Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 403 The Targeted Queen Bee

Roland sighed for a moment and looked away from the sky.

In a normal world, although it is difficult to break through the limitations of the world, it is not impossible to do anything.

Such an environment can be created by using one's own or the will of the public to deflect the direction of the world.

Things as small as temporary inherent barriers, as large as the Lostbelt that allowed the continuation of an era like the Age of Gods that should have been eliminated in official history, are all evidence of this method.

In this case, as long as they have extraordinary ability and wisdom, there will always be a few people in an era who have this qualification, such as those who first established religious aspects in the forbidden world.

But what Roland is facing now is that because the previous strong men acted too wantonly, the superficial logic of the basic world has become like a Russian matryoshka doll.

Even if his power is strong enough, in this state of human being, it is impossible to complete the overlapping phases in one go, which makes the demon gods helpless.

If you don't use your own lofty personality to block phase bugs to achieve an unstable breakthrough, the orthodox breakthrough method is quite tricky.

However, one of the benefits of seeing so many worlds is that no matter how difficult the situation, you can always find examples that give you a sense of déjà vu.

Although they are different in principles and key issues, they are more than enough for reference.

In the world of Game Life, Roland and Artex fought until they almost penetrated the solar system, and the Origin Star that connected the Elf Corridor was blown to pieces by him.

At that time, many high-ranking races that relied on elves inevitably suffered from reduced spellcasting abilities. After Roland used the Star Cup to restore everything, everything returned to normal.

In a power system such as magnetic field rotation, which requires a lot of will and soul, situations similar to the current situation have naturally occurred.

It's just that the people of the Sea Tiger World don't have a star cup like Roland that can repair everything. Facing the environment where the damage to the planet has caused chaos in the cosmic magnetic field, they can only be bound to the realm of twenty-five horses, regardless of their talents and wisdom. No shocking existence can transcend this limit.

And in response to this, their response methods are also quite rough, and it can even be said that they are fighting fire with fire.

The magnetic field is disrupted because the weight of Saturn has disappeared in a balanced environment.

In this case, let's just break it completely, regain balance, and then grow and recover again.

The Broken Star Realm is a metaphor, a symbol of the strong man using his own will to override his destiny, but since he cannot stand out in this unbalanced world by relying on his own will alone.

So, wouldn't it be enough to let the stars explode again?

"The true realm of broken stars..."

Roland laughed.

In the Kabbalah phase, the stars in the solar system already imply the source of matter on the Tree of Life, and the angel corresponding to Mercury is Raphael, who is called the Medicine of God.

Although the roads are completely different, the ideas can collide in an incredible way.

This is really...

Chewing on some of the evidence behind this fact, Roland deeply felt that his luck was really good.

Of course, he couldn't really blow up Mercury. The problem with magic was not the magnetic field of the stars, but the phase.

The gravitational forces that can cause the phase to approach balance have already been shown to Roland.

Having contact with one of the strongest ability users confirmed many of Roland's thoughts.

Unlike the very disciplined Shokuhou Misaki, Roland instinctively started to read the other person's mind when he met him.

At that time, he realized that the AIM force field that spread out when using super powers was exactly the gravitational force he expected to bring the phase closer to balance.

If you think about it carefully, this is not surprising. The raw stones with talents existed before magic was born, and such people have not disappeared after the phase overlap.

This is enough to prove that it is a path that the physical phase allows and even complements each other.

In Aleister's ideal world, there is also a description of the world where men and women are stars.

In his plan to destroy all magic, the characteristics of the AIM force field are one of the reasons for this description.

But after knowing what kind of materials can cause changes in the magnetic field, the means of causing changes are much simpler.

"If you build a large enough AIM force field and then use the magnetic field to rotate and stand, you can break through the limit of 500,000 horses and even bring about changes in the world. That is to say."

——It’s time to build power.

Roland thought so.

After you have a clue and direction, the next step is nothing more than working towards realizing it and finally achieving the result.

But to be honest, the process is a little cumbersome.

When Shokuhou Misaki wanted to modify his memory, it was enough for Roland to estimate the AIM force field strength exceeding 500,000 horses.

It's about ten times that of Level 5 ability users.

Yes, this number is more than double the current number of superpowers in Academy City.

What's even more troublesome is that this force field must be an aggregated whole. Otherwise, no matter how many superpowers there are, their personal realities are incompatible with each other and it makes no sense to Roland.

However, after all, it is only aimed at the strength of the AIM force field, rather than necessarily cultivating superpowers with this strength. Relatively speaking, the feasibility is still very high.

It's just that the influence of magnetic field rotation needs to be incorporated into this process little by little, which is obviously not something that can be accomplished overnight.

It is easier to find a few tool people to form a tool box than to work alone.

Roland recalled and wandered aimlessly again.

Thinking about it this way, Aleister's purpose in extending invitations to so many research institutions was probably this.

In some ways, this guy is always surprisingly sweet.

Even from another perspective, he has set a template for Roland with a certain approach.

How to turn a strange force unknown to others into a member that can be accepted by the public.

——Prototype control.

Archetype is a term in psychology, which refers to the understanding and values ​​gradually condensed by all members of a nation or a group when they participate in one thing.

In other words, the rudiment of faith.

The concepts of southeast, northwest, good and evil all have meaning and form under the constraints of archetypes.

And because of this cohesion and working hard for a common goal, the development of civilization will have a direction and mission, and thus make rapid progress.

Academy City has become a new force that plays a decisive role in the world in the past few decades and requires other political systems to treat it with caution. This prototype that links superpowers and science is indispensable.

But Aleister's purpose is naturally not simply for the advancement of civilization. What he really values ​​​​is the binding power of the prototype.

Aleister, who had already manipulated the side of magic in applause, could not let another path escape his control.

Community will indeed improve the efficiency of civilization, but it will inevitably go to the other extreme.

In the final analysis, when the prototype on the scientific side is built, this thing has broken away from the original methodology and turned into a kind of belief.

Within the framework of this scientific belief, neither scientists with superior intelligence nor magicians who specialize in magic are innately unable to understand that science and magic are just different branches under the same rules.

As the shaper of this archetype, Aleister is almost impossible to defeat.

Even if there is someone who comes from behind and is more capable than him, it won't work.

Because the starting point and cognition of their power are built on the scientific prototype.

Aleister, who has the final authority of interpretation, can interpret the concepts in this field at will and spread them to the prototype.

This is like telling believers who have maintained good deeds and thereby derived strength from the heaven constructed by that belief that heaven is false.

His cognition, three views, and even the source of his power will collapse instantly and become useless waste.

After realizing this, Roland realized why Aleister had always allowed the plan to hover on the edge of getting out of control.

After all, the description of being out of control is only seen by outsiders.

For Aleister, those scientists or abilities that seemed to be beyond his control were not even as good as the Sun Wukong in the hands of Tathagata Buddha.

"It is worthy of Aleister to completely block the road to science and magic..."

The invitation given to the research institution may also be for this reason.

Even though he knew that he was aware of the archetypal control, he did not take the initiative but still put the choice on the table for a silent test.

Regardless of whether Roland wants to jump into the scientific framework, a lot of information will have been revealed invisibly to help him judge the quality of the magnetic field rotation.

"Then do as you wish."

Roland couldn't help but smile.

Incorporating magnetic field rotation into the framework of the scientific side can save a lot of effort.

Rather than explaining in detail the difference between real superpowers and personal reality, it's much easier to step on other people's shoulders.

As for other concerns on the scientific side, such as Aleister's sudden withdrawal from the cauldron, they did not concern Roland at all.

There is an essential difference from the beginning by using the relationship with the huge asset of phase to support the tiger skin to dominate the market, and from the backdoor listing of another asset.

Even if the principle collapses and the three views are destroyed, as long as the power of oneself still exists in the body, even if the existence is completely despairing, the personality will be quickly reshaped and the transformation will begin.

——The transformation from a person with super powers to a person with strong magnetic field.

Roland sneered.

After Aleister truly realizes the existence of magnetic field power, he will understand one thing.

The one who had to worry about it breaking away from the scientific framework was never Roland, but himself.



When they reached the second school district, Shokuhou Misaki grabbed the bag on her waist closer.

Although she just obeyed Roland's excuse and went back to Tokiwadai Middle School first, she was not so naive that she could take it calmly and go to school peacefully after encountering such an incident.

After taking a leave of absence from school under the pretext of regularly testing her abilities, she returned to the familiar facility.

Talented man-made house.

After the brainwashed researchers accessed this kind of building, Shokuhou Misaki walked non-stop towards the office with the highest authority.

After she used her own abilities to turn the research laboratory she belonged to into a puppet, she took the initiative to make a deal with one of the directors of the Management Council at the expense of enrolling in Tokiwadai as the newest superpower. , in exchange for her cutting off funding for the Talent Laboratories.

Just as Shokuhou Cao prayed, just as those researchers planned to execute him after the completion of the plan, the council did not react at all to the fact that he had taken control of the talent workshop.

All they care about is value.

It goes without saying who is more valuable, the Talent Workshop and the newly promoted Level 5, who are in a dominant position as researchers but are in turn controlled by the subjects.

Thanks to her, all plans for the artificial intelligence laboratory have been stopped, and all the experimental subjects have left the research institute. It can be said that they are on the verge of being scrapped in terms of their own functions.

If it weren't for Shokuhou Misaki still allowing many brainwashed researchers to maintain the most basic operations, this danger would probably be eliminated soon.

But the reason why she kept this criminal research institution was not out of nostalgia or reluctance.

However, Shokuhou Misaki believes that there are still many achievements that need to be properly preserved in those abandoned projects. Rather than dismissing these researchers and letting them leave to create new tragedies, it is better to continue working here to use them. Atonement.

Moreover, as one of the research institutions at the top of the city's pyramid, even if it is just a shell, it is quite convenient.

Academy City is a utopia isolated from the outside world. It is also independent on the Internet. It cannot connect to the outside network without a specific terminal.

In such a developed information-based closed society, the control of intelligence is naturally a top priority.

From ordinary mobile phones to specific facilities such as libraries and classrooms, there are different levels of permissions, and the information that can be obtained is also very different.

As a research institution, the Talent Workshop has hierarchical authority second only to the General Council. It would be a waste to destroy it like this.

It will always come into play at some point in the future.

With this thought, Shokuhou Misaki kept it, but she did not expect that it would be used so soon.

"Did you really just come today?"

Looking at the information displayed on the screen, Shokuhou Misaki breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it has been verified by Roland, the talent factory has learned from the past, and it is really not reassuring to not confirm it in person.

In the library, although Roland's information level is kept secret, it is not high. The time he came to Academy City and the fact that he was invited by many organizations are not concealed. The only thing that makes people care is his ability.

The name of the ability...the identity is unknown?

It may be because it has not been tested in detail. It is better to say that it is somewhat mysterious in this aspect, which is more in line with his self-introduction.

So, today's encounter was really just an accident?

For some reason, the girl suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"No...why should I be happy that that guy didn't lie?"

Along with muttering to himself in embarrassment, Shokuhou Misaki's eyes flickered.

She looked at her looming reflection on the screen and subconsciously put her fair and slender fingers on it. Sure enough, a strange temperature was emitting there.

After realizing this, as if he was quarreling with someone, Shokuhou Misaki forced himself to hold on, restored his usual elegant attitude, and slowly left the research workshop and walked towards the outside world.

But after walking for who knows how long, the girl stopped, took out the brilliant diamond from her bag, and admired it against the light.

With her level of wealth, even if she really likes diamonds, she can buy one that is superior in quality and weight.

Even if there are gimmicks like this made by superpowers, diamonds are diamonds.

But due to various reasons, she had no reason to throw it away, so she admitted to Roland that she could not let go of the past.

"So, it doesn't matter if you stay, right?"

Shokuhou Misaki stared at the gem that was rippling with light like water waves, muttered unnaturally, and then carefully placed it in the bag.

However, her action seemed to send some signal.

"Buzz buzz——"

Like the roar of a caged ferocious beast escaping from the cage, restless and ominous engine sounds sounded one after another around the girl.

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