At this moment, in front of the surprised Lan Yufeng, a colorful and bright red envelope appeared.

Well, it was very impressive and dazzling.

"System, how to open the red envelope."Lan Yufeng said with anticipation.

"Just touch it with your finger."The system's voice sounded, still full of mechanical sense.

Lan Yufeng nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and then clicked the red envelope.

Instantly, dazzling light spread out, and something surrounded by colorful light flew out.

When the light disappeared, Lan Yufeng saw a white tiger phantom with unparalleled power and dominance.

Just the phantom was enough to shock Lan Yufeng's heart.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the colorful red envelope and obtaining the Soul of the Holy Beast White Tiger."

The Soul of the Holy Beast White Tiger: From"Do Problem Children Come from Another World?", it is a replica of the soul of the three-digit peak divine beast White Tiger. After system transformation, it has become a pure soul energy group and will not affect the owner's soul.

After integration, it will sleep in the depths of the protagonist's soul. The owner���When necessary, you can borrow its power

"It turned out to be the soul energy ball of the holy beast white tiger at the peak of the three-digit level in the small garden..."System, you are awesome." Lan Yufeng muttered in amazement.

The world view of the box garden is very grand. If there is no restriction on the existence of the three-digit omnipotent domain, it is enough to destroy the galaxy, which is terrifying.

And the three-digit peak holy beast is even more needless to say. Two words, awesome.

"So, I started at the god level?" Lan Yufeng smiled proudly.

"Oh, system, what would happen if I didn't tell you about the novice gift pack?" Then, Lan Yufeng asked

"That’s it." The system replied mechanically.

"......"Hearing this, Lan Yufeng's mouth twitched. So, I almost lost a colorful red envelope. Fortunately, I was smart.

"Master, do you want to merge into the soul of the sacred beast, the white tiger?"The system's voice sounded.

"Nonsense, of course I will integrate."Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

"Ding, integration...."The system's voice rang out.

Instantly, a terrifying aura appeared in the sky 10,000 meters above the String God Island. A white tiger phantom appeared that overwhelmed the heavens and the earth and shook the nine heavens.

Its huge divine power made the whole world tremble slightly.

The String God Island below was affected by it, and it trembled as if a small earthquake had occurred, and even had a tendency to disintegrate.

This huge white tiger phantom shocked the people below the String God Island who noticed it, and they pointed and talked.

The magic attackers and demons were even more horrified.

"This is...White tiger!?"Nangong Nayue, known as the Void Witch, looked at the sky, feeling the pressure that oppressed her soul. Her face turned pale, her pupils shrank, and she looked incredible.

Although there are demons, magic attackers, races and power systems in this world, all kinds of folk myths are fake. It's too ridiculous that there would be a phantom like the sacred beast white tiger in Chinese mythology.

But this terrifying pressure that made her unable to move was not an illusion at all!

"What is this!?"At the same time, in the War King Domain, the First True Ancestor was also looking at the white tiger phantom that appeared in the sky in horror, his face full of shock."White tiger!?"

The huge magic power in his body stopped flowing because of the appearance of the white tiger phantom.

Even the 72 extremely powerful beasts in his body showed fear, and they were extremely obedient, not daring to move at all.

This feeling was as if the white tiger phantom could easily kill him! No, it should be said that this might be true!

Not only the First True Ancestor, but also the Second True Ancestor of the Extinction Dynasty, the Third True Ancestor of the Chaos Realm, and the Three Saints of the Lion King Organization also had the same situation, which made their faces change, and they looked at the white tiger phantom in the sky in shock and gloom.

In addition, there were various powerful figures who were watching all this, all of them were extremely horrified and could not calm down.


Suddenly, the white tiger's phantom roared, and the terrifying pressure increased a lot. Countless strong men were shocked and their blood was surging, and they had the urge to vomit blood.

After the roar, the white tiger's phantom gradually disappeared and sank into Lan Yufeng's body.

The little power leaked by the white tiger soul deterred the whole world and shocked the strong men in the world. Lan Yufeng didn't know that at this time his consciousness had entered the depths of his mind. Because of the existence of the white tiger soul, his mind was extremely bright and he felt very comfortable.

Suddenly, in the depths of his mind, an illusory soul was awakened by this movement. It was Aurora.

"maple..."However, before Aurora could meet Lan Yufeng, she was wrapped in abundant energy, nourishing her soul, and fell into a dormant state again.

When Lan Yufeng was receiving the soul of the white tiger, the whole world was shocked by the disappearance of the white tiger.

Soon, they found out that the phantom of the white tiger appeared ten thousand meters above the Genshin Island.

For this reason, many forces have focused their attention on the Genshin Island, their eyes flashing, each thinking and planning something.

Some time ago, it was rumored that the fourth true ancestor was born on the Genshin Island. This time, the phantom of the white tiger that broke their worldview appeared again, which was enough to attract their highest attention to the Genshin Island.

The uniqueness of the Genshin Island was deeply rooted in people's hearts for a while.

I don't know how long it took, but when Lan Yufeng opened his eyes, he was stunned to find that he had not changed at all. He couldn't feel the original powerful power at all.

"System, did you give me a fake one?"Lan Yufeng asked with twitching eyes.

"No. The soul of the sacred beast White Tiger is too powerful. You, the master, cannot bear it. It will burst in an instant. So the system helped you seal it for free."The system mechanically replied

"With the master's current strength, if you want to mobilize the power of the White Tiger Soul, you need to consume soul power. Even the lowest level of mobilization is enough to reduce your soul power by two-thirds. Master, you are really too weak now."

"Damn, are you saying I'm a loser?"Lan Yufeng's eyes twitched.

Well, he is indeed a loser now, there is no way to refute it.

Is it a knock? I thought it was a god-level start, but it turned out to be nothing. There are good things, but I can't use them. I was wondering why the system was so kind to give me the colorful red envelope as a novice gift pack.

The city has many routines, I want to go back to the countryside!

"Forget it. Just use it as a life-saving trump card."After being depressed for a few minutes, Lan Yufeng could only accept this fact helplessly. Using it once would cost him most of his life, which was too bad.

If he needed vitality, he could just become a vampire. Fucking mobilized power required soul power, which was out of the question. And even if he used vitality, he didn't know if the vitality of a vampire could withstand it.

(ps: New author's new book, please collect, reward, flowers, votes, everything, QAQ, your support is the author's writing motivation!)

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