Although there was still some caution in his eyes, Aozaki Orange did not intend to refuse this kind of business that came to his door.

Of course she knew that the other party's identity was very suspicious. After all, strictly speaking, even if the scope was limited to Guanbuzi City, the news that she was here should not have spread yet.

Although it would be troublesome for someone with ulterior motives to know his location, as a magician who is more involved in the world, if the reward is rich enough, it is reasonable to take some risks.

What's more, this is her magic workshop. In her workshop, a magician will exert a level of strength that far exceeds his own. This is a consensus. Unless his own advantages are really great, or he has absolute confidence in himself, otherwise Very few magicians take the initiative to knock on the door.

As long as she hasn't touched her bottom line, or shown hostility and launched an attack without permission, then she is her guest.

As for the specific good and evil of the other party?

Aozaki Orange doesn't care about this problem.

Since she was a child, she has always been a very clear-cut person. In order to achieve her goals, she will use the most efficient means possible to achieve everything she wants. In the process, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary damage.

But on the other hand, if it has nothing to do with her purpose, in many cases, she can get along with the rules harmoniously, and will also provide minimum help to ordinary people who are interested depending on the situation.

Therefore, compared to the evaluation of good guys and bad guys, the description of a magician with a bad personality is more accurate.

If there are any other words to describe her, it would be beauty. Although her life experience has surpassed that of many magicians, from the outside, she is as delicate and charming as a blooming flower. .

Roland didn't care at all about the dangerous fact that he was in the opponent's workshop.

He sat carelessly on a back chair, leisurely admiring the messy dolls around him.

Many of them are still unfinished products, unpainted and unclothed, but even so, one can feel their exquisiteness.

It is not something that can be described as a simple and exquisite doll, or a doll that is no different from a real person. Even if it is not completed yet, Roland can still feel the real beauty from the pale color, as if they are alive. The same.

"Demon Eye Killer... It's really a strange request. Generally speaking, requests for my personal puppet are more common."

Aozaki Orange adjusted his glasses and said with a smile.

"I'm really curious about the technology that can allow even the highest-ranking magicians to be sealed and designated. However, for me, customizing dolls is a bit useless."

Roland smiled and responded calmly.

"What a subtle answer..."

Even the puppets he made were useless to him. The hidden meaning behind this sentence made the rare puppet user narrow his eyes, hide the curiosity in his eyes, and reveal an elegant smile.

As a magician, Aozaki Yuko has undoubtedly reached the pinnacle. When she was in the Clock Tower, she reconstructed the runes and even analyzed the original runes that had disappeared in the Age of Gods. received a crown rating.

But what really qualified her for the seal designation was her excellent puppet-making skills. This was also an important reason why she left the Magic Association and returned to this island country incognito.

"What's the specific level?"

"The highest grade, preferably one that only you can make, because you might use too much force later, and I hope the higher the quality, the better."

"It's really surprising that we could find such an excellent magic eye."

Aozaki Orange tilted his head, pretending to think for a few seconds, and then said in a playful tone:

"This job is not too difficult. Simple money can be used as a reward. However, let me remind you that the offer for hiring me is quite high. It is best to pay in US dollars. I will also accept other general equivalents. .”

"If I pay twice as much, can I speed up the completion while ensuring the quality?"

After hearing the numbers coming from Aozaki Orange's mouth, Roland's face remained calm and calm.

This made the smile on Aozaki Orange's face brighter and his expression became softer.

"It's rare to see a guest as generous and forthright as you."

Seeing that Roland didn't even bargain or ask any unnecessary questions, Aozaki Orange nodded with satisfaction.

"I accepted this commission, and the finished product will definitely not disappoint you. I will be here recently. You can choose whether to give you a certain time to pick it up at home, or mail it to your designated address. As for the deposit, Pay..."

As if infected by Roland's decisive style, Aozaki Orange also became quite happy.

"It doesn't have to be like this for now. Let's forget it together with the second commission."

The smile on Roland's face did not change at all, and he said casually.

"Big customer, please tell me."

Aozaki Orange smiled slyly, and the expression on his face became more relaxed.

For the first commission she had just made, she had deliberately quoted a higher price. At least someone with a gold-level magic eye would not care about such small money. Unexpectedly, the other party directly gave double the amount. This was already a huge profit, and the client himself He is also very knowledgeable, so Aozaki Orange seems to be much more enthusiastic.

"It's not that difficult, especially for Miss Aosaki."

"You can just call me Miss Orange, or you can just call me Orange. I don't really like the pronoun Aozaki."

Aozaki Chengzi raised the corner of his mouth and cast his gaze on Roland.

"Well, Miss Chengzi, before you were designated by the seal, I remember that you were once a rising star in the Clock Tower, and you even received a crown rating. You must have been recruited by many magic families because of this, and you must have good connections. "

Roland remembered that after Kenneth's hands and feet were disabled by the origin bomb in the original work, El-Melloi asked Aozaki Orange to make prosthetic limbs. The other person's teacher was also a member of the Clock Tower Monarch Family. Regarding the information about the outstanding magician, The other party should know it quite well.

"indeed so."

In the case of using money to clear the way, Aozaki Orange did not hide this kind of thing that was not considered private.

Seeing Aozaki Orange like this, Roland also spoke frankly.

"That's great. So, Miss Orange, do you know any female magicians of the right age who have special qualifications and tend to be demonic and twisted in personality? I need to reach a special relationship with them. If there is a suitable one, I hope you can Can you help me with the introduction, no matter whether it is successful or not, every time I meet one, I will..."

But before he finished speaking, the casual attitude that lingered between the two of them, like a chat between friends, suddenly cooled down.

Opposite Aozaki Orange was silent for a while.

Then, she slowly took off her glasses, crossed her arms across her chest, and held her chin with her hand.

The smile on his face instantly turned into a cold murderous intention.

His tone was as cold as ice.

"I said... was it because my previous attitude was so good that it gave you some misunderstanding?"

Aosaki Orange, who switched to another personality, stared at Roland and said coldly.

"You don't think of me as a pimp, do you?"

Roland chuckled lightly, without any wavering expression on his face, and just clapped his hands gently.

"The second commission is just a matter of convenience. If Miss Chengzi resists so much, it doesn't matter if she refuses. It will still not affect the transaction of the first commission."

"It better be this way."

Aozaki Chengzi knocked on the table impatiently, and the smile on her face completely faded. Just as she was about to get up to see off the guests, she was stunned by what happened in front of her.

From the shadow behind Roland, a familiar with blue-gray skin and dressed as a ninja walked out. In his hands, he held a gold pot decorated with various gems that he could hold on his chest to maintain balance. Then, The black shadow ninja slowly opened the lid of the jar in the direction of Aozaki Orange.

Inside the jar, beautiful and delicate gemstones of various colors were piled up into a hill, reflecting the dim light in the room, shining colors that were more vital than the dolls she made into the shining eyes of Aozaki Orange. middle.

" this?"

Roland still looked indifferent, and there was no trace of irritation at being rejected on his face. He casually grabbed a handful of gorgeous gems from the jar next to the old actor, then let go and let them fall back into the jar. The gems made an alluring sound during the collision.

"If Miss Orange is willing to accept it, this is the deposit for the second commission."

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