Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 275 One Punch Man Solomon

"Are you actually a caster?"

Gazing at the heroic spirit who finally revealed his true face in this Holy Grail War, Kama narrowed his ruby ​​eyes in alarm.

She originally thought that the servant who made Roland so confident was a god in charge of the rules, but after seeing Solomon, she realized how wrong she was.

Because even gods cannot possess such excessive True Ether.

Just after the other party appeared, the magic power that overflowed was already equivalent to the combined spiritual bases of many servants, so much so that the absolute quality of the class broke the control of her power.

What's even more troublesome is that around him, both the atmosphere and the ocean are gradually losing their sense of reality like mirages, and it is impossible to distinguish the distance between reality and illusion.

This kind of alienation that requires Kama's full liberation can also be caused, is just an instinct caused by his existence.

Kama could clearly feel what was carrying in this servant who looked cold and peaceful, as if he did not pose any threat.

That is not something that fantasy species or aliens like fairies can describe. It is completely different from the same dimension and has the same concept as a disaster.

If humans call powerful beings who can come into contact with them gods, those things that cannot be understood by the known information and whose identity is unknown will be called demons.

The monster inhabiting this man is such a thing, both an individual and a whole, and a whole but also an individual.

In this way, the monster that should not be used was roughly stuffed into a frame, its shape was fixed, and it became a bound familiar.

Therefore, they also have quantifiers that can be described, seventy-two pillars.

Even if they are split into separate individuals, the existence of each of them has the ability to end the Holy Grail War, and even the magic power contained in itself is far greater than the accumulation of the Holy Grail.

Why can such an existence that is completely beyond the upper limit officially participate in this Holy Grail War?

No, I should say, why would such a character be recruited into the Holy Grail War?

But no matter how scared Kama was, he couldn't change the fact that he would face this kind of enemy head-on.

The noise in the distance began to vibrate again, probably because after Solomon's arrival, he instinctively calmed down all the disasters caused by the followers in this starless night.

Bring glory to the age of gods, wisdom to mankind, and destiny to the future.

Solomon, who was destined to be the perfect king from the moment he was born, possessed such power that even the unruly night wind gradually subsided, leaving no unnecessary interference in this decisive battle place.

Kama had a sullen face and stared coldly at the King of Magic in front of him.

"I didn't expect that a guy like you would be attracted to the Holy Grail. Can you let me hear the reason why you chose to obey him?"

"Because the Master will bring a prosperous future to this era and even the entire world. This is enough. After I confirm this, even if there is no revelation from the Master, I will still choose to obey."

"You stupid guy, just live as a tool until you die!"

Although her mind was shaken by Solomon's power, Kama still did not intend to give up resistance. After living as an invisible god for so many years, her desire to survive was stronger than anyone present.

Moreover, she was very angry.

——Roland just relied on being born first to gain authority and status in advance, thus having a foundation in the world, and bringing a prosperous future to mankind...

I can do this kind of thing too!

Kama bit his lower lip and angrily raised his bow to draw the string.

At this moment, with the help of an output that far exceeds the power of a servant, she is no longer the weak goddess she was before who could only run away under the power of the great hero.

The bowstrings chirped, and the humming tone was continuously transmitted high in the air, continuously, and the vast magic power continued to flow on the green long bow, shooting out falling magic bullets, breaking the sound barrier, like the invisible hand of God. It's like opening up the atmosphere.

In terms of the level of this attack alone, it even surpassed Karna's previous Sunfire Arrow.

But even this kind of power couldn't make Kama feel even the slightest bit at ease.

"After all, this is the first battle, so you still have to behave well. Since this goddess looks very unconvinced, then you can help me correct her."

Roland's tone was very relaxed.

"You'll see, Master."

He was clearly fighting against the real gods, but there was no unnecessary expression on Solomon's face, and he even had time to respond to Roland's words.

He quietly raised his head, and everything he could see was a surging divine light.

Kama released all his magic power in one breath. Although he did not have the mythical bow skills of Karna, the power created by the purple wave that shone with clarity and was made up of countless magic bullets could even Comparable to the thunder emitted by the glorious temple complex!

Without her Master, the desperate goddess finally burst out the anger hidden in her frustrating experience.


The star rain that covered the sky poured down from the sky, and each one was able to bombard a huge crater on the ground that was tens of meters long.

Even before they actually hit the ground, they bloomed like flowers.

Jiamo knew Solomon's origin, and she didn't dare to use any complicated magic techniques. Even if she released simple magic power, she felt that it was not safe, so she still had to detonate it in advance, so that Solomon could only face the purest power.

A violent and ferocious eruption suddenly erupted, and the sea surface that had just calmed down was ruthlessly rolled up again. The heat wave rolled around, surging towards the surroundings, rising into the sky with huge energy, and destructive fluctuations suddenly spread.

Under this multiple superimposed power, all obstacles were crushed and destroyed, and the diffuse smoke and dust gathered layer by layer, overlapped, and turned into a huge mushroom cloud like a mountain, rising toward the sky.

Using individual power to influence the celestial phenomena, even though he was not a fighting god, Kama still showed where his arrogance came from.

But she did not relax, but stared at the void around her vigilantly. For those beings called demon gods, the limitations of distance and space are meaningless at all. They can even travel across the world line. Kamako can I don't want to be forced to say a few heartfelt words to my enemies just because I'm too complacent.

However, from the perspective of looking down from the sky, King Solomon did not summon any gorgeous magic circle as Kama expected, or use the ten rings to control the powerful familiar that resided in the contract.

Although he is the King of Magic, he is not good at high-speed chanting, and using his best familiar to deal with Kama, who is strong but not strong enough, is a bit too unconventional, which will cause the Master's plan to go wrong.

So, he planned to solve all this with another technology that was equally good at it.

Solomon took a slight step forward and slowly clenched his right fist.

Then, punch!

"——Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the sounds of countless barriers being violently penetrated were superimposed together, making a high-pitched roar.

That was a bone-chilling cry that resounded throughout the heaven and earth!

Magical power that was superior to Kama as a god burst out from Solomon. It seemed to be wider than the endless ocean around him. The majestic and indescribable power spread from Solomon's fist, and then spread across the sea. There are ripples on it.

This round of ripples continued to expand, completely evolving into a storm that shot straight into the sky, rising into the sky and directly cutting off the rising magic light and smoke.

Seeing the straight and neat gap, it would be difficult for anyone to imagine that it was the effect of a punch.

The clear and strong wind condensed into a physical barrier, pushing away the scattered dust. The remaining power was directed towards Kama under the sky.

As a result, the human king's fist rushed towards the goddess wrapped in endless divine light again!

The deafening sound waves raced across the sky, diluting the rich colors of the deep night.

In order to avoid that ferocious blow, Kama had to take the initiative to fly downwards, and his expression suddenly became stiff.

The servant in the gorgeous robe just took one step and directly calmed down the disaster she had tried her best to create. Even the power of the aftermath was gone. In the process, the other party not only appeared to be able to do it with ease, but also the clothes There are no traces of stains on it.

Even among the setbacks she encountered in her troubled life, today's scene is one that will be deeply remembered.

The reason is not only Solomon's power as a human being comparable to that of gods, but also the opponent's fighting style.

"Are you...really the Magic King?"

Kama's eyes were full of disbelief, and he used his fist to break through her attack. This was a little too much!

Aren't you fighting Caster? After working on it for a long time, the ten rings were not used to perform magic, but to hit people more painfully, and have the same effect as fingering tigers, right?

She has never heard of the Holy Grail War and the rank of boxing champion!

But no matter how unbelievable she felt in her heart, she still couldn't change the fact.

The boxing champion from the Promised Land raised his fist towards her again.


In the night, which was gradually waking up from the hustle and bustle of the city, thunder was rumbling in the thick high sky.

In the void that cuts through the sky, eye-catching traces of light are constantly trailing.

It was a majestic Shenzhou, and its power was far superior to many modern armaments. It could fly across the sky, cross mountains and seas with ease.

But the Pharaoh sitting in the car was not in any mood to admire the city like a sea of ​​stars below.

He just looked at the ruined temple behind him with heavy eyes, as well as the distant storm and the cut sky, with displeasure written on his face.

"Evil devil, if you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then I can only ask you to die to apologize."

"It's really cruel. I just saved your life. Even if you are the king of kings, you can't be indifferent to right from wrong."

The person who answered the Sun King in a soft voice was a girl with long purple hair hanging on the ground and a childish and cute face.

Wearing her usual gothic attire, she sat on the edge of the solar boat without any sense of crisis, swinging her legs in garters.

Although it was night, she was still holding the lace parasol.

"Obviously after the temple is broken, it will be impossible to summon it again without using the spiritual veins for a while. What can you do with only this dark night sun ship? I summoned you directly because of your face, and I didn't even hesitate to waste it. A precious Command Seal."

The girl casually responded to Ramesses II's words while looking at the divine light in the distance.

When she saw the dense purple sky, Francesca was like a child who wanted candy, her cheeks flushed brightly. She took out a crystal ball from her hand like a magic trick and showed it off to the Pharaoh. .

"Look, there's a new heroic spirit joining the battle. It seems that Little Kama has to get serious. There's something going on now... eh?"

When the figure emerged from the shadows, Francesca's voice paused.

Ramesses II did not continue to question Francesca, but looked at the figure with strange eyes full of nostalgia.

"Solomon...he is the heir of Yu Zhi's best friend. It seems that the reason why Yu was dragged into the Holy Grail War is also due to the convergence of karma."

Having said this, Ramses II turned to look at Francesca.

"But is this what you call a good show? Is it just that Solomon will become an enemy?"

Although the other party was the perfect king who inherited the ideals of his best friend, Ramesses II would not have any fear. He was the king who symbolized disaster in history and forced the prophet to perform miracles to break the situation.

"As long as Yu's temple can rise again, there is nothing to worry about even if the opponent is standing next to the goddess of beasts. In comparison, how to deal with the awakened beast of the apocalypse is as an evil demon Something you should really think about.”

"You are different from Yu. You have been locked by the Holy Grail and cannot escape from this world. The hateful evil demon was eaten by a more terrifying monster. It really suits your ugly ending."

As if thinking of that funny scene, Ramses II laughed.

"So, you don't understand at all."

Francesca did not refute the Pharaoh's statement, and even showed a faint smile.

She was by no means generous enough to laugh off such insults, but even if she was used to settling accounts after the fall, Francesca would not take it so lightly.

The reason why she behaved like this was because there was something more important that attracted her attention.

"King Solomon was a completely different existence from the prophet Moses."

"What does it mean?"

Ramesses II frowned and asked in confusion.

"You also accept God's revelation. Some people do it because it is a mission, just like you regard the world as your own territory. But apart from this mission, you are still an independent individual, as if you have lost the king's You are also yourself, you have lost your identity as a prophet, but Moses is still your friend.”

Yes, even if the two parted ways due to irreconcilable conflicts, the prophet was still his irreplaceable friend. He had witnessed the other person's ideals and efforts. Even if his positions were different, he was proud and happy for his friend's achievements. .

The Pharaoh was silent for a rare moment, as if recalling some good past.

But Francesca's words interrupted his thoughts.

"But Solomon is different. The reason why he became king was because Moses could only have power when necessary, but Solomon was not limited to that."

"In this case, Evil Demon, shouldn't you start bowing your knees to that beast god in order to have a chance of survival? I won't believe that you will persevere to the end in the face of an unsuspecting defeat."

Frances stretched out his index finger and tapped his lips gently, looking thoughtful.

"The original plan is indeed pretty much the same. After all, no one can resist the alliance between the Root Princess and the Beast, not even Kogama, who has great potential, but now..."

"It's really arrogant. It makes Yu Du want to laugh. Do you think you can win?"

Ignoring Ramesses II's taunt, Francesca's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, staring at the ten rings on Solomon's hands in the crystal, showing a confident smile.

"——I will win."

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