Half an hour later...

Hongzhou Yansui Restaurant·Taishan.

The originally bustling restaurant was now eerily quiet.

Almost all the diners stared with their eyes wide open, as if they had seen a ghost.

In the quiet hall, only Lion King was holding a menu and communicating with the waitress.

"This, this, this"

"And this one, and this one"

"Do you have any more steamed buns?"

"Ten more, twenty more!"

The Lion King pointed at the menu and said to the waiter beside him.

"Ah this..."

The girl in the cheongsam with a bun-like haircut was so frightened that her face turned pale.

She had seen big eaters ordering food before. But this was the first time she had encountered this in the three years since she became a waitress.

"money...Not a problem."

Zhao Ziqing, the master, sat opposite the Lion King and continued to add fuel to the fire.

He is rich now!

He can't let the people around him live a hard life with him!

Whether it's food, daily necessities, housing, or clothing!

As long as he can satisfy his current needs, he will never be stingy!

"Please wait a moment!"

The waitress took the menu in a panic and hurried to the kitchen.

After watching the waitress leave, the Lion King smiled expectantly.

Since her birth, she has lived a poor life.

Even after becoming a king, she spent most of her time on the battlefield.

The land in her hometown is barren, and even filling her stomach is a luxury.

How could such a land produce real food?


After tasting Chinese food...

The [King of Hunger], who had been silent for a thousand years, once again showed her amazing appetite!

Don't ask her if she is full, but ask how much is left in the kitchen!

If it weren't for the current more important things, she could even sit here and concentrate on eating for a whole day!...

"Eat, eat..."

Zhao Ziqing looked at the Lion King distressedly.

If it weren't for this small shop, with limited capacity and ingredients, he wished he could let the Lion King taste all the Chinese cuisine tonight!

"Master, I am sorry to make you laugh...."

Perhaps in front of the food, humanity overshadowed divinity, and the king smiled shyly.

I don't know if it was because the pepper was too spicy or because of his inner shyness.

The Lion King's face was slightly scarlet.

"No problem"

"Money is meant to be spent."

Zhao Ziqing smiled indifferently and enjoyed the food on the table with the Lion King....

I don't know which round of ordering this is....

The restaurant is already sweating...

The food stored in the restaurant was cleared out in just a few hours! Even their staff meals were forced to be taken out as free dishes....

The guest's appetite was still unsatisfied, like a bottomless pit!

Time: 22:01

"I am so sorry!"

"We are out of ingredients!"

The waitress and the store manager bowed 90 degrees and apologized in unison.


"That's such a pity."

The Lion King sighed regretfully, obviously still not satisfied.

Even though she had eaten hundreds of servings, her belly didn't swell.

The food taken into the body will be converted into magic power storage at the fastest speed.

Theoretically ,...

Life is endless, eating is endless!

No matter how many calories she consumes, she will not change at all!...

After Zhao Ziqing paid [900,000 yen] for the meal by swiping his card, the meal came to a successful conclusion.

The moment he took back the card, Zhao Ziqing's palms were shaking slightly.

He had just received [5 million yen], and spent 900,000 on a meal.

But seeing the happy smile of the Lion King, he felt that it was all worth it.

Through this meal, his relationship with the Lion King has taken a step further!

Feeding with food may be a shortcut to gain favor....

It seems...

Before the Gem Trade...

They still have to continue living in that leaky little house.......

On the street late at night.

After unlocking the seal of [King of Hunger], the lion king's humanity overshadowed his divinity.

She was full of expectations for all kinds of food in the world, and even the roadside snack stands would attract her attention.

"Master, you should try it too."

The Lion King, full of guilt, put the bitten glutinous rice ball next to her master's mouth.

The master spent so much money on her, but she couldn't repay him. The only thing she could do now was to share the happiness brought by the food with her master....

In the eyes of passers-by, they look like a loving couple....

"So sweet..."

Zhao Ziqing, who was thinking about something, opened his mouth and took a small bite.

He was thinking about where was the most suitable place for him to summon.

Without the [Holy Relic] as a medium, he could only put more effort into the ceremony.

He was a [Multiple Attributes] magician.

The more elemental conditions the venue met, the stronger the summoning spell he performed would naturally be.

After thinking about it,...

The only eligible venue seems to be near the lake.... the other side...

Tonight, the Tosaka family welcomed a special visitor.

A woman from Einzbern came to visit late at night.


"Destroy the [Matou family] and cause a tragic disaster"

"Before the Holy Grail War officially started, the criminals murdered other masters."

"His name is: Zhao Ziqing"

"Master Tosaka, am I right?"

Irisviel pretended to be expressionless and confirmed again in a cold tone.


"Einzbern's eldest daughter"

"But I advise you not to provoke that gentleman."

Tosaka Tokiomi had a complicated expression. As the manager of Fuyuki, he recounted what happened. The reason for his ugly expression was the blonde girl dressed as a bodyguard following behind the young lady.

Although the girl did not say a word from beginning to end.

But the powerful magic fluctuations were enough to explain everything!


Another Servant!

The Holy Grail War will not officially begin for more than a year.

But the Masters participating in this war have summoned Servants one by one in advance!

So much so that!

He, a Master who has been recognized by the [Holy Grail] but has not yet summoned [Servants], is in a very dangerous situation and may become the enemy's prey at any time!

【Tosaka Tokiomi: Young people nowadays really have no moral principles!...

He must hurry up and prepare the ceremony as soon as possible to summon his servant!...

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