On the other side, in the deep woods.

Just as Ye Yan expected, Taoist Simu was in big trouble.

He just happened to run into the sloppy Mamadi and got tricked.

Now he was ambushed by the White Lotus Demon Cultivator.

The two were being besieged by a zombie and a group of strange flying cockroaches.


It turned out that just now Taoist Simu found that the Kongming lantern was parked above the grove, and knew that the White Lotus Demon Cultivator was in the grove.

Fearing an ambush, he did not enter the grove.

But suddenly there were several screams.

It turned out that Mamadi was being chased by a strange zombie.

Taoist Simu didn't care about anything else, and immediately rushed into the grove.

With a series of flying kicks, he kicked the zombie back.

But he also fell into the trap of the White Lotus Demon Cultivator.

Tens of thousands of flying cockroaches flew out from all the branches and leaves of the grove, surrounding the two people.

The two people were so scared that their scalps were numb, and they even had claustrophobia.

Taoist Simu and Mamadi could only sacrifice fire talismans to burn many flying cockroaches to death.

But these flying cockroaches kept coming.

Taoist Simu couldn't burn them all, and he couldn't run away.

He could only use the remaining fire talismans.���The battle flag on his body temporarily set up a fire barrier to temporarily isolate the fearless and fearless cockroach army around him.

But before they could catch their breath, the weird zombies that were chasing the numbness also came over.

Taoist Simu was instantly numb.

Because this weird zombie turned out to be the Nintendo in"Music Zombies".

Not only could it come out in broad daylight, but it was also not afraid of Taoist Simu's corpse-suppressing talismans, yin and yang, five elements, and the unity of the eight trigrams... All kinds of methods. Taoist

Simu was almost driven into autism

"Tuberculosis ghost, you are a jerk, it's okay for you to provoke such a weird zombie"

"You're still trying to get into the encirclement of these cockroaches. You've done me a disservice."

Taoist Simu was cursing his eight generations of ancestors while urging the spell.

Fortunately, Nintendo is a little afraid of open flames now, and it lingers on the edge of the fire spell formation and dares not rush in directly.

Otherwise, with so many flying cockroaches, Taoist Simu would definitely be dead now.

"Meah! Did I ask you, an old four-eyed guy, to help me?"

"It was you who insisted on coming here and attracted so many dead cockroaches."

"I should be hurt by you."

Taoist Simu and Mamadi were at loggerheads.

Although Mamadi was the second elder brother

, he was sloppy, spitting everywhere, and had a bad temper. He had no friends at all.

Among the disciples of Uncle Jiu and his generation, no one had a good relationship with him. They would quarrel as soon as they met.

But Taoist Simu couldn't bear to see Mamadi being killed by Nintendo, so this was the result.

And at this moment

"Hahaha! Senior Brother Simu, Senior Brother Mamadi."383

"I didn't expect that this mage would trap you two with a flying insect spell."

"It just so happens that this mage is in need of a corpse with cultivation to refine."

"Although it's a pity that two young Qi-training people ran away just now, it's not bad to leave you two to build your foundation."

A hoarse male voice came from the shadow of the woods.

Listening carefully, it sounded like the sound of cockroach wings rubbing against the air, which was very strange.

Taoist Simu and his mother looked closely and saw that this was a fat, big-eared, middle-aged man with a Mediterranean face and a white lotus mark on his forehead.

If Ye Yan was here, he would definitely recognize the identity of the middle-aged man at a glance.

He was the villain in the plot of"Ghost Fighting Ghost" - Master Qian.

He is also an outer disciple of contemporary Maoshan.

However, Master Qian in this world has inherited the White Lotus Demon Sect, and his cultivation is much stronger than in the original book.

In addition, he has learned the evil arts of animal creation and flying insect curse, as well as the corpse refining of Nintendo.

His strength is definitely not comparable to Master Qian in the original book, who fought with his junior brother and was finally burned to death by the Fiery Fire Technique.

"What? Are you the fat guy Qian from the outer sect?"

"Damn it, you actually let yourself degenerate and become a White Lotus Demon Cultivator?"

"Did you refine this weird zombie?"

Taoist Simu had only a little impression of Master Qian.

After all, there were so many contemporary disciples in Maoshan, and it was impossible for him to be familiar with every fellow disciple.

Not to mention that Master Qian was only an outer disciple.

But this also made Taoist Simu very angry. He didn't expect that a dignified Maoshan disciple would actually join the White Lotus Demon Sect.

Looking at Master Qian standing next to Nintendo with a calm face, how could he not know what was going on.

Nintendo was definitely Master Qian's refined corpse.

If Ye Yan saw this scene, he would be very surprised.

After all, in the original book, Nintendo was injected with unknown chemicals by a cheating foreign doctor, which turned him into an invulnerable weird zombie.

In the end, the foreign doctor himself was bitten to death by Nintendo.

But now, the Master Qian in front of him can actually control Nintendo

"Weird zombies?"

"No, no, no, this name doesn't sound good."

"This mage believes that it should be called the King of Corpses - Invulnerable to All Laws"

"This is also the masterpiece of this master."

"This Master has something else to do today, and needs help from two brothers."

"Today, I am going to try to see if the two high-ranking inner sect brothers who were poisoned by my corpse poison can also become zombies that are equally invulnerable."

""Nintendo, go~"

Master Qian suddenly sneered, not intending to reminisce about the past, and controlled Nintendo to attack with all his strength.

The task he received today was to deal with Uncle Jiu, Taoist Simu, Mamadi and other righteous monks (bebh) who were guarding nearby.

Because of the existence of Taoist Simu and others, the plan of the White Lotus Demon Cult to station in this area has been greatly affected.

Only when Taoist Simu and others die.

The White Lotus Demon Cult can use the animal-making technique and deceptive speech to control tens of thousands of people in the surrounding areas.

That's why Master Qian first killed a person who was hit by the animal-making technique and let his men sell him to Wencai.

The purpose is to lead Taoist Simu and Uncle Jiu to this place where corpse cockroaches are cultivated and control them, and then find a way to make them into zombies.

But what Master Qian didn't expect was that Uncle Jiu was still in seclusion, so he could only deal with Taoist Simu first.

As for Nintendo, it's not so much that Qian Zhen It is better to say that he controlled it than that he refined it.

Because what happened to Nintendo after his death was actually similar to the original.

First, he was refined into a zombie by Mamadi’s two apprentices, and then the foreign professor in the original book hired someone to steal him back for experiments.

It happened that this scene was seen by Master Qian, who had just inherited the White Lotus Demon Sect.

On a whim, he secretly added some of his own evil methods.

To be honest, Master Qian did not expect that he would turn Nintendo into such a powerful zombie.

By the time he reacted and got the chemical formula from the foreign professor, it was too late.

Not only was the laboratory destroyed by Nintendo, who had just woken up and went crazy, but even the foreign professor was killed as in the original.

As a result, if Master Qian wants to refine a powerful zombie like Nintendo now, he can only start with the abnormal corpse poison in Nintendo's body.

Taoist Simu and Mamadi are his best experimental subjects now.


Nintendo received the order, his eyes turned bloodshot.

He looked up to the sky and roared, making a deep corpse roar.

Then the corpse gas around him burst out, and he actually broke a gap in the flames of the fire talisman formation of the Taoist Simu.

Together with a large number of flying cockroaches, they killed the Taoist Simu and his mother.

"Damn it! How could a traitor like you appear in Maoshan?"

"Tuberculosis ghost, I'll make a hole in the back, you hurry up and spread the news of the White Lotus Demon Cult to Maoshan"

"Don't stay and get in the way."

Taoist Simu was furious.

But he didn't think he could deal with Master Qian now, so he could only help delay for a while.

"What? Old Four Eyes, are you the senior brother, or am I the senior brother?"

"It’s fine that Lin Jiu, that weirdo, points fingers at me, but how dare you treat me like this?"

"I'll stop Nintendo, you hurry up and get out of here." Mama's anger rose all of a sudden. Even though he knew that Taoist Simu was doing this for his own good, they had been competing against each other in Maoshan, so how could he be willing to be ordered by Taoist Simu?

Taoist Simu frowned and immediately changed his words:

"Well, in that case, tuberculosis ghost, take care of yourself"

"Next year, I will come here to burn incense and paper money for you."

After saying that, Taoist Simu kicked Nintendo, who was rushing towards him.

Although he failed to kick him back this time, he was repelled instead.

But Taoist Simu seized this opportunity, bit his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood into the Bagua mirror in his hand.

With full force, the Bagua mirror shot out a beam of light, instantly blasting the flying cockroach group behind him.

Smoke rose, and the cockroach limbs flew everywhere.

A hole more than one meter in size appeared.

Taoist Simu was about to rush in.

"Damn it, you bastard, are you really leaving?"

"No, if you want to leave, you should go first."

Mama suspected that she was tricked by Taoist Simu, and without caring about anything else, she rushed to the gap in the cockroach swarm that was about to close.

But the result was

"Ha! Want to leave?"

Master Qian had expected this, and he actually opened his mouth and spit out thousands of flying cockroaches, and rushed into the formation through the gap opened by Taoist Simu

"It's over." (To read exciting novels, go to Flylu Novels���!)

"Old Four Eyes, you did a great job."

Mama was in despair.

Taoist Four Eyes also frowned. If he continued like this, he might capsize in the gutter today.

He could still deal with these flying cockroaches.

But it would be difficult for Nintendo, which was invulnerable to all attacks.[]

Master Qian watched all this with a playful look on his face.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

After all, when he was in Maoshan, although he entered the sect together with Taoist Simu and the others, he could only become an outer disciple because of his inferior qualifications and character, which made him very dissatisfied. He always wanted to trample on the inner disciples like Taoist Simu and even the Maoshan Sect that looked down on him.

Originally, he thought he would never have a chance in this life.

But when he unexpectedly got the inheritance of the White Lotus Demon Sect, he knew that his chance to turn things around had come.

And at this moment

"Master Ye, look, the Kongming lantern is over there."

"Uncle Master must be in that grove……"

Wencai had been leading the way for such a long time, and finally saw the Kongming lantern, and couldn't help but shout excitedly.

Ye Yan felt like covering his mouth.


What a jerk! Everyone said that your uncle might be fighting with the White Lotus Demon Cultivator, and you actually shouted?

Did you want to remind the White Lotus Demon Cultivator to quickly set up a trap, or let him escape?

I really don't know, how did Uncle Jiu not get killed when he took Wencai, this jerk, out before?


Sure enough, the noise was heard by Taoist Simu and his companions.

When they looked closely, they saw Mushroom-headed Wencai and a handsome young man appear in the distance.

"Haha! Senior Brother Simu, I didn't expect that Senior Brother Lin Jiu's two disciples came to visit?"

"Just to fill the position of the two escaped disciples of Senior Brother Mamadi"

"After today, Junior Brother, I will have five powerful corpses."Master

Qian had an expression that showed he was in control of the situation, as if he was a high god at the moment, controlling the life and death of Taoist Simu and his party.

However, Taoist Simu was so excited when he saw that the person next to Wencai was Ye Yan.

Are you kidding!

Ye Yan knows thunder magic!

He might be the reincarnation of a true immortal.

His strength is definitely not inferior to theirs.

What's funny is that Master Qian actually regarded Ye Yan, a big guy, as Qiu Sheng, an unreliable guy.

Thinking of this, Taoist Simu actually began to feel sorry for Master Qian for three seconds.


"Hahaha! Brother Simu, our little nephew is here."

"Then the mage will let them become zombies first, so that you can also see the results of my training over the years."

""Children, go~"

Master Qian couldn't help but let a hint of amusement appear on his lips.

He immediately ordered Nintendo and a large number of corpse cockroaches to stop dealing with Taoist Simu.

Because he wanted to show off his years of practice results to Taoist Simu and the others.

In turn, he wanted to suppress Taoist Simu and the other inner disciples. He even wanted Taoist Simu and the others to see with their own eyes that their beloved descendants died in front of them and turned into zombies. He wanted Taoist Simu and the others to kneel down and beg for mercy. When he thought of this, Master Qian was so excited. He worked harder to control the countless corpse cockroaches, which rushed towards Ye Yan and Wencai like locusts all over the sky.

"Wow... cockroaches, so many cockroaches!"

"Master Ye, help me!"

Wencai was frightened by the cockroaches that suddenly appeared like dark clouds in the sky.

Of course, it can't be blamed on Wencai for being timid.

You know, many people screamed in fear when they saw one or two flying cockroaches in their homes.

Not to mention that there are at least tens of thousands of flying cockroaches here.

It's good enough that Wencai didn't faint now.

Even Ye Yan couldn't help but feel a tingling scalp when he saw so many cockroaches, and felt that he was about to suffer from intensive phobia.

But Ye Yan was not surprised.

"The Law of Heaven and Earth,"The Demon-Exorcising Thunder and Fire Order"》~"

Ye Yan shouted, and the spiritual power in his hand turned into a divine talisman. Countless spells and divine fires broke through the air, like a raging sea of fire sweeping away tens of thousands of flying cockroaches.

Boom boom boom~

The fire was raging, and the void exploded.

It was as if a dozen rockets were detonated at the same time, forming a dozen flaming mushroom clouds, the earth trembled, and the wind blew violently.

Tens of thousands of flying cockroaches turned to ashes in an instant.

This visual effect is really cool and awesome.

"Oh shit!"

"How is this possible?"

Mr. Qian's face froze instantly, and he was numb. He even stared with his eyes wide open, his jaw almost dropped.

"What? This is the disciple of that weird guy Lin Jiu?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Even the weird zombie Nintendo, who claimed to be invulnerable, was so scared that his teeth almost fell out.

His expression seemed to be saying, what the hell is this monster! Is this the first time I doubt whether I am really invulnerable?

"Hahaha! Junior Brother Qian, didn’t you say you would show us the results of your practice over the years?"

"That's it?"

"The young man killed them all with one move."

Taoist Simu couldn't help but sneer.

But Taoist Simu didn't care about his embarrassing situation of being trapped.

Now seeing the arrogant Qian Zhenren being defeated, he felt inexplicably happy.

"Go! Nintendo, bite him to death~"

Master Qian was so angry that his face turned red.

But he didn't intend to argue with Master Simu.

He wanted to prove with facts that he could definitely crush all his peers in Maoshan. Whether it was an inner disciple like Master Simu or the eldest brother Shi Jian, he had to prove himself with strength.

However, when Nintendo heard this order, he looked at Master Qian with a confused face.

That expression seemed to say?

"What the hell? I'm going to do it?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Didn't you see he could create a mushroom cloud?"

"If you can do it, do it yourself."

You know, Nintendo is not an ordinary zombie, it has self-awareness.

Although it has been controlled by Master Qian with the evil white lotus method, it is impossible for it to obey 100%.

Especially when he saw Master Qian actually asked him to fight a"monster" like Ye Yan, he directly chose to"strike."

This scene made Taoist Simu almost laugh again.

Suddenly, the sense of crisis just now disappeared instantly.

This is the effect of a powerful boss like Ye Yan shaking the scene, and he felt inexplicably at ease.

But Mom was dumbfounded.

His mind was full of doubts and shock.

It felt like the CPU was about to smoke.

A zombie was actually scared by a person like this?

This is too ridiculous!

Who is the boy in front of him?

So rebellious?

""Asshole, Nintendo, come at me."

Master Qian was also shocked.

But he was unwilling to see his proud plan easily resolved by Ye Yan. He immediately forced out all his blood and energy, and turned it into a talisman in the void, and hit Nintendo.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked Master Qian happened.

"Nintendo, what are you doing? Stop it!"

This is the reason: I'm still alive

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