""Livestock Creation Technique!"

Taoist Tulong shouted, his hands moved in conjunction, and strange lights flowed through his ten fingers.

Chi Chi Chi~

Five blood-red talismans shot up into the sky, igniting without fire.

Instantly transformed into three rabbits, two pigs, and five blood-colored phantoms, with faces full of resentment and ferocity, rushing towards Ye Yan and the other four.

Livestock Creation Technique.

An evil technique that uses the resentment of livestock's essence and blood.

Once hit by this talisman, it will immediately turn into a livestock with the same phantom.

Ren Qingqing was hit by a rabbit's blood-colored phantom before.

Seeing this familiar scene at this time, Ren Qingqing was instantly frightened.

Annie and Axing, who were beside Ye Yan, didn't understand what this was.

But they were still trembling with fear at this scene.

The three women subconsciously hid behind Ye Yan.

Even Axing's junior sister, Xiaoyue, was at this time. She hugged Ye Yan consciously, seeking a sense of security.

Seeing this, Ah Xing was numb.

He had just known that Annie had no chance with him.

So he instinctively hugged Xiaoyue, but now even Xiaoyue had"abandoned" him.

This made Ah Xing want to cry but had no tears. He felt that rushing over now to greet the talisman of Taoist Tulong would be the best choice.

But Ye Yan"did not know how lucky he was".

Facing the entanglement of the three women's soft jade bodies, Ye Yan felt like a complete burden.

Are you kidding!

Now we are fighting a magic battle!

The three of you are hugging me so tightly?

How can I cast a spell?

Taoist Tulong saw that the few people were completely like weaklings, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that he had foreseen the scene of turning the few people into livestock by himself, the men being slaughtered like pigs, and the women being turned into bunny-eared girls.

However, the next moment

"《The Eye of Delusion》~"

Ye Yan couldn't bear to throw the three women away, so he could only use his pupil technique.

It just so happened that this"Pupil of Delusion-Breaking" could specifically restrain the Animal Creation Technique.

After all, the Animal Creation Technique was, after all, a kind of illusion.

And the word"Pupil of Delusion-Breaking" was not just talk.

Not only could it see through illusions, but it could also break all illusion attacks.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Bang bang bang~

Ye Yan's eyes flashed.

Three rabbits and two pigs, five hideous blood-red shadows, exploded instantly like punctured balloons.

Dissipated into nothingness.

It couldn't even get within ten meters of Ye Yan and his companions.

"Great! The evil spirit is gone."

"Brother Ye Yan, is that you?"

"Is it you who breaks the witchcraft?"

"You are awesome."

Ren Qingqing knew Ye Yan's ability, although she didn't see Ye Yan take action.

But she knew that all this was definitely related to Ye Yan.

Annie also reacted, and thinking of the scene of Ye Yan soaring into the sky and crushing the evil spirit just now, she guessed that it must be Ye Yan who took action.

This made Annie even more fortunate that her and Ren Qingqing's approach of"stealing men" was the right choice.

With a strange man like Ye Yan by her side, she felt full of security, which was simply the luckiest thing God had given her.

Even the girl Xiaoyue, who looked ordinary but had skin as white as snow, looked at Ye Yan with a different look.

Compared with a perfect man like Ye Yan, his childhood sweetheart, Chang Wei, bah, Ah Xing, was just like a piece of shit.

Some were happy and some were shocked.

The dragon-slaying Taoist priest froze with a fierce smile on his face, and was instantly dumbfounded.


"What did you just do?"

"Why is there spiritual energy fluctuation in your body?"

"Aren't you just a trash mortal?"

Ye Yan couldn't understand why the White Lotus magic that he was so proud of was suddenly broken.

If it wasn't for the moment when Ye Yan activated the"Breaking Delusion Treasure Pupil" just now, he vaguely saw a golden light flashing in Ye Yan's eyes.

And there was also a strong spiritual power fluctuation on his body.

Taoist Tulong didn't believe that this was a magic spell from Ye Yan.

But this also directly overturned Taoist Tulong's cognition. Someone could easily break the animal creation technique just by shining golden light in his eyes?

This method is simply incredible and terrifying. What made Taoist Tulong even more terrified was that no matter whether they had just met or now.

Taoist Tulong could not sense any spiritual power fluctuations in Ye Yan, who was completely an ordinary mortal.

There are only two possibilities in this case.

Ye Yan either has a powerful aura-gathering treasure on him.

Or Ye Yan's strength surpassed him by too much.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you going against me?"

How could Taoist Tulong dare to continue attacking Ye Yan? He didn't even dare to turn around and run away.

After all, leaving his back to the"lion beast" would definitely make him die faster.

Taoist Tulong wanted to find out Ye Yan's background.





Ye Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with the Dragon Slayer Taoist Priest, and ruthlessly broke away from the gentle embrace of Ren Qingqing and the other two women. Thunder surged around him. He was like a thunder god wearing a lightning armor. He took a step forward and rushed ten meters towards the Dragon Slayer Taoist Priest in an instant.

But the Dragon Slayer was not surprised but happy to see this.

"Hey! Foundation Building Thunder Cultivator?"

"Ha! I thought you were at the stage of Dan"

"I didn't expect it was only the 8th level of foundation building."

"In that case, I won't be polite to you."

When Taoist Tulong saw Ye Yan's cultivation, he couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, since Taoist Tulong obtained the inheritance of the White Lotus Demon Sect, he has directly broken through the second level of Jindan.

Completely crushing Uncle Jiu of this world.

This is also the reason why these villains did not reject the White Lotus Demon Sect.

Using various means to harm others and benefit oneself, taking yin to replenish yang, sucking blood and devouring souls.

These are all ways to quickly increase energy acquisition.

There is no need to be like Uncle Jiu, who has been in seclusion for more than three months and has not yet gathered enough spiritual power to break through the realm of Jindan.


Taoist Tulong's body shook violently.

He held a flag with countless hideous evil ghost patterns in each hand and waved it crosswise.


Ghost energy swept, evil energy surged, countless ghosts and evil ghosts appeared out of thin air, and gathered towards Taoist Tulong's body from afar.

Hee hee hee~

Ten thousand ghosts are fierce���

Taoist Dragon Slayer's body was actually condensed into an armor covered with strange human faces.

Each of them let out a creepy grin, which made several people at the scene suffer from claustrophobia.

This was the protective armor that Taoist Dragon Slayer made by capturing countless evil ghosts and resentful souls with evil methods.

It not only enhances Taoist Dragon Slayer's defense capabilities.

And the closer people are to him, the more they will be shocked by the laughter of these countless strange faces. Their combat power will be greatly reduced.

Taoist Dragon Slayer was confident that with this protective armor made by evil methods, even a being in the middle stage of Danjie could be easily killed.

However, the next moment.


Ye Yan's body was surrounded by thunder, like the sound of thunder from the sky, exploding the ghost sounds in all directions.

Taoist Dragon Slayer's ghost face laughter could not affect Ye Yan at all

"《Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar》~"

Roar, boom!

Ye Yan opened his mouth, and it sounded like a tiger roaring and a dragon roaring, or like thunder rolling in the sky.

Taoist Tulong immediately felt his soul shaken, as if his head was hit by a heavy hammer.

At the same time, countless ghost faces on the surface of Taoist Tulong's body heard such a terrifying thunder sound, and they actually let out real terrified screams.

The ghost face armor actually showed signs of falling apart.

It was as if the creatures under the rolling thunder instinctively felt fear and wanted to run away.


"My Jindan body-protecting elixir armor is actually afraid of the foundation-building period's body-protecting thunder robe?"


Taoist Tulong tried to calm his mind, and his face changed drastically.

However, before he could react, something happened that made him extremely desperate.

Boom boom~

Ye Yan arrived instantly, and his fists condensed black and white yin and yang divine thunder, aiming at Taoist Tulong's body and bombarding it crazily.

Bang bang bang~


A series of violent explosions sounded.

Ye Yan's fists were as fast as lightning, and he threw hundreds of punches in an instant.

Each punch was powerful and violent.

Under the bombardment of the crazy thunder and lightning fist, one weird ghost face after another was blown up.

This protective ghost face pill armor that could resist the middle stage of the Jindan period was actually broken into pieces.


Before the Dragon Slayer Taoist could react, the ghost face armor broke,

Ye Yan punched out, and the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder blasted out, like a lightning spear, directly piercing through the Dragon Slayer Taoist's Dantian.


Taoist Tulong had no power to fight back, he could only let out a scream of pain, and his body lost balance.

At this time, he didn't understand why Ye Yan, who was at the 8th level of foundation building, could beat him, who was at the 2nd level of Jindan, without any power to fight back. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

It was simply a monster.

However, as a Jindan evil cultivator, Taoist Tulong would not be killed like this.

He immediately prepared to burn his life essence and blood, ready to fight Ye Yan to the death.

However, Ye Yan had expected it.


Ye Yan grabbed the air with his right hand, and his spiritual power condensed into a divine light seal, which directly fixed the Dragon Slayer.

Are you kidding!

Although Ye Yan had little combat experience, he had read countless novels and knew that villains would counterattack before they died.

He did not give the Dragon Slayer any chance at all.

"What? What kind of spell is this?"

"Why can't I move?"

The Dragon Slayer's face was filled with horror.

Looking at Ye Yan, who was using endless tricks, he finally felt a little scared.

However, the next moment, something happened that made the Dragon Slayer even more scared. (cacb)

"Soul search~"

Ye Yan's right hand condensed a signature blue light and immediately grabbed the head of Taoist Tulong.

"What? You can search souls?"

The Dragon Slayer was stunned.[]

What is the origin of this guy Ye Yan?

Why does he have so many weird tricks?

You know, this soul-searching method that almost everyone in the cultivation world knows, but only a few people know it in the zombie world.

Most of them are magic cultivators.

Moreover, due to the imperfect inheritance, the soul-searching method is extremely violent and can act recklessly in other people's minds.

So once someone's soul is searched by others, their soul will basically be damaged and turn into a fool.

Taoist Tulong doesn't want himself, a Jindan cultivator, to end up as a fool who urinates and defecates anywhere on the street and is despised by everyone.

Of course, Ye Yan's hands are very"gentle", and this kind of thing will never happen, but Ye Yan will not explain this to Taoist Tulong.

Anyway, he will die in the end.

And then, it is Ye Yan's moment of joy.

【Ding, you use both hands to extract the memory of the Dragon Slayer Taoist priest and obtain the"Shangqing Dadong Qigong Sutra".》】

【Ding, you..., obtain the"Yin Sha Body Refining Method"》】

【Ding, you..., get the"Animal Creation Technique - Rabbit Ear Girl Edition"》】

"Oh my god! This dragon-slaying Taoist priest actually has so many skills?"

"I really found a treasure this time."

"《"The Dao Sutra" can definitely advance to the 9th level of foundation building."

Ye Yan was delighted.

But the only pity was that there was a secret technique that Ye Yan didn't need,"The Art of Animal Creation - Rabbit Ear Girl Version"?

This should be the secret technique used on Ren Qingqing before.

If the cursed person does not ask the opposite sex to help remove the curse within a certain period of time, he will be turned into a rabbit forever.

It's too evil.

As a gentleman, Ye Yan would never learn it.

Well... yes, that's it.

【Ding, you have successfully transformed the"Shangqing Dadong Qigong Sutra" into the"Taoism Sutra", and the 9th level of foundation building skills have been derived with 50% progress.】

【Ding, you have successfully completed the Yin Sha Body Refining Technique.》……, successfully derived the 9th level of foundation-building skills】

【Ding,"Yin Sha Body Refining Technique" and"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder" merged into"Yin Yang Thunder Body Refining Technique", the grade is Xuan Grade Upper Grade】

"Oh my god! A top-grade Xuan-level technique?"

"And it’s a physical training method?"

"This is really a good deal."

Ye Yan was delighted.

You know, no matter in which cultivation world, a cultivator who"cultivates both body and magic" is definitely stronger than a cultivator who simply cultivates the body or qi.

After all, a polygonal warrior who is both a warrior and a magician, how can he not be against the will of heaven?

However, for ordinary cultivators, simply practicing one technique will exhaust their energy. It

's like Uncle Jiu has practiced for most of his life, but now it takes so long for him to even form a pill. If he were to practice body again, even with the help of the technique Ye Yan has given him, he would never be able to break through to the late stage of forming a pill in this life.

But Ye Yan didn't have this worry.

Any technique can be learned instantly as long as there are"cultivation points".

What's more, Ye Yan mastered the first-grade alchemy last night and practiced a lot of"First-level Golden Marrow Pills" and threw them into the chat group.

Now there have been feedbacks from"cultivation points" one after another.》

【Ding, Yan Ying has refined 1"First Transformation Golden Marrow Pill", and you will receive 5"Cultivation Points" in return.】


【Ding,..., you get 10"cultivation points" in return.

Adding up to more than 70"cultivation points", it is enough for Ye Yan to improve the"Yin Yang Lei Sha Body Refining Technique" by several small realms.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for using the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" to consume 1 training point, and successfully breaking through the first level of Qi training in the"Yin Yang Thunder Body Training Technique".……】


【Ding, congratulations to the host... Breakthrough to the first level of foundation building……】

Buzz buzz buzz~

In an instant, Ye Yan's body was constantly tempered by lightning, his muscles bulged, and his skin was like jade.

Even Ye Yan's body, under the shocked gaze of Taoist Tulong and Ah Xing and his group, grew five centimeters taller. The originally 175cm tall, slightly gentle and handsome young man turned directly into a 180cm muscular and well-proportioned male god.

Coupled with that more handsome and fair face, he will definitely fascinate a lot of adult girls when he walks on the street.

Annie, Ren Qingqing and Xiaoyue stood beside Ye Yan, feeling full of security.

His feet began to become unstable.

But Taoist Tulong and Ah Xing were dumbfounded.

"Oh my god! What's going on?"

""The handsome boy beast evolved? ? ?"

The Dragon Slayer cried.

What kind of monster did he encounter? This time it was really over.


Ye Yan slapped his right hand fiercely.

Under the powerful force of his body, the Dragon Slayer's body was directly slapped a hundred meters away and hit the wall.

His head was sunken, and he couldn't die any more.


Ye Yan was extremely surprised to see this.

He didn't expect that the perfected physical training method of"Taoism Scripture" would have such a miraculous effect?

At this time, Ye Yan not only felt full of strength, but also could knock down a tiger with one punch.

Even his physical defense became extremely powerful.

With his muscles tense, even if he didn't use the lightning arc electric clothes, it would be difficult to be injured by ordinary firearms of this era.

It was a bit similar to the physical state of Goku in"Dragon Ball" at that time, and he couldn't be killed even if he was shot by Chi-Chi.


That night, Ye Yan took Ren Qingqing home to report that she was safe.

This made Ren Qingqing's father and his family extremely happy.

After knowing that Ye Yan was Ren Tingting's husband, they treated him warmly.

But when they heard that Ye Yan had already married Ren Qingqing and was still proposing marriage, everyone was instantly angry.

And when they heard that Annie, the eldest lady of the clan, was also going to marry Ye Yan.

The whole clan was directly autistic. They immediately opposed it.

But when Ye Yan showed his supernatural power, all kinds of thunder and lightning struck randomly, and he took Ren Qingqing to fly around in the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat".

The entire Ren family clan was ecstatic again.

With a great god like Ye Yan guarding, wouldn't their Ren family's status in this area of 100 miles be soaring?

They immediately decided to get married this month, and all the clan ladies were allowed to be chosen by Ye Yan.

Hearing this, it was Ye Yan's turn to be numb.

Where is your Ren family's bottom line?

The next morning, a hollow bell sounded throughout the Ren Family's ancestral town.

The church, which had been closed for twenty years, was reopened.

It attracted the attention of the entire town.

Ye Yan was shocked when he saw this.���Hi.

Are you kidding!

There is a zombie that combines Chinese and Western elements, and it is invulnerable to all kinds of attacks.

If it can be studied, maybe it can be used like studying Nintendo, and it can come up with some amazing supernatural powers.

But at this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"Hey! This is……"

I said: Hieu Baocot

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