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As for Yeze Natsune, she didn't think much about it, but she was quite curious about the new members.

As for Himeragi Yukina, she just looked at Lan Yufeng with a strange look and didn't say much.

She knew what Lan Yufeng did in the Chaos Realm today.

However, she also understood Lan Yufeng's character a little bit. She didn't like her to meddle in other people's business, so she was wise enough not to ask too much after being taught a lesson when they first met.

Next, Lan Yufeng returned home with the girls with different expressions.

As soon as she came back, Lan Yufeng saw a noisy scene at home.

Di Shanpo, La Fulia, and Kirasaka Sayaka, who looked unwilling, were playing Monopoly.

Well, judging from the situation, Kirasaka Sayaka was quite miserable.

Di Shanpo smiled carelessly, no doubt very happy, and the situation was not bad.

Although La Fulia was also miserable, she was full of interest.

"Wow, Lan Yufeng, you're finally back. Haha, come and see, I'm already a millionaire."

Di Shanpo casually glanced at the girls next to Lan Yufeng, then smiled and waved at Lan Yufeng, looking excited.

""Ala, Feng Jun, welcome back." La Freya said with a smile."It looks like there are quite a few guests." Kirasaka

Sayaka also nodded. She was quite surprised that Xue Cai came here. She was also a little embarrassed.

Well, although I don't know why, I always feel that if Xue Cai saw her staying at Lan Yufeng's house, it would be subtly awkward.

"La Fulia, Sayaka, you are really unlucky."Lan Yufeng walked over to take a look and pouted."You can't even beat a naughty kid, what a shame."

"Hey, Lan Yufeng, are you looking down on me? I'm lucky, okay?" Di Shanpo said angrily.

On the other side, seeing Di Shanpo and the others chatting, the girls also had different expressions.

Ye Se Natsune looked natural, walked over with a smile and interrupted the chat. Himeragi Yukina looked at Di Shanpo with twinkling eyes and sat aside.

However, Akane Nagisa and Aoi Asagi's reactions were a bit big. They both stared at Di Shanpo blankly, and some incomplete pictures appeared unconsciously in their minds.

This face of Di Shanpo aroused some of their memories.

"Aurora...."Akatsuki Nagisa had a complicated expression on her face and said hesitantly,"Is that Aurora? Are you resurrected?"

"......"Lan Yu Qian Cong exhaled lightly, said nothing, just looked at Lan Yufeng

""Akira Nagisa, I'm not Aurora. If possible, I want to be Aurora now." Dishanpo rubbed her short hair and shook her head.

As soon as she finished speaking, La Freya, who had a higher emotional intelligence, instantly understood what she meant. She looked at Dishanpo strangely and then smiled gently.

Lan Yu Asagi also heard something and frowned. Yu Feng wanted him to give an explanation.

"Let me explain."Lan Yufeng frowned, not letting everyone think too much.

Then, Lan Yufeng was too lazy to hide anything, and told the story of the Flame Feast, Aurora, and Deshanpo from beginning to end in a concise and concise manner.

This made the girls more or less shocked, and it took a long time for them to come back to their senses.

Especially Yeze Natsune, who knew the least. She didn't expect Lan Yufeng to have such a past, nor did she expect that her good friend Xiao Nagisa was the fourth true ancestor.

At the same time, she also understood what Lan Yufeng meant by saying that he had a girlfriend.

""Okay, stop being in a daze. Watch TV or play games first. Tonight, we'll have a welcome banquet." Lan Yufeng clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Senior Feng, let me help you." Yeze Natsune said obediently.

"Feng, I want to help too!" Xiao Nagisa gathered her thoughts and raised her hands.

Di Shanpo is not Aurora, but she is related to Aurora. She also had a subtle sense of crisis in her heart. So she was eager to get along with Lan Yufeng.

"Well, I'll trouble you guys then." Lan Yufeng smiled and did not refuse.

"It's really youthful." La Fulia smiled and sighed to herself."However, only Feng Jun has such charm, which can attract so many outstanding girls at the same time."

"Humph, although Lan Yufeng likes to bicker with me and sometimes makes me angry, it is undeniable that he is very charming."Di Shanpo muttered

"Senior Feng, very good."Yase Natsune said silently.

"Being too attractive is also a troublesome thing."Lan Yu Qian Cong said with a depressed look on her face.

"Girls who are too possessive are not liked by boys."La Fulia said to Lan Yu Qiancong with a smile.

Since so many girls like Feng Jun, if she helps Lan Yufeng build a harmonious harem and handle the relationships between the girls, then her position in Feng Jun's heart will definitely be very high.

At this moment, La Fulia silently made a decision.

"My possessiveness is not strong."Aiba Asagi retorted.

If she was possessive, how could she allow Yeze Natsune and the others to live in her house. She would have used her status as the hostess to kick them out long ago.

Aiba Asagi's words made La Freya shrug noncommittally with a smile on her lips.

The conversation between the few people made Di Shanpo look strange. She especially stared at Aiba Asagi for a few times. With the power to see through the soul, she could naturally see what Aiba Asagi was thinking.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, this home is really lively. But it doesn't matter.

In this way, it also means that I can join in the fun. I believe Aurora won't say much.

Di Shanpo's mouth curled up slightly.

But Himehira Setsuna seemed out of place. She didn't participate in any conversation, but just chatted with Kirasaka Sayaka. However, although they were chatting, she and Kirasaka Sayaka glanced over here from time to time.....Obviously, she still cares a little bit.

As time passed, Lan Yufeng, Nagisa Akatsuki, and Natsune Ye also prepared tonight's sumptuous meal. Lan Yufeng and Di Shanpo bought enough ingredients when they went shopping together. Lan Yufeng, Nagisa Akatsuki, and Natsune Ye are also good at cooking.

For this reason, tonight's dinner was very joyful and it also brought people closer.

At the same time, in places that Lan Yufeng couldn't understand, some relationships and atmospheres changed miraculously.

He didn't know that Aurora had a vague idea that La Freya and other women would jointly snatch her position.....

Compared to those unpredictable things, Lan Yufeng is more satisfied with his current life. A harmonious dinner, chatting and laughing.

It's a pity that Aurora hasn't woken up yet. Otherwise it would be more lively.

Lan Yufeng felt a little bit sorry.

After the dinner, four days passed again. Di Shanpo's move-in made the family a lot more noisy, but it was still within the acceptable range.

It's just that this guy is going to school in Caihai Academy and has a tendency to become a bad girl big sister who dominates the junior high school department of Caihai Academy, which makes Lan Yufeng and Nangong Nayue feel a little speechless.

At the same time, the conditions for opening the platinum red envelope on Xian Guyong's body have also met the conditions, and it can be opened, which makes Lan Yufeng feel a little comforted.

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