"This watch must be very valuable, I'm going to make a fortune!"

The night watchman looked at the gold pocket watch in his hand, his body shaking with excitement.

Just now, a jerk inexplicably pierced his copper gong for dinner, and he killed the other party for two dollars. He also picked up a gold pocket watch there. What else could it be if not making a fortune?

Suddenly, the night watchman heard footsteps behind him, heavy and heavy, as if jumping.

The night watchman turned his head and saw an old lady with a blank expression on her face, her hands stretched out, and a pair of lifeless eyes seemed to be staring at him.

"Hey! Old lady, you are out exercising so early!"

The night watchman asked with a smile, and at the same time put the gold pocket watch into his trouser pocket.

You know, wealth should not be exposed!


The zombie roared, his expression ferocious and terrifying, his fingernails grew three inches, and he stabbed at the night watchman.

"Oh my god!"

The night watchman screamed in fear, slipped and fell on his butt, but he also happened to avoid the fatal poke.

""Jia jia jia jia, zombies!"

The night watchman screamed, and he rolled and crawled to the distance.

However, he didn't run two steps, and he was tripped by something and flew out. He fell directly into the haystack on the side of the road.


The small copper gong with a hole in it fell to the ground, making a few crisp sounds.

The zombies rushing towards the night watchman almost stood up immediately, and then jumped back.


The night watchman saw this scene, and regardless of the pain, he picked up the gong from the ground and started to strike it with the hammer he carried with him.

Bang, bang!

The zombie jumped backwards.

"Hehe! Interesting!"

The night watchman excitedly hit the gong with a wooden hammer and chased the zombie.

The zombie was frightened by the sound of the gong and quickly retreated. Since ancient times, there have been night watchmen in towns. There are many factors. One is to tell time. At that time, there was no watch at home, so the only way to tell time was to rely on the night watchman in the night watchman's office.

There is also the function of preventing fire. In ancient times, the firefighting ability was relatively weak. Fire and water are ruthless. Once a fire breaks out, if it is discovered early, there is still hope. Therefore, the night watchman also has the function of observing the fire.

The last one is to exorcise evil spirits!

In ancient times, people generally believed in feudalism and superstition. They believed in Ghosts and gods, in their view, the night is filled with more yin energy, and it is easy for some evil spirits to appear. So beating the night watchman in the middle of the night can drive away the evil spirits.

It is said that ghosts are afraid of evil people, yang energy, and noises. The sound of beating the night watchman is very loud, so everyone thinks that this can drive away those invisible things.

Bang, bang, bang!


The wooden hammer in the night watchman's hand suddenly broke and flew out.

The night watchman didn't notice it and continued to wave his arms, but after a few knocks, the gong stopped ringing.

When the sun rose, the night watchman was almost scared to death.

Why did the small wooden hammer break!


The zombie roared and rushed towards the night watchman.

At the same time, another zombie jumped down from the roof, one in front and one behind, completely blocking the night watchman's way.

"Help, help!"

The night watchman was so scared that he almost peed himself, and shouted in despair.

Ring, ring, ring - a crisp bell sounded suddenly.

The zombies rushing towards the night watchman stopped immediately.

Lin Yi fell from the sky, with two golden lights flashing in his hands.

He ordered General Bai Yi to be here!

Snap! Snap!

Two corpse-suppressing talismans were pasted on the foreheads of the two zombies. The corpse-suppressing talismans flashed golden light, and the two zombies suddenly stopped moving.


The night watchman stood by the wall, saw that the zombies were controlled, breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat down at the foot of the wall.

Everything that happened tonight was simply too dreamy.

First he got rich, and then he ran into a zombie.

Huh, snap!

There was a crisp sound, as if a flower pot fell and smashed.

Lin Yi turned his head and saw that the night watchman who had just escaped by chance was now on his head with a flower on his head, and his body was staggering to the ground.

There was also the remains of the flower pot on the ground.

Lin Yi:"???"

"Husband, a flowerpot fell from above and crushed him to death!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Wanru floated over and pointed upwards.

Lin Yi looked up and saw that there was a windowsill outside the window of this family with several pots of flowers on it.

This night watchman really deserved to die, as he was not killed by zombies but was crushed to death by flowerpots.

But this family is quite capable, putting flowerpots on the windowsill, don’t they know it is very dangerous!

"It's not that I'm not willing to help you, who could have thought that you would die like this!"[]

Lin Yi shook his head and mourned the death of the night watchman. With a thought, the gold watch in the night watchman's pocket flew out and landed in Lin Yi's hands.

At this time, Lin Yi had already remembered the general plot of the drama"Zombie Master".

The little zombie Doraemon mischievously ran out of the house, and then his grandparents and mother hurried out to look for him.

This pocket watch was something the little zombie carried with him, and these zombies also listened to this music to find Doraemon.

Just now, the night watchman opened the pocket watch, and these two zombies came to find him because they heard the music.

""Husband, what should we do next?"

Qin Wanru looked at the corpses and the two zombies on the ground and asked Lin Yi.

""These two zombies have evil spirits, they have sucked human blood."

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, and with his right hand spread out, two fiery red talismans appeared.

The Tiangang Wuli Fire Talisman was stretched out, one end was tied to the zombies, and the other end was in Lin Yi's hand.

The flames burned instantly, and the two zombies were immediately engulfed by the flames.

After sucking human blood, the zombies will become stronger, but they will also become ugly.

Zombies are zombies. If they are not burned, will they be kept for the New Year?

The temperature of the Tiangang Wuli Fire is extremely high, and the two zombies were quickly burned to ashes.

"There are two more zombies. Let's go."

Lin Yi took Qin Wanru to the sky and soon found a little guy.

The little zombie was jumping and running out of the city.

When he saw this little guy, Lin Yi's brows suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong, husband?"

"This little zombie is a little weird!"

Zombies are called zombies because their bodies are stiff and they can't walk, but this little guy is jumping around like an ordinary child, and he can even limp a few steps when he gets tired of jumping.

"This is, a spirit!"

Lin Yi immediately realized that something was wrong.

Perhaps there was only one other possibility.

A natural born zombie!

Before the little guy was born, his mother became a zombie, and then the mother gave birth to the little guy, so the little guy has zombie blood!

So, this little guy is a natural born zombie!


A strong wind whistled in the sky.

It was the mother of the little zombie (Mah Qianhao).

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi was shocked again.

A flying zombie, that must be the legendary flying zombie!

It can suck souls and take away spirits, and can fly by seeing objects.

But the momentum of this zombie is far from that of a real flying zombie.

"Husband, this corpse is dead! Are you still burning it?"

Qin Wanru asked.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what to do. Obviously, this zombie had never harmed anyone. As a mother, she was absolutely great. Even though she turned into a zombie, she gave birth to the child and took good care of him. The mother-child relationship was deep!

Lin Yi's mind moved, and the zombie flying in the sky suddenly looked surprised, opened its mouth, and then fell to the ground.

The little zombie also flew up and was sent to the arms of the zombie mother.

The moment she hugged the little zombie, the zombie mother smelled the breath of the little zombie and showed joy on her face.

"Forget it, take it back to Master and let him have a headache."


ps: Please give me flowers, votes, subscriptions, and rewards!.

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