"To be precise, Hogwarts prohibits all electronic products, and my lighter does not belong to this category. Don't you see that his lamp is also an ordinary fire?"

Pointing to Haige Dongye in front of him, he said with a leisurely smile.

"It seems......it really is..."

Looking at Higer and then at Higashino Yuu, Hermione also found that although the two bear different ways, they burn in the same way.

And the little wizards around Higashino Yu saw the sudden light in front of them, they couldn't help but exclaimed, and subconsciously moved closer to him. After a while, a group of people gathered around Higashino Yu, and Hermione was even more crowded. Without holding Higashino Yu's arm, he walked on the path with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

Feeling the warm breath from the boys around her, Miss All-in-One, who had begun to develop both mentally and physically, couldn't help but feel hot on the face under the light of the fire, and her heartbeat accelerated "Middle Earth Seven".

At the same time, Hagrid, who was leading the way, also noticed the commotion behind him.

Seeing the lighter in Higashino Yu's hand, he was slightly taken aback, but then he showed a gentle smile and raised the light in his hand as a signal.

Hagrid is a nice guy in the original book, so naturally he wouldn't feel that he was being slapped in the face because of this.

"Turn this corner, and you're about to see Hogwarts for the first time."

Hagrid at the front of the line said loudly.

Immediately afterwards, there was an uproar of exclamation.

At the end of the narrow path, there is a black lake, and on the other side of the lake stands an ancient towering castle on a high hillside. The spire of the castle is adjacent, and the windows with lights seem to be integrated with the stars in the sky. .

"It feels like not having a camera with me is the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life."

Higashino Yu said while smashing his mouth.

"Me too." Hermione beside her nodded in approval.

There were small boats docked on the lake in front of everyone, Hagrid pointed at the small boats and said loudly: "There can be no more than four people in each boat.

Higashino Yu jumped onto a boat first, and stretched out his hand politely, and helped Hermione, who was still blushing on her face, into the boat, and then two more people came up on the boat, one was with them from the beginning Neville, the other was a blond boy he didn't know.

"Is everyone aboard?"

shouted Hagrid, sitting alone in a boat that was about to sink any minute now.

"Okay, let's talk!"

Small boats moved steadily towards the castle on the calm lake.

The little wizards who had experienced this for the first time looked solemn, staring at the castle in front of them that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger because of the distance. When they approached the cliff where the castle was located, they felt that the castle seemed to be hanging above everyone's heads.

"Do you know why each boat can only take four people?"

While looking around Higashino Yuu, he asked Hermione.

"This...do you know?"

Hermione looked at him sideways, although she had read "A Piece of Hogwarts School History", there was no record on why she took the boat.

"I'm not so sure either."

Higashino shook his head and smiled.

"However, I read a very interesting statement in a book in the Lihen Bookstore, that is, coming here by boat is the method used by the founders of the Four Great Academies, that is to say, we are now walking through the Four Great Academies. The path traveled by the founders of the Graduate School."


Gently nodded, and then Hermione looked at Higashino Yu more and more strangely.

"Why do you know so much, and there are old books and school history, how long have you stayed in Lihen Bookstore?"

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for normal freshmen to know this!

"Of course all the time."


At this moment, not only Hermione was taken aback, but even Neville and the blond boy looked sideways.

"Didn't I tell you? Because I'm an orphan, after buying books in Diagon Alley, I stayed in Lihen Bookstore to work."

Tono shrugged.

Can it still be like this?

Hermione watched him widen his eyes, although he didn't say anything, but the expression was directly revealed.

"How on earth did you do that!"

"It's easy. Maybe Lihen Bookstore doesn't need too many staff members at ordinary times, but the school season is the busiest time for him. How can there be fewer staff members? I just asked him directly, do you need any staff here?" Temporary workers are hired, and the wages are free, but they must include room and board and allow me to read the books here when I am not busy, and then the boss directly agreed..."

"You never told me that!"

Hermione puffed her mouth and was a little angry, especially when she thought that she had boasted that she had memorized all the textbooks in the car, she couldn't help being ashamed.

"Then I probably forgot."

Dongye Youxiaoxiao didn't care too much. The reason why he worked in Lihen Bookstore, besides being able to read books, was to get in touch with more people in the wizarding world, so that he could prostitute magic from them for free.

It turns out that he was right.

Although I haven't learned any Unforgivable Curses or spells for fighting during this period, I have learned some small life spells.

When everyone took a boat across a series of rocky cliffs, the boat carried the freshmen through the ivy-covered hidden cave covering the front of the cliff and arrived at a place similar to a pier. Finally stepped on the pebbles to reach the shore.


The fat toad landed on Higashino Yuu's feet and screamed.

"Laifu, my Laifu!"

Neville, who jumped off the boat, was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly grabbed Toad.

However, before he touched the toad, the latter jumped directly into the distance.

The emerald green gust blew out of thin air, slowly lifted the toad that had just jumped into the air, and then the whirlwind dragged the toad to land on Higashino Yuu's palm before disappearing slowly.

"Give. 5.9"

"Oh ~ thank you.

Dragging the toad with both hands, Neville was ecstatic with excitement, holding the toad in his arms while cheering.

"What kind of magic was that you just now? Why didn't I hear you say the spell?"

Hermione looked at him with growing curiosity.

"Hehe, it's just some small tricks, no spells are needed at all."

Higashino You smiled and didn't explain too much, mainly because he didn't know how to explain this kind of thing.

At this moment, Hagrid also got off the boat, beckoning everyone to go with him.

After passing through the long tunnel, everyone finally arrived at a lawn under the shadow of the castle.

Hagrid led the crowd up a flight of steps, and at this moment they finally arrived in front of the gate of Hogwarts. .

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