"......!"Lan Yufeng was silent for a while, and finally returned to the ground, leaving the state of the Eight Gates, and his eyes returned to their original state.

Suddenly, he felt weak, which made him feel uncomfortable. Sure enough, his body was still a little weak....

With this kind of physical strength, relying on the Eight Gates to deal with the Dragon Slayer's descendant is already the limit.

However, at least we won, this is the best result.

"Feng Jun actually defeated Master Yuantang Yuan, it's incredible."Kouasaka Sayaka was shocked and said in a trance.

"Yes. But the fight just now was not a bit of water."Kamikawa Nami murmured as she recalled the violent power just now.

Not only the two of them, but the audience in the audience were exclaiming continuously, and it was difficult for them to recover.

"What's the name of your physical skill?" As soon as Lan Yufeng landed, Yuan Tangyuan asked curiously.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia." Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and said four words.

"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu?" Yuantang Yuan pondered for a moment."This should be a special physical technique that can remove physical limitations and squeeze out the body's potential, right?"

"Yeah. I guess so."Lan Yufeng answered casually.

The original Eight Gates of Dunjia really squeezed out the potential, and it could even be said that it was burning life to fight.

However, the improved one did not cause that much damage to the body.

"I advise you to use it as little as possible."Yuan Tangyuan shook his head and said,"The gains and losses are equal. This kind of physical technique will destroy your body."

Hearing this, Lan Yufeng shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more.

The Eight Gates of Ninjutsu cannot be used as a normal physical technique, but he has to use it now. Because most of his current combat power relies on the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu.

Unless he finds a better choice than the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, he can only use it. Of course, his situation is not as bad as Yuan Tangyuan said.

The system's products must be fine products, this is not an empty talk....perhaps...

Lan Yufeng suddenly remembered the system's previous pitfalls and hesitated for a moment.

"By the way, you mentioned the sixth gate, Jingmen, and the seventh gate, Jingmen, right? Does that mean there is an eighth gate?"Yuan Tangyuan suddenly remembered something and asked with great enthusiasm. As soon as he said this, Xian Guyong and the others pricked up their ears.

""Yes." Lan Yufeng replied calmly."It's just that the last one will kill you if you use it. The power you get in return is enough to kill the True Ancestor."

"————!"Hearing this, Yuan Tangyuan, Xian Guyong and others' pupils shrank.

Then, they all looked at Lan Yufeng meaningfully.

Lan Yufeng obviously said this on purpose to shock them.

The power that was enough to kill the True Ancestor could naturally kill them easily. No matter how strong they were, they could not be stronger than the True Ancestor.

"Ah, what a scary boy."Yuan Tangyuan sighed with mixed feelings and left.

Her clothes were torn and she was covered in dust. She couldn't stay here any longer in this state. She still had to save some face.

However, thinking of her previous pretense and her current defeat, she was slapped in the face and the corners of Yuan Tangyuan's mouth twitched.

After Yuan Tangyuan left, Lan Yufeng also sat in the broken pit without caring about his image and took a rest.

To be honest, opening the seventh door is really tiring.

Emperor Kai opened the seventh door, and you can't move for a day. Every time he moved, his whole body felt like it was being pricked by needles. Although his Eight Gates Ninjutsu had improved a little, he still couldn't use any strength. If Xian Guyong and the others wanted to do something to Lan Yufeng now, he would still be in danger.

Of course, Lan Yufeng believed that Xian Guyong would not do such a stupid thing.

After all, the two sides have now officially become partners. And he had just demonstrated the final killer move of the Eight Gates Ninjutsu. The Lion King Organization would obviously not commit suicide.

At this time, Kirasaka Sayaka also jumped down from the audience, and came to Lan Yufeng's side under the astonished eyes of the other girls.

"Fengjun, are you okay?"Kurosaka Sayaka asked with concern.

"Do you think I'm okay? I can't even move a finger right now."Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes and said helplessly

"Who told you to act so recklessly?" Kirasaka Sayaka pouted."Do you really want to win?"

"There is no other way. I must win this battle." Lan Yufeng said seriously.

"......!"Seeing Lan Yufeng's serious face, Kirasaka Sayaka's heart trembled, and she stared at Lan Yufeng.

To be honest, recalling Lan Yufeng's heroic appearance just now, her pretty face suddenly became hot.

Suddenly, a purple magic circle appeared strangely above the martial arts field, attracting everyone's attention.

Under the gaze of everyone, a petite and cute figure in a black Gothic Lolita skirt appeared. She held a black umbrella in her hand, scanned the whole field, looked down at Lan Yufeng, and slowly floated down.

"The Void Witch."Xiang Guyong raised his head, frowned, and was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect her to come here. It seems that she values Lan Yufeng very much. The three male saints also looked subtle.

"Um, Na Yue-chan?"Lan Yufeng looked at Nangong Na Yue who suddenly appeared, his face full of astonishment, and then, Lan Yufeng spoke with a face full of emotion.


"Idiot, don't add"jiang" after the teacher's name!" However, after Lan Yufeng finished speaking, he was greeted by a lace fan in Nangong Nayue's hand.

"It hurts, Na Yue-chan, I am injured now."After being hit on the head by Na Yue-chan, Lan Yufeng pretended to be in pain, with a face full of grievance.

"You deserve it." Nangong Nayue's face was full of frost."I told you not to go to the High God Forest, but you insisted on going. You asked for it."

"Yes, yes, it's my fault."Lan Yufeng smiled awkwardly and didn't argue with Nangong Nayue.

Nangong Nayue appeared here, no doubt because she was afraid that something might happen to him. Now that he was taught a lesson by Nayue, it was nothing.

It would be better to say that Lan Yufeng was quite happy. Because this showed that he had a high status in Nayue's heart.

"Xian Guyong, I'll take him away, you don't mind, right?" Nangong Nayue looked directly at Xian Guyong, her magic power surging, her momentum rising, and she said in a cold voice

"Of course I have no objection."Xiang Guyong said calmly

""Hmph." Nangong Nayue snorted coldly, took Lan Yufeng away and disappeared directly into the purple magic circle.

The strange development of the matter made many people present unable to react. And Huangsaka Sayaka was also full of doubts, staring blankly at Lan Yufeng leaving............................

Time passed, on Xianshen Island, Lan Yufeng was thrown directly onto the sofa at home by Nangong Nayue, staring at him

"Tell me, what did you do in the High God Forest?" Nangong Nayue said seriously."What did you talk about with that woman?"

(ps: Please collect, give flowers, reward, and vote to support me, QAQ~)

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