The news of the star selection duel spread throughout the academy almost the next day.

Kaima Seto did things resolutely, and after learning that Yu Ming defeated Ed Phoenix, he immediately decided to make things bigger.

Not only was the coverage publicity carried out in the college, but there were also advertising messages in Tongyo City and beyond.

Suddenly, the entire duel world boiled, and countless duelists who wanted to become famous flocked to this side.

It was in this environment that You Ming, who had been comfortable for more than a month, was busy again.

Teaching building, actual combat area.

You Ming stood on the duel stage and took out the duel plate to make preparations.

On the other side, the short young man looked cold, looking eager to try.

“Now this is the first duel of the star selection duel.”

“The right-hand side is the academy chief, and you Ming is currently in complete victory.”

“On the left hand side is the challenger, this year’s freshman No.1 in the middle division, Fifth Order Hall Baoshan.”

Professor Napoleon stood in the center of the duel stage and introduced in a yin and yang strange tone.

At this moment, the surrounding area was already full of trainees, all excitedly waiting for the duel to begin.

For those old students, watching You Ming’s duel is the best learning process.

Even those new trainees heard many rumors about You Ming as soon as they went to the island.

Everyone looked curious and wanted to see if this legend existed.

As for those social duelists who were alarmed by the news of the Seahorse Group and rushed to hear the news, due to time constraints, they have not yet arrived on the island.

In other words, the preliminary round of this star selection will be held within the trainees, and more duelists will be involved later.

“Hmph, are you the one who defeated Mr. Manjome.”

“Although I don’t know how you did it, today I will defeat you instead of Mr. Manjome.”

Fifth Order Hall Baoshan gritted his teeth, and his attitude looked a little strange.

You Ming was stunned when he saw this, but he quickly reacted, almost forgetting that this opponent who challenged for the first time was actually a fan brother of Wanzhang.

It is also the No.1 of the middle direct promotion, but this sub has always been aiming for Manjome.

Probably heard that his idol was defeated by him, and he also lost twice, so the three views were impacted, and his heart was not balanced.

You Ming chuckled, but did not care about this, and directly raised the duel plate.



As Professor Napoleon jumped off the duel ring, Baoshan as a challenger immediately drew his cards and chose to attack first.

“My turn, draw!”

“Summon the captain who cuts into the enemy line with an attack, activate the effect, and when the summon is successful, you can summon a monster under four stars from the special hand hand.”

“Special summoning of the Wilderness Warrior to the field, a card, and the round is over.”

As You Ming remembered, this guy used a standard warrior clan deck, and used equipment cards as the main means.

If integration belongs to the “loss card” system, then this guy’s routine is also no better.

A large number of equipment cards will not only lead to the phenomenon of card hands, but also a large number of hand losses due to the destruction of specific monsters.

To some extent, it also belongs to the one-knife flow card set, and there is no mechanism for turning over.

So it is doomed that this duel will inevitably be won quickly.

Seeing this, You Ming was unimpressed, and calmly started his round.

Since it is a star selection duel, of course, the brighter the better, especially as an opening battle, a quick victory is indeed in everyone’s interests.

“My turn, draw.”

“Two warrior clan monsters with cards, it should be to quickly summon the legendary sword saint.”

“Then I will summon Kamen Rider Taiya – Blank Body with an attack sign, and then launch a magic card sneak attack!”

“According to the effect of this card, destroy all your two monsters!”

【Kamen Rider Big Tooth – White Body】

Samsung/ATK: 1700/EF: 1000/Earth Attribute/Warrior Clan


This card attacks the garrison to indicate the occasion of the monster until the damage settlement is over and the opponent’s monster garrison becomes 0.

At the end of the round, when this card and the contract beast, the Death Tiger, are present on the field, both monsters can be liberated and a Kamen Rider Tooth can be summoned to the field from the deck, hand, or graveyard.


【Sneak Attack Coming】

This card can only be activated during the main stage of their own side, and the player skips the battle phase when the turn of the card is launched.

Choose a monster with a Kamen Rider name on your field, and destroy all monsters with lower defense power than the selected monster.


At the end of the month, I was confused by the manuscript, and it seems that I didn’t update this one yesterday (shame)

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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