Yuanshin: People Are In Liyue, Hand It Over To Nautical World!

Chapter 79 Zhongli's Wallet Is Gone... I Feel A Little Distressed.

The expansion of the Dust Song Pot is really not an ordinary difficulty.

After all, the Dust Song Pot is already a complete cave world.

If you want to continue to expand this small cave world, the knowledge and means you need are not generally difficult.

But fortunately, Grandma Ping is not an ordinary person, so this knowledge will not trouble her.

As long as you give her time to collect suitable materials, she can complete the expansion of the Dust Song Pot!

Everyone nodded.

In this Pokémon world, the most important thing is the construction and transfer of Liyue Island.

Others are not very important, after all, they do not invade this world.

"Finally, let's talk about Liyue's development during this period."

Ningguang spoke again, explaining: "The technology that Liyue possesses now includes negligible small technologies, such as radios, electric fans, and so on.

"As well as cars, vans, trucks, excavators and more."

"The last thing is the popularization of science and technology in the information age that is going on now."

"Technology in the information age, we now have the top technology of mobile phones, but for high-density devices such as chips, we have been using the biohazard world. After all, the development of technology is not up to standard, and some hardware can't keep up."

In fact, it's not just chips.

Even some of the other technologies, Liyue is using the biohazard world.

Because Liyue wants to make it herself, it is extremely difficult!

If you do it yourself, you need to enter the industrial age.

Ningguang is also doing this in the industrial age.

And before she discussed with Su Yu, the core of the factory can use the things from Tivat, such as the "chaos core"!

This thing can be used as an engine or something.

Even Liyue's Jianyan car uses this thing.

The kinetic energy is the electric crystal.

"Don't be in a hurry, Liyue can take her time, let's talk about returning to Liyuan after it's built.

Su Yu interrupted Ning Guang's words.

It is not good to rush to prove.

It's good to digest slowly.


Before the opening of the fourth world, Liyue still needs to popularize elves.

The development promoted by the cycle of science and technology, don't mess up Liyue by doing too many things at once.

Now Liyue's main technologies are mobile phones and cars. The other small technologies are not difficult, as long as there are corresponding blueprints, they can generally be produced.

So the current technology can come slowly.

Ning Guang, Ke Qing and Gan Yu nodded.

That's what they mean too.

The mobile phone is convenient for contacting, and the car is convenient for transportation.

These two things are Liyue's main technology, and the rest can be done step by step, there is no rush.

"Next, let me talk about the next focus, I think it should be the popularization of elves and space technology.

Su Yu also expressed his opinion appropriately.

The popularization of elf fish space technology must be carried out by 913.

Especially space technology!

This can help those who don't have God's Eye and reduce the stress on their shoulders.


Ningguang nodded, "Space technology can also be sold, this time continue to use the name of our Sun Chamber of Commerce. y"

"Liyue holds 20% of the shares, the two of us each hold 30% of the shares, and in the end Grandma Ping also holds 20% of the shares."

Liyue was not given a share in Mobile Technology last time, so Liyue must be given some shares in Space Technology this time.

After all, most of the mobile phone technology last time was researched by Naxida and Honghou, and the information was given by Su Yu, which has little relationship with Liyue, and Ningguang gave the corresponding reputation to the network.

So it doesn't matter if Ningguang takes a share in a mobile phone.

But this space technology is hosted by Grandma Ping, this is a real Liyue person!

So it is natural to give shares to Liyue.

"I have no objection." Su Yu responded.

He and Ningguang's chamber of commerce are called the Sun Chamber of Commerce. The word "sun" was naturally coined by Su Yu, mainly to save trouble.

Ning Guang has no objection either.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Grandma Ping smiled and said: "In addition to my own research, I also have the help of His Excellency Grass God, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind and Abedo, so I plan to divide my shares Give them some."

Su Yu and Ningguang gave her shares, and she accepted them with peace of mind.

But she is not the only one who studies, so some of her shares will be given to Naxida and others.

"Okay, you can decide for yourself."

Ning Guang responded.

Grandma Ping heard the words, but she didn't talk anymore.

Immediately, everyone continued to talk about Pokémon.

the other side.

Northland Bank here.

The lady has already left, and only Dadalia, Zhongli, Yingmei and Paimeng are left.

Looking at Zhongli in front of him, Dadalia felt that he had been played badly.

After going on for a long time, he was the only one who was cheated around?

And Mr. Zhongli in front of him is actually Liyueyan God?!

It's eye-popping!

Yingmei and Paimeng were also very surprised, neither of them thought that Zhongli next to him was Morax, the rock god.


Yingmei remembered the photos from the previous day.


She is extremely remorseful!

I knew that she would take Zhongli with Su Yu and others, and took a group photo in front of the emperor's tomb. This is a memorable photo!

"I didn't expect you, a social wretch, to be Liyue's rock god, but why don't you have Mo La?"

Paimon had a strange expression.

Morax without Mora?

No one will believe you when you tell it!

But she could also imagine that Su Yu probably already knew Zhongli's identity!

"Mr. Zhongli, it's really hard for you to lie to me."

Dada Duck shook his head and smiled wryly.

Didn't expect this ending at all.

"What's the matter? You're the one to blame yourself!" Paimon was not happy when he heard this, and directly refuted the other party.

I have cheated myself and Ying for such a long time, I deserve to be cheated!

Yingmei nodded approvingly.

But Zhongli glanced at him indifferently: "You should leave quickly, I already sense that someone will come to arrest you soon."

Hearing this, Dada Duck got up.

He is a martial idiot, but he is not a fool.

If he did such a big thing in Liyue, it would be evil if he wasn't hated to death by the people of Liyue.

"Sorry, I have a chance to talk about it again."

After apologizing to Yingmei, Dada duck hurried away.

At this moment, Zhongli seemed to think of something and put a bill on the table.

"This is the last time."

Zhongli's tone was a little melancholy.

My wallet is gone, and I feel a little distressed.

If it goes back to the way it was before and sends the bill to the Pastoral Hall, I don't know what the hall master will say about himself.


The happy and easy free whoring is over.

The headache and helpless prostitution began.

Yingmei: "...


Everyone has left, and you still have to give him a bill?

It seems that the expenses spent on Liyue coming to the Winter Kingdom this time are not usually high.

The two sisters and sisters complained in their hearts.

"Come on, let's go shopping too."

Zhongli didn't intend to stay any longer, and turned to leave.

Yingmei followed closely behind.

after a little while..……….

They walked on the street, looking at Liyue, who had returned to the bustle of the past, their mood improved a lot.

Looking at the busy pedestrians around, Zhongli spoke first: "You should also know that I don't have any news about your big brother here, maybe even Daozuma and Xumi don't have any news about your big brother, so if you ask us gods, you must ask Nothing."

Yingmei also knows this.

As early as when she joined the group, she had asked Nasida, but she had never seen the words Nasida gave her.

And Ray Movie?

After entering the chat group from the other party, Yingmei added her as a friend to chat with her privately, and the other party had never seen her big brother.

So now, she can rule out the four countries.

I have to say, the phone is really nice to use.

When Paimon heard this, he was unhappy: "Zhongli, hurry up and pay back the money! You have spent a lot of money on me and Ying during this time!"

"Cough cough."

Zhongli coughed twice and changed the subject: "But as a traveler from another world, I think you should ask Su Yu, he might have a clue."

Shifting the subject skillfully, Zhongli tricked Su Yu.

Does the other party know the whereabouts of Yingmei big brother?

Might know, but it's not about Zhongli anymore.

He is now retired.

Just check the bar and listen to the music every day~

"Su Yu?"

Yingmei rubbed her chin.

Looking back on the past, the relationship between her and Su Yu was not bad. It can be said that because of the similar thinking, she should be the one who talked to her the most in the entire Wattland.

Also one of her best friends!

Why is it one?

Because Su Yu is not a young lady, otherwise Yingmei would definitely recognize him as her best friend!

Thinking of this, Yingmei looked at Zhongli: "Zhongli, the two of us went to find Su Yu, you go shopping by yourself.


Zhongli replied lightly.

Afterwards, Yingmei left with Paimon.

The other (cgeg) side.

At the end of the meeting, Su Yu took Shen He and Qiqi out of Qunyu Pavilion and walked towards his home.

At this point in time, it's time to have dinner.

Walking on the street, the three of them bought some snacks at the food stand, and then continued walking towards home.

Turned a few corners and left the range of Chihuyan.

There are fewer people on the street.

Su Yu also found Yingmei and Paimeng who were oncoming.

"Shen He, you take Qiqi home first, and I'll be back in a while. Turning to look at Shen He, Su Yu handed him the dinner.


Shen He nodded, took the dinner, and left with Qiqi.

And Su Yu stood by the side of the road with a Gold exclamation point raised on his head.

The corner of Yingmei's mouth twitched when she was coming.

This is really..... from beginning to end!

Walking quickly in front of Su Yu, Paimon folded his hands on his chest, and stared at him moaning: "You bastard! We're here to hand in the task.

Su Yu didn't say a word as if he didn't see her.

"Hey! You bastard!!"

Paimon chopped off his feet and pouted to express his dissatisfaction.

Yingmei waved her hand, then came to Su Yu and revealed the password for the conversation.

"Hello, Su Yu, I have completed the task."

"As expected of a performer."

Su Yu smiled: "It seems that your journey in Liyue has been very rewarding."

"It's... not bad."

The corner of Yingmei's mouth twitched.

What a fart!

Although I got a lot of good-looking ladies and sisters, what happened to Liyue was even more outrageous than Mond!

Moreover, the Mora accumulated on her body has bottomed out because of Zhongli's reasons.

Hearing this, a rotten character popped up in front of Su Yu.

【Liyue: Please Xian Dianyi, the end】

【Submit the task?】


"Submit the task.

Yingmei became excited when she saw this.

Among other things! If you can get a devil fruit from Su Yu, then this trip

Months worth of travel too!

As her choice fell, a prompt popped up in front of Su Yu again.

【Congratulations on getting a devil fruit with no side effects!】

[Please choose your devil fruit type. 】


"No side effects?"

Seeing this, Yingmei murmured.

No side effects!

This reward, she likes it~

People are like this, when they see a good thing without any side effects, they will always feel happy unconsciously.

"I choose the natural department."

Taking a deep breath, Yingmei spoke her answer.

Hearing this, Su Yu took out a Gold Devil Fruit and a Devil Fruit with a Thunderweave whirlpool: "Fulfiller, this is a natural-type golden fruit, which can manipulate gold elements."

Strength, if you don't want this fruit, you can also choose the natural thunderbolt fruit, or you can go to the location of Qunyu Pavilion and find Tianquan star to exchange for a devil fruit. "

"Golden fruit? Thunder fruit? Let me think about it."

Yingmei lowered her head and thought.

After all, she only has one chance to get a devil fruit, so think about it.

First of all, whether it is a golden fruit or a thunderous fruit, they are all top-notch devil fruits!

Yingmei learned about the Five Elements in a certain world.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Gold element represents attack and murder! Wood element represents life! Earth element represents defense.

Needless to say, fire element and water element, you know everything!

So the gold element, no matter how you look at it, is a top-notch fruit!

Another thunderous fruit is not bad either!

This top fruit, in the world of One Piece, is rated as the first natural fruit!


Thunder element?

This made Yingmei tangled.

Because the element of thunder is one of the seven elements in this world, as long as I go to Daozuma, I can get the element of thunder through the statue of the seven heavens, so the fruit of thunder is not very useful to her


But this is the strongest natural fruit that has ever appeared in anime! I don't want to miss it.

Seeing her tangled up, Paimon next to her scratched her head, puzzled.

Isn't it just two strange fruits?


After coughing twice, Su Yu interjected, "Performer, have you read the novel?"

"I've seen it, what's the matter?"

Yingmei was taken aback for a moment, and then replied.

She is also involved in novels, such as light novels, fantasy novels and so on.

Basically she has seen it all.

At the beginning, I was obsessed with Shuangwen for a while.

Su Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Since you have read the novel, you should know what Elemental Mage is?"

"Think about it, obviously you can get seven elements in Tivat, if you complete the rest of the missing elements, it will be a new magic master of the whole system, and it is also a melee method


"The most important thing is the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts!"

As soon as these words came out, Yingmei suddenly became enlightened.


She has already ordered the seven elements.

If you are getting other elements, it is equivalent to a different kind of element magic master.

This is much better than choosing the thunderous fruit.

With a decision, Yingmei makes her own choice.

"I want golden fruit!"

"Okay, here you are."

Su Yu handed the golden fruit to the other party.

After Yingmei took it, she ate the devil fruit without any hesitation, and then closed her eyes.

Sensing a special gold element power coming out of her body, she suddenly opened her eyes to study, then called out the long sword in her hand, and slashed at her own arm.

Subconsciously, she went into elementalization.

This startled Paimon next to him.

"What's going on? What's going on here?" Paimon looked at Ying in surprise.

She is not blind, so she naturally found out that there is nothing wrong with the other party, but what is the reason?

Pymon didn't understand.

"Go back and tell you."

Yingmei said something to Paimeng, then her face straightened, and she asked Su Yu again, "Su Yu, have you seen my big brother?"

"You big brother?"

Su Yu had a strange expression.

As the prince of the abyss, Kong is in a high position. It can be said that he has no worries about food and drink, and there is no shortage of maids. His life is much more enjoyable than Yingmei.

After thinking about it, he nodded and replied, "I really know the whereabouts of your big brother."


Yingmei's eyes lit up: "Tell me quickly."

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