Although there was a little episode in the middle.

But the ending was perfect.

Without causing large-scale casualties,

Chen Mu cooperated with several people from the third expeditionary force to successfully suppress this monster riot.

By the way, many victims were rescued from the ruins created by the monster.

And Yukinoshita Yukino was one of the victims rescued by Chen Mu.

To be honest, at the beginning, Chen Mu did not recognize Yukinoshita Yukino's identity.

He just thought that this girl was very beautiful.

But just when Chen Mu sent Yukinoshita Yukino to the ambulance and was about to leave.

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly told Chen Mu her name.

And said:"I will come to you soon, classmate Chen Mu."

Chen Mu: ? ? ?

It was not until this time that Chen Mu turned over the memory in his mind.

He used to know Yukinoshita Yukino.

They were both students of a college.

However, Chen Mu left the college because he participated in the assessment of the defense force.

Yukinoshita Yukino, however, is still studying.

The two of them were not familiar with each other when they were in school before, and at most they knew each other's names.

But today, Chen Mu really brought a little"human god shock" to Xue Nai.

Chen Mu himself would not have thought how much his body resisted the lightning ball, and how much it touched Xue Nai.

At that moment, Xue Nai directly found the meaning of her life from now on.

To put it in the following words.

At that moment, Xue Nai even thought of the name of the child...

Chen Mu was still thinking about what Xue No meant by her last words.

Suddenly, he felt someone push him.

Reflexively, he grabbed the hand that attacked him and twisted it.

The next moment, Shinomiya Chikoruo screamed:"Ahhh, it hurts, it hurts!"..."

"You bastard, let me go quickly!"

Looking at Shinomiya Chikoro who was twisting his hand, Chen Mu let go of his hand with a dark face.

"Why did you sneak attack me for no reason? Aren't you asking for trouble?"

Shinomiya Chikoru, whose hand was already hurt by the sudden attack, was about to explode when she heard this.

"Who attacked you? I just saw you were daydreaming again, so I wanted to remind you."

"Who knew you would react so strongly?"

He glared at Chen Mu, but thinking of the difference in strength between the two sides, Shinomiya Chikoro finally wisely gave up the idea of fighting back.

If he dared to fight again, he would be pressed to the ground.

However, if he didn't dare to fight, it was okay to whisper a few words.

Therefore, Chen Mu soon heard Shinomiya Chikoro muttering softly.

"What a bastard, he's so strong, like a humanoid monster."

If it were any other time, Chen Mu wouldn't mind bickering with Shinomiya Chikoro.

But forget it today.

He was still thinking about going back early to test his new abilities and see how strong he is now.

So, Chen Mu asked Chikoro directly,"Is there anything else? If not, I'll leave first."

Shinomiya Chikoro didn't have time to complain at this time.

He quickly said,"No, I need your help with something."

""Go ahead."

Chen Mu had a good impression of Shinomiya Chikolu.

Although she was a little sharp-tongued sometimes, and occasionally had a bit of a female devil side.

But her essence was not bad.

During the battle, she would not betray her teammates.

Overall, she was a person with a little personality, but generally cute.

Therefore, for Shinomiya Chikolu's request, if it was not too much trouble, Chen Mu did not mind helping.

Of course, if it was too much trouble, that was another matter.

Shinomiya Chikolu was a little embarrassed at this time.

Her face was slightly red.

But she still expressed her request:"Can I train with you in the future?"

Shinomiya Chikolu felt that Chen Mu's strength had improved so quickly, and he must have a unique training method.

And if she could train with Chen Mu.

Then her strength would definitely improve quickly!

However, after hearing this request, Chen Mu looked at Shinomiya Chikolu as if he was looking at a fool.

Train with Chen Mu?

Are you sure?

Chen Mu's daily training content is to bask in the sun naked.

Do you want to bask in the sun too?....

In the end, Chen Mu still declined Shinomiya Chikolu's request.

The reason was that his training method was not suitable for her.

However, this did not completely dispel Shinomiya Chikolu's idea.

Instead, it strengthened Shinomiya Chikolu's guess.

Chen Mu definitely has unique training skills.

Otherwise, why would he keep it so secret?

He didn't tell her just because he didn't want her to catch up.

Humph, do you think you can make me give up like this?


Shinomiya Chikolu can give up everything to become stronger!

The more Chen Mu didn't teach Shinomiya Chikolu, the more Shinomiya Chikolu wanted to get it.

There is no chance now, but it doesn't mean there will be no chance in the future!

At most, she will pay a little more price.

In order to become stronger, Shinomiya Chikolu can afford it......

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Third Expeditionary Force,

Yashiro Mina, Nishiki Chitsuka, and the vice-captain, Hoshina Soshiro, all three members gathered.

They looked at Chen Mu's 96% released combat power and fell into silence.

At the same time, right in front of the three of them, Shinomiya Isao rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating.

After a long while, everyone finally accepted the reality.

It turned out that it was not an illusion. It turned out that Chen Mu was really a monster.

"It's too outrageous, no, why?"

Hoshina Soshiro's mentality collapsed.

It's only been a short time, and Chen Mu has surpassed him.

Doesn't he, the vice-captain, have any face?

Also, the title of the Big Three in the future will be given to Chen Mu.

He doesn't deserve it.

His unleashed combat power is only 92%, how can he be qualified to be on par with these three gods with more than 95% of the Big Three.

Yabai Mina's reaction was similar. Looking at Chen Mu's unleashed combat power, the whole person was in a trance.

On the contrary, Jinmu Chitsuka, after being surprised for a moment, immediately laughed.

It was like seeing an interesting toy.

As for Shinomiya Isao, he was in deep thought at this time.

He was thinking, such a powerful talent, can it be copied.

For example, through blood inheritance, pass it on to the next generation.

There is no other meaning, just like Chen Mu.

Coincidentally, he also has a daughter, and coincidentally, his daughter is not bad looking.

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