Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 993: Floating dust (medium)

The ugly time had already been knocked out earlier, and the galaxy in the sky seemed to become faint with the deepening of the night, if there was a faint cloud over the sky.

There are only two rooms available in the courtyard. At this time, the lights are being shielded. A small military doctor of the Black Flag Army gave first aid to a total of five seriously wounded people. Huangshan occasionally brought out a hot water basin with blood. From time to time, I can hear the scolding of the two little medics in the room by Huang Jianfei and Qu Longyu.

The blood was poured into a jar and temporarily sealed. In addition, some people began to cook in the kitchen under the command of Yan Ying. Most of them were licking blood with their swords. They were nervous, slaughtered and fled in the middle of the night, and their stomachs were already hungry.

When Xiao Xiaoyi dealt with the severely wounded in the room, several people who were not seriously injured on the outside had already bandaged themselves. They watched the outside for a while on the roof and wall. When things felt a little calmer, Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying met for a while, and then Huang Nanzhong called the best leaves in the house and walked him through the city to find a pre-booked hand-to-hand character and see tomorrow morning Can I get out of town. Yan Ying also summoned a subordinate, let him go back to find Guan Shanhai, in order to find a way forward.

"We're all deceived by that demon." Looking at the tricky night outside the courtyard, Yan Ying sighed. "The situation in the city is such that the Heiqi Army already knew that the demon would not stop it. The chaos to warn everyone ... Before tonight, the city was saying 'Dangerous and dangerous' everywhere. It is estimated that many of those who spoke were black flags. After tonight, everyone will have trouble. Heart. "

"At the end of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuoquan fell in love with the enemy, and ordered the princes to make the princes and courts up and down. No one is afraid. It can be overwhelming, and it is never rare." People, followers will always appear. "

The riots in Gaocheng were faint, always coming. The two talked under the eaves, feeling restless. Speaking about the little military doctor again, Yan Ying said, "Can you really believe this little doctor named Long?"

"He violated the military discipline and secretly sold medicine. It was a month ago. If Heiqi wanted to get set off, he wouldn't let a fourteen-year-old doll come. But he grew up in Heiqi even though he committed it. It ’s hard to say whether we can help us in despair. "

"If you can catch a black flag and let him kill him, don't guess too much."

Yan Yanying said here, looking out of the courtyard, Huang Nanzhong nodded and looked around. At this time there were eighteen people in the courtyard. Five severely wounded people were removed. The father and daughter of Wen Shoubin and two of them still had nine men in martial arts. It was not impossible to catch a single black flag. .

But the two were silent for a while, Huang Nan said: "In such cases, don't give birth to extracurricular branches. Now the yard is full of good hands, and I also accounted for Jianfei them. Pay attention to this young medic. He can't play at this age. What a trick. "

Yan Yanying's face was gloomy, and he nodded: "It had to be this way ... Yan has a loved one who died in the hands of the black flag today. I think too much at the moment. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

Huang Nanzhong also arched his hand, his eyes were grim: "Huang brought today and said that he was a general. In fact, many people watched them grow up, some like nephews, some like brothers, plus here Ye Zi, there are only five people left. I don't know how others will encounter, whether they can escape from Chengdu in the future ... Huang's mood is also common and sympathetic. "

After the two of them said so, Huang Nanzhong said hello and turned into the room to check the emergency situation.

The rear is just two blue brick houses connected side by side, with simple furniture and simple furnishings. According to the previous statement, it was the only industry in which the small army doctor of the Heiqi Army used the army's pension in Chengdu City after the death of his family. Since it was originally living alone, there was only one bed in it, and it was used as a first-aid clinic.

The matter was anxious, and the people spread straw, rags and other things on the ground to let the injured person lie down. When Huang Nanzhong came in, three of the original five wounded had already been urgently treated and bandaged. They were taking out the bullets on the leg for the fourth injured person. The room was **** and the injured person bit a rag. But still making a soaking noise, scalp tingling.

The atmosphere inside the squatter room was tense, and the little military doctor scolded him, and Huang Jianfei followed, and the girl named Qu Longxi carefully wiped the blood and sweat for the little military doctor, and his face was about to cry. Everyone was stained with blood, and the room was lit with seven or eight candles, and even though summer had passed, there was still an unspeakable heat. When Huang Shan saw his master come in, he whispered a greeting.

Although the speech of the little military doctor was not clean, the movement under his hands was fast and methodical. Huang Nanzhong saw a few eyes and nodded. He didn't enter the door for pointing operation. He turned his head and looked in the corner, and saw that Chen Yu and Qin Gang were lying there.

The killer named Chen Yu is a general under the command of Ren Jingzhu, a ghost. At this time, half of his body was bandaged due to serious injuries, and he was lying motionless. If Huang Shan reported that he was fine, Huang Nanzhong would almost think that the other party had died.

Qin Gang, who was next to Chen Yu, was a little bigger. After the emergency, he refused to close his eyes and rest. At this time, he put a pillow on his back, half-lying, and two steel knives. It seemed because he was unfamiliar with everyone. , Still guarding the surrounding environment, guarding the safety of his companions.

He intentionally set up a close relationship with the other party and walked over and said: "Hero Qin, you are not injured lightly, bandaged, it is best to take a break ..."

I only listened to that Qin Gang said, "I haven't dared to sleep without leaving the danger zone. Besides, those of my generation who have learned martial arts can survive today's pain, and if they are hurt again this day, it's nothing."

"The hero is really a man of iron and blood, admirable." Huang Nanzhong arched his hand, "Please also rest assured that as long as I wait here, I will spare my life tonight, and must also protect two thoughtful. This is for the sake of ...... When we talk about the demon slaughter today, we can put the name of a hero like Master Zhou in front of me. I will not have enough lives at this moment ... "

He said Zhou Zhou, Qin Gang was silent, and after a while, he seemed to be listening to the voice outside: "Is there still movement outside?"

"There are still people who follow, the Black Flag Army is fierce and frightening, but it is helpless. Maybe it will dawn tomorrow, and we can hear the news of the demon Fusi ... and even if it ca n’t, today ’s feats, there will be others. It keeps coming. Today is just the first time. "

His voice is calm, even in the **** and hot room, it can give people a sense of stability. That Qin Gang looked at him a few times, gritted his teeth and said, "My three brothers and sisters, died under the black flag of the sword ... but my brother and I are still alive. Today's enemies, there will be a newspaper."

"Sure." Huang Nan Middle Road.

The two of them talked here, and the little doctor who was saving there snorted: "If you come to the door yourself, you are not as good as a man, but you are still holding revenge ..."

少年 The boy's tone was unpleasant. Several severely wounded people in the room had previously pinched their lives in the hands of each other. Huang Jianfei got the master's advice and had inconvenience. But in the situation at hand, no one's heart held a fire, even though Qin Gang glared at the other side, Huang Nanzhong sitting on the side flashed a little hesitation in his eyes, but patted Qin Gang's hand , Back to the doctor's side, and said lightly.

"This year's Jurchen harassed the Central Plains and hit all parts of Jiangnan. Today, the displaced people are scattered. This year, I don't know how many people are going to starve to death in the hunger and cold. This scene has been in the Central Plains for ten years. In the future, there were no chickens, not a joke. Awesome, you saw rich and prosperous in Chengdu, but today, many people really want to freeze and starve to death. You when we come here What is it for? "

Doctor Xiao held a knife in his hand, and blood was found on half of his face. It seemed as if he would not dare to respond: "You can't beat a Jurchen, blame the southwestern 喽?"

Huang Nanzhong calmly said: "There is nothing to say about the fainting monarchs in the Wu dynasty. Now that he has lost his country, the world is torn apart. It can be regarded as a cycle of heaven and good and evil. However, what is the common people of the world? Ximen County Daimengwei Daigong He saved a million soldiers and civilians in Jurchen's hands. Heiqijun said that he has won the hearts of the people and will not be held accountable for the time being. What is the reality? Heiqiren refuses to take responsibility for those millions and even millions. "

He talked bluntly: "Of course, the scene is well-speaking. Heiqi has the demon sitting in the town. On the surface, it is open to the door and is willing to do business with the Quartet. What is business? Other parts of the world are destroyed today There are a bunch of worthless bottles and jars left. Only the Huaxia Army has abundant products. On the surface, it is doing business. If you bring money, I will sell it to you. In private, I do n’t want to take advantage of everyone. He It ’s about removing the skin and bones from each household ... ”

"... If in previous years, these businessmen had nothing to say, he was able to do business, it was all his skill. But now these businesses are related to every life, and that devil will do it. Naturally, there will be difficulties. If you want to come here, change the black flag to a less powerful head, so that the people outside can live more, so that the black flag can really be worthy of the name of Huaxia. "

His words were calm and calm, Qin Gang on the side nodded again and again, pinching Huang Nanzhong's hand. The little doctor on the other side was saving people and was fully absorbed. I just felt that these sounds were in my ears. That sentence seemed to make sense, but neither sentence was very awkward. I would like to refute or speak ironically when I deal with the injury to a certain stage. , Sorting out ideas but don't know where to start.

Then Huang Nanzhong stood up: "Well, the truth of the world is not as straight as we think, Doctor Long, you must save people first. After saving a few heroes, there is still something to say, the old man and You talk, you're not bothering here right now. "

He has anger in his heart, but after all, he is clearly divided. What good is it to say that the ten-year-old black flag member is dumb? Even if you want to do something, you can only wait until the other party saves people before making plans.

告 Farewell to Qin Gang at the moment, patted Huang Jianfei and Huang Shan on the shoulders, and went out of the room. At this time, the fourth seriously injured person in the room was almost bandaged.

In the courtyard of Waitou, everyone had cooked rice in the kitchen, and they found a small altar pickle from the corner of the kitchen, and divided the food. After Huang Nanzhong came out, the family would give him a bowl. The night was very dangerous, and it was really long. Everyone was tense in the middle of the night. At this time, they snorted and chopped rice in their mouths. Some stopped and cursed. Some thought of the brother who had died before and couldn't help it. Tears came down. Huang Nan Center understood that the man did not cry easily, it was not sad.

紧张 The tension, danger, and fear of the night are difficult to summarize. People had already imagined the scenes of many launches before they started. There were successes and failures, but even if they failed, they would always end with a vigorous attitude-they had heard countless scenes when Zhou Zhe assassinated Zong Han in the past. This time, Chengdu time has been swaying again for more than a month, and countless people are talking about it.

I got so loud last night that they heard a commotion in the first half of the patience, and their mood was also surging. But no one thought that it was his turn to play, but it was just a moment of chaos. They rushed forward, and they ran away quickly. Some people saw their companions fall beside them, and some faced them in person. The Black Banner ’s wall-like shield formation failed to find a chance when trying to make a shot. Half of the people were even confused, and before they got started, the companions in front of them fled back with blood—if they turned and ran away, I would not be wrapped around and running around.

They do n’t know if other rioters are facing such a situation, but the fear of the night has not yet passed. Even if they find this small courtyard of the medic for temporary hiding, it does not mean that they will be safe next time. Once the Huaxia army resolves the situation on the street, there must be a big hunt for those who have run away. These people may not be able to leave the city ... and the little military doctor may not be trusted ... ...

I was eating food like this, everyone recalled the previous embarrassment and embarrassment, and then thought about the next situation and danger, the atmosphere in the yard was depressed for a while. The "Sizhou Killer Knife" Mao Hai was so upset that he couldn't help asking several times: "The kid with the last name, Dragon, didn't move?"

"Will you go in and see more."

"I don't think he can be trusted."

He murmured and couldn't help but walk into the room twice, one of which apparently collided with the little medic. The little medic shouted, "Do it when you have a kind," but because of the protection of Huang Jianfei, Mao Hai could only suppress it. Come out with anger.

Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying persuaded him in the past: "What's the use of being angry at this moment?"

Mao Maohai's eyes were flushed, and he muffled and said, "My brother is dead. He rushed to the front and was hacked alive by the black thief's dog thief ... hacked alive in front of my eyes ..."

His voice was abnormally depressed, and Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying had to pat his shoulders: "The situation is uncertain, and some of the righteous men in the room are still waiting for the doctor's healing. After this hurdle, whatever is OK, so many of us, It won't be dead. "

There are some small episodes like this. Everyone stands or sits or walks back and forth in the yard. Every movement outside makes people nervous, and the fake people will sit up suddenly from under the eaves.

When the ugliness was over, the starlight on the yard became dim, and the emergency treatment in the room was temporarily completed. Little military doctors, Huang Jianfei, Qu Longyu and other talents came out of it. Huang Jianfei went to the host to report the results of the first aid: the lives of the five people have been saved, but what will happen next, we must slowly watch.

Seeing that someone was eating in the courtyard, Xiao Xiaojun also went to the wooden shed in the corner of the courtyard, which was used as a kitchen. Qu Longyi went to look at his uneasy righteous father. When Wen Shoubin asked her to eat something, she went to the other side. She was going to get some water to wash her hands and face, and then see if she could eat something. At night, she actually wanted to vomit for a long time.

When he arrived at the kitchen, the little medic was adding meals in front of the stove. The swordsman named Mao Hai was stuck outside, and he wanted to find the fault. When he saw Qu Long coming over and wanted to go in, he made his way. "Do n’t think What good is this kid, and sooner or later we will sell us. "

Qu Longxun Wei Nuo Nuo went in to fetch water and waited for the other to leave with a bowl before adding two bowls of rice sensibly and pickling some vegetables-although she couldn't eat for the time being, she did not forget to give Huang Jianfei and Huang Shan each one. Go to the bowl.

At this moment the atmosphere in the yard scared her.

A group of fierce gods and blood-thirsty rivers and lakes have wounds on their bodies, more or less wounded, with a little **** gas around or around the courtyard or standing or sitting. Some people are staring at the small army doctor of the Huaxia Army, and there are such eyes Secretly looking at himself.

——Wang Xiang ’s eyes are not kind. He is bloodthirsty in his vigilance. He is also very scared. He just sits on the steps and eats his own life. As for looking at his eyes, I have seen many in the past. She understood exactly what that look meant. On such a chaotic night, such a look was even more dangerous to herself. She could only try to ask some kind people in front of a little familiar person to add food to Huang Jianfei and Huang Shan. This is the act of self-preservation under such fear.

Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying are the true core figures in this courtyard. They moved wooden stakes and were chatting under the roof. Huang Jianfei and another riverman were also nearby. At this time, I do n’t know what to say. Huang Nanzhong The little military doctor beckoned: "Brother Long, come here."

While the boy was eating, he used to sit on the steps under the eaves, and Qu Longyu came over to deliver food to Huang Jianfei. He heard Huang Nanzhong asking: "You're called Long Aotian. The name is very elegant, imposing and extraordinary , Presumably you used to have a good family. Parents can read books? "

Xun Long Aotian chopped rice: "Without many books, my father is a doctor, and my mother is a farmer in the countryside."

"Oh? Where did your name come from, nowhere else can you get such a big name."

"Mr. Ning killed the emperor, so there are a lot of children named Huaxia in these years. I was changed at the age of six, and there are people in the next village named Batian, Tulong, and Junjun."

"... This is the case." Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying stunned, then nodded, while Qu Longxi could not help but laughed, and then turned to the room to deliver food to Huangshan.

Came out of the room, under the eaves, the middle man Huang Nan was explaining the reason to the little military doctor.

"... Did you have some doubts in the house before? Now I will tell you what Mr. Ning has done ..." The Pipe "is contained. The scholars and farmers are the four people, the scholars are in front, the farmers are next, Once again, business is last. Why are businessmen at the bottom? It ’s not unreasonable. Businessmen value profit but not justice, but if there are too many, it will be a serious problem ... "

"Why?" The little medic interjected.


"Why is it too much to become a serious problem?"

"He attaches great importance to justice and benefits, if there is only interest in this world and morality, is there any way to live in this world? Let me know by analogy ... That was the eleventh year of Jinghan. The floods and droughts in the world are all bad. There are countless local food shortages. It is now that you, Mr. Ning, are responsible for disaster relief with the spouse ... disaster relief, the court has allocated funds, but he is not the same. Start merchants from all over the country to launch this country's difficult financial situation ... "

"After this money was released, the huge power of Right Xiangfu spread all over the world. Even Cai Jing and Tong Guan at the time couldn't stop his sharp edge. What did he do? He supported himself with the wealth of the country and the wealth of the people. Bing, so in the first siege, only the right hand and the two soldiers on the hands of the two sons could fight and fight. Is this a coincidence ... "

"It's obviously not like this ..." The little military doctor frowned, and couldn't swallow the last meal.

Yan Ying on the side patted his shoulder: "Child, you are only fourteen years old. You grew up in the Black Flag Army. Could someone tell you the truth? You went out with us this time and went outside. You To know what the truth is. "

Chen Longaotian stared, unable to refute for a while.

Huang Nanzhong said: "Let ’s take a look at what is happening now, Aotian. You grew up in the Black Flag Army. You probably do n’t think there is anything wrong with the Black Flag's heavy contract. You will think that the Black Flag Army is willing Open the door and be willing to do business and sell food. You think it ’s expensive and you do n’t have to buy it. But today, there are a few people who can afford the Black Flag. It is said that the door is opened, but it is actually closed. Yes ... Just like the disaster relief that year, the food price rose to thirty two. There is also a price. Businesses say that you can't buy it if you are too expensive ... so don't you starve so many people here? No, only the righteousness in the heart can save the world ... "

Yan Ying on the side answered: "Ning Ning Motou is doing things with rules in his mouth. In fact, it's all business. So many people are trying to kill him this time, not because it seems that he gave others a way to go. Actually, Is there no way to go? Following his path, the people of the world will never be able to save ... Regarding this Ning Demon, the public of Wu Qimei Mei of Lin'an has written an eloquent article detailing his four major sins in the Huaxia Army: Cruel, treacherous, crazy, tyrannical. If you can go out, kid, you have to read this article again and again. "

Huang Nanzhong slowly said: "In addition, there are two root faults in the Ning Demon head. One is that he is reckless, so that there is no room for change, but he is arrogant and arrogant. He laughs at the world. The study of Gewu is a good thing, because of what he has done, it cannot be extended. There are also heroes in the Black Banner. Unfortunately, following this demon, he cannot reconcile with the world ... "

He continued: "Imagine if this Ning Devil died today or in the future, the Huaxia Army could become the Huaxia Army of the world. Many people would like to interact with it. Promotion. In this world, the Han people don't have to fight each other. Then ... the rocket technology can be used in my Han army, and the Jurchen is not much ... But as long as he is there, as long as there is a previous record of this uncle, in this world, no matter what, No peace talks, how many people and how many innocent people are going to die because of this, they could have been saved. "

Huang Nanzhong said here and sighed: "Unfortunately, this Chengdu incident, after all, fell into this devil's calculation ..."

He and Yan Ying are here to say that there are also three martial arts soldiers who came over and listened. At this time, when he talked about the calculations, some people asked in doubt. Huang Nanzhong reiterated the previous words. Regarding the advance arrangement of the Huaxia Army, the assassination of public opinion in the city may have the influence of the careful work of the Huaxia Army, and other calculations were analyzed one by one. Everyone heard the anger and was angry.

Huang Nanzhong said: "It is said that the combatants have no meritorious service. The true kingship is not killing. Chengdu is the site of the Huaxia Army. The Ning Devil could have been arranged to curb this chaos tonight, but Ning Motou is addictive to killing. He was used to alerting others by killing and blood. He just wanted to let everyone see how many people died tonight ... But this kind of thing can't scare everyone, watching Well, there will be more righteous men on the other day. "

Mao Haidao next to him: "When he comes again in the future, Lao Tzu will kill the devil's family in order to revenge today ..."

A warrior with a bandage on his side said: "I heard that his family has six or seven wives, all of which look like flowers ... Chen said that Chen hero is the best man to disguise. If he didn't want to assassinate the demon this time, But he might assassinate his dead wife and children ... "

"... Hero Chen is not dead right now, I think it is the retribution of that devil."

Someone said to the little military doctor next to him: "You know now? If you still have a little humanity, then don't give me Mr. Ning or Mr. Changning!"

Someone kicked him behind, but it didn't work hard. He just kicked his body forward, and said in the mouth, "I'm sorry to see your black flag bitch." The little military doctor turned his head and looked back with fierce eyes. As five wounded people in the room still needed his photo, Huang Jianfei got up and pushed the other away.

Afterwards, everyone continued to talk about the fierceness and brutality of the Ning Demon. Someone stared at the little medic and continued to scold him — previously, the little medic scolded him because he still wanted to save people. After all, after the first aid is done, there is no need to worry so much.

I was sitting in the courtyard, and Qu Longyu was a bit reluctant to this little medic who had no fighting power and saved another person. Wen Shoubin pulled her aside: "Don't go too close to that kid, beware he won't die today ..."

There was a huge amount of unknownness in the words of Shoubin, and Qu Longxi blinked, and after a long time, finally nodded in silence. What can she do in this situation?

Time has already reached Yin while everyone is talking, the light in the sky is even more dim. Occasionally there is still movement in the city, but the emotions of the people in the courtyard finally calm down a bit after the excitement, and the time is about to enter the darkest part of the morning.

曲 龙 珺 leaned against the wall to fake 寐, and occasionally someone walked around, she would be awakened by it and looked away for a while. The little medic was targeted twice, once by being deliberately shoved, and once when he went into the room to look at the wounded, and was blocked by Mao Hai at the door and scolded.

The lights in the room were completely extinguished after the injury was dealt with, and the stove was also free of any flames. The courtyard was stingy, and the figures under the stars seemed to have a grayish blue color, and Qu Long was holding his hands and knees , Sitting there looking at the distant sparks in the sky in the distance, how long will this long night pass? She was thinking about it. Many years ago, her father went out to fight and could n’t come back. She cried all night in the yard, watching the night to the deepest, the daylight was shining, she waited for her father to return, but Father can never come back.

In the years since the death of my father, she has been going all the way, going to some places, and has no positive expectations for the future. It was good to be able to stay in the Huaxia Army and take on the detailed work, but when I went back, I just sold it to the big family and acted as a small coward ... The night's intimidation made her feel tired. UU Reading She was also frightened by all kinds of fears. She was afraid of being killed by the Huaxia Army. Fortunately, in the next period, I will spend in quietness, so don't be afraid of it ...

She thought so.

At about two o'clock, Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying sat on wooden stakes and leaned against the wall to beat their spirits, occasionally talking a few words without rest. Although mentally exhausted, according to previous speculations, there should also be disruptors who will choose to initiate actions at such moments. The people in the courtyard were also the same. The people looking on the roof widened their eyes. Mao Hai walked over the eaves and held his knife. Huang Shan went out a few breaths and went in again. The others also tried to stay awake, waiting for the outside to move The coming of-if they can kill Ning Mo head, the next thing they will meet is the real dawn.

Wu Shuguang did not arrive.

One of the knights who kicked the young medic Long Aotian was Yan Ying, who drank the water and walked under the eaves. He met the little medic who stood up. The knight was two heads higher than the other, at this moment he was about to knock his body over, and the little medic went up.

It was not clear what was happening in Qu Longying's field of vision-she did not respond at all. When the two men's bodies touched, the knight made a "beep" and pressed her hands violently. After a sudden retreat, the body bumped against a pillar under the eaves.

Everyone looked at it a little bit wrongly.

The next moment, the boy named Long Aotian waved his hands. Daoguang, blood, and the other organs of the other party flew up in the night sky before dawn--

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