As time went by, Goetia was following the progress of Chaldea and the chat group's mission was updated after such a long time.

The previous mission, exploring a new world, was Spider's world.

It had been completed, but then the mission went into a cooldown period. Now, the cooldown period had been completed, which meant that all the group members could enter the new world.

The mission update immediately aroused the excitement of everyone in the group.

"Mission 3, explore the new world. Rewards: 1 designated recruiting ticket, 1 random recruiting ticket, and a lot of points. Note: This world is a scientific world, and all mysterious abilities are invalid in this world. Since group member Goetia has the ability to interfere with the world, Goetia cannot enter this world. In addition, recommended members (Misaka Mikoto, Kato Megumi, Kocho Shinobu), no quota-"

As soon as this mission appeared, Gatia was speechless.

What does it mean? There is no limit on the number of people, but only on yourself? And the ability of the mysterious side is invalid, which means that even as a servant, it seems that I can't get in.

This is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

【Goetia: Ahem, what do you think? I can't get in, so I can only rely on you this time.

【Lai Yueang]: In the scientific world, isn't it true that everyone is just an ordinary person?

【[Yakumo Yukari]: Even if no one can use their abilities, you still can't beat Kocho Shinobu. Because the skills that an individual has learned must still exist. I don't have time. I've been having a headache lately, and I've been online less frequently.

In Gensokyo, Yakumo Yukari has to deal with Yuyuko's affairs this time, so she can only give up this time. Moreover, she herself does not have much subjective desire to go to the human world. Because she has secretly left Gensokyo many times, just to go to the human world.

However, although Yakumo Yukari will not go there, it is also a reminder to everyone.

People who master the skills will not forget these skills. However, the recommendation of Misaka Mikoto and Kato Megumi is still a little surprising. Do these two people also master special skills?

【Lai Yueang]: So, do you two have any powerful skills?

【Kato Megumi: No....At least not in fighting. However, I got Aqua's blessing last time, and I seem to be very good at art. For example, painting and singing seem to be very good.

After hearing what Kato Megumi said, everyone was speechless.

Aqua's ability is always very useful in special places.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Hahaha, I told you I'm very powerful. Who knows, maybe this time Kato Megumi will shine in this exploration of the new world! Hahaha!

【Kato Megumi]: Then Aqua, are you going to go?

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: No. I'm already in a very weak state, and you want me to go to a place that is isolated from the mysteries. I won't go.

【[Sindra]: I won't go either. By the way, Leyueang, didn't you say last time that you must go this time? Besides, you should have learned the skills of swordsmanship, right? I think you are also suitable.

【Lai Yueang]:...I really want to go, but I may not have much time.

Leyueang has always been with Emilia. If I leave for too long, Emilia will be worried.

【[Goetia]: Actually, you can go. The time in different worlds is different. Moreover, even if you want to come back, you can return to your own world at any time. There is no problem with this. We just need someone to continue to complete the tasks of the chat group.

After hearing Goetia's explanation, Le Yueang was convinced.

In fact, Goetia was right. Although we are on a mission, we can leave. Goetia thought about this last time when she was worried about Shinobu Kocho's safety. And she tried it, and it worked, but in the end Goetia chose to let Shinobu Kocho upload to the system terminal of that world and did not come back early.

【Goetia: Who else wants to go? Since there is no limit on the number of people, why not send more people and treat it as a meeting. After all, it is a technological world, so there shouldn't be too many dangers.

Goetia's proposal aroused great interest among the people in the group.

【Kato Megumi: I'm fine, I'm on vacation now

【Ichinose Honami: Oh, I want to go too, but I really don't have time. Our exam is coming up, and I heard that it seems that this time it will be on an uninhabited island.

As the class leader of Class B, she was told some things by the class teacher. So, I may not be able to join this time, which is a pity. It is indeed a pity. It is said that the previous world was very dangerous. Now there is finally a world on the scientific side, which is not so dangerous, but there is no time.

【Goetia: Haha, forget it if you don't have time, there will be another chance next time. So, Ichinose, do you want me to predict something for you? It will be better to know the next exam in advance.

【Ichinose Honami]: Oh, that's it....Not so good!

【[Leyuon]: Isn't it good to be able to cheat in the exam? Anyway, no one can find out. Moreover, the prophecy of Lady Goetia is absolutely true.

Leyuon's temptation almost made Ichinose Hoba unable to hold back.

Fortunately, Ichinose Hoba said that she would see when the time comes, and if it is really necessary, she would ask Lady Goetia. After all, that school is a little special, and Ichinose Hoba is not a pedantic person. If it can make Class B have a better chance of promotion, she will try.

The topic finally returned to the mission. Misaka Mikoto said that she could go too, but she had nothing to do now.

In the end, only Syndra, Spider Girl and Kocho Shinobu were left.

Syndra still said that she didn't want to go this time and wanted to stay in Piltover.

As for Spider Girl, she was worried that if it was not the world of the mysterious side, then there would be a problem whether she would still exist. After all, a spider with human consciousness is itself an uncertain problem. During the safe period, Spider Girl finally gave up.

Kocho Shinobu said that she had time, but she had to wait for her for a while. This is not a big problem.

Therefore, the four people who are finally going to the new world are Raiyue Ang, Misaka Mikoto, Kato Megumi and Kocho Shinobu. In the world of technology, there are Raiyue Ang and Kocho Shinobu, and they should be pretty good in terms of combat power.

In the end, the time was set for three days later.

In the past few days, they have also started to prepare.

As for Gaetia, this time she is going to be a spectator. There is no way. What can she do if she can't get in? No, she should be able to get in, but the chat group unilaterally doesn't let her in. After all, the fifth magic can travel through time.

Moreover, this is at the level of laws. Magic is invalid, but this kind of world-level rules is not necessarily the case.

However, it doesn't matter whether you go or not. You can just watch the live broadcast to relieve your boredom.

It's just that Gaetia thought so, and took advantage of this time to relax and watch the live broadcast. But someone doesn't want Gaetia to be idle. Gaia, who hasn't seen him for a long time, found Gaetia again.

To be honest, seeing Gaetia again still surprised Gaetia a little.

At present, there should be nothing that can intersect with Gaia, right?

So, after meeting Gaetia, Gaetia also expressed his doubts

"Long time no see, why did you come to see me this time?"

Gaetia expressed it very directly, and Gaia almost couldn't help but wonder if he came here just to see you because he had something to do....It seems to be true

"Ahem, why have you become so lazy now?"

"What does it mean?"

"As a human being, shouldn't you do something?"

Gaia's words surprised Gaetia. What does this mean? Why do you want me to do something? Didn't you ask me to be quiet before?

"No, I am a human now!"


There's nothing wrong with the other party's answer....

"Well, what happened that made you come to see me in person?"

Seeing Gaia's embarrassment, Goetia gave him a way out, otherwise it would not be appropriate to anger him.

With Goetia's conversation, Gaia finally told what happened.

It turned out that Alaya and Gaia discovered the figure of an alien god. This surprised Alaya, because she sensed a special breath of existence from the alien god, which was similar to the existence of Ultimate One. Yes, in a sense

, U Olga Marie is actually UO of the Chaldeas sphere.

The addition of U mother in front is enough to prove something.

It was this point that made Alaya feel a little uneasy. As a collective consciousness born from primates, Alaya will not allow UO to be born on Earth. This is also the reason why several major planets in the solar system have UO, but the Earth does not.

What is UO���That is the only or strongest existence on Earth.

This is impossible for the human race. After all, humans are primates that exist in the form of civilization. If UO appears first, it means that humans will lose their leadership position on Earth. This is very unpleasant for Alaya.

It is worth mentioning that Earth Princess Elquit is not actually the real UO of Earth.

Although Ulgamari is not the UO of Earth, there is a special relationship between the Chaldeas and the Earth. The Chaldeas was separated from the Earth, and even Ulgamari called herself the President of the Earth. This purpose is already very obvious. Marisbilian

Animusfia wants to upgrade Ulgamari to become the real UO of the Earth, or in the same way, to make herself the UO of the Earth. (The author's guess, just to milk the plot)

After all, the UO was born on the Chaldeas, and it is still possible to come to the Earth in the same way and then make herself the UO of the Earth.

When UO comes out, humans will be in real danger. Moreover, the purpose of Marisbilian Animusphia is to reach the root and protect human reason. What does it mean to protect human reason? This is to protect humans. To put it more intuitively, it is just to control the direction and process of human development.

What is the difference between this Alaya?

So Alaya will never allow such a thing to happen.

"but...What does this have to do with you? As the will of the Earth, you shouldn't have much influence, right?"

Gaetia asked. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In response, Gaia shook her head.

"The emergence of UO is indeed good news for the planet, at least it can deal with many dangers from the universe, but it does not mean that there is no harm to the earth itself. The big spider in South America, why do you think it left Oort and went to Mercury? Is it possible that the original planet was destroyed?"

This made Goetia silent.

How did Oort come, why did he leave, and come to Mercury to replace Mercury's UO, Goetia didn't know the reason. But there is indeed a possibility that the planet and UO may not necessarily live in harmony.

If Marisbillian Animusphia becomes the UO of the earth, then with this guy's ambition, he will definitely want to dominate.

"Anyway, I don't like this person. If UO really appears, I still think you are more suitable!"

Perhaps it was Gaetia's previous actions that brought Gaia and Gaetia closer together, so at this moment Gaia also expressed his wishes.

"Tsk, I had the chance to become UO before, but you didn't help me, and I was stopped by Alaya, what can I do?"

Yes, Goetia did have the chance to go one step further and become UO from"beast".

What is the purpose of Goetia burning away human principles? It is to reach the extreme - to become the only existence on this planet. If it really achieves this, then Goetia will definitely become the UO of the earth, but unfortunately...���It just failed at the most critical moment.

Hearing Gaetia's words, Gaia also smiled awkwardly.

"At that time, we were not familiar with each other, and you didn't look very reliable."


"So, it was Alaya who asked you to come?"

"Hehe, I guess so."

"But she won't let me become UO, or more precisely, she won't let UO appear."

Goetia said so.

In fact, there is a saying that Beasts are semi-finished UOs, candidates for orthodox UOs, and the ultimate goal of the Beast class is to defeat human history and become the strongest creature on earth.

This statement is still somewhat based on[]

First of all, Goetia wants to reach the extreme point - to become the only existence on this planet.

Secondly, the ccc event also said that Beast Killing House will be upgraded to the brain of the earth and become the erogenous zone of the star. These are all prerequisites for becoming UO.

At the same time, there is another point of view that can prove it.

After the beast appears, Alaya will send out the crown servant.

The final decisive weapon produced to fight against human evil - the crown servant, can just be explained as a system to defend the strongest status of mankind.

So human evil is an existence that humans must overcome. Under this theory, it can be explained as: humans must defeat human evil and not"self-destruct" due to their own accumulated stains, so that they can keep the position of the strongest creature uo and not be replaced.

But last time, Goetia almost destroyed it. If it weren't for Solomon's last moment of giving up himself, Goetia would have really succeeded.

Therefore, Goetia was really the closest to the position of UO before. After all, he has overturned human history.

Goetia's words, obviously Gaia also knows this.

But Gaia still said at this moment:"But we have to make preparations, don't we?"

"Eh? Is the pressure so great this time?"

"The main reason is the development of the Lostbelt, which seems to be a little too powerful. If one day, the birth of UO is inevitable, I hope you can grab it."Gaia said

"Is this what she said?"

The"she" mentioned by Goetia is obviously Alaya.

"No, it's just you whom I recommended to her. However, given the current situation, there's no need to be so nervous, as the person she chose is still growing."

What Gaia said is quite correct.

Because of those extra memories, Gaetia is still very clear about this. When Ritsuka grows up, even though the subsequent Lostbelt developed very quickly and became very powerful, it still fell to Ritsuka in the end. So this time, coming here is really just a preparation. Of course

, if Gaetia can do something, something that is beneficial to human reason and something that is not beneficial to Marisbillian Animusfia, it would be even better.

This is also the reason why Gaia came to urge Gaetia this time.

""Why do you always come to me when it's obviously not good for you?"

Goetia asked.

The white-haired Lolita spread her hands and said,"Maybe I want you to do more things, too? For example, can you still get the life energy you gave me last time?"


"How can that kind of energy still exist? I haven't left this world recently, okay!"

PS: Let me say that Gotomaru Ritsuka will destroy the former director's plan and replace it with Earth UO. Funny.jpg

I beg for free flowers and two votes from readers.

Transcript: hieubaocot

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