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""Oh wow, it's over, it's all over now." Lan Yufeng had just returned to the shore when he heard Serafall's scream.

At the same time, a burning smell came over.

In response, Lan Yufeng's eyes twitched, and he came to the campfire in an instant, looking at the fish on the small fire that had turned black like charcoal.

Not only that, Gurefia and Serafall's pretty faces were also covered in black and gray, looking quite funny.

"What are you guys playing at?"Lan Yufeng covered his forehead, speechless.

""Sorry, Master, I messed up." Gurefia lowered her head with reluctance and annoyance, looking at the burnt fish in her hand, and apologized in a low voice.

"Uh, I was wrong too. I spilled the oil and it burned." Serafall wiped the black dust off her pretty face and said with a wry smile.

"Dark cuisine."Lan Yufeng glanced at the fish that was as black as carbon and couldn't help but complain.

However, he still took the fish from Gurefia's hand and smelled it.

"Master, this is already..."Gurefia was stunned and wanted to stop Lan Yufeng.

However, before she could stop him, Lan Yufeng took a bite of the meat and started eating.

""It tastes okay. It's edible. Keep working on it." Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and said casually. This was not a lie. Although it looked terrible, it tasted okay. Perhaps this was because the fish meat in Jingling Lake itself was better.

"......"Hearing this, Gurefia's eyes flickered, and a ray of warmth flashed through her heart, but she felt even more regretful.

"Forehead..."Serafall stared blankly at Lan Yufeng eating the whole fish, with mixed feelings.

Lan Yufeng, is he taking care of their emotions?

He was so mean when playing cards, but now he is so careful and gentle.

Then, Serafall couldn't help biting the skewer of grilled fish in her hand.

In an instant, her face turned purple and she spit out the fish in her mouth. This can no longer be described as unpalatable, it's simply poison.

For a moment, Serafall's emotions fluctuated, and she stared at Lan Yufeng blankly. A blush suddenly appeared on her pretty face. I don't know what she was thinking.

This guy, does he still have some good points?...

In fact, Serafall had completely misunderstood. Gurefia's fish was simply burnt, without much seasoning.

But hers, with all kinds of seasonings scattered all over it, was truly a dark dish.

"Just leave it to me from now on." Lan Yufeng clapped his hands and rolled his eyes."Really, I, as the master, have to grill a fish and then give it to you maids. You are really incompetent."

"...I'm sorry."Gurefia looked guilty and apologized again.

"Forehead...Sorry."Serafall silently melted the grilled fish in her hand into ice cubes for humane destruction. She also apologized awkwardly.

This time it was her fault. She was so stubborn.

"Forget it, I was careless and forgot that you two are the kind of girls who never touch the spring water."

Lan Yufeng shook his head, patted the exposed shoulders of Gurefia and Serafall, squatted down to relight the fire, and then caught three fish in the barrel.

Originally, because Gurefia was too impressed by the perfect maid outfit, he forgot that Gurefia was just his temporary maid for the first time and didn't have the skills of an all-round maid.

"Master, please teach me how to cook."Gurefia pinched her skirt, imitated the maid etiquette she remembered, and said seriously.

A maid who can't cook is incompetent.

"Well, I will teach you well during this period. Now I will teach you how to grill fish."Lan Yufeng smiled slightly and nodded to Gurefia.

"Teach me too!" Seraphel couldn't help but raise her hand out of embarrassment.

"Let's learn together, although I don't think you can learn it."Lan Yufeng glanced at Serafall and pouted.

"Hey, who are you looking down on? Why can't I learn anything? If Gurefia can do it, I can do it too!"Seraph said angrily.

""Haha." Lan Yufeng curled his lips and sneered.

Generally speaking, most girls who show their talent for dark cooking for the first time cannot choose cooking skills. Well, dark cooking skills can be maxed out. Serafall has such a terrifying qualification.

Lan Yufeng's disdainful smile made Serafall angry and gritted her teeth.

Wow, I'm so angry. If I can't beat him, I will definitely bite him to death!

Next, Lan Yufeng didn't say any more nonsense, but quickly removed all the fish scales, cleaned the internal organs, sprinkled oil, and then grilled the fish.

Lan Yufeng has advanced cooking skills. The advanced cooking skills defined by the system are definitely the best in the world.

So Lan Yufeng taught Gurefia step by step. And Gurefia also is to remember it. Serafall, on the other hand, was joking around, not spending any thought at all, just drooling as she stared at the grilled fish that was becoming more and more fragrant, arousing her saliva secretion and stomach acid.

Until the three skewers of grilled fish in Lan Yufeng's hand were extremely fragrant and golden, Lan Yufeng picked them up calmly.

Then, Lan Yufeng swayed in front of Serafall with a smile on his face.

And Serafall's eyes also followed the movement of Lan Yufeng's hand.

Because she was already hungry, and because she had just eaten her own dark cuisine, she couldn't stop eating the grilled fish in Lan Yufeng's hand.

Of course, even before, she had never smelled such a fragrant dish, and she had never eaten grilled fish before.

""Hurry, give it to me!" Serafall stared at Lan Yufeng and couldn't help but grab it.

However, how could her little tricks be able to defeat Lan Yufeng? Lan Yufeng calmly dodged.

"What should you call me?"Lan Yufeng smiled and took Serafall for a walk, teasing

"Lord, Master..."Serafall reacted, her pretty face flushed, she opened her mouth and shyly said these two words.

Because of the conversation with Gurefia just now, coupled with a self-tactic and Lan Yufeng's sudden tenderness, she had lost a lot of shame because of the abnormal mental state when playing poker, so it was still a bit embarrassing for her to call Lan Yufeng master. Of course

, now it is also full of some other emotions.....

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