Ye Yan:"@Nangong Ping'er, you probably haven't been to the Red Blood Relics yet.》?"

Ye Yan spoke casually, wanting to confirm Nangong Ping'er's current timeline.

But when these words fell into Nangong Ping'er's ears, it was like a thunderclap, shocking her.

Because she was indeed going to the"Red Blood Ruins" to seize a treasure in a while, but even her eldest senior sister didn't know about this matter.

But Ye Yan, who was separated by who knows how much time and space, could actually hit the nail on the head, which completely overturned her cognition as a Jindan ancestor.

At this moment, she became more convinced of Ye Yan.

She also became more and more interested.

"That’s right, it will be a while before"Red Blood Relics" is launched."

"I plan to use the characteristics of my practice to enter the"Red Blood Ruins" in the state of Qi training to take something"

"I wonder if my action will go smoothly this time?"

Nangong Ping'er asked subconsciously, and she even had some expectations in her heart.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye is awesome, he can actually calculate the fate of the Jindan boss across the boundaries?"

Zhiqiu Yiye couldn't help but exclaimed.

He expressed the shock in the hearts of all the members of the group.

After all, the Jindan realm is like an immortal in their eyes, mysterious and unpredictable.

But now Ye Yan even knows the future fate of Nangong Ping'er. Can such an existence really be touched by mortals like them?

Ye Yan ignored the mood of the crowd, thought for a while and said:

"You can find what you want"

"It’s just that there was a little pleasant, but possibly unpleasant episode in the middle."

Nangong Ping’er:"Please tell me frankly, what is pleasant and unpleasant?"

"Is there any danger?"

Ye Yan:"Of course there is danger, but it is secondary. You will be deflowered by a Qigong cultivator."

Nangong Ping'er:"What? Deflowered?"

Nangong Ping'er widened her eyes, extremely shocked.

But when she thought of what Ye Yan had just said, a pleasant but unpleasant process.

Nangong Ping'er's cold and arrogant face immediately showed a trace of shame and anger.

She felt that Ye Yan was teasing her.

You know, although she is a Jindan boss in the sect, she is just a 200-year-old virgin. She has spent 99% of her life practicing, and her emotions are actually similar to those of a young girl who is just beginning to fall in love.

Now Ye Yan said in public that she was about to be deflowered, and he used such a frivolous word"pleasant".

How could she not be embarrassed?

But when Nangong Ping'er thought about it Seeing Ye Yan's incredible means, she felt that how could such a great man like Ye Yan tease her intentionally.

Ye Yan should just be describing what she asked in a serious manner.

But Nangong Ping'er couldn't accept such a fact.

How could she, a great man in the Jindan stage, be deflowered by someone in the Qi training stage?

If she didn't volunteer, how powerful would the Qi training stage be?

But if she volunteered, she would have to be as stupid as Li Xunhuan.

But before Nangong Ping'er could ask what was going on.

Zhiqiu Yiye started to talk nonsense again.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Nangong is about to be deflowered?"

"No way! No way!"

"Which Qi training stage has this blessing?"

"It can’t be me!"

"That's not right! I have already established the foundation, oh my god, what a mistake!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Yan wanted to slap Zhiqiu Yiye in the face a few times.

Why is this guy so rude?

Sure enough, Zhiqiu Yiye once again angered everyone.

Wanwan:"@Zhiqiu Yiye, shut up, it's the handsome guy who is telling fortunes now, if you don't know how to speak, don't make a noise."

"Be careful, Nangong will stab you to death along the network cable and also"break your virginity"""

Li Mochou:"@知秋一叶, shut up, now the handsome guy is telling fortunes, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

"If Master Nangong doesn’t let you"break your virginity", be careful or I will break your virginity all over your body with my Ice Soul Silver Needles."

Mu Nianci:"@Zhiqiuyiye, if you keep making noise and disturbing handsome brother’s fortune-telling, be careful or I will break your virginity with my Yang Family Spear."

Li Xunhuan:"@Zhiqiuyiye, look at me, Little Li Flying Dagger."

Zhiqiuyiye was instantly numb.

She didn’t expect that she had said the wrong thing again.

She quickly sent an expression of (aggrieved and begging for mercy//) and chose to shut up.

Everyone stopped arguing.

Ye Yan:"@Nangong Ping’er, you don’t have to be so nervous"

"You didn't consent to be deflowered by that Qigong monk."

"You and he killed a second-level monster, the Black Flood Dragon, and accidentally punctured the Black Flood Dragon's aphrodisiac sac."

"You are so smart, if you want to avoid this kind of thing, you should know what to do."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my! I understand this plot."

"I have read many wacky novels written by scholars, where a beautiful female supporting character is poisoned by love, and the male protagonist sacrifices himself righteously to help detoxify her using the Yin-Yang method."

"What about the male and female protagonists being poisoned by love at the same time, and needing both parties to use the yin and yang method to detoxify?"

"Also, what about the male protagonist, the female protagonist, and the female supporting role being poisoned together, and needing to use the Yin-Yang method to detoxify together?"

"Is the future plot of Boss Nangong a reflection of the novel?"




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