The blue sky is blue, the sun radiates warmly, and white clouds float in the sky.

This is a view that is difficult to see in modern times, after all, the pollution of the modern world has made the sky lose its original purity.

Originally, Nangong Luoyu should feel very comfortable seeing this kind of scenery, but this premise is that Nangong Luoyu wants to see this kind of scenery.

“I just slept, why did I run here? And…”

Nangong Luoyu looked around, and said with a strange face: “It’s so square here…”

That’s right, it’s Fang.

As far as the eye can see, the sun in the sky is square, and the white clouds are also made up of squares.

Above the earth, trees are square, leaves are square, and where there are angular corners, they are also square.

Even the cattle and sheep not far away are square……….

In such a square place, the sense of sight is too strong, and Nangong Luoyu immediately thought of what place this was.

MC, Minecraft, a world made of blocks, a game that has been popular for a long time.

Nangong Luoyu was still playing this game before he went to sleep.

“No, I’ll just play a game and cross?” Nangong Luoyu whispered to himself with complicated emotions.

Although he is an orphan, has no relatives, no friends, and is a street fan writer, he doesn’t want to cross into the MC just like that!

If this is crossed into the daily world of anime, Nangong Luoyu will also recognize, after all, two-dimensional beautiful girls, who doesn’t like it!

But crossing to MC, Nangong Luoyu was a little unbearable.

Although traveling to your favorite game world can make people feel happy for a while.

But, over time, it’s different.

For a modern person, without the Internet, without a mobile phone, it is hell!

In short, Nangong Luoyu didn’t want to cross here.


“Lord God?”

“Big ball of light?”

“Lord Kami?”

Nangong Luoyu tried to call a few times, but nothing changed.

This made Nangong Luoyu reject the idea of going back.

“Forget it, let’s try to see if you can stroke the tree first.”

Since there is no way to go back, Nangong Luoyu can only find a way to survive first.

As for why this is determined?

No way, Steve in the game is a block man, and Nangong Luoyu is not.

Now he is incompatible with the painting style of this world.

Therefore, he is not sure if he can stroke the tree.

If this can’t, Nangong Luoyu can only run quickly.

At least find a village before it gets dark so you can survive.

The place where Nangong Luoyu appeared was a plain, and there was just a forest not far away, still oak.

Soon, Nangong Luoyu came to a tree.

“This style of painting, I don’t know if it will damage my eyesight after watching it for a long time…”

Nangong Luoyu muttered, and then waved his fist at this oak tree.

“Thankfully! Able to break blocks without feeling pain. ”

Looking at the crack that suddenly appeared and quickly recovered, a smile appeared at the corner of Nangong Luoyu’s mouth.

Then, Nangong Luoyu crossed his hands, like a sandbag, and threw punch after punch at the oak in front of him.

Soon, the cracks in the oak spread, spreading throughout the square.

Then, a scene that was enough for normal people to explode the three views appeared.

Above the trunk of a square tree that seemed absolutely impossible to appear naturally, there was obviously a missing piece, but the tree above not only did not fall, but still stood straight there.

Nangong Luoyu didn’t care about the situation that was enough to make the three views explode.

Just looking at the shrunken oak square and lost in thought.

Being able to break blocks would have been a delightful scene.

But Nangong Luoyu couldn’t be happy.

Because, he doesn’t have a game panel!

Without panels, you can’t collect things, you can’t break down oak, you can’t get planks, you can’t make workbenches, you can’t make tools.

It’s a complete knot!

In this regard, Nangong Luoyu scratched his hair irritably, and finally, he sighed helplessly.

This feeling of having hope and then turning into despair is so uncomfortable.

Stepping forward and looking at the oak square that had fallen to the ground and had not been sucked away by himself, Nangong Luoyu bent down and prepared to pick it up.

Although I can’t use it, I made it myself, so it’s good to be a souvenir!

However, just when his fingers touched the square, his movements were suddenly stunned.


The panel has appeared!

Inventory, backpacks, health, satiety, experience, all appeared in his mind.

The oak block also appears in the first compartment of the inventory.

And this is not the reason why Nangong Luoyu was stunned, or rather, it is not the main reason, this reason only occupies a small part.

What really stunned Nangong Luoyu was the information that suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Kill the ender dragon and you will get everything.] 】

You don’t really die. 】

Only these two short sentences made Nangong Luoyu’s heart ignite hope.

Return to the hope of modern society!

Although it was just a piece of information, there was no explanation, and it was useless to let Nangong Luoyu call it.

But, in the end, it’s a hope.

MC is fun and makes people can’t help but play a little longer.

However, if Nangong Luoyu is allowed to play all the time, Nangong Luoyu is unwilling.

“Set a small goal and get a full set of diamond equipment!” At this moment, Nangong Luoyu’s heart ignited with motivation.

No longer to survive, but to go back.

Monsters refreshed at night?

Starve to death without food?

That’s not a thing!

Anyway, it is the adventure mode, and you can be resurrected when you die.

As for doubting the authenticity of the resurrection after death?

Nangong Luoyu was indeed a little skeptical at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it didn’t make sense.

After all, they all got him here, with this kind of power, and they still used to deceive him?

Besides, even if you don’t say this and don’t give him a game panel, he won’t live long.

All of the above made Nangong Luoyu believe in the authenticity of the resurrection after death.

If he was really lying to him, then he would admit it.

After wasting so much effort, just to kill him, even if he didn’t believe it now, there would definitely be something else in the future, Nangong Luoyu didn’t think he could hide.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, IQ, physique, etc. are only average, or below.

Nangong Luoyu didn’t think that he could play with each other, so he could only recognize it like that.

Anyway, without the Internet and mobile phones, it is hell, maybe it will be better to die.


New book releases, asking for flowers, asking for collections, these are the motivation for authors to write down!

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