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"————!"Sasaki Misaki was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses. He looked at Lan Yufeng in front of him with amazement.

"I lost."Sasaki Misaki breathed a sigh of relief and said from the bottom of her heart.

If that punch had really landed on her, her head would have probably exploded like a watermelon.


Hearing this, Lan Yufeng nodded slightly. When he was about to say something, Nangong Nayue appeared beside them. The lace folding fan patted Lan Yufeng and Sasaki Misaki on the head.

"Wow, Yue-chan, it hurts so much, I'm so weak now."

Lan Yufeng exclaimed, looking at the petite girl next to him wearing a black Gothic Lolita skirt and holding a lace folding fan.

""Natsuki-chan, don't hit me on the head, it will make me stupid." Sasaki Misaki also exclaimed

"Anyway, you are already hopeless, it doesn't matter."Nangong Nayue said with a dark face

"You two are really good at causing trouble for me. I've only been away from Genshin Island for a while, and you've caused such a big commotion."

"Forehead...."Hearing this, Lan Yufeng and Sasaki Misaki both laughed.

"If you guys keep making trouble, do you want to tear down Xianshen Island and sink it to the bottom of the sea?" Nangong Nayue said coldly

""Cough, be careful next time." Lan Yufeng coughed lightly and said guiltily

"If we fight in the future, Yue-chan, please send us to a deserted island." Sasaki Misaki said with a smile, giving people a heartless feeling.

"You idiot, do you want to do it again?" Nangong Nayue frowned, and the lace folding fan hit Sasaki Misaki's head again.

"Sasaki Misaki, if you do this again, I will definitely tie you up in the teaching building of Caihai Academy."

Nangong Nayue threatened expressionlessly, then took Lan Yufeng's hand and walked towards La Fulia.

The next second, before the three of them could say anything more, Nangong Nayue directly transferred the three of them back to her home.

"Astraluti, make me a cup of black tea. Sumanilut, help me massage my legs."Lan Yufeng looked at the two little maids in Na Yue's house, and he sat on the sofa leisurely and said

""Order accepted." Astraluti nodded and started to make tea.

Sumanilut was even more enthusiastic and sat next to Lan Yufeng to help him massage his legs.

"Lan Yufeng, you bastard..."Nangong Nayue's mouth twitched, and her forehead was full of black lines.

What's wrong with this bastard acting like the master of the house? I really want to throw this bastard into the sea to feed the sharks.

Nangong Nayue glared at Lan Yufeng with cold eyes, and then looked at Astraluti.

"Astraluti, give me and La Foley a cup of tea"

""Orders accepted." Astraluti nodded and concentrated on making tea.

At this time, La Fulia looked at Nangong Nayue and Lan Yufeng with a strange look in her eyes, and her curiosity was burning. It was the first time she saw Lan Nangong Nayue get along with each other. This way of getting along seemed to be very tricky.

La Fulia muttered in her heart.

"La Fulia, the Kingdom of Aldikia has fallen out because of you, go and appease them. I'm almost annoyed to death."

Nangong Nayue took the black tea brewed by Astraluti, took a sip, and handed La Fulia a mobile phone, and said slowly

"Okay, I understand." La Fulia gently pulled up her hair, nodded calmly, took the phone and went to the guest room.

""Lan Yufeng, what's wrong with your magic?"

When La Fulia went to contact the royal family, Nangong Nayue pointed at the sealed witch and asked.

When she came back before, she tried to crack it, but she couldn't get started.

She felt that this kind of magic was a new system, not a product of this world.

"It's a secret." Lan Yufeng said proudly."But Nayue, if you want to learn, I can teach you." Nangong

Nayue raised her eyebrows and said nothing more.

As a world-famous gap witch, she would not do such a shameful thing as memorizing other people's magic.

"I am serious about this." Lan Yufeng drank his tea and muttered."It would be a waste if you don't learn it. If you miss it, you will have no chance."

"I would rather beat you up than learn this kind of magic."Nangong Nayue snorted

"Forget it." Lan Yufeng shrugged and said nothing more.

"Unlock her seal. If not, I won't be able to put her in prison for interrogation." Nangong Nayue's face was solemn."They have a familiar smell of magic books. They are probably members of the library's LCO."

"Library LCO?" Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and became serious."If that's the case, then this matter is not that simple."

LCO stands for"Library Of Criminal Organization, also known as"Library". It is a world-renowned huge criminal organization composed only of high-level magicians and witches, with a number of thousands.

It got its name because of the many magic books it owns. They collect magic books from all over the world and classify and seal them, and only lend the books to the chosen ones.

Not for the development of magic, nor for protecting the world's peace, but only to satisfy their own desires.

If the Black Death Emperor Faction is a terrorist organization, then LCO is a lunatic organization. It just so happens that the power controlled by this lunatic organization is feared even by the Empire of Night.

"I do know something about this."At this time, La Fulia came out of the guest room with her cell phone and said softly

"When they were chasing me, they said that my body still had value. If so, they must be spying on my bloodline."

"Your clan has been through so many disasters."Lan Yufeng sighed.

The female members of the Kingdom of Aldikia are all excellent mediums.

Yese Natsune is one, and so is La Fulia. It's normal to be remembered by many people.

"There are too few clues at the moment, so we can't discuss it." Nangong Nayue's eyes flickered, and she opened her folding fan and said seriously."I will interrogate her personally, and I should be able to get some information."

"You guys go back first, don't disturb me here." Then, Nangong Nayue let out a sigh of relief.

"All right. Then Yue-chan, Astraluti, Sumanilut, see you next time."

Lan Yufeng smiled and said goodbye, then removed the fourth protection of the long-lasting on the witch, and left here with La Fulia.

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