Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 64 Unknown Creature

Xiaolingyin didn't go directly to her home.

Instead, I came to a small temple.

She stood in front of the statue, put her hands together, first thanked him for guarding the island, and then began to tell her troubles.

She felt the warmth of her long-lost home in Liu Ming, but she was very reluctant to part with it.

She, who has always been positive and optimistic, is also a little hard to choose at this time.

While talking, a small animal suddenly ran out of the nearby grass.

It was rubbing its head against Xiao Lingyin's calf, which startled Xiao Lingyin.

She knelt down and looked at the little animal.

"It's cute, but I can't tell if you are a cat, a dog, or a rabbit." Xiao Lingyin looked at it curiously.

The little animal neither ran nor barked, just squatted there and looked at her.

Seeing that her front paw seemed to be injured, Xiao Lingyin took it home.


the other side

Liu Ming came to Xiao Kong, didn't speak, just looked at her straight.

Xiaokong felt uncomfortable and wanted to find a place to hide.

It's just that other people saw that the situation was not right, and ran away one by one, even her younger sister, Mei Yu, hid herself very shamelessly.

"Cousin, what's the matter with you?" Xiaokong swallowed and asked nervously.

"What do you think?" Liu Ming said calmly.

It's just that it's even more terrifying.

Xiao Kong swallowed again.

"Tell me, what's going on with Xiaolingyin? Why do I feel that she's very disturbed?" Liu Ming asked suspiciously.

"This~~ how do I know?" Xiaokong didn't dare to look directly at Liu Ming, and looked around randomly.

Liu Ming held out his hand.

Xiaokong thought that Liu Ming was going to hit her, so he closed his eyes in fear.

However, the waiting pain did not come, instead a warm palm appeared on the head.

Liu Ming gently stroked Xiao Kong's hair.

"Uncle~" Xiao Kong looked at Liu Ming.

"Since you don't want to say it, it's fine. Anyway, a good child like Xiao Kong will not do things to hurt others."

Xiao Kong's heart trembled, his eyes were red.

"Uh~~" Liu Ming was stunned for a moment, he probably didn't do anything excessive, why is Xiao Kong crying.

Just when Liu Ming was about to say something more, Xiao Kong tugged at his clothes.

At this moment, Xiao Kong didn't intend to hide any more, so he simply said what she had said to Xiao Lingyin just now.

Liu Ming opened his mouth, and finally turned into a wry smile.

"Did I do something wrong?" Seeing Liu Ming like this, Xiaokong couldn't help feeling uneasy.

"I know you are also kind, but I have only met Xiao Lingyin twice. You can easily scare her by telling her like this.

Moreover, it is not appropriate for you, a child, to say this.

Because I will be the one who will take care of her in the future, only if I, the client, express my thoughts, will Xiao Lingyin not think about it. "

"Then I didn't do something wrong." Xiao Kong regretted his impulsiveness.

"Of course not, don't think too much, just leave this matter to me." Liu Ming patted her head comfortingly.

Liu Ming said something to everyone, and then left the shop.

It didn't take long before he stopped. He turned his head and asked calmly, "Thor, are you still coming out?"

"Hey~~" Thor jumped out from a corner suddenly.

"Why did you follow?" Liu Ming asked strangely.

"I want to walk with Xiao Ming," Thor said.

Only then did Liu Ming realize that he seemed to have ignored Thor a little during this time.

Every day, he would accompany little chick Kangna to play around, or send Thor to take care of Tian Suohui and the others.

Unlike Elma, although Thor doesn't dislike Tian Suohui and the others now, what she wants more is to be by Liu Ming's side.

Thor was the first person Liu Ming met, and he has been helping him wholeheartedly.

Facing such a person, how could Liu Ming say no.

He smiled at Thor, and stretched out his hand to hold Thor's little hand, "Then let's go together."

"Hey~" Thor smiled and took two steps forward, walking side by side with Liu Ming.

The two chatted and laughed, and soon came to the Lingyin cafeteria.

At this time, Xiao Lingyin was playing with the little animal.

Liu Ming was about to step forward, but Thor stopped him.

Thor stared at the little animal vigilantly, his body tensed up, as if he planned to shoot if there was a disagreement.

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