In the hotel guest room, after setting up a barrier to seal off the message, a beauty dressed in men's clothing neatly cleared the floor in the center of the living room and outlined the summoning circle with mercury.

With short rose-red hair and pupils, earrings engraved with runes hanging from her ears, and black leather gloves on her hands, her stunning cold beauty not only did not eclipse it, but made her stand out against the backdrop of this outfit. It has a bit more heroic and tough temperament.

Although she didn't have any unnecessary words, it could be seen from the way the red-short-haired woman's body tensed up the moment the summoning circle was completed, as well as the slightly arched back that was imperceptible, that if anything unusual happened to her, she would You can respond quickly.

But such cautious actions were in sharp contrast to her summoning behavior in the hotel.

As an outside magician, not only is it easy to expose information in a place like a hotel where people come and go, but he will also be very passive when facing enemy attacks. Even the workshop he built with all his efforts is just a castle in the air, and it is very likely that he will be Those with bad intentions use external force to directly break through.

No matter what you think, it would be wiser to hide your traces immediately after entering Tokyo, find a vacant location to arrange a workshop, and then summon.

Judging from his age, there are only two possibilities for making such a rash move.

It may be that the red-haired beauty has little experience, is not afraid of tigers as a newborn, and cannot yet understand the cruelty of the Holy Grail War, or that the girl is extremely talented, so she uses such a bold strategy.

Of course, such an outstanding woman can only be the latter.

Her name is - Bazett Fraga Macramis.

As long as they understand the meaning of this name, no sane magician will come looking for trouble.

Bazett was born in an ancient Irish magic family. Her family history can not only be traced back to the age of the gods, but her nickname of 'Inherited Germinator' and her magical properties are enough to make the arrogant nobles in the Clock Tower have to recognize her bloodline.

After all, if we really trace it back, the origin of the Bazett family is directly the descendants of the Red Branch Knights, where many heroes in mythology belong.

After leaving her hometown and joining the Magic Association with the dream of not wasting her life, Bazett still firmly believed that the more tasks she completed, the more people would pay attention to her, even though she had been secretly rejected by those corrupt people. One day will make a difference, so a year later, she accepted the troublesome position of the designated executor of the seal.

Her excellent talent and family heritage made her unexpectedly suitable for this troublesome job, and she was soon recognized as one of the strongest designated executors of seals in the contemporary era.

Among the groups that can be recognized as sealed by the Magic Association, although the difference between the strong and the weak is huge, one thing is unquestionable, that is, they are all difficult magicians, but in front of Bazett, this level of difficulty It's very subtle.

She has superb magic and fighting skills, and is an expert in magician combat. After gradually accumulating combat experience, Bazett was also revered by magicians as a human weapon.

Before Bazett accepted the Clock Tower's commission and came to investigate the Holy Grail War, many magicians swore that she must have the strength to compete head-on with the Servants.

However, this is not just a groundless lie. In another world line, Bazett has also proved the authenticity of this matter. Relying on her own blood and magic characteristics, she can make a single-hit magic weapon in modern times. With the backlight sword, a conceptual Noble Phantasm for killing, and the physical skills and magic that can compete with heroic spirits, she even directly killed an unnamed saber in a battle with him.

In the fake Holy Grail War of the Night, she achieved the outrageous feat of killing five Servants in four days.

It can be said that in the entire moon world, except for some existences that are bugs themselves, such as a certain fifth magician, Bazett basically represents the peak of magician's combat power, and can be called a goalkeeper in combat power. She exists, and the person who can defeat her head-on has more or less tricks.

The reason why Bazett would summon directly at the hotel is also very simple. On the one hand, it is purely for efficiency. It is the most time-saving way to start summoning as soon as she lands. On the other hand, it is because she is not huddled in one place at all. The idea in the workshop is to take the initiative and take out the other competitors after collecting the information between the servants and the master.

Besides...she herself had some expectations about summoning heroic spirits.

Because of her childhood experience and family reasons, she was very passionate about the legend of Cu Chulainn. She had always felt quite sad about the end of this shining hero, and she had always thought about whether she could save him.

Obviously, this Holy Grail War is the best opportunity.

Bazett examined the summoning array in front of him with sharp eyes like sharp knives. He immediately took off the pendant from his ear and placed it solemnly on the altar.

Relying on the connection between this holy relic and herself, the fierce dog of Kuran must be happy to respond.


Bazett raised her right arm and began to recite the incantation. When her body completely turned into a part connecting the spirit body and matter, the summoning array also shone brightly as promised, but right there In the palace of the Suppression Wheel, just when the heroic spirit woven by dreams was about to officially arrive, Bazett's eyes suddenly darkened.

It wasn't that the light was too dazzling, or that it suddenly turned into a state like night, but that the deep shadow itself began to spread like air, blinding her eyes.

This abnormality made Bazett take a cautious step back, but the established contract and the gradually fading darkness also made her realize that this may not be a conscious attack by the other party, but a trait that symbolizes identity.

Looking at the scarlet magic gun that first appeared in the field of vision, Bazett asked tentatively.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Cu Chulainn?"

"Although it is indeed a pity to interrupt the relationship between you two, I am not the incompetent disciple. I am just an outsider from the Demon Realm who borrowed his opportunity."

The purple-red figure holding the magic gun walked out of the mist. His words contained unwavering determination. He looked at Bazett, who was waiting for him, and nodded gently.

"The summoner is a warrior with courage. This omen is not bad. Then, the contract is established. I am the lancer of this Holy Grail War and the queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, Scathach."

"The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows..."

Bazett was a little surprised that it was not Cu Chulainn who responded to her call, but when she found out the meaning of this word from her downed mind, her pupils still shrank uncontrollably.

If this is the case, the darkness just now is natural, and it is just a natural reaction in modern times due to the aura contaminated by the demonic realm that the other party was in before coming.

Bazett lowered his head respectfully and observed the awe-inspiring woman in front of him with the corner of his eye.

The gorgeous long purple-reddish hair flows naturally, pouring down the other person's back like a waterfall.

His ruby-like eyes were shining with a sense of oppressive arrogance, as if he were a king who was always making decisions about everything in the world.

Half of her face was covered by a purple silk scarf, making people instinctively want to see what kind of beauty is hidden under the scarf.

Her golden-proportioned body and hair color correspond to each other, and her armor-like clothing outlines the curves that women dream of. However, this kind of beauty that is so soft that it can be described as coquettish does not have any sense of vulgarity. Instead, it has a sense of helplessness. Fussy perfection.

The fighting spirit wrapped around her body is always warning her enemies that she must not be underestimated.

This posture that perfectly combines strength and bravery is exactly the woman that Bazett longs for most.

Compared with this kind of existence, I, who only know how to fight, are not even qualified to compare. After all, this is that Scathach...

As a loyal fan who knew the legend of Cú Chulainn by heart, Bazett naturally wouldn't be unaware of the other party's legend.

The true God-killer, the unparalleled warrior in Celtic mythology, the genius of spearmanship and runes, the teacher of countless great heroes, born to exist as a ruler, the noble queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.

It can be said that even if the association's mission fails this time, his trip has been worthwhile.

Just talking to this queen who possesses the wisdom of the devil is an experience that countless people can only ask for. If you can get one or two words of advice from her, it will be enough to benefit you for a lifetime.

Even if he didn't have such luck, just fighting with Scathach, Bazett could foresee that he would make great progress.

In particular, one of the systems he is best at happens to be runes. When he looked at the three original runes restored by Aozaki Orange in the clock tower, Bazett felt that many of the spells he had learned had been achieved. It was confirmed that it felt like waking up from a dream, not to mention Scathach who mastered the original runes owned by the legendary god Odin.

In fact, to this day, Bazett still feels shocked and incredulous that he summoned Scathach.

"Your Majesty...Queen..."

After understanding the meaning of this matter, Bazett couldn't help but pursed her lips, and became a little confused, worrying about how to call the other party. She was an outlier among selfish magicians, although she had a powerful Although he has strength, he never thinks that he is above others. He will abide by the rules well. Even if he has no money, he will work to earn money. He is a quite decent person.

Even if she summoned other heroic spirits, she would not think that they were her familiars, let alone Scathach, whom she admired and admired.

If he wasn't afraid that Scathach would regard him as a shameless person because of his excessive enthusiasm, Bazett would have even planned to treat her with the same etiquette as a disciple treats his master.

"No need to worry about my identity, just call me Lancer," Scathach looked at the pure Bazett and smiled. "In the final analysis, it was me who forcibly disrupted your arrangement. In this case, I should bear the responsibility of a follower."

"No...this is too rude!"

Bazett hesitantly wanted to reject the proposal, but under Scathach's calm eyes, he nodded obediently.

"I see."

"What a good boy, with great talent. It seems that we will be very compatible. With a little guidance, you may become a real warrior."

Scathach looked at Bazett and couldn't help but feel a little more appreciative in his tone.

After understanding the existence of the Holy Grail system, although she is not without the power to resist the command spell, she will still have some troubles after all. After all, she did not come in a real form this time, but just borrowed the spiritual foundation given by the Holy Grail War. Just changed it a bit.

As for her aloof personality, she obviously won't let her master get involved. If the other person is a coward who has no opinion but is arrogant, a breakup is already a foreseeable scenario.

But fortunately, Bazett is still very much in line with Scathach's heart. With excellent talent, tenacity, and unwavering pure will, Scathach, who can fully understand himself, also has the vision to see through the qualities of others. Therefore, she It can be concluded that Bazett is very good.

"I feel honored to receive your evaluation..." After receiving the praise from her idol, Bazette's face also showed a blush caused by excitement, but she quickly adjusted her mentality. , the excitement that just appeared in his eyes was quickly replaced by silence.

"However, although this question may be a bit presumptuous, why did you come to this era, Lancer? Even in this Holy Grail War, theoretically there is no vessel that can accommodate you."

"It is true," the Queen, who is as delicate as a violet, said in a arrogant and cold voice: "Not just the so-called Holy Grail War, it should be said that at ordinary times, the world will not have any good impressions of the arrival of an uninvited guest like me. , and I don’t intend to cause unnecessary confusion to the history that continues to this day, so even if someone really wants to summon me, it is impossible to do so.”

"Furthermore, there are fundamental differences between me and the beings called heroic spirits."

As a god-slayer who slaughtered many gods and the guardian of the Kingdom of Shadows, Scathach has become a semi-god after a long time. He has long lost the qualification to die like a human and can only stay alone on the outside of the world. , until even its existence disappears.

"That's it." Hearing this answer, Bazett felt a little regretful, "I thought you had any wishes for the Holy Grail, and I hope I can contribute to you, because I don't intend to What you get by relying on the Holy Grail.”

"I don't have any wishes for the Holy Grail to come true. ...If only I could say so."

Scathach said leisurely.

"The pleasure of being able to fight heroes from all eras is indeed very attractive to me. Although the spiritual base has limitations, perhaps in it, I can see the hope and possibility of realizing my original wish."

Regarding the possibility of fighting a powerful hero, Scathach could not even find a trace of seriousness on her face, as if she was playing a playful game, and her interest was nothing more than that.

But when she makes such arrogant actions, it only makes people feel that it is natural.

"However, as a reward for this pleasure, I am here, and I do have a mission that I have to take action."


Bazett looked at Scathach in confusion, not understanding why such a being would use such words.

"Yes, the mission..."

When this matter was mentioned, Scathach was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke, with a somewhat solemn tone.

"In this Holy Grail War, I will defeat the Goddess of Beasts who should not exist here."

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