""Qian Cong?" Lan Yufeng looked at his sister who was walking towards him in surprise and asked puzzledly."Why did you come out?"

"If I don't come out, you guys will go to have a tryst, and I'll be thirsty to death." Lan Yu Qiancong stepped over Lan Yufeng's body, walked to the vending machine, bought a bottle of drink, and snorted coldly.

"..."A tryst?" Himeragi Yukina's face flushed and she stammered,"We're not having a tryst! We're just discussing something very important!"

"Humph, what's the matter that requires getting so close?"Lan Yu Qian Cong pouted and said

"————!"Hearing this, Himeragi Yukina realized that she and Lan Yufeng were almost touching each other. She quickly stepped back, looking embarrassed.

Lan Yufeng looked at Lan Yu Asagi with a subtle expression. This reaction, no matter how you look at it, is jealous?....

"We are indeed discussing something. Lan Yufeng helped Ji Shucai out of the siege and clarified the facts.

"I received an invitation from Dimitriye Vatra. Lan Yufeng handed the envelope to Lan Yu Qiancong and said slowly.

"Hmm?"As a result, Lan Yu Asagi quickly read through the invitation letter and looked at Lan Yufeng and Ji Shucai with a strange expression.

"Do you want to go to the party together?"

"I, although I have this idea, but I don't know..."Himeragi Yukina's face is full of tangled

"I will go with Nagisa." Lan Yufeng shook his head and said

"ah..."Hearing this, Himeragi Yukina was very unhappy, but she couldn't say anything more.

"Do I have to bring a partner?" Lan Yu Asagi crossed her arms and glanced at Himehira Setsuna.

"I want to attend this banquet too."Lan Yu Qian Cong's eyes flickered slightly, and she extended her hand to Himeragi Xue Cai.

"Ji Shu, are you willing to be my male companion?"

"Forehead....?"Hearing this, Himeragi Yukina didn't react for a moment.

"It's easy for me to attend the banquet. Let me ask you again, do you want to dress up as a man and pretend to be my male companion and attend with me?"

Lan Yu Qian Cong made the words much clearer.

"I want to go!"Hearing this, Himeragi Yukina quickly expressed her opinion

""Well, that's good." Lan Yuqian nodded with satisfaction.

Lan Yufeng and Xiao Nagisa pretended to be a couple to attend the party, how could she not keep an eye on them? If someone sneaked away, it would be troublesome.

""Qiancong, you are really a clever little ghost." Lan Yufeng complained. You can even think of disguising yourself as a man, do you really want to go? This banquet is obviously a trap.

"Humph."After hearing this, Lan Yu Asagi glared at Lan Yufeng, and then pulled Himeragi Yukina to discuss the matter of a woman dressing up as a man.

In this regard, Lan Yufeng did not make things boring for himself, but went to find Xiao Nagisa to explain the situation.

After listening to Lan Yufeng's words, Xiao Nagisa shyly agreed with a happy face without any hesitation.

Time passed and night fell. Ye Yu and Xiao Nagisa had already come to the luxury cruise ship [Deep Sea Tomb] together.

Lan Yufeng was wearing a decent black suit, which added a sense of stability to Lan Yufeng.

Xiao Nagisa was wearing a white dress, which was enough to make people's eyes bright.

The two of them stood together, and it was not an exaggeration to say that they were a golden boy and a jade girl.

Not long after, Lan Yu Asagi and Himehira Setsuna also came here.

Lan Yu Asagi was wearing a light yellow dress, which made Lan Yufeng couldn't help but admire her for a few seconds.

Well, she is worthy of being his sister, she is beautiful.

As for Himehira Setsuna, Lan Yufeng's feeling is a little subtle.

Because Himehira Setsuna is relatively petite, with her chest wrapped and wearing a suit, it is subtly inconsistent. She doesn't feel like a beauty in men's clothing, but rather a bit out of place

"puff..."Lan Yufeng covered his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

"Senior, what are you laughing at?"Himehira Yukina also felt a little ashamed, gritted her teeth, and blushed.

"nothing..."Lan Yufeng coughed lightly and said seriously

"Stupid Feng, please be considerate of a girl's sense of shame."Ai Yu Asagi came over and rolled her eyes.

But Akatsuki Nagisa ran to Himehira Yukina and comforted her.

"I've been very considerate, okay." Lan Yufeng smiled heartlessly, and then took the three of them to the luxury cruise ship to attend the banquet. Those who could attend the banquet were basically the big shots of Genshin Island, who took this opportunity to discuss various political matters. Lan Yufeng didn't like this atmosphere.

Himeragi Yukina, Akatsuki Nagisa, and Lan Yu Asagi didn't like it either.

So after a few people casually dealt with the people who came to say hello, they came to the open front deck of the cruise ship.

"Senior, what do you think is the purpose of Dimitriyeh Vatra inviting you and Nagisa to the party?" Himeragi Yukina couldn't help asking."I heard from a friend of mine that Dimitriyeh is a very dangerous vampire."

As soon as these words fell, Aoi Asagi and Akatsuki Nagisa also looked at Aoi Feng.

"Who knows what his purpose is. But it will definitely not be good."Lan Yufeng curled his lips and said

"......"Nagisa Akatsuki nodded silently.

The name Dimitriy Wattala left a deep impression on her. Although her memory was a little fuzzy, she occasionally remembered some fragments of the Flame Feast.

Dimitriy Wattala's bloodthirsty and crazy fighting spirit and terrifying power frightened her.

"Dimitriyeh Vatra..."Lan Yu Qiancong also pondered for a moment, remembering the rumors about this guy. He had devoured two elder-level vampires and was an old-generation vampire close to the True Ancestor level.

At the same time, he was also a battle maniac.

""Xuecai!" At this time, a surprised voice appeared, and a figure rushed over like the wind, hugging Himeragi Xuecai who was dressed as a man.

This made Akatsuki Nagisa and Aoba Asagi stunned.

And Aoba Feng had a smile on his face, and looked at the ponytail girl in front of him who was holding Himeragi Xuecai with a little nostalgia - Kirasaka Sayaka

"Sayaka!? Why are you here?"Himehira Yukina was held in her arms, and she cried out in surprise.

"Well, I was sent by Lord An Bainai to be the monitor for Duke Dimitri to go to Genshin Island. Kirasaka Sayaka said with a smile

"I see." Himeragi Yukina nodded, somewhat surprised.

"And, Feng-kun, we haven't seen each other for about two months." Then, Huangsaka Sayaka looked at Lan Yufeng again, with a glittering look in her eyes, and smiled and said hello.


As soon as these words fell, the eyes of the girls present widened a little, and they looked at Lan Yufeng and Huangsaka Sayaka in astonishment.

They had never expected that the two of them actually knew each other.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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