"Master, help!"

"Old Master Ren is not dead yet!"

Wencai Qiusheng saw a dozen green-faced, fang-toothed zombies in Qing Dynasty uniforms jumping in, and was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Uncle Jiu.

"Bastards, you two bastards, look carefully, this is not Old Master Ren"

"It's your uncle."

Uncle Jiu was very angry at Wencai Qiusheng's actions.

He was so scared after seeing a Foundation Establishment zombie just once?

How could he inherit his legacy in the future?

"Uncle master?"

"Hey! Is it really Uncle Simu?"

Wencai Qiusheng looked carefully and really saw a

Taoist priest with a big nose and four eyes behind a dozen zombies. It was the Taoist priest Simu who would temporarily leave the zombies with Uncle Jiu every time he drove the zombies through Renjia Town.

"Senior brother, what’s going on?"

"What is Old Master Ren?"

Taoist Simu looked puzzled and asked what was going on.

Uncle Jiu told him what happened today.

Taoist Simu was also extremely shocked.

"What? The eldest son of the Ye family knows the Yin Lei method and kills people and turns them into green-skinned zombies?"

""Brother, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

Taoist Simu was full of disbelief.

He also had some understanding of Ye Yan. He was a complete playboy. He was just eating and waiting to die all day.

But Uncle Jiu would not lie, so Taoist Simu could only believe it.

But Taoist Simu realized the seriousness of the problem.

If Ye Yan was an evil cultivator, he must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Soon, the two of them discussed and prepared to find Ye Yan at dawn to ask him clearly.


However, it was just dawn.

Knock, knock, knock~

The door of the charity cemetery was knocked again.

The person who came was Ye Yan.

Uncle Jiu and the others were surprised. Taoist

Simu looked at Ye Yan with a vigilant face.

What confused him was that he didn't sense any spiritual power fluctuations from Ye Yan.

He looked like an ordinary person.

If he didn't know that Uncle Jiu was a serious person, Taoist Simu would definitely think that Uncle Jiu was fooling him.

"Uncle Nine, Taoist Priest Simu"

"Could I be a zombie or a ghost? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ye Yan didn't know what was going on.

But Uncle Jiu and the other man looked like they were on guard against thieves. Could it be more obvious?

"Okay, now that you've spoken"

"I don't beat around the bush."

"Are you familiar with the Yin Lei method?"

"Are you an evil cultivator?"

"How many people have you killed?"

Master Simu asked directly.

He looked like he was interrogating a criminal.

This scared Uncle Jiu. Master

Simu was too impulsive.

Even if Ye Yan was really an evil cultivator, he couldn't just tear his face off right away!

But what surprised Uncle Jiu was that

Ye Yan was just stunned when he heard this, then smiled calmly and said truthfully:

"Yes, I know the Yin Lei method."

"But I also know the Yang Lei method~"

"I can show you~"

He said.


Ye Yan directly mobilized the spiritual power of thunder in his body, and lightning arcs surrounded him, just like the descending of the god of thunder.

"What? The 4th level of foundation building?"

"No, this spiritual power is actually stronger than me?"

"How is this possible?"

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were stunned for a moment, their faces filled with shock.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked them both happened.


《Yin Lei Strike" blasted out.

The wall of the left ear room exploded.

A large pit appeared on the brick wall, which seemed to be corroded and emitting black smoke.

Crack... Boom~

Another lightning blasted out.

The most powerful and yang, white light flashed in the ear room in an instant,

"The sound of"bang, bang, bang" explosions was endless and unparalleled.


Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu couldn't help but burst out.

Their eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

This thunder technique was awesome, it was just as good as their eldest senior brother's.

Even though Uncle Jiu had guessed it long ago, seeing it up close was another matter.

However, the two of them also realized that Ye Yan was not an evil cultivator.

Because although this"Yin Lei Zhi" was the most yin thunder, it was extremely pure and had no evil spirit at all.

It was completely different from the evil technique cultivated by Feng Shui masters using"Shi Yun Dan", ghosts... evil things.

But suddenly, Taoist Simu thought of something, his face changed drastically,

"Not good."

He quickly jumped into the ear room from the big hole in the wall.

Then, a shrill scream like a pig being slaughtered was heard.


"My customers!"

"It's over, it's over, it's all slag"

"Ye Yan, you bastard"

"You have to compensate my customers~"

Taoist Simu was furious at this time.

With his eyes wide open, he rushed out of the ear room with despair on his face.

In an instant, his face looked like he was going to fight Ye Yan to the death.

That's right, the ear room on the left was the morgue of the charity cemetery.

Every time Taoist Simu drove corpses past the charity cemetery, he would deposit the corpses in this morgue.

But now, all of them were turned into ashes by Ye Yan's lightning arc.

Taoist Simu wanted to die.

Ye Yan shrugged his shoulders with an innocent look on his face.

As if this disaster was not caused by him.

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