Dong Xiaoyu had a half-smile on her face and blew a puff of mist towards Qiu Sheng.

Then Qiu Sheng felt sleepy and closed his eyes, leaning to the side. Just as he helped Qiu Sheng lie down, Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu broke in through the window.

"I can tell at a glance that you are not human! You daring monster, I want you to show your true colors!"

Lin Yi shouted loudly, thrusting out the peach wood sword in his hand, and he was close to Dong Xiaoyu in an instant.


Dong Xiaoyu didn't expect the person who came in to be so unruly, and he started to fight directly, and at such a fast speed, which scared her so much that she waved her sleeves and disappeared on the spot.

When she appeared again, she had come to the window a few steps away.

Lin Yi turned his wrist, the sword whistled, and the peach wood sword chopped towards Dong Xiaoyu again.

Dong Xiaoyu could feel that the sword was draped over her body, and she was probably going to die, so she moved again in fear.

With a swish, the wooden window was instantly split in half.

Uncle Jiu stared at Lin Yi in disbelief.

What a wonderful swordsmanship!

As for the sword that Lin Yi just used, I'm afraid there are not many people in the world who can do it!

The sharpening spell can consecrate the wooden sword, increase the hardness and toughness of the wooden sword, and have a restraining bonus against ghosts.

But splitting the wooden window in half, even an iron sword may not be able to do it!

This has nothing to do with sharpness. This It's a matter of swordsmanship and strength skills!

After being surprised for a moment, Uncle Jiu collected his mind.

He didn't expect that his apprentice had such an exquisite swordsmanship.

But now is not the time to think about these.

The copper coin sword in Uncle Jiu's hand was shining, and every time the female ghost moved, the copper coin sword could accurately aim at the position where Dong Xiaoyu moved.


A long black braid suddenly came out and instantly tied Uncle Jiu's neck.

The powerful force began to contract, as if it was going to strangle Uncle Jiu's neck.

Uncle Jiu raised the copper coin sword in his hand, and the female ghost's braid was directly cut into two pieces.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and slashed at the female ghost with the peach wood sword in his hand.

The female ghost dodged and narrowly avoided the sword.

However, the wooden sword in Lin Yi's hand swept across, and with a swish, a big hole appeared on Dong Xiaoyu's clothes.

Fortunately, she dodged quickly, otherwise the sword would not have chopped off clothes.


Uncle Jiu pointed at the female ghost, and the copper coin sword in his hand flew out instantly.

With a dull bang, the female ghost screamed and was knocked away by the copper coin sword.

After landing, Dong Xiaoyu rolled repeatedly, her clothes were torn to pieces, and she was afraid.

If it was just one person, she could still deal with it, but now there are two people. If she deals with one, the other can easily take her life.

So Dong Xiaoyu was scared, and her eyes looked at the scrapped window.


Dong Xiaoyu waved her sleeves and disappeared again.

""Want to run!"

Uncle Jiu shouted, pointed his sword at the window, and the copper coin sword on the ground flew out again.

There was a muffled sound, and then Dong Xiaoyu's screams rang out again in the room. Dong

Xiaoyu was nailed to the wall by the copper coin sword.

Lin Yi did not hesitate, and the peach wood sword in his hand instantly chopped several times.

After the sound of puffing, a burst of white smoke rose from Dong Xiaoyu's body, and the wounds on his body were hideous and terrifying!

Uncle Jiu snorted coldly, recalled the copper coin sword, and took out a gourd from the treasure bag.

He took off the stopper, pointed the gourd mouth at Dong Xiaoyu, and the other hand He pulled down the wooden Tai Chi Yin Yang fish plaque hanging from his waist, attached it to the bottom of the gourd, and then used his magic power to pull it back.

A terrifying suction force suddenly appeared in the mouth of the gourd, and the severely injured and defenseless Dong Xiaoyu was instantly sucked into the gourd.

After covering the gourd with the stopper, the gourd suddenly began to swell. It was obvious that Dong Xiaoyu inside wanted to break free from the gourd and run out.

Uncle Jiu took out a ghost-suppressing talisman and attached it to the gourd with a snap. This time, Dong Xiaoyu inside could no longer move.

This reminded Lin Yi of the Buddhist verse that held down the Five Finger Mountain.

""Master, why don't you just kill her?"

Lin Yi asked in confusion.

"God is merciful and kind. This female ghost has never killed anyone. Killing her directly would be detrimental to one's virtue, so we took her back to pray for salvation."

Uncle Jiu explained.

Boom - there was a sudden thunder in the house, strong winds, and dust.

Qiu Sheng on the bed also woke up coughing.

Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu covered their mouths and noses, closed their eyes, and fanned the dust with their hands.

After waiting for a while, the house returned to calm, and they could see clearly that the house was so dilapidated that it was estimated that it was about to collapse.

Qiu Sheng had woken up and sat up in confusion. Looking at the dilapidated house, which was somewhat familiar, he was stunned on the spot.

""Hey, are you awake?"

Uncle Jiu walked over and patted Qiu Sheng on the head.

""Puff! It's you, Master."

Qiu Sheng looked for several times before he recognized that the man was Uncle Jiu.

The dusty Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng and slapped him on the head fiercely.

"Still laughing!"

"Master, why am I here? Oh, I just had a very real dream.

Qiu Sheng said with a happy expression.

"You’re dreaming! You’ve been bewitched by a ghost. If Ayi and I hadn’t come to save you, you would have died."

Uncle Jiu glared at him unhappily.

Qiu Sheng slapped his forehead and said with emotion,"Oh, I thought of that, luckily I found out late."

Uncle Jiu thought Qiu Sheng would be worried or afraid of something, but he didn’t expect that this kid was actually glad that he found out late!


"Master, it is because I discovered it late that I can enjoy the tenderness. If I had discovered that she was a ghost earlier, would I still be so comfortable and happy?

Seeing Qiu Sheng's smug face, Uncle Jiu raised his hand and slapped Qiu Sheng's face with his big pen.

Qiu Sheng groaned and turned around on the spot.

But this slap woke Qiu Sheng up.

"You bastard, you are so lustful!"

"Uh! What did I just do?"

Lin Yi laughed and came out to smooth things over.

"Master, don't be angry. Brother Qiu Sheng was possessed by a ghost, and you can't blame him."

""Humph, all of you follow me back!"

Uncle Jiu glared, turned around and walked out.

Qiu Sheng followed behind with his head hanging down in despair, but Lin Yi had a happy look on his face.

Just now, when he faced the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu, he found that martial arts plus magic power had a great killing effect on ghosts. If his magic power was not too low, he should have been able to kill Dong Xiaoyu with one sword.

After the master and his apprentices returned to the charity cemetery, they got hot water to wipe their bodies.

At this moment, a crisp sound of the Three Purities bell rang from outside the door of the charity cemetery.

Ring ring ring - ring ring ring -

Uncle Jiu, who had just changed his clothes, knew who was coming when he heard the bell.

"Ah Yi, Qiu Sheng, follow me."

As the gate of the charity cemetery was opened, a glimmer of light could be seen in the distance, and the sound of bells came closer.

"May the heavens and the earth bless you!"

"It's Master Uncle!"

Qiu Sheng said with a smile

"Four eyes!"


The voice of Taoist Simu came from a distance.

Not long after, Taoist Simu came over with a group of zombies.

"Qiu Sheng, don't play with my customers this time, understand!"

Simu said to Qiu Sheng.

Qiu Sheng shrank his neck and took the Sanqing Bell.

"Got it, Uncle Master."

After saying that, he shook the Sanqing Bell and took Taoist Simu's clients to the morgue.

It was because of his mischief that he had been playing with Wencai in the morgue, which caused the gang to run around in the room and drove Taoist Simu away.

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