"What? Not only can you control thunder, but you can also breathe fire?"

"No, this is a bomb. Even Western bombs are not as powerful as yours!"

Father Wu has seen the technology of today's world.

It can be seen at a glance that the mushroom cloud of fire produced by Ye Yan's"Demon Chasing Thunder and Fire Order" is definitely better than the artillery shells of today's technology.

This made Father Wu even more stunned.

He looked at Ye Yan as if he was looking at a monster.


What kind of terrifying existence is this!

Release a bomb with bare hands?

If this is taken to the battlefield, will ordinary soldiers really have a way to survive?

Of course, Father Wu didn't know at this time that Ye Yan not only had violent means of attack.

And amazing defense, otherwise it would be even more horrified.

The earthen guns of this era couldn't even break Ye Yan's skin, and even bombs couldn't hurt Ye Yan.

After all, Ye Yan has not only refined his body now, but also has strong physical strength.

Coupled with the body-protecting thunder clothes and the"Yin Yang Thunder and Lightning Avoidance Secret Art", it can completely ignore various attribute attacks.

Now if Ye Yan really goes to the battlefield to fight those thieves, he will definitely kill a large number of them in a second.

If the other party is not protected by powerful evil ghosts and demons, as long as Ye Yan is given a month or two of effort, he can definitely destroy their country directly.

The kind that leaves no chickens or dogs alive

【Ding, you killed ten Western zombies and discovered the secret of the Chinese-Western conversion of zombies.

On a whim, you combined the"Method of Refining Evading Zombies" and learned a little bit of the"Method of Refining Evading Zombies"》】

《"The Method of Refining the Evading Zombie" is a method of converting Chinese and Western zombies into zombies. Based on the ability of"The Method of Refining the Evading Zombie" to ignore attacks from metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, snow, lightning, etc., it adds the attribute of not being afraid of any attack from the Western Church.

"It really works."

Ye Yan was delighted.

Originally, if he were to refine zombie puppets, they could only be immune to attacks from gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, snow, and lightning under normal circumstances.

But if he encountered a powerful Western monk, such as an angel wing lightsaber, he would not be immune to such powerful attacks above the Xuan level.

Just like these Western zombies now, although they are immune to Taoist attacks of the yellow level such as the Corpse Suppression Talisman and"Yin Lei Zhi", they are not immune to Xuan level attacks such as"Zhu Mo Lei Huo Ling". But now that Ye Yan's secret technique has been upgraded, the zombies he refines can be directly immune even if they encounter Western monks using Xuan level skills.

That is to say, this process is to make the"Evading Zombie Refining Method" more perfect.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan was ready to work harder to kill the remaining Western zombies that were not dead.

Yes, these Western zombies are special after all, and the priest zombie is still in the Jindan realm.

How could Ye Yan kill them instantly with a"Demon Chasing Thunder and Fire Order"?

Sure enough, the next moment.

The mushroom cloud dissipated.

The remaining four zombies, including the priest zombie, appeared in everyone's sight again.

However, they all suffered different degrees of injuries.

The priest zombie was the lightest.

But the skin was only slightly broken and charred.

There was no serious injury.

After all, this is a Jindan-level Western zombie, which is not only immune to Eastern magic to a certain extent, but also has its own body armor.

But the other three Western zombies are not so lucky, their body armor is torn, and their entire faces are blown off.

Black blood is dripping, and blood-red eyeballs are rolling up and down, which is very creepy.

Roar, roar, roar~

The corpse qi of the three Western zombies burst out, and they roared to the sky.

Although they are seriously injured, Western zombies don’t feel much pain. They won’t fall to the ground at all.

Instead, they are aroused by the slight pain of their torn skin and flesh, and rush towards Ye Yan.

They are determined to tear Ye Yan, the guy who seriously injured them, into pieces.

The priest zombie is the same. This.

At this time, his face was sinister, his fangs were sharp, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the corpse energy around him was as real as substance. He kicked his feet hard.

His body moved a hundred meters in an instant.

He rushed towards Ye Yan, coming later but arriving first.

Such a scene made Annie and her sister and Axing and his two senior brothers and sisters worried.

Even Father Wu and the others felt nervous.

After all, if Ye Yan was defeated, they and even the entire Ren family ancestral town would die.

But Ye Yan looked relaxed.

Facing the priest zombie that was coming directly to kill him, Ye Yan directly activated"Shadow Changing" twice in a row.

He moved a hundred meters in an instant to avoid the attack of the father zombie.

Then he changed the direction of movement and killed the other three zombies.

"《Demon-chasing Thunder and Fire Order》~"

"《Yin and Yang Thunder》`~"

Ye Yan did not let go of his hand this time, and launched two of his strongest attacks at the moment with all his strength.

Thunder and fire raged, instantly devouring the three zombies that were still in a daze.


Nine more terrifying mushroom clouds of thunder and fire exploded.

The earth trembled, the air waves rolled, sand and rocks flew, and smoke and dust rolled.

Several walls of the entire church were directly blown down.

The scene was soul-stirring and extremely terrifying.

But Father Wu didn't want to pay attention to these at this time, because he was shocked to find that Ye Yan had actually killed three Western zombies again.

Ye Yan's strength refreshed his three views again.

I really want to exclaim, is this really a human?

Not only is the attack power against the sky, but even the speed is so terrifying. Are all the immortal cultivators in the Eastern legends so awesome?

At this moment, Father Wu regretted not being born in the East and not having the opportunity to come into contact with the cultivation methods of Eastern immortal cultivators like Ye Yan.

As for Annie and the others, they were extremely happy at this time.

"Great! Brother Ye Yan is awesome!"

""Kill these zombies one by one with one punch."

Ren Qingqing was so excited that she danced with her fists, her face flushed, and she was so excited.

The townspeople were also excited when they saw this scene. They even had the urge to kneel down to Ye Yan, a heaven-defying cultivator.

Oh my god, is this our Eastern cultivator?

Too powerful, it's completely better than the so-called clergy like Father Wu.

Tsk, the clergy in the spiritual world don't even take back demons and monsters?

And what did he say just now, he was ordered by God to destroy these zombies.

He also wants Ye Yan to help him?

Where's his face?

【Ding, you... comprehend the"Evading Zombie Refining Method" again》……】

The sweet reminder sound of System Xiaobai sounded again in Ye Yan's mind.

He was overjoyed.

He felt that he had come to the right place this time.


However, some people are happy and there is anger.

The priest zombie was instantly furious.

He felt that he had been provoked like never before.

He was actually fooled by this human.

He hadn't killed all his men yet, how could he bear it?

He immediately looked up to the sky and roared, and ran away directly.

His bloody mouth suddenly opened.


The wind was raging, and the suction swept across the sky and earth, directly forming a tornado that enveloped the entire church.

It was like the end of the world, shaking the whole world.

In the church, everyone was staggering.

If this powerful suction was not directed at them, they would definitely be sucked into the mouth of the priest zombie at this moment.

Bang bang bang~

The next moment.

The ground cracked and the evil spirit erupted.

An extremely dense black evil spirit erupted from the ground.

Wherever it passed, the floor was slag and the wooden chairs were rotten, which was not extreme.

But these evil spirits entered the mouth of the priest zombie.

However, the priest zombie's aura surged.

The terrifying aura directly caused all the creatures within a hundred miles of the Ren family's ancestral town to tremble.

If Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were here at this time, they would definitely be scared silly.

Even Ye Yan couldn't help but frown.

Is this going to rely on devouring these three evil spirits and gathering the evil spirit for a thousand years to break through the Nascent Soul realm?

But Ye Yan was not panicked at all.

He even seemed to think of something fun, and a hint of amusement appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You like sucking, don’t you?"

"Then I will let you absorb as much as you want."

Ye Yan directly took out the dozen purple thunder talismans that he had refined yesterday, and used the inner elixir and blood essence of the Jindan monster to refine the Jindan-level"Lightning Destruction Talisman Array". He even took out the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" and threw them all into the gushing evil spirit.

Let everything be taken into the mouth of the priest zombie by the surging evil spirit.


The priest zombie was still in a bloodthirsty and crazy state.

He had long possessed spiritual intelligence and seemed to think that after he broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, he could easily kill Ye Yan.

He sucked blood and ate flesh.

But after he ate the purple thunder talisman and the miniature version of the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat, he soon felt something was wrong. Sure enough, the next moment...


Ye Yan sensed that something had entered the priest zombie's belly, and immediately controlled the trace of thunder attribute spiritual power attached to the"Purple Thunder Talisman" to detonate the"Purple Thunder Talisman".

At the same time, the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" and the"Jiedan Level Lightning Destruction Array Talisman" also exploded.

Boom boom~

A deafening buzzing sound came from the priest zombie's belly.

The next moment, the priest zombie's belly immediately swelled like a 2-meter-long ball, and his skin cracked. You can vaguely see bursts of terrifying thunder and lightning power emerging from the cracks.

It looks like it will explode at any time.

"Oh no, the zombies are about to explode."


Father Wu was still a sly one, and he saw the doorway immediately. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He was horrified and was the first to turn around and run.

The others also sensed an unprecedented terrifying breath of death.

It was as if they were standing next to a giant gas tank that was constantly boiling and trembling, and they were under the psychological pressure of death every minute and every second.

The others followed closely and ran away one after another

"Brother Ye Yan, hurry up."

Annie and Ren Qingqing didn't know where they got the courage from, but they actually ran over and held Ye Yan's hand, as if if Ye Yan was going to die, they would die with him.

Seeing this, Ye Yan felt warm in his heart.

He didn't expect the two of them to do this.

But Ye Yan didn't just escape.

Because he couldn't escape.

According to the explosion level of the priest zombie, it would burst its belly and explode in a few seconds.

At that time, the power of several purple thunder talismans activated by thunder spiritual power,"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat", and"Thunder and Lightning Destruction Array Talisman".

Plus the explosion of the evil spirit of the three evil positions.

It will definitely raze the entire Ren family ancestral town to the ground.

According to Ye Yan's current movement speed without the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat", he can't escape at all.

But Ye Yan was not in a hurry.

He directly sacrificed dozens of defensive array talismans.

Except for two that were at the Jindan level, the others were at the Qi training foundation level. They were directly transformed into dozens of ten-meter-wide defensive light shields, covering the priest zombie that was about to explode layer by layer.

At the same time At the same time, under the control of Ye Yan's spiritual power, all the light shields shrank directly to the size of meters.

The light shields condensed directly into substance, and the defense became stronger.


At this moment, the priest zombie exploded with a look of unwillingness.

Thunder and fire raged, lightning and thunder.

The explosion effect of the priest zombie was even more gorgeous than the Big Bang.

The terrifying explosion shock wave was really as Ye Yan expected, enough to raze the entire Ren family ancestral town to the ground.

The array light shields were broken layer by layer.

The Qi training and foundation building level array light shields were all vulnerable and shattered in an instant.

But fortunately, there were two defensive array light shields that blocked 99% of the explosion shock wave.

So that even if Ye Yan and others stood there with a calm face, they only felt the violent vibrations from the ground and the void. They didn't receive any damage at all.

Annie and Ren Qingqing reacted, and there was an incredible look in their beautiful eyes.

They were shocked by Ye Yan's methods again.

There is actually such an operation

"Brother Ye Yan, you are so amazing!"

"What kind of magical talismans are these!"

"How could it withstand such a terrifying explosion shock wave?"

"That's right, I seemed to see a planet explode right in front of me"

"Even the slightest shock wave coming out of it is so powerful"

"It's hard to imagine, what would happen if there were no talismans like yours to protect us?"

Annie and Ren Qingqing looked at Ye Yan with admiration.

They felt that they had found the right person to follow Ye Yan.

Not to mention that they were just three sisters serving Ye Yan together, they wouldn't mind if there were 30 more of them.

Or they were not qualified to mind.���

If Ye Yan knew what Ren Qingqing and the others were thinking at this moment, he would definitely be shocked.


Do you want to be so cruel?

You want me to do thirty at once?

This is too... exciting!

Soon, Ye Yan took Annie and Ren Qingqing away.

Leaving the church in a mess.

No, it was a ruin.

The whole church collapsed.

But it was not Ye Yan's intention.

It was just that the shock wave of the explosion was too terrifying, and Ye Yan had already blown up several walls in the battle.

So it was normal for it to collapse now.

Father Wu saw that the church he had reopened with great effort had become a ruin, and fortunately many of his belongings were buried in it.

He was so sad that he wanted to cry but had no tears.

If he had known this, he would not have come here to preach.

It's really a loss of both the wife and the army.

Ye Yan naturally didn't know this.

But even if he knew, Ye Yan didn't care.

Anyway, the church was a bit of a downer, so it was better to collapse.

Now Ye Yan just wanted to have fun with Annie and Ren Qingqing.

After all, Ye Yan was very satisfied with their performance today, so naturally he wanted to reward them.

It must be said here that Annie was really good.

Even better than what you see in the movie.……

Ye Yan was stunned.

And that night, Annie was even more excited than the scene in the movie where zombies crawled into her bed.……

《Shengji Huiyuan Dan" used a whole bottle.

In short, I just skipped a million words... a million words

The next morning, Ye Yan (Hao Hao Zhao) got up and ate breakfast with a refreshed spirit.

He left Annie and Ren Qingqing still"acting" Sleeping Beauty.

He had something else to do.

That's right, it was uploading the new skills he had learned yesterday to the"Group Mall" to exchange for group points.

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the lower-grade Xuan-level secret technique——《"Evasion Zombie Refining Technique" earns 150 points】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the Xuan-level top-grade secret technique——《"The Secret Art of Avoiding Yin-Yang Lightning" earns 450 points】

【Ding, ding, ding……】

That's right, Ye Yan has successfully upgraded these two secret techniques.

Now the"Evading Zombie Refining Technique" has been upgraded to the"Refining Technique".》

《The"Yin Yang Lightning Avoidance Secret Art" was also directly promoted to the"Great Secret Art".

Although the names are only one word different.

But the quality has all been upgraded to a small grade.

The defensive attributes are more than before.

The defense power is also directly increased by more than 20%.

If Uncle Jiu and the others knew that Ye Yan could easily upgrade the secret art continuously, they would definitely be shocked again.

Are you kidding!

Things like perception generally do not appear twice in the same thing in a short period of time.

It's like the technological innovation of mobile phones in later generations.

Once a year is amazing.

How can it be once a day?

Therefore, it is already very amazing for any skill to be upgraded directly once.

It is impossible to have continuous upgrades.

Chat group.

Yue Buqun:"Oh my God! Big Boss Ye Yan is so amazing?"

"How could one obtain so many skills at once?"

"That's not right! The names of these techniques are similar to the previous ones!"

"Could it be that Master Ye Yan revised it?" Everyone was shocked again when they heard this. But at this moment.

The Green Man King:"Hahaha! Great, Xiongba, that bastard, finally came to seduce my wife


"Everyone, come and watch my live broadcast!"

"Look how I torture him to death."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Really?"

"Start live streaming, start live streaming." When the whole group heard the news, they were immediately excited.

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