"It seems that we can only arrange the Fire Kirin to the back mountain outside Renjia Town for now."

When Ye Yan saw that the Fire Kirin was really brought back by him, he was happy at first, but then he felt a headache again.

The Fire Kirin had only awakened part of the Kirin bloodline and had no ability to change its body shape at will.

If he kept it with him all the time, it would be very impressive.

But it would also scare a lot of ordinary people to death and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

As for asking Nangong Ping'er to get a spirit beast bag, Ye Yan had tried it.

But Nangong Ping'er could only get a spirit beast bag of the magic weapon level, and the Fire Kirin could not be put in it at all.

Ye Yan immediately handed the route map to the back mountain of Renjia Town to the Fire Kirin, and asked it to hide in the back mountain of Renjia Town, which was rarely visited by people, and wait until Ye Yan took Annie and Ren Qingqing back to Renjia Town tomorrow to find a suitable place to settle the Fire Kirin.

However, although Ye Yan asked the Fire Kirin to leave the Renjia ancestral town at a high speed, the raging flames of the Fire Kirin and the noise of its high-speed running still woke up many sleeping townspeople.

They widened their eyes, and They all thought they were dreaming.

But the next day, when they heard the rumor spread by the younger brother who had just been scared away, the rumor that the auspicious beast Qilin appeared in the Ren family's ancestral town immediately spread.

Suddenly, the cultivation world in the zombie world, which had already begun to be in chaos, became even more agitated.

Many righteous monks and demon monks rushed over to find out.

Even those demons from the Sakura Country and Western wizards came here because they got the news.

After all, in their eyes, if there really is a auspicious beast Qilin born, they can definitely get a lot of benefits from it.

Even if they can't take Qilin as a mount like Ye Yan.

But Qilin blood, Qilin scales, and even Qilin hair are good things in the cultivation world.

Ye Yan naturally didn't expect that he would cause so many things just by bringing the Fire Qilin back to the zombie world.

But even if Ye Yan knew it, he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Are you kidding!

The Fire Qilin is his mount. If anyone dares to come here to play tricks, don't blame Ye Yan for searching their souls and killing them.


Soon, Ye Yan returned to the Ren family clan.

That night, he used the large bottle of"Skin Regenerating Pills" again with Ren Qingqing and Annie.

Although these"Skin Regenerating Pills" were all refined by Ye Yan, they could not reach the top quality and the effect was not very good.

But without this"Skin Regenerating Pills", even Annie and Ren Qingqing combined could not stand Ye Yan.

They realized that Ye Yan was becoming more and more terrifying.

I'm afraid that even Ren Susu couldn't beat Ye Yan. They almost cried.

Although their beautiful eyes were full of happiness, their reason made them beg for mercy again and again. They looked pitiful and pitiful.

Ye Yan felt a little guilty for a moment, and at the same time decided immediately that he must improve his alchemy skills and refine the top-quality"Skin Regenerating Pills" and other healing pills.

As for the Fire Kirin, Ye Yan did not tell them for the time being.

Are you kidding!

According to the fierce appearance of the Fire Kirin, even if it has been subdued by Ye Yan, it can still scare many people to death.


Seeing the two women fall asleep with happy drunkenness on their lips.

Ye Yan still feels energetic.

The night is long, and he immediately starts to refine the elixir.

After more than two hours, Ye Yan finally refines a furnace of top-grade"Shengji Huiyuan Pill" and a furnace of"Yizhuan Jinsui Pill".

He immediately opens the chat group and uploads today's harvest

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded a mid-level Xuan-level martial arts skill——《"The Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Disaster", obtain 300 group points~】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the Xuan-level mid-grade secret technique——《Exploding Spirit Technique", get 300 group points~]

Yue Buqun:"The Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Disaster》?"

"Is this the secret technique that Indra's eyes used to emit attack beams?"

"Oh my god! Such a magical skill was actually thrown into the"Group Mall" by Boss Ye.》?"

"If I could learn this magical skill, why would I be afraid of Zuo Lengchan?"

"It’s a pity that I am notoriously poor in Huashan and cannot afford it!"

【Ding, Li Xunhuan uploaded an item worth 2000 taels of gold and received 2000 group points.】

【Ding, Li Xunhuan spent 3000 group points and obtained"The Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Tribulation"》】

【Ding, Ye Yan, as the uploader of the technique, gets 300 group points. 】

Yue Buqun:"Oh my god! Is Li Xunhuan so rich?"

"2000 taels of gold worth of stuff is uploaded just like that?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"What's the big deal?"

"Brother Li is a wealthy man with seven Jinshi in his family and three Tanhua in his father and son."

"Even if he is an honest official, the 2,000 taels of gold he has accumulated over the years is just a waste of money!"

Yue Buqun:"How can such a thing happen?"

"I envy Li Xunhuan."

Yue Buqun was instantly numb.

He had just taken a fancy to the"Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Tribulation", but it was bought by Li Xunhuan.

How could he not feel bad?

He felt that he, the head of Huashan, had lost face.

And the"Immobilization Technique"》,《He wanted all the mysterious techniques above"Yin Yang Destroying Divine Claw".

But he couldn't afford any of them!

You know, they are really poor in Huashan.

In the original book, there are only more than 30 disciples in the whole Huashan. After learning that the Exorcism Sword Technique is in the Zhenyuan Escort Agency, Yue Buqun couldn't even afford the travel expenses.

Ning Zhongze also said that if too many people go there, they might have to beg along the way.

This shows that Huashan is really poor.

Others also envied Li Xunhuan.

Only Ye Yan was pleasantly surprised.

He didn't expect that he could get a commission.

If ten people could come to buy all the techniques he uploaded, wouldn't he get tens of thousands of group points at once?

If there were more group members in the chat group, and all of them bought his techniques and secrets, would

Ye Yan still worry about not having enough group points to buy the exotic treasure in"Zhu Tian Mall" that can upgrade the spiritual body to the divine body?

It seems that he heard Ye Yan's call.

【Ding, Zhao Linger uploaded a large number of spiritual flowers and herbs... various items, and obtained 1500 group points】

【Ding, Zhao Linger buys the lower-grade Xuan-level secret technique——《Dragon Tiger Thunder Sound Jue", Ye Yan obtained 150 group points】

【Ding, Li Mochou uploaded a large number of swords, spears, halberds, martial arts secrets, silver and money from people in the martial arts world, and obtained 1400 group points】

【Ding, Li Mochou buys the lower-grade Xuan-level secret technique——《"Immobilization Technique", Ye Yan obtains 150 group points】


Suddenly, the whole group went wild.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Rich ladies, there are so many rich ladies in the group!"

Li Xunhuan:"I didn't expect you guys are so rich. Sister Ling'er is a descendant of Nuwa. It's normal for her to be able to redeem so many points."

"But how come Li Mochou has so many things to exchange for points?"

"Could they have been robbed?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yes! Look at the notes, the people in the martial arts world have all kinds of swords, spears, and halberds?"

"They were definitely going to rob."

Li Mochou:"Humph! Do you care?"

"Those people in the underworld are all hypocrites. They call me a witch and arrest me under the pretext of enforcing justice."

"But when no one was around, they showed their true colors one by one and wanted to capture me and keep me in captivity for fun."

"All should be killed"

"If Brother Ye Yan told me not to be too ruthless, I would definitely kill them all."

"Now we just rob them of their weapons and silver, and cut off their tendons. Sparing their lives is already a bargain for them."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! Cutting off the tendons is considered merciful?"

Kanan:"Humph! Zhiqiu Yiye, do you have a problem?"

"This time, we are on the side of Sister Mochou, and those hypocrites deserve to be punished."

"If someone encounters such a hypocrite, not only will their hand tendons be cut, but also their leg tendons must be cut."

Yue Buqun:"That's right, all hypocrites should be killed."

Ye Yan was speechless when he heard this.

Aren't you Yue Buqun, the number one hypocrite in this group?

Li Mochou:"Sister Wan Wan still understands me. I didn't think you were so good before."

"You don't know, I was almost caught in a trap by these hypocrites."

"There were dozens of them coming together, and I was almost killed and sold to a brothel by them."

"But now that I have Brother Ye Yan's"Immobilization Technique", no matter how many people come, I can immobilize them all and cut their tendons."

婠婠:"Sister Mochou's words really woke me up."

"There are many hypocrites who attack others."

"I was almost attacked by a group of people several times."

"Although his Heavenly Demon Sound is also a group attack skill, it is useless against those with strong will."

"If you learn this"Immobilization Technique", those hypocrites won't be able to bully me in the future."

"I just happened to pass by and destroyed the Haijing Gang, a gang that sold illegal salt and people. I uploaded gold and generally exchanged it for group points, and the rest was given to the victims."

【Ding, Kanan uploaded half of the treasures of the Haijing Gang and obtained 4000 group points.】

【Ding, buy the lower-grade Xuan-level secret technique——《"Immobilization Technique", Ye Yan received 150 group points. 】

Ye Yan's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Li Mochou and Qianqian had encountered so many dangers during this period.

Although he didn't see them fighting against the enemy with his own eyes.

But he could immediately hear the danger from the conversation between the two. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He immediately sent the"First Transformation Golden Marrow Pill" that he had just refined to the two.

【Ding, Li Mochou and Kankan share Ye Yan's exclusive red envelope equally. 】

Li Mochou:"Wow! Six"First Transformation Golden Marrow Pills"? Thank you, Brother Ye Yan."

Kankan:"Brother Ye Yan, you really care about me. I've been thinking about the pills with your aura."

"With these pills, people's strength will definitely increase dramatically in a short period of time."

"I will never be afraid of those hypocrites again."

Ye Yan:"Practice well, just tell me if you need anything."

Ye Yan is very generous. Although Kankan and Li Mochou are not his women yet.

But Ye Yan will not treat them badly.

If it were not for the fact that he could not give out Xuan-grade red envelopes now, Ye Yan would have given them secret techniques such as"Immobilization Technique" for self-defense.

Li Mochou:"Thank you, brother Ye Yan, I love you!"

Kankan:"Woo woo woo! Brother Ye Yan, I thought you ignored me because you had sister Nangong and sister Nianci."

"Now I know that you still have someone in your heart."

Ye Yan was stunned for a moment, feeling a little distressed for Kankan.

He didn't expect Kankan to cry? []

This is a witch-level character!

It can be seen how wronged Kankan has been during this period.

Ye Yan immediately prepared to treat Kankan and the others well.

But the next moment.

Ye Yan found that he was still too young.

【Ding, a thank you red envelope from Wan Wan. 】

Ye Yan clicked it subconsciously. His nose bleeds instantly.

A photo of Wan Wan in plush pajamas, plus a pair of plush pajamas.

And a sentence

""Brother Ye Yan, there is someone's scent on your clothes! You will miss them when you hold them in your arms at night."

Ye Yan was instantly numb.

Does Kankan look like she is going to cry?

Ye Yan instantly felt like he was fooled and felt very upset. He wanted to travel through time right now and teach Kankan, this naughty girl, a lesson.

But the smell of this pajamas is really... um~

Ye Yan accidentally smelled it and his face turned red instantly. He quickly put it away.

If Annie and Ren Qingqing saw him holding such a piece of clothing and smelling it in the middle of the night, it would be hard to explain.


Green Man King:"Boss Ye, what is the origin of the Emperor Shitian today?"

"Why are there such horrible people in the world I live in?"

"Suddenly I feel that the world I live in is so dangerous."

The Green Man King was extremely worried about his own safety at this time. Today, Emperor Shitian saw that he and Ye Yan were in the same group.

If Emperor Shitian recovered and found that Ye Yan was not here to deal with his family, would he be able to resist?

The Green Man King himself didn't care, but he had a wife and children now.

He absolutely could not accept that Yan Ying and the two children were hurt.

Zhiqiu Yi���:"Yes! When Lao Lu said this, he really hit the point."

"The Emperor Shitian's methods can actually tie with Boss Ye, and he also has various illusions and strange methods."

"I suddenly feel that the demon world I live in is safer than the Green Man King's world."

Li Xunhuan:"I agree +1."

Yue Buqun:"I agree +1""


Ye Yan:"Don't worry!"

"Although the old man Emperor Shitian is very powerful and has lived for a thousand years,"

"But people like him are more afraid of death"

"After being beaten up like that today, I definitely won't have the guts to mess around again in the near future."

"Besides, I have already taken a drop of immortal phoenix blood out of his body."

"He is definitely seriously injured now and can't take care of himself, so how could he come to trouble you."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Boss Ye is right, and now you are also a member of the chat group."

"You Ye Da Lao keeps sending out red envelopes and reforming the skills"

"When Emperor Shitian recovers from his injury, maybe your strength will crush him."

Ye Yan originally wanted to say that if Emperor Shitian came again, he would travel back in time and beat out his immortal phoenix blood.

Kill him.

But suddenly he felt that what Zhiqiu Yiye said made sense.

With his own elixir"feeding", when Emperor Shitian recovers from his injury, maybe even Yan Ying and the newly born little girl of the Nie family can crush him.

I just don't know if the powerful Emperor Shitian will be more autistic than Xiong Ba yesterday when he finds that any one of the Green Man King's family can suppress him.

Just as Ye Yan expected.

The top of Tianshan Mountain was piercingly cold.

Emperor Shitian forced himself to perform secret techniques all the way and ran back to his nest thousands of miles in an instant.

At this time, his whole body was weak and the phoenix blood in his body was restless, as if some kind of balance was broken and was about to break out of his body automatically.

This scared Emperor Shitian to death.

He hurriedly urged his true energy to forcefully suppress the restless phoenix blood in his body.

"Damn, who is that guy?"

"How could he be so powerful?"

"You also beat out two drops of phoenix blood from my body. When I recover from my injuries, I will definitely seek revenge on you."

"Nie Renwang obviously knows this person, so he will search your soul first when the time comes."

"I will definitely get the secret of this kid."

Emperor Shitian said sternly, and he had already made a plan for revenge.


The next morning, Ye Yan brought Annie and Ren Qingqing back to Renjia Town.

They planned to choose an auspicious day to get married and take a concubine in a few days.

As soon as the news came out, all the unmarried men in Renjia Town were envious.

Damn it!

It's true that those who are thirsty will die of drought and those who are flooded will die of floods.

Many young men of marriageable age in Renjia Town dream of marrying a young lady from the Ren family and dying without regrets.

And Ye Yan married three at once?

Who can bear this?

Especially Wencai Qiu Sheng, who felt his heart was broken when he heard the news on the road.

However, the two came to find Ye Yan for more important things.

"Master Ye, are you really back?"

"Great, Master Simu is saved.

Wencai Qiusheng rushed into Ye's house in a hurry.���, and instantly saw a savior, and was extremely excited.

Ye Yan opened the"Pupil of Delusion Breaking" and immediately found that there was a strong yin energy surrounding the two people.

He was instantly overjoyed.

It seems that there are more monsters to kill.

If the monsters know how to practice, it will be even better. Search their souls directly and you can also obtain their special skills.

Just like Dong Xiaoyu before, it directly contributed a lot of benefits to Ye Yan


What's going on? What kind of ghost did Simu encounter?".

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