On the side of the street, two cute girls were standing under a parasol. The girl wearing the Saikai Junior High School uniform and a ponytail, Nagisa Akatsuki, looked very energetic.

The other girl with shoulder-length white hair, azure blue eyes, angelic face, and creamy skin was Natsune Yezase, who was known as the Saint of Saikai Junior High School.

In front of these two cute girls, a gangster with a Shamatte hairstyle was saying something like a pervert, obviously flirting with them and harassing them. The bracelet on his wrist undoubtedly showed his identity. Log in to the demon clan.

In this situation, passers-by could only do nothing and pretend not to see it.

For this reason, Natsune Yezase and Nagisa Akatsuki both looked troubled.

""Hey, turn around." Lan Yufeng walked over, patted the shamatte thug on the shoulder, and said coldly

""Hmm?" This made the demon clan member startled and he turned around instinctively.

""Pah!" The moment the demon turned around, Lan Yufeng slapped him in the face, knocking him to the ground with a swell on his face.


"Senior Feng."

Lan Yufeng's appearance made Xiao Nagisa full of surprise. And Yeze Natsune also breathed a sigh of relief and called out softly.

"Bastard, you dare to hit me!"At this time, the gangster demon also stood up, covering his face with his hands, with a ferocious look on his face.

"I’m going to beat you up." Lan Yufeng said coldly."You’ve caused so much trouble to my two junior schoolmates, who else should I beat up if not you?"

"Boy, you pissed me off!" Hearing this, the demon clan roared, and magic power fluctuated on his body. His whole body became taller and stronger, turning into a wolf-beast.

When he transformed, the demon clan login bracelet on his right wrist also lit up.

At the same time, a piercing alarm sounded in the area, causing passers-by to scream and run away. The nearby shops also opened their protective doors for the first time.

The entire street was extremely deserted in a short period of time.

"You actually transformed in the street, are you crazy?" Lan Yufeng glanced at the orc in front of him and said sarcastically.

"Boy, I'm going to crush your bones!" After being scolded by Lan Yufeng, the orc's expression froze, and then became even more ferocious, punching Lan Yufeng. The powerful force made the air rustle.

"Feng!" Nagisa Akatsuki's pupils condensed, and her eyes instinctively turned into the scarlet color of a vampire, and vampire fangs appeared in her little mouth.


However, the next moment, Nagisa was stunned, because Lan Yufeng was not injured by the orc, but the orc was knocked away by Lan Yufeng's punch and hit heavily on the electric pole.

"Forehead...."Nagisa Akatsuki's pupils returned to their original brown color, and her face was filled with astonishment.

In her memory, although Lan Yufeng was very smart and had helped her a lot in the past, and had the ability to regenerate at super speed, his body functions were still those of an ordinary human....It's ridiculous that he could send an orc flying with just one punch.

"Senior Feng, you are amazing." Yeze Natsune opened her mouth slightly and said softly

"You, you wait for me, I will be back!" The orc spat out a mouthful of blood in pain, then covered his stomach and turned back to his original form, saying something cruel and ran away in shame.

"God will come back, do you think you are Gray Wolf?"Lan Yufeng pouted.

Wait, this guy is a wolf orc, maybe a distant relative of Gray Wolf. Well, this is a question worth thinking about.

"Senior Feng, thank you for helping us out." Yeze Natsune's voice was soft and very pleasant.

""Hehe, Feng, I didn't know you were so strong. Um, really, did you hide it from me before? So bad." And Akatsuki Nagisa immediately turned on the chatterbox mode and said a lot of things in a moment.

"Well, you're welcome. It's only natural for seniors to protect juniors. Not to mention we're still friends."Lan Yufeng smiled and said something to Yeze Natsune, then looked at Akane Nagisa who was chattering non-stop.

"I didn't hide it from you, you just didn't notice it."Lan Yufeng said innocently.

"Feng, are you blaming me? You know, girls don’t like narrow-minded boys.

"It doesn't matter. I have a girlfriend anyway." Lan Yufeng shrugged and said calmly

"Hmm, that's a very cunning way of saying it."Hearing this, Nagisa puffed up her cheeks and muttered in a low voice, a little angrily.

"Hey, does Senior Feng have a girlfriend?"Yase Natsune looked strange and asked in a suspicious manner.

"Yes, there is."Lan Yufeng nodded with a look of nostalgia on his face.

"What's the name of your girlfriend?" Yeze Natsune asked nervously.

"Aurora. Aurora Florestina is also a student of Caihai School. Lan Yufeng touched his face and said softly.

"Aurora Florestina?"Yase Natsune was puzzled when she heard the name.

She had never heard of such a girl in Saikai Academy. If it was such a special name, she should be very famous, right?

"Xia Yin, Feng's girlfriend's situation is a bit special. She has disappeared temporarily and may not appear again in the future...."Nagisa Akatsuki put her mouth close to Yeze Natsune's ear and whispered.

At the end of her words, her expression was slightly complicated.

"Ah, that's it...."When Ye Lai Xia Yin heard this, she didn't know what plot she had imagined, and she looked at Lan Yu Feng with a look of heartache.

"......"Noticing the strange look in Yeze Natsune's eyes, Lan Yufeng's mouth twitched. What did you imagine?

However, Lan Yufeng did not want to explain, because it was too troublesome to explain.

"Nagisa, you don't need to be polite to that kind of rogue demon just now, just beat him up directly." Lan Yufeng said as if to change the subject

"Nagisa beats up the demons?"Yase Natsune was stunned.

"Ah, this one...I don't like fighting...."Akatsuki Nagisa laughed

"Forget it."Hearing this, Lan Yufeng sighed and didn't say much.

Although Xiao Nagisa is the fourth true ancestor, she doesn't care about her identity at all. She just wants to be an ordinary female student. In this regard, she is similar to her brother Xiao Gucheng.

This is fate. He calculated so much at the beginning, but he was not selected at first, and finally Xiao Nagisa became the fourth true ancestor.

However, since he has become the fourth true ancestor, it is simply a delusion to want to go to school quietly. Sooner or later, he will have to accept this powerful power and identity.

If possible, Lan Yufeng will try his best to help Xiao Nagisa control her beast, so that she at least has the power to protect herself. Otherwise, something may happen in the future.

(ps: Newcomers and new books are asking for collections, rewards, flowers, votes, and everything, QAQ, your support is the author's writing motivation!)

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