Bastard, what happened to you?


Even the durian-headed Pangzhong was stunned. What did you win?

Five million?

Thinking of this, Pangzhong hurried over and jumped up, wanting to see the lottery ticket in Josuke's hand.

At this time, Josuke also handed the lottery ticket in his hand over in a daze.

Even he himself could not have imagined that he actually won.

You know, these lottery tickets were just picked up by Pangzhong, and he himself was just trying his luck.

But at this time, Jiang Zhou frowned slightly. He turned his head slightly and glanced at the expressions of the people around him. He found that most of them were breathing heavily, with dead fish eyes and raised eyes. Squinting eyes, all kinds of expressions, but these eyes have one thing in common - that is the greed in the eyes.

You know, it is 1999 now, and 5 million yen is equivalent to 350,000 yuan!

Even in 2022, it is a huge sum of money.

No one will not be tempted.

For a moment, the breathing of everyone present became heavy.

However, both Higashikata Josuke and Fatty were still immersed in the joy of 5 million and did not notice this.

At this time, a man with a decent appearance and wearing a cheap suit approached Higashikata Josuke and the others.

"that..."Hey, young man, I'm a bank employee. Can I see this lottery ticket?" He said with a smile.

Hearing this, Pang Zhong didn't think much and subconsciously handed it over.

Seeing this scene, the man who claimed to be a staff member breathed more quickly

""Yes, that's it, give it to me!" The man's eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand towards the lottery ticket.

However, just as he was about to touch the lottery ticket, a big hand took it away even faster.

"You guy......"

Seeing the cooked duck flying away from his eyes, the man was not willing to give up, and immediately turned around to prepare to fight with the other party.

But when he turned around, he saw Jiang Zhou's height of 1.87 meters (secondary growth) and his tendon muscles that made his suit bulge, and his momentum weakened instantly.

"Me, I came first......"The man said weakly.

Jiang Zhou ignored him.

He just put the lottery ticket in front of his eyes, glanced at it lightly, and sneered.

Then, in full view of everyone, he pinched a corner of the lottery ticket with both hands, and then with a"rip" sound, the original complete lottery ticket was broken into two halves.

This is not the end. If it is just like this, it is still possible to repair it.

Then, the"rip" sound continued in everyone's ears.

The original complete lottery ticket has become a pile of shredded paper, and even the words on it can't be seen.

"What are you doing?!" Pangzhong's eyes widened immediately, and he lowered his head to hit the guy who took away his five million to death with his durian head.

However, he was grabbed by Star Platinum with one hand, which appeared behind Jiang Zhou.

He could not move forward even half a step. Then his mouth was covered by Star Platinum.

At this time, Josuke on the side also noticed the passers-by who had gathered around him at some point.

However, they all had expressions of grief and anger, looking at the scraps of paper on the ground in disbelief.

Five million!

Five million!

How much overtime do they have to work, and how much hair do they have to lose to earn it back!!! They all glared at the black hand behind all this - Jiang Zhou.

They completely forgot that this lottery ticket was not theirs at all.

However, Jiang Zhou said,"The child can't tell the difference between six and nine, where did the five million come from?"

"Admit it, did you admit it wrongly?"

Everyone was stunned, and then they were relieved.


If you really won 5 million, who wouldn't protect it well? No rich man would tear 5 million for fun.

""Jousuke, didn't you make an appointment with a neurologist? If you go too late, the doctor will be off duty." Jiang Zhou looked at Josuke.

""Oh oh oh!" Josuke also reacted, pulling Fatso through the crowd and running towards the Grape Hill Hospital.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Fatso.

Well, it doesn't look normal.

"Bah, I actually believed what a fool said, what bad luck!"

Everyone left in disappointment.......


Josuke poked his head out from the bushes and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no one around.

At this time, Jiang Zhou finally let go of the fat man.

"You guy, I still treat you as a companion, you give me back the five million!!!" After regaining the ability to move, Pangzhong immediately summoned his stand.

Hundreds of mini golden stands surrounded Jiang Zhou.

Seeing this scene, Josuke hurriedly stopped in front of Jiang Zhou, and then said:"Pangzhong, listen to me first!"

"What is there to say? My five million is gone!"

Pang Zhong obviously couldn't hear anything at this moment.

However, Jiang Zhou didn't have any hope for his intelligence at first.

"Is that all the substitutes there are?" Jiang Zhou glanced around and sneered.

The situation of ants biting elephants to death is based on the fact that the opponent has no AOE skills, otherwise he is just giving away experience!

"I will try my best to control my power, but you still have to be prepared to be a male nanny." Jiang Zhou patted Jousuke's shoulder.

After the words fell, Jiang Zhou took a deep breath.



The Star of Platinum instantly appeared behind Jiang Zhou, and the energy of the ripples spread from Jiang Zhou's body to the fist of the Star of Platinum.


The ground shook as the fist landed, and almost all the harvesters collapsed to the ground.

Strictly speaking, the ripple energy, as life energy, would not cause harm to the stand.

But if the ripple energy was emitted from the stand's hands, it would be a different story.

"What's going on?!" Fat Zhong collapsed to the ground, a little panicked.

He found that he had lost control of the Harvester.

At this time, Jiang Zhou just walked over, patted him on the shoulder, and said,"Don't worry, it's just a dizzy effect."

After that, he glanced at Josuke.

At this time, Josuke also explained,"Fat Zhong, you really misunderstood Jiang Zhou. There is a saying in China, called the man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure. Didn't you notice that some passers-by looked at us in a strange way?"

"Well, so what? We are substitute users, they can't do anything to us!" Pang Zhong retorted, but his tone was still a little weak.

"Well, even if the other party can't hurt us, there will still be some trouble!"

"But, but that's five million." Pang Zhong lowered his head, tears already filling his eyes.

"Don't worry, he is Jiang Zhou!"

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