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"Sayaka!?"When Kirasaka Sayaka walked in, Aoi Asagi's eyes lit up and she was a little surprised.

After coping with the ancient weapon [Narakville] together, Aoi Asagi and Kirasaka Sayaka got to know each other and they had a good relationship.

She didn't expect Kirasaka Sayaka to come to her house.

""Hello, Asagi." Kirasaka Sayaka greeted with a smile.

"Welcome. Would you like something to drink? Lan Yu Qiancong asked with a smile.

""Let's have some orange juice." Kirasaka Sayaka said a little embarrassedly.

While the two were chatting, Yeze Natsune looked at them curiously. She didn't know Kirasaka Sayaka, the beautiful girl.

But it was obvious that she had a good relationship with Senior Feng and Sister Asagi.

"What a difference in treatment." La Freya muttered."Well, but I can understand it. After all, girls are unreasonable when they are jealous."

La Freya's muttering was heard by Aoba Asagi, which made her eyes twitch. She took another bottle of orange juice and handed it to Kirasaka Sayaka and La Freya respectively.

"Thank you." La Fulia nodded with a smile after taking the orange juice.

This woman must have done it on purpose.

Lan Yu Qiancong glared at La Fulia secretly, feeling a little unhappy about being tricked.

"By the way, Sayaka, what are you doing here at our house?" Then, Lan Yufeng started talking about business.

"Ah, I'm here to look for Lady La Folia." Kirasaka Sayaka said seriously."Lady La Folia was attacked in the territory, it was the fault of RB, so Master Yuantang Yuan sent me to guard Lady La Folia."

"I see." Lan Yufeng nodded in understanding.

"Well, please give me more advice in the future, Sayaka-chan." La Fulia stood up, stretched out her hand, and said with a smile

"Um, yeah..."Hearing this, Kirasaka Sayaka hesitated for a moment, but finally shook hands with La Fulia.

La Fulia seemed to be easy to get along with, which made her feel relieved.

"By the way, Feng Jun, Lord Xian Gu Yong asked me to tell you something. Suddenly, Huang Saka Sayaka took a deep breath, her face serious.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?"Lan Yufeng raised his head with a strange look on his face.

Is Xian Guyong playing with snakes? She has become his temporary maid. If you want to say something, you can say it anytime when you are alone together in the evening. Why do you have to send Kirasaka Sayaka to say it?

Well, it should be said when Sayaka goes to find La Freya. After all, Xian Guyong probably doesn't want to appear in front of me now except for the necessary time in the evening.

Lan Yufeng's mouth curled up slightly, and smiled playfully.

"The world situation is getting tense now. The first True Ancestor, the Forgotten War King, has expressed his dissatisfaction with you. Even if we mediate, we can only stabilize the Forgotten War King at most."Huang Hua repeated the relevant words

"As for the members of the Imperial Parliament, especially the Speaker Peresius, they are particularly angry and hostile to you. Please be careful about what you may do."

"————!"As soon as these words fell, the atmosphere in the room became solemn.

La Freya, Aoi Asagi, and Kirasaka Sayaka, who had just finished speaking, all had changing expressions.

Only Yeze Natsune still maintained her pure smile, her azure eyes staring at Aoi Yufeng.

Although she also cared about Aoi Yufeng, she knew that there was no point in panicking.

"Forgotten War King, what can you do if you are dissatisfied? If you have the guts, just slap yourself in the face and take the initiative to break the Holy Land Treaty to deal with me."Lan Yufeng looked normal and sneered.

"Even if he really dares to come against me, I am not afraid of him."Lan Yufeng changed his words, and his momentum became fierce and domineering."If he really pisses me off, no matter who the first true ancestor is, I will kill him anyway."

At this point, Lan Yufeng stopped. As for Perishu Arador, the chairman of the War King Domain? What the hell is that? Maybe Xiao Gucheng was tortured badly in the original book, but in Lan Yufeng's eyes, he is nothing.

"————!"Lan Yufeng's domineering declaration shocked all the women present.

"That's right, so what if he's the first true ancestor? Can he break the Sanctuary Treaty and come to Genshin Island to cause trouble?"Lan Yu Qian Cong said with a smile

"Yes, that's right." Kirasaka Sayaka's eyes sparkled and she nodded.

"I believe in Senior Feng."Yase Natsune said softly.

"As expected of the man I like, he is so handsome." La Freya said with a smile."But if the War King Realm really wants to deal with Feng Jun, I will not stand idly by."

"————!"As soon as these words fell, the atmosphere became strange again. Aoi Asagi, Kirasaka Sayaka, and Yeze Natsune all looked at La Freya with different expressions.

"Ahem, I have something else to do, so I'll go out for a while." This weird atmosphere made Lan Yufeng feel a little uncomfortable, so he found an excuse to go out for a walk. No matter how the girls made a fuss at home, he wouldn't be afraid of any Shura field if he wasn't there.

However, La Fulia's speech moved him quite a bit.

La Fulia was that kind of woman. If she liked someone, she would stand by him with all her might.

When Lan Yufeng was wandering around outside to take shelter, he also received a call from Na Yuejiang.

""Yue-chan, do you have any clues about the witch?" Lan Yufeng asked

"Yes, or no." Nangong Nayue's voice was cold and unwilling."A curse was planted in her body. She died directly after only interrogating intermittent language fragments."

"Medium, sacrifice, evil god, just six words."Nangong Nayue said in a deep voice."I have a bad feeling."

"What a coincidence, I have one too."Lan Yufeng also frowned.

Speaking of the evil god, he remembered a plot in the original book. However, the original book didn't say it was related to the witch, right ?���, and it didn't say it had nothing to do with the witch.

Lan Yufeng fell into deep thought.

"It's okay. Whatever they want to do, they will show their tails naturally."Lan Yufeng said softly.

"Well, that's the only way." Nangong Nayue breathed a sigh of relief."I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first."

In response, Lan Yufeng shook his head and took back his phone.

""Who!? Come out!"

Just as Lan Yufeng was about to buy a bottle of Coke from a vending machine not far away, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he turned to look at the artificial grass behind him and said in a cold voice

""What a keen perception. I have hidden myself well enough." An unclear voice sounded. A mosaic-like figure appeared in front of Lan Yufeng.

According to Lan Yufeng's judgment, this should be a beast, a possessed armed beast, a T type?

"Don't show such a scary momentum, I have no ill intentions. I just come to pass on a message."The mosaic figure said with a smile."The third true ancestor, the Chaos Princess, Jiada Kukokan, invites you to visit the Chaos Realm."

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