
Chapter 368 Fanwai: Double Cultivation (2)

This inn is huge.

It is not an ordinary restaurant style, it looks more like a courtyard and occupies a very wide area. The proprietress took the hairpin star and the two into the hospital. Except for the occasional guest who was led in by the maid, she did not see anyone else, and the privacy was excellent.

After some twists and turns, the proprietress stopped in front of a gate and said with a smile, This is the 'Gui Hai Blessed Land'.

From the outside, it looks like a single house, which is usually a bit too ordinary. Hairpin Xing looked at the proprietress hesitantly: Is this here? You won't be cheated of money!

The proprietress covered her lips and smiled, and only gently pushed the two of them in, and said, The guests will know when they go in.

The courtyard door was squeaked open, and a strange fragrance came from inside.

This is indeed a courtyard, it looks very spacious, so spacious that there is even room to dig a snow-white soup pool in front of the courtyard door facing the house. The water in the soup pond was bubbling with steam, and it was sprinkled with all kinds of petals. The four corners were decorated with colorful lanterns, and the water waves were glowing. It can be said that it is quite sentimental.

Gu Baiying clenched the embroidered bone gun in his hand and reminded Xing Xing: There are soundproof talismans on all sides, be careful of danger. Before she finished speaking, she saw Xing Xing cheered and ran to the bedside of the swing under the tree in the courtyard.

She touched the edge of the swing bed and said to Gu Baiying in amazement: There is actually such a bed here! It's too detailed!

Gu Baiying: .

It's not so much a swing bed, but a hammock. The mattress is very soft and the veil is light pink. If you ignore the faint bloody palm print on the top, you can use the heaven and earth as the seat, accompanied by a soup pool, and there are soundproof talismans around. Don't be afraid that others will hear it. Dao Companions who want to come and love excitement will like it very much.

Gu Baiying paused: Otherwise, forget it.

The next moment, Hairpin Xing took his hand and went in: I've already paid for it, how can I forget it? Go in and have a look.

She was eager to visit all the new places in the capital, and now that she found such a fun place, how could she not go in and take a look.

Once inside, the sweet, fragrant smell intensified.

Not far from the door was a huge pitch-black cage. There was a thick iron lock in the cage, and Gu Baiying immediately dragged the hairpin behind him: Be careful! This place is weird.

Hairpin Xing interrupted him, his eyes shining brightly: This must be the handwriting of the Demon Race.

Only the demons can be so creative.

Gu Baiying looked at her incredulously: Don't you think it's strange, Yang Hairpinxing? There is such a big cage in this room, and there are chains in it. Maybe someone has been imprisoned here.

Hairpin Xing said, Mmmm twice, and said carelessly, If you like it, you can also be imprisoned tonight.

Gu Baiying frowned: What do you mean?

Hairpin Xing sighed and said, You better stop talking.

Going further inside, I found that there are still a lot of things in this room. There are water mirrors hanging on all sides, and you can see your own figure reflected in the mirror at any time. There was a large stack of colorful brochures on the table, Gu Baiying glanced at it and threw it away, her face suddenly flushed to the bottom of her ears.

Hairpin Xing is still wondering: However, why is there no bed here?

There are many bits and pieces in this room, but there is only one bed missing.

Could it be that the swing in the yard is the only bed?

Hairpin star was thinking, his eyes were attracted by the things on the screen.

This screen is very long, and the patterns on each fan are different, and there are also two clothes on each fan. There are Taoist robes and cool skirts, and the patterns below are painted with the lord and the witch. There are phoenix robes embroidered with phoenixes and generals' armors, and the queen and generals are painted on the screen below. There are also dramas and princes, favored concubines and civil servants, widows and prodigal sons, how immortal the style is, and how bold the pictures are.

Gu Baiying came over to take a look, and his face changed slightly after a glance. When he picked up the bone embroidery gun, a piece of clothing on the screen was picked by him at the tip of the gun, and it firmly covered the entire screen.

Hairpin: .What are you doing?

He avoided Zhu Xing's gaze and said calmly, This place is weird, I think it's better to change to another inn.

Hairpin Xing had a headache. Seeing the clothes he was covering on the screen, he was startled: Is this a wedding dress?

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly changed, but in an instant, the quirky house was lit up with lights, and the red character Happy was posted everywhere. In the center is a very large and wide soft bed, and the quilt is also a festive red. A few days ago, there were eight treasures of longan and a pot of acacia wine.

And Gu Baiying was right in front of her, wearing a red happy cannon, staring at her unexpectedly: you

At some point, her clothes turned into a bright red wedding dress. The embroidery on the top is exquisite and the patterns are gorgeous, making her look as dazzling as a bride-to-be.

I see! Hairpin Xing suddenly said, The clothes on the screen, whichever one you choose, the room will become the corresponding scenery.

No wonder the proprietress would say, In this other room, there is only one kind of scenery in a room, but it is different from the blessed land of the sea. There are also many choices in the room. The guests can choose which one they like.

Turns out this is an optional theme!

As if to confirm her words, the long screen suddenly disappeared and turned into a colorful painting. The person in the painting is sitting in front of the couch in the new house, writing the words Breakhouse Flower Candle.

This theme is the theme of the bridal chamber candle!

Gu Baiying stared at her blankly.

Hairpin Xing always likes to wear green dresses, like her own temperament, gentle and tough, this is the first time I have seen her wear such a gorgeous red. She was born bright and radiant, and she was too lazy to dress up deliberately. But the red wedding dress made her particularly attractive.

The sound of the heart bell rang crisply.

The hairpin stared at him thoughtfully.

Needless to say, Gu Baiying's appearance, whether it is a human race or a demon race, is a handsome and well-known name. Now that he is older, his temperament is not as frivolous as before, but such a bright color excites all the flying in his bones, just like the bright boy with red lips and white teeth that he first met many years ago.

Luo tent flying luan, the red candle shines high.

Hairpin Xing heard the sound of her heartbeat, and the sound was intense. She took a step forward and whispered Gu Baiying's name: Gu Baiying.

Gu Baiying's Adam's apple rolled, and subconsciously took a step back.

Speaking of which, Hairpin Xing and Gu Baiying have been together for some time. However, since the days of walking with her, Gu Baiying has abide by the etiquette to her, and it is not when she can't help herself, but whenever the atmosphere is dangerous, this person will immediately sober and distance, like a man who is always in his heart.

So that Hairpin Star is often laughed at by Bujiang for being so big and has never cultivated with others.

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