Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 312 You are a dragon!

Roland's hands moved forward slightly, forcefully holding Veleslana's arms around him, and grabbed the shoulders of the young god. No matter how Veleslana increased his speed, he followed him without fear. Skyrocketing.

The entangled extreme speeds have squeezed the air into a thin film and then immediately tore it apart, rolling up the terrifying high temperature, smashing through the night with unabated force, and shooting towards the distance.

In front of the electric light released in a visual way, even Veleslana's thunder could only turn into armor to protect his body.

The sound of thunder that had been extinguished resounded through the sky again, each sound louder than the other, and each wave stronger than the other. It was like the confrontation between long swords and dragon scales, or the wrathful judgment of gods.

——It was a wave of dazzling lightning and righteous thunder intertwined.

The golden ripples roared and galloped, rippling in the void, smearing the entire sky, and suddenly rolled up into a vortex, and the surging light of thunder was its blood vessel.

Just the electric wires sputtered out by the friction of the vortex, which was like a brilliant thunder pillar that tore through the night sky like a divine punishment.

Veleslana's face suddenly froze. In the past, relying on his changeable posture, he could firmly hold victory in his hands no matter what kind of enemy or battlefield it was.

But now, Veleslana was frustrated in this regard for the first time.

No matter what form he changes into, Roland has a corresponding way to deal with it.

The divine thunder that counterattacks faith with the electric light from his eyes, suppresses the might of the divine bull with the power that surges like a river, and blocks the kicking skills of the camel with the chains formed by the sticky telekinesis.

Even combined with the speed of the strong wind, it could not give Veleslana a moment of respite. In terms of combining the power of multiple different concepts, Roland was even more unscrupulous than Veleslana and had no worries at all. Burdens and conflicts between forces.

In this situation where the same attributes are used to fight, the only thing that can be compared is the magnitude, and there are no factors that may lead to unexpected events in the battle.

As a result, with Roland's increasingly fierce attacks, history repeated itself again, and the God of Victory, which had just emerged, once again fell into a helter-skelter defense.

"This is the real battle..."

Jibril's throat was rolling in the distance, and she was moaning in a voice that only she could hear.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have thought that there was someone in this world who could suppress and beat the God of Victory?

This is impossible.

Because they are outside the norm, gods with the strongest reputation.

No one would want to compete with the gods in the field of the divine essence they possess, just like no one would compete with the Flügel in combat, or compete with the Ex-Machina in learning. This concept exists in the body after being created. , it is not something that can be surpassed by hard work the day after tomorrow.

If you don't have the reputation of being the strongest, even if you have the same power as the opponent, it is completely foreseeable that you will inevitably lose due to the correction power of the concept.

This is also the reason why the remaining gods have stopped and do not take the initiative to challenge Artex, because this is common sense.

The same is true for the battle in front of him. Although Roland is superior in strength, with the correction of the concept, the most common result is a stalemate. After all, the strongest name lies in the spirit species and the dragon king as a living being. , naturally cannot be compared.

Logically speaking, the only way to solve the problem is to defeat the dragon spirits by yourself, pierce the dragon's body with the dragon's bones, and finally let them self-destruct.

But not only did Roland not fall into defeat, he became more courageous as he fought, and the one who fell into decline was the one who found the strongest Veleslana.

In the face of upright power and strategy, the greatness of concepts cannot conceal the difference between strength and weakness.

Jibril's face was violently shaken.

"Will you be a monster, or a god?"

From her perspective, she could no longer clearly see the figure fighting in the starry sky, but she still used a sweet voice to calmly infer Roland's future, as if the outcome of this battle was already determined.

No, even if the result really exceeded her expectations, this evaluation would not change at all.

Jibril stared at the sky, her eyes shining with an unprecedented destructive light, which was filled with the longing of a girl's heart.

After all, his possibilities are endless.

During the short time that Jibril was whispering, Veleslana also shouted angrily.


Even though he was as confident as he was, facing this desperate situation, all the confidence on his face disappeared and turned into hesitation and uneasiness. But before he could think of a result, Roland's offensive had begun to slowly withdraw. Tight, this is undoubtedly a dangerous signal.

You know, now he is a dying god who hangs his life by incarnating as a camel. These trivial factors may very well become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

After all, the camel incarnation only maintains a seriously injured state, not immortality or healing.

The intuition about battle from the God of War made Veleslana give up thinking. He raised his foot and kicked it upwards hard!

Under this seemingly ordinary blow, the space erupted with an overwhelming sound of concussion. The invisible air blade let out a sharp roar due to this huge force, turned into a half-moon-shaped slash, and headed straight towards Roland. The light of the attacking heart.

And these absolute defenses from Roland's soul actually showed wear and tear, and formed a stalemate with the air blade!

The energy contained on it disintegrated due to the fierce collision with the sound of balloons popping.

"Even in difficult situations, I am the incarnation of invincibility!"

The phantom of {Camel} behind Welleslana became a bit brighter due to the infusion of magic power. After gradually giving up other incarnations and only choosing to use the most conservative melee combat, {Camel} can be said to have completed a super level. play.

As the foundation of the God of Victory, each incarnation has its own characteristics.

{Camel} can not only dull people's feeling of pain, but also suppress the bleeding caused by strong blows, and greatly improve the user's leg strength. For them, which are called desert boats, that No one can underestimate the power that comes out.

The most important thing is that this incarnation also has the characteristic that the more serious the injury, the greater the power it brings. It is precisely because of these tricky and changeable incarnations that Veleslana has the confidence to remain invincible. But today, he finally met his opponent.

Roland kicked the military god hard in the abdomen, causing his internal organs to be torn into pieces by the surging air waves.

"{Camel} is indeed very good, but in the final analysis, it is just a different kind of battle continuation, right? It does not have the ability to heal injuries."

In the non-stop fighting, Veleslana's condition became increasingly serious, with no chance to recover from his injuries.

And just when Roland was about to pursue the victory, a light shining like gold suddenly cut off his attack.

Such a change made Roland raise his eyebrows and gave up his reckless attack.

"Are you planning to take action, God of War?"

Although he currently has the absolute upper hand, Roland does not feel that he has won. The most troublesome thing about a god is his power, and Veleslana is one of the representatives.

His ever-changing power can only give him the upper hand, but what really makes this god of disobedience the cornerstone of the protagonist, so that his one move is so popular all over the world, must be a trick that cannot be shaken.

And Veleslana, who can always confront the Dragon King who restrains himself, naturally cannot leave behind a backup plan.

Although it seemed that he could only hang himself with the {Camel} incarnation, if there really was no back-up plan, Veleslana would have run away long ago, just like he did when his previous incarnation was scattered.

"Yes, although I don't want to admit it, Roland, this is your victory."

Veleslana responded to Roland cheerfully with a clear voice, "If I hadn't been given the essence of this world, and just used my simple disobedience, you would have grasped the victory by now."

"That's really pleasant, but since you have a sword in your hand, do you still need to worry about these things?"

Roland stood tall in the air, but the cold light in his eyes did not retreat at all because of the enemy's praise.

"The past was just a monument to remember, and changes have made us what we are now, so why bother thinking so much, just fight for victory."

"Hahaha! Roland, if you were born in my world, even if you were a human, I would treat you as an old enemy worthy of all my strength!"

Veleslana smiled enthusiastically and felt the blood surge in his chest.

"Well, let's see it! I'm called the strongest reason!"

After shouting the words of a decisive battle, the {Camel} shadow behind Veleslana also completely collapsed, and he also began to recite the words of power with a solemn expression.

"Using the skill of my speaking spirit, I will make justice appear in the world. These spells are powerful and eloquent. They are invincible because of their power. They can heal all things because of their power."

A humanoid shadow holding a golden sword slowly condensed behind him. This is the strongest link among the ten incarnations of Veleslana.

——{Warrior} holding a golden sword

When this incarnation appeared, Roland's eyes became solemn. Even when he saw it for the first time, he clearly felt the threat contained in this incarnation.

In describing the legend of Veleslana, "Avesta" once told an anecdote about the incarnation of a golden sword. Facing the invading gods, Veleslana transformed into a hand-held sword with the power of one person. The warriors of the Golden Sword, because they knew the past of the gods, repelled all invading enemies.

The golden sword derived from this legend also naturally has the ability to seal the opponent's divinity as long as it knows the opponent's past.

This is not mere silence, but a sealing of the person.

To be more precise, it is a blockade of rules.

In other words, even if the opponent is not a god, as long as Veleslana knows the source and nature of its power, it will still be effective.

It is because of this consideration that Roland has always been very restrained and used his power to overwhelm others.

This is also one of Veleslana's biggest weapons to turn defeat into victory, and now, the God of Victory has put aside all the limitations of the legend and shown him another use.

Although the fatal injuries to the internal organs did not improve, the traces left by the previous fire and thunder, as well as the subsequent damage caused by Roland's divine power, were slowly dissolved in the golden light that flowed like water waves.

Veleslana, who was dying just now, suddenly regained at least 30% of his combat power. Although he still looked very embarrassed, his combat power had been doubled. Just liberating the warrior avatar was enough to make him The level of difficulty has increased a lot.

"Using the sealing ability of the golden sword to get rid of all the damage on your body? My offensive is so effective against someone who is not a god. If the opponent is really just a god, I'm afraid you will overturn it directly."

Roland instantly understood the nature of this incarnation through Welleslana's spirit of speech and the phenomena on his body. The seal itself is not limited to the godhead, but targets the nature of power, so it can also be used for his own healing.

"Of course, although I don't fully understand your personality, it would be a surprise to you if you underestimate me because I have always been weak."

Veleslana, who had recovered his combat power, once again revealed his itchy nature. Although the healing ability of the golden sword was ineffective against some damage that had already been caused, it could at least restore half of Veleslana's strength.

His current situation is entirely because the damage Roland burst out in an instant is too high and does not contain the essence of a god, so he cannot recover.

"Oh, from this statement, it seems you have found something?"

Roland narrowed his eyes slightly and lowered his body slightly. The burning flames were once again gathered together by the light of the soul, turning into a buzzing vortex.

"That's right! This is my most powerful posture. As long as I see through the essence of your power, I will still let the thorns of the loser pierce your arrogance!"

Welleslana knew that he was not the only one who had a backup plan. Although he defeated the Dragon King of Time, Roland did not show his strength in this area. This was most likely a killer move to turn the tables.

Therefore, Veleslana had been very cautious before and did not expose the power of the golden sword, just to guard against this.

But now, because he was defeated by Roland and needed to recover, he had to reveal his trump card in advance, so he couldn't let him be willful.

Using the breeze to lift himself to the same position as Roland, Veleslana stretched out his hand and held it.

"O Mythra, Lord of the Glorious Sun, O Praised One! In order to conquer all enemies, please give me, the strongest, a thousand lights and a thousand swords!"

The invisible beam of light shone on Veleslana's hands, causing his white hands to reflect a light as precious as gold.

Next, something even more incredible happened. The invisible beam of light was directly held by Veleslana, and the light suddenly shot out. What appeared out of thin air in Veleslana's hand was the golden sword born from the brilliance!

This sacred blade was raised by Veleslana and pointed at Roland. The blade shone with a chilling light.

Veleslana's eyes began to contain a profound light, and the strength in his body was also increasing inch by inch. Using the warrior incarnation can improve his physical strength, and at the same time, it will also allow him to gain insight into the nature of gods. Eyesight, and if it is used continuously instead of liberating the Word Spirit, the consumption is very low, which can be said to be Veleslana's trump card.

"This is the invincible sword born in the name of my lord, and it is also the trump card that ends this battle. Roland, you asked me before if you would regret not taking away Hatirem's strength, right?"

"Now, let me give you the answer to this question."

"I've never had any regrets because"

He shouted with excitement and enthusiasm.

"——You are a dragon too!"

Following his voice, a strong sense of crisis emerged in Roland.

He subconsciously looked behind him, but only saw the spreading shadow, which was trapped under the golden sword light.

That was not a shadow that Roland's current posture could cast, but a shadow that belonged to a behemoth that represented his essence.

The moment it appeared, the shadow moved as if it were alive. It roared angrily, twisted, and bit the surrounding sword light, proudly showing its true form.

——The big red dragon with seven heads and ten horns.

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