Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 505 Roland: What do you regard life as?

The current situation is that Roland is fighting against ten thousand alone.

For the European coalition forces, this is both a shame worth remembering for a lifetime and the last confidence.

Although the process is very different from what they imagined, they did achieve the result of their goal anyway.

That is, Roland was trapped in the encirclement of the coalition forces alone without help.

As long as this is achieved, even if Roland's combat effectiveness is superior to the coalition forces themselves, the initiative is still in the hands of the coalition forces.

Whether it is to continue to send troops to support meaninglessly or to prepare the means and trump cards that need to be prepared, the necessary time has been gained.

Even Roland has admired the decisiveness of this strategy.

No one can predict the future direction of the world, but under the current circumstances, the coalition forces in front of them have indeed overcome the contradictions between countries, races, and forces, and seized the only possibility of victory in adversity.

First, they held the world-famous strongest people such as Princess Carissa of Catina, the Saint of Versailles of France, and the Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Then there are the Church of Necessary Evil, the famous organizations such as the White Book, and the United Fleet, which is already heading towards the Strait, mainly the United States, and gathers the strength of many countries, as well as countless powerful knights who are strengthened by the power of angels, barriers and ritual magic.

No one can guarantee whether these "comrades" can continue this cooperation in the future, no matter whether the starting point is because of faith, interests, or loyalty, but at least at this moment, they can fight to the death with Roland in front of them for tomorrow.

They are ready to sacrifice, and they have foreseen the ending that they may not win even if they try their best.

But in their opinion, relying on the efforts of tens of thousands of coalition forces, even if Roland cannot reveal any cards, he should make the other party feel a little tired.

——It should be like this.

"... Monster."

The Knight Leader murmured, with fear from the bottom of his heart on his face.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the extremely dazzling scene in front of him.

The princess he served, Kailisha, rushed up first, followed by her knights.

Each of them is an elite of the Knights. With the protection of the power of angels, they can even surround and kill saints.

Not to mention, now every step they take, there is a magical aura descending from the sky.

They are led by the warlike princess, supported by the duty of saving mankind, and standing on the homeland they swore to protect.

At this moment, no army in the world can match their morale and strength.

However, let alone both sides are injured, they have become two pieces of corpses before they even touch Roland.

The carefully prepared tactics and trump cards are not used.

If it were normal, the leader of the Knights would probably severely reprimand them for losing the honor of the knights, but in this situation, the seeds of such ideas have no soil for birth.

He knew very well that the Knights had done their best within their capabilities, and it could even be said that they had gone all out.

In order to cope with complex actual combat scenes, each elite knight has undergone rigorous training.

Use prediction to deal with the magician's long-range attack, use blockade and encirclement to block the superhuman existence of the saint, and use combined attack techniques to disperse the power beyond endurance.

These strategies have almost become the instincts of the knights.

With the improvement of angel power, they can use them to take into account the weight advantage of the full body armor and agile movements, and make full use of the powerful but swift attacks.

Such a mature combat mode cannot be dealt with in a day or two. The daughter of the country has suffered many setbacks in this classic but useful routine.

But this watertight tactic was defeated at this time.

It's not that the effect is minimal, but that there is no premise for it to work.

Because before reaching Roland, they first have to face the sword light that is as shimmering as rain hitting banana leaves.

Whenever the sword light passes, the surging crowd will turn into a pungent blood tide.

Compared with Kailisa, who prefers to use the characteristics of the Sword of the Chosen King to make the enemy disappear into ashes, Roland goes to the other extreme.

He never used the Dimension Slash once, and each move was based on the sharpness of Esther, as if he wanted to deliberately stain this place with the blood of the enemy.

Compared to simple strength, this ferocity is more terrifying.

Although they were in a battlefield with deafening shouts, the coalition forces seemed to be in an endless ice field with no way out.

The air was so cold that it seemed to take away the temperature of the internal organs.

"You... monster!"

Kailisha clenched her fists and uttered weak and resentful words with trembling teeth.

"The wailing of the loser is always so pleasant."

Roland waved his hand casually, kicking Kailisha in front of him like kicking away a piece of garbage.

The second princess shot out like a bowling ball, knocking down the formation that had just been maintained behind her again.

Looking at the enemy's flustered scene and the battlefield he created, Roland took a deep breath.

"What a nice smell of blood..."

Although for the nature of the Beast of Apocalypse, such an act of releasing evil is as refreshing as wearing new underwear to welcome the New Year's morning.

But to be honest, for Roland, whose threshold has long been raised by divinity, what really makes him excited, in addition to the act itself, is more because of the tenacity of the enemy in front of him.

Except for the scum who are born completely black, such as the absolute evil of this world, even for the strong with a tyrannical personality, the pleasure that can be gained from slaughtering the weak is also declining sharply.

At the beginning, it was like falling into a herd of beasts, and there were enemies coming from all directions who wanted to bite them. Of course, it was exciting, but as the casualties continued to rise, even if the strength and reserves were sufficient, under the influence of fear, the enemy would often collapse without attacking.

In a large-scale battle, as long as 30% of them died in one breath, it would be enough to turn an elite army into a chaotic weakling.

Moreover, Roland's situation of being alone from beginning to end further amplified the spread of this panic.

Therefore, although there were many king-to-king battles, fighting against a qualified army of strong men has always been a scene that Roland could not ask for.

Although he did not fail to replicate with the Flügel in the world of No Game No Life, it always felt a little bit off because of the difference in situation and status.

But the current coalition does not have this defect at all.

For this world that has been coated with the lubricant called the Crusade, Roland is the great red dragon that is the enemy of the world.

In the camp, he is also the leader of the scientific side.

Whether it is the requirements of faith or the solidification of cognition brought by Aleister's prototype control that has poisoned the whole world, this army has the determination to never retreat.

There may be many shortcomings, but compared with the lowest limit, this is undoubtedly the battlefield that best fits the embodiment of being an enemy of the world.

As long as you win here, it means that the whole world has been defeated.

Throughout the ages, countless people have fought for this dream achievement.

The rulers use the way of conquering land to move towards this dream.

The conspirators hide behind the scenes and use the plan of using the world as a chessboard to express their desires.

The magicians desperately pursue wisdom and put themselves above the world by touching the realm of God.

But even if those who succeed have the power to destroy the world in a moment, it does not mean that their way is the best.

In terms of the standard of defeating the whole world, there is only one way that can be called the highest.

Abandon wisdom, give up rights, and insult the whole world with absolute violence!

To ​​trample all the existences that can resist him, and destroy the enemies who fight to the death.

Now, the opportunity that Roland has been waiting for for a long time is right in front of him, so what choice will he make?

The answer is self-evident.

Roland looked down at the embarrassed and stubborn enemies in front of him, and stood up again, shouting at the enemies rushing from all directions.

Then, he showed a ferocious smile and raised his other empty hand.

"One is not enough, Zhenming, you come to my side too!"

The blue light suddenly lit up from the back of his hand, turning into the shape of a genetic spiral.

In the agitated power and the wailing of space, the void light that martialized the mind was quickly woven into a dark purple void sword.

It is full of classical splendor, but with a super-future sci-fi style.

That was the holy sword of Apocalypse that once destroyed the world. After adding the AT stance, its power was ten or even nine points stronger than before.

Putting aside the cheating power, within the scope allowed by the world, this seemed to be a symbol that Roland was no longer going to play around, and wanted to swallow it whole and end it all quickly.

After all, in the public's inherent impression, the difference between the two-sword flow and the one-sword flow is that one is powerful and heavy, and the other is flexible and changeable.

But in fact, it is just the opposite.

Only after actual combat will you know that the two-sword flow is the one that attacks faster. Holding a knife with both hands can gain greater power.

Roland's purpose of using two swords is exactly this.

He is not planning to improve efficiency, but to savor it carefully.

To make an analogy, before, using only Esther was like using a fork to pick up a whole piece of cake and chew it in big mouthfuls, but now he uses both hands to hold the knife and fork and cut it piece by piece.

Now he has completely entered the combat state.

The first to realize this terrifying change was the new knights who were pieced together from the remnants of the defeated army.

The moment Roland raised his two swords, the unprecedented chill that made their bodies stiffen again climbed up their backs.

"Be careful, it's that move again! It's the Thunderbolt of the God-breaking!"

The survivors who had seen a glimpse of this move before were pale and sweating.

They had deeply understood the horror of this move from the miserable state of their companions. If there were a few more waves, there would probably be very few knights left who could stand in the front.

The Knight Commander could assert this.

So, when Kaelissa and the Daughter of the Country had not yet reorganized their offensive, he took the lead without hesitation.

"Let me do it!"

He stepped on the head of his companion and rushed to the front without hesitation, taking the initiative to meet the sword light that was like a river pouring back and setting off a frenzy.

"Reset to zero--!"

The Knight Commander shouted with a voice full of determination.

As the leader of the Knights, the main force in this civil strife, he certainly has magic that matches his status.

Soloron's Art.

This art, which he constructed alone, has the ability to reduce the attack power of any weapon within his knowledge, regardless of whether it is science or magic, to zero.

It was precisely to buy time for this spare trump card that he did not rush forward immediately, but instead identified it from behind.

Although Roland's weapon recognition is still insufficient, if he only regards the energy power of the sword light as a weapon, this spell can barely work.

Theoretically, the Soloran spell has the power to reduce all the nuclear weapons that are bombarded to zero. He will not be so arrogant as to think that his spell can offset the attack that kicked Kailisha away.

But let alone discount, there must be some vacillation or weakening, right?

However, at the moment of touching the sword light, something far beyond the imagination of the Knight Commander happened.

At the moment when Soloran's spell locked it, the condensed sword light shattered in an instant, just like snowflakes melting under the scorching sun.

But after the sword light disappeared, it burst out far more terrifying than before, rushing out like a galaxy, reflecting the dark night sky as brilliant as the day!

"Why is this...?"

Before being swallowed by the light explosion, the Knight Commander couldn't help but have such doubts in his heart.

But he no longer had the opportunity to get the answer.

The world was rendered into a dazzling dazzling light, rising up with a shocking roar that awakened the world.

The barrier that enveloped the battlefield seemed to be picked up by an invisible big hand from the outside, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

The boiling energy swept in all directions, regardless of the material, and kneaded the surrounding stone palaces and the steel jungle in the distance into a ball.

The earth suddenly broke open a series of miserable wounds, covered with molten liquid.


Roland sneered.

The God-breaking Thunderbolt is a move that is easy to learn but difficult to master.

The essence of this move is to maximize the antimatter power that can be manipulated at the 750,000 horsepower realm, so as to obtain the greatest destructive power.

And after condensing it with the complete realm, the sword light that was restrained but unmatched before was born.

Because he planned to enjoy the battle to the fullest and fight to his heart's content, Roland made a special move, using this method of not letting any excess power leak out and completely restraining the power to one point.

So after the Knight Commander used the Soloron spell to destroy the balance of this realm, he simply turned the irresistible blade into a bomb formed by the magnetic field force.

This self-righteous behavior caused more results than all of Roland's previous offensives combined, which has to be said to be a kind of black humor.


"We can't win against this monster..."

Although not everyone has a unique vision to see through the truth behind it, the scene of this attack almost swallowing up the coalition forces still made many people murmur in a low voice.

Even if no one can spread it, the coalition forces who looked at each other still gave Roland the same name.

Looking at the miserable appearance of their companions who were affected by the detonated antimatter force and were worse than charcoal, most people's hearts were filled with despair and sadness.

But before they could sort out their mood and regroup, they subconsciously froze in place.

Because the absolute evil that had just sent most of their comrades into the abyss showed an expression more painful than theirs.

"If you don't commit suicide, you won't die. It's such a simple truth, why don't you understand it?"

Looking at the lives destroyed by the overflowing thunderbolt, Roland was heartbroken, like a flower lover who saw his garden being trampled on.

He gradually raised his voice, like a teacher questioning a useless student.

"——What do you think of life?!" (End of this chapter)

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