to select���A giant virus special summon!"

Seahorse Seto LP4000>3200

Seahorse Noa LP4000>3500

Bang Bang!

""Well done, Seto!" Naiya clapped her hands twice, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes,"I didn't expect you to be able to quickly organize a counterattack after being attacked. You are worthy of being the trial left to me by my father. You are indeed worthy of being defeated.""

"Just take this as a small token of approval, Seto, you can feel a little proud of it. I cover a card, and my turn is over."

"Pretentious bastard!"

Kaiba Seto felt disgusted by Noa's pretentious behavior.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

I drew a card from the deck, and just when Kaiba Seto wanted to release the two giant virus monsters on the field to summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, he suddenly felt a sense of disobedience.

"Something is wrong. It seems that Noa is deliberately tempting me. He ended his turn so easily. This guy must have some conspiracy."

Because of Li Youfeng, although Kaiba Seto is still rebellious at this time, compared with the original work, Kaiba Seto has suffered many losses and is much more cautious than before.

Looking at Noa's cover card in the backcourt, Kaiba Seto suddenly gave up the idea of summoning Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

"I activate the Magic Card Angel's Gift from my hand, draw three cards from my deck, and discard two."

"Next, I will free a giant virus and summon it from a higher level!"

"Come out, Electric Dragon!"(Attack 2500 Defense 1000)

"What do you think, Noa? The attack power of the Electric Dragon far exceeds that of the Sage Chiron!"

"Humph, Seto, I didn't expect you to be so careful, but you're too happy a little too early, open the cover card!"

Seeing Kaiba Seto summon such a powerful monster, Noa certainly couldn't just sit there and wait for death

"Trap Card activated, the earth's crust shifted!"

"The effect of this card is that we choose two attributes, and then the opponent chooses one, and then destroys all face-up monsters of the selected attributes on the field!"

"Seto, I chose the dark and light attributes, and now it's up to you to choose!"

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