"What? Nangong Ping'er is pregnant too?"

"Are all the heroines in the world fertile?"

"You can get pregnant in less than a day? ?"

Ye Yan was instantly delighted.

After all, this meant that Ye Yan could get more fertility packages.

Otherwise, if it took three months for Ren Susu to get pregnant, wouldn't Ye Yan have to travel back and forth nearly a hundred times to get the fertility package?

I just don't know, if the old demon knew that his heroine was not only intercepted by Ye Yan, but also had a child, would he be so angry that he would go crazy and kill him back ?

"Open the gift package immediately."

Ye Yan muttered to himself.

He hoped to get another treasure of the avenue level similar to the"Starry Sky Covering Array Talisman".

【Ding, congratulations to the master, you have obtained a god-level treasure——《Fuling Divine Circle》~】

《" Fuling Shenquan": As the name suggests, it is a treasure circle used to subdue mythical beasts.

Once the necks of mythical beasts and beasts of lower quality are caught, they can be subdued and become mounts.

Friendly reminder: The mythical beasts will not stand still when they are trapped by the"Fuling Shenquan".

The owner needs to sneakily use it.���Put it on the neck of the beast, or beat the beast to tears first, and then let the beast sing"Conquer" while putting on the"Fuling Divine Circle"》

"What? This magic circle can subdue the beast?"

"Oh my god! I'm only at the foundation building stage! Do the prizes in the gift package have to be so outrageous?"

Ye Yan was shocked.

What are the mythical beasts?

Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise.

If Ye Yan could take one of them as a mount now, wouldn't the whole world of immortal cultivation be shocked?

However, Ye Yan felt that it was unlikely to subdue these mythical beasts now.

Not to mention that these are legendary existences.

Even the immortal world of"Mortals" has never appeared.

Even if there are, it is impossible for Ye Yan to subdue them with his current strength.

After all, in front of such a powerful existence, Ye Yan might be killed by its pressure even if he approaches within a hundred meters.

Not to mention putting this"Fu Ling Shen Circle" around its neck.

As for the last method introduced by the system, it is even more nonsense.


If I can beat the mythical beast to its knees and sing"I was conquered by you just like that", I still need this"Fu Ling Shen Circle"!

But this"Fu Ling Shen Circle" is now It's not useless.

Ye Yan can use it to capture beings lower than the divine beasts.

For example, monsters and spirit beasts.

Just like the black dragon snake he encountered just now.

Don't look at the black dragon snake as rubbish.

That's because this black dragon snake is still in its infancy. If Ye Yan gets more elixirs to feed it, it will definitely be able to easily break through the Nascent Soul stage and transform into a spirit realm.

Directly transform the dragon snake into a dragon.

Once brought back to the spiritual world, it will definitely scare Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu to death again.

Of course, if you can sneak attack and put a noose around the neck of a Nascent Soul stage monster.

For example, the Spirit Transformation stage thunder dragon in the original book.

If it is used as a mount, it is an awesome existence even in the current area of Nangong Ping'er.

Directly sweep across the entire human world.

As for the real divine beasts such as the real dragon and the fire phoenix, it will not be too late to consider it when Ye Yan's cultivation level is improved in the future and he encounters a high-level world such as the ancient times.

"Ping'er, where are the coolest Jindan monsters or Yuanying spirit beasts here? Take me there."

"I want to catch one and take it back to my world."

Ye Yan said and did it, preparing to go to this red blood ruins with Nangong Ping'er immediately.

When they got outside, Nangong Ping'er's cultivation was restored, and he helped to get a powerful and cool monster to play with.

"What? You want to capture a Jindan demon beast?"

Nangong Ping'er was shocked.

She felt that Ye Yan's idea was very bold.

You know, under normal circumstances, demon beasts are weaker than their masters, otherwise they will easily be attacked.

Ye Yan is only at the foundation building stage. Is he sure he wants to capture a Jindan demon beast?

Isn't this nonsense?

As for the Yuanying stage beast, Nangong Ping'er felt that Ye Yan was talking nonsense.

Not to mention whether he could catch it, even if a great man of the transformation of spirits helped to catch a Yuanying demon beast for her to use as a mount, she would not dare to take it. She was worried that it would be swallowed up directly.

But at this moment

【Ding, friendly reminder, Ye Yan's time travel is about to end】

【After the countdown ends, Ye Yan will return to the original world, the timeline is uncertain】

【10, 9, 8, 7……】

"No way! Time flies so fast?"

Ye Yan was a little surprised, and after looking at the interface, he found that it was true.

"It seems that we can only let Nangong Ping'er go out first and find the specific location of some powerful monsters or spirit beasts."

"Wait until the time travel cools down before coming back~"

Ye Yan was not in a hurry, there was plenty of time anyway

【2, 1...0]

As the chat group countdown ended,

Ye Yan's eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the zombie world.

However, what surprised Ye Yan was that Taoist Simu, Wencai, and his mother were still in the grove.

"Ye Yan, why did you disappear for no reason just now?"

""Is he going to relieve himself?"

Taoist Simu looked at Ye Yan with a puzzled look.

Just now, after Ye Yan killed Ren Tiantang and Master Qian, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

If Taoist Simu didn't know that Ye Yan was powerful and didn't sense any corpse qi or ghost qi, he would have thought that Ye Yan was attacked by some monster.

Fortunately, about five minutes later, Ye Yan reappeared.

"That's right! Master Ye, you should have told me before you went to pee!"

"We were kept waiting here for several minutes, thinking something had happened."

Wencai spoke with some resentment,

"A few minutes?"

Ye Yan was a little surprised.

But he soon understood what was going on.

The chat group had already said that after traveling back, the location would not change, but the time would not.

So it took only one day to travel through the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, but more than a month had passed when I came back.

Now it's not strange that only a few minutes have passed after one day in the mortal world.

Ye Yan didn't explain too much. He planned to go home first.

After all, there was Qiu Sheng at home who had been drained of his energy by Dong Xiaoyu.

Ye Yan planned to deal with him first.

As for the White Lotus Demon Cult, Ye Yan asked Taoist Simu and Mamadi to tell him if there was anything.

After all, these White Lotus Demon Cults are all kinds of people. There are many talents and they speak well.

The most important thing is that each White Lotus Demon Cult basically has his own unique skills.

Even the cultivation methods are different.

In addition, they have committed many evil deeds, and Ye Yan has no psychological burden to search their souls.

So these White Lotus Demon Cults have become the most ideal prey in Ye Yan's eyes.

Ye Yan wanted to find a few more White Lotus Demon Cults to kill.

However, as soon as they arrived at Renjia Town, they found a strange breath over the Ye Mansion.

"Oh no, this smell is very similar to Fatty Qian"

"Could it be that a White Lotus Demon Cultivator has come to steal my house?"

Taoist Simu's expression suddenly changed.

He started to worry about Ye Yan.

"No way! Are there other White Lotus Demon Cultivators?"

"I wonder if Qiu Sheng and Miss Su Su will be in trouble!"

Wencai was shocked for a moment.

Ye Yan did not speak, but took a step forward and rushed to his own Ye Mansion in an instant.

Sure enough, the closer he got to the Ye Mansion, the heavier the evil spirit Ye Yan felt.

And the aura was indeed very similar to that of Master Qian just now. However, when they entered the living room, the scene in front of them surprised Ye Yan and Taoist Simu. As they imagined, the White Lotus Demon Cultivator attacking Ren Susu and the others did not happen.

Instead, as soon as they entered the door, they saw Ren Tingting protecting a white rabbit in her arms like a calf.

Her little face was full of vigilance as she looked at the greasy man opposite her who looked wretched and looked like Cao Chali.

"Captain Cao?"

If Ye Yan guessed correctly, this should be Captain Cao in the plot of"Music Zombie".

Beside Captain Cao, there was a fat, big-eared, naive middle- aged man in a silk and satin jacket, rubbing his thumb ring with his left hand and holding a cane with his right hand.

This made Ye Yan a little strange.

Aren't these two guys the security captain and the elder of the Ren family from another Renjia Town?

What are they doing here?

And they seem to be very familiar with Ren Susu and Ren Tingting.

"Hehe! Miss Tingting, please be good!"

"This white rabbit is a gift from Miss Qingqing to the elders of the clan."

"Can you give her back to me?"

"If you want White Rabbit, go buy you two more"

"I have some sweet candies here."

"As long as you give me the white rabbit, all the candies are yours.

Captain Cao looked like a wretched man deceiving a little girl, and it looked very disgusting.

"No, you big liar, I don't believe you."

"How could cousin Qingqing give a white rabbit to the clan elders?"

"Go away, you must all be bad guys"

"When you get close, the rabbit starts to tremble with fear."

"Aunt, please drive these two bad guys away!"

"Even if the rabbit is really theirs, I won't give it to them."

Ren Tingting ignored the candy in Captain Cao's hand, hugged the white rabbit and ran to Ren Susu's back for protection.

Seeing this, Captain Cao and the elders of the Ren family looked cold instantly.

It was as if Ren Tingting was not taking away the white rabbit, but their lifeblood.

"Su Su, this is the good niece you taught?"

"Is this how she treats her elders?"

"Your eldest brother is dead. If you can't teach her, then let the elders of the clan teach her."

"Also, today the elder of our clan is here to formally inform you." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Your eldest brother is dead, and he left no offspring to inherit the family business here."

"The clan has decided to send my nephew, Ah Cao, to manage the business of Renjia Town."

"You have married into the Ye family now, you don't have to worry about the Ren family's affairs"

"I give you three days to hand over the Ren family account books and the property deeds. Otherwise,……"

When Ye Yan heard this, he immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that Captain Cao and the Ren family always came to eat up the extinct family.

You know, in this era, women did not have the right to inherit the family.

So once a branch of men died out, other family branches would come to snatch the property.

The women of this family would also become the target of bullying.

Now Ren Fa is dead, Ren Susu married Ye Yan, and Ren Tingting is still a minor.

It is not justifiable for these family branches to come over like bees smelling nectar.

Ye Yan was a little unhappy.

Although what they did was the"rule" of this era.

But Ye Yan would never allow it.

But what made Ye Yan a little strange was, what did they want the white rabbit in Ren Tingting's hand for?

"Hey! Is there something evil about this white rabbit?"

"Could it be the white rabbit demon?"


Ye Yan felt doubtful and immediately opened the"Breaking Delusion Treasure Pupil"》

"Oh my god! This is……?"[]

Under Ye Yan's"Piercing Delusion Treasure Pupil", there was a patch of white skin.

Ye Yan's eyes widened instantly, and his nose almost bleeds.

At the same time, Ye Yan's"Piercing Delusion Treasure Pupil" subconsciously swept over Captain Cao and the elders of the Ren family, and actually sensed a hidden evil spirit of white lotus from them.

"These two guys are actually connected to the White Lotus Cult?"

"No wonder you want this white rabbit"

"It seems that the White Lotus Demon Cult is more rampant than I thought."

Ye Yan was ready to attack and beat the two guys to a pulp.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Ye Yan.

".~Oh? Elder Five, what will you do if I don't take out the account book and the key to the accounting office?"

Ren Susu's pretty face was murderous, and the aura of the sixth level of Qi training burst out, and she was intimidating without anger.

Ye Yan unexpectedly discovered that Ren Susu was completely shy in the quilt at this time, and she was even less like a little bird.

At this time, her pretty face was serious, and she sat in the main seat of the living room, with a bit of the flavor of the mistress of the house.

It's really hard to imagine that this is the sweet and lovely girl who calls"Brother Ye Yan, Brother Ye Yan" in his ear every night.

"It seems that I underestimated Ren Susu before. She is indeed a daughter from a wealthy family."

"Yes, this is the wife that I, Ye Yan, married in a formal ceremony."

Ye Yan was very satisfied with Ren Susu's performance.

After all, he was not at home all year round. If the women at home were all soft and cute and had no opinions, then Ye Yan would be really troubled.

Now that there is a"mistress of the house" like Ren Susu, Ye Yan can do many things with confidence in the future.

However, Ren Susu's tough attitude only stunned the five clan elders and Captain Cao.

Instead of being impressed by Ren Susu's training energy, the two of them couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay, Ren Susu, I didn’t expect you to become a monk?"

"Then we won’t pretend."

"I didn't want to attract Uncle Jiu's attention. I wanted to get the property of Renjia Town first, and then slowly deal with your Ye family and Ren Tingting."

"But since you have become a monk now, I can only take you away by force."

"The Taoist priest will be very excited if he catches you."

"He likes pregnant women like you the most. Your good days are coming."

"As for the people of your Ye family, they will all die."

After the five clan elders finished speaking, they took out a bronze token from their arms.

On it was engraved a picture of evil ghosts killing.

The evil ghosts were ferocious, and the ground was covered with white bones and corpses, which made people's scalps numb.


The cold wind was whistling, and it was cold and piercing.

The evil ghost on the bronze token seemed to be alive and flew out of the token. With its fangs and claws bared, it was like a life-seeking demon from hell, and it roared directly towards Ren Susu.


""Aunt, run!"

Suddenly, the whole Ye family was in chaos.

The servants and maids were all terrified. Some were paralyzed, some ran away, and some told Ren Susu and Ren Tingting to leave quickly.

Ren Tingting was instantly frightened and pale. She hugged the white rabbit in her arms tightly and trembled.

(Good) Baitu showed a horrified expression, and her body trembled. Even

Ren Susu frowned at this moment.

Because she could sense that this evil ghost was at least at the peak of Qi training.

This time, it was a big deal.

Ren Susu felt that she really proved the saying at this moment.

One act of pretense in exchange for a lifetime of cowardice.

Originally, seeing that Captain Cao and the five clan elders were unreasonable, she wanted to use tough measures, but she didn't expect that the other party's means were even tougher.

"Ha! Miss Susu, how are you, are you scared?"

"If you don't want to die, you can kneel down and beg for mercy from us. This captain likes to take care of pregnant women like you the most,"

Captain Cao showed a triumphant smile on his face.

It seemed that he had foreseen the scene of a beautiful girl like Ren Susu begging for mercy from him.

Just thinking about it made him excited.

But the next moment

"Do you like kneeling?"

"I'll help you."

A cold laugh sounded in Captain Cao's ears.



Before Captain Cao could react, he felt a piercing pain in his legs.

His body immediately lost balance and fell to the ground.

When he reacted, he saw that his leg bones had strangely bent 90 degrees in the opposite direction, and blood was dripping.

""Ah! My legs!"

Captain Cao screamed miserably, his face turned pale and he was covered in cold sweat.

He didn't even have the strength to roll on the ground and almost fainted from the pain.

"Who are you?"

"Don't come over here, hurry up and kill him."

The five clan elders' grim smile disappeared, and they looked at the handsome man who suddenly appeared beside Captain Cao.���The old man was terrified.

His expression was even more exaggerated than the first time he saw a ghost.

The evil ghost that was about to pounce on Ren Susu instinctively turned around and pounced on Ye Yan.

But the next moment, a scene that happened made the five elders even more terrified.


" Go away!"

Ye Yan shouted, like thunder rolling in the sky, violently shaking the sky.

The evil ghost's soul was actually instantly blown up.

"What ? How is this possible?"

The five elders were all dumbfounded.

Someone actually roared and exploded the evil ghost's soul?

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