“Jia Bai Li !!!”

In the apartment, Nangong Luoyu let out a roar with a fierce face.

“Do you even play priest?! Actually add blood to the boss?! ”

“I think you did it on purpose!!!”

Nangong Luoyu frantically output to the other side.

This game is really fun and can be krypton gold, but it doesn’t affect the balance of the game too much.

Anyway, Nangong Luoyu thought it was quite fun, so he kept playing games and raised the level.

Halfway through, he also met another priest with a higher rank than him.

His profession is a Terran warrior and he has good playability.

And the priest’s words, although the level is high, but the attack power is basically nothing, it is a pure auxiliary.

So, Nangong Luoyu teamed up with this priest to play games.

In this process, Nangong Luoyu also determined that this priest was the real Jia Baili.

This can surprise Nangong Luoyu.

Unexpectedly, this is still a mixed world.

However, Nangong Luoyu did not care too much, and he did not plan to develop his faith in this world, so he continued to play the game.

However, he didn’t expect that Jia Baili was okay in front and did an auxiliary responsibility, but when he was fighting the boss, he actually gave him this hand.

Originally, the boss was very difficult to fight, and Nangong Luoyu’s blood volume was very unhealthy, and now it was directly hung up by Jia Baili with such a hand.

The point is that if you hang it, a very important piece of equipment of Nangong Luoyu has dropped.

That’s what he finally brushed out!

This made Nangong Luoyu unable to bear it!

And along with Nangong Luoyu’s roar, Jia Baili on the other side also spoke.

“What’s wrong, I just did it on purpose!” Jia Baili said reasonably: “Who told you not to give me that equipment!” ”

“That’s a warrior’s equipment, what’s the use of you asking for a priest?!” Nangong Luoyu’s words carried a hint of incredulity.

What Jia Baili is talking about is a piece of equipment similar to wings, pure warrior equipment, although other classes can also be equipped, but there will be no attribute bonus.

Nangong Luoyu naturally would not give the equipment to Jia Baili.

However, now even if Nangong Luoyu wants to give Jia Baili, it is impossible, because it was the equipment that died just now.

“So what, it looks good!” Jia Baili said proudly: “Anyway, I can’t get you and don’t want it!” ”

“I step on a horse!”

After hearing Jia Baili’s words, Nangong Luoyu instantly turned into an Zuan telegraph and began to output.

As all kinds of words that were enough to be completely shielded came out of Nangong Luoyu’s mouth, it instantly made Jia Baili angry.

Jiabaili, an excellent graduate of the Angel Academy, even if he was completely corrupted by human entertainment, but where has he seen this kind of language output.

Immediately, Jia Baili exploded.

“You guy actually dares to scold me like this, I am an angel, you will be punished by heaven!”

Although Jia Baili wanted to scold back, her vocabulary did not allow her to do so, and in the end, she could only come with such a threat.


Nangong Luoyu smiled disdainfully, and said mockingly: “You are an angel, I am still God, let’s see which of us will be punished by heaven first!” ”

“You… You… You…”

This can make Jiabaili angry, and I can’t even say a complete sentence.

“You what you, trash.” Nangong Luoyu can be described as mocking Laman.


On the other side, Jia Baili shouted like crazy, and then said viciously: “You have the ability to report the position, I will go and give you the heavenly curse!” ”

“Come on, I’m afraid of you!”

Nangong Luoyu said disdainfully: “I’m in the Three Realms Apartment, if you come, I’ll let you come alone, and two people will pass.” ”

“I’m in the Three Realms Apartment, you wait for me!” Jia Baili said a cruel word, and there was no sound, and her game characters did not move.

“No, did you really find it?”

Nangong Luoyu took off the headphones and felt a little incredible.

He didn’t expect things to be so coincidental, and Jia Baili actually lived in the same apartment building as him.

This made Nangong Luoyu a little difficult to ride a tiger.

Although Jia Baili is a daily character, her combat effectiveness is not accurately expressed.

But this does not mean that Jia Baili is not strong, just look at the doomsday horn that she can take out at any time.

However, there is no need to worry too much, in the world, angels are not allowed to use the power that belongs to angels.

If Jia Baili didn’t want to be sent back, she would definitely not dare to use the power of angels against him.

However, this is a mixed world, and Nangong Luoyu doesn’t know what will happen.

Therefore, Nangong Luoyu planned to retreat tactically first.

As long as he leaves this world first, Jia Baili will definitely not find him.

Immediately, Nangong Luoyu opened the long-lost group chat interface.

Nangong Luoyu: “@切尔茜, Sister Che, come to an invitation, I will help you save the world over there.” ”

Chelsea: “? ”

Chelsea: “Who are you?” ”

Tokisaki Kozo: “New people again?” Why didn’t the group chat prompt? ”

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: “Welcome newcomers~”

Nangong Luoyu: “You guys are enough, I don’t believe you don’t know who I am.” ”

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: “You haven’t said your real name before, and now you suddenly change your name, it’s not normal for us to be unclear~”

Nangong Luoyu: “Ah this, didn’t I say that?” ”

Tokisaki Kozo: “No oh~”

Seeing this, Nangong Luoyu thought carefully and found that he really hadn’t said anything.

And at this time, Chelsea also reacted.

Chelsea: “Are you an embryo?” ”

Chelsea: “Your outrageous mission was actually completed?” ”

Unlike Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Shizaki Mad San, who had long been guessed, Chelsea has always felt that Nangong Luoya is just an ordinary person.

Nangong Luoyu: “… Yes, done, don’t call me that broken name again! ”

Chelsea: “That is, you really became a god?” ”

She is still a little incredible, gods, this is basically in every world, this concept.

Nangong Luoyu: “Yes, you really became a god, do you want to believe in me?” ”

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: “Do you believe in God?” ”

Penglai Mountain Kaguya accurately found the problem.

On the side of Fantasy Township, there are also gods, and most of them believe in gods.

It’s just that with the development of human beings, these beliefs in God do not end well.

Nangong Luoyu: “No, it’s like this…”

Nangong Luoyu explained his basic situation, saying what he could say, and not saying what he couldn’t.

There is no lie, there will be a long time in the future, a lie needs countless lies to make up, Nangong Luoyu does not want to bother to maintain the lie.

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