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"Actually, I just came here to eat...."Ahem, I was just kidding." Lan Yufeng said confidently.

However, before he could finish his words, he saw Yue Jiang's murderous aura, surging magic power, and even the chains of discipline appeared around her. He decisively spoke from his heart.

"Phew..."On the side, Sumanilute also covered her mouth and chuckled.

Every time she saw Feng Jun and Instructor Nangong bickering, she found it very interesting.

"Sumanilute, what are you laughing at? Go clean the toilet for me later. Nangong Nayue gave the order expressionlessly.

"ah..."Hearing this, Sumanilut's face fell and she nodded tragically.

"Well, actually I came to talk to you, Yue-chan." Lan Yufeng looked at Sumanilute with pity, then he became serious.

"You want to talk to me? It's really rare. What are you up to?"Nangong Nayue smiled playfully.

Based on her understanding of Lan Yufeng, there must be some unknown purpose hidden.

"Na Yuejiang, how do you feel about your life now?"Lan Yufeng didn't care about Na Yuejiang's doubts. He just asked casually.

"Why are you asking this?" Nangong Nayue frowned and said

"This is a serious question, please answer it seriously."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief, his face full of seriousness.

"Except for you and Di Shanpo who made me worry, everything else is fine."Glancing at Lan Yufeng's serious look, Nangong Nayue thought about it, and also took it seriously, and answered softly

"This is a really sad answer. How could I make Na Yue worry? It should be that Di Shanpo."Lan Yufeng said in grief and indignation. He passed the buck without hesitation.


Nangong Na Yue looked at Lan Yufeng with disdain. Don't you know who has made me worry since I was a child? I watched you, a naughty child, grow up.

Well, it is worth mentioning that when Lan Yufeng was in junior high school at Caihai Middle School, Na Yue was the head teacher. Of course, the two knew each other even earlier. Lan Yufeng knew Na Yue, who had just become a witch, when he was still a young boy.

"Ahem, this is all an accident." Lan Yufeng was a little embarrassed, and then threw it out of his mind.

"Has Yuejiang ever thought about not only surviving with the clone created by magic power, but also walking in this world with her real body?"Lan Yufeng smiled awkwardly, then exhaled lightly, and his face became solemn.

"Wait, what are you planning again?" Nangong Nayue frowned and asked in a deep voice

"Then Yuejiang, do you want to leave that lonely place?"Lan Yufeng continued to ask

"Put away your thoughts, that is impossible."Nangong Nayue's face became serious and warned.

Based on her understanding of Lan Yufeng, he must want to do something extraordinary.

""Nai Yue, please answer your question seriously." Lan Yufeng pressed his brows and said softly,"This is very important. If you don't say anything, I will take it as yes. If you lie, I will also take it as yes."

"......"Nangong Nayue fell silent, and the atmosphere fell silent.

At this time, Astraluti also stood silently behind Nangong Nayue, and Manilut also turned his head away, not daring to commit suicide.

I always feel that I will hear something exciting next.

"Hehe, if possible, who wouldn't want to leave that lonely place?"Nangong Nayue laughed at herself.

The so-called witch is another name for women who have made a contract with the devil.

As the"guardian" of the devil's followers, they can use the same abilities as the devil. As human beings, they can manipulate magic power that is even enough to rival the upper demons, and their magic skills can surpass even the highest magicians.

However, there is a price to pay for making a contract with the devil.

The price Nayue paid for becoming a witch was to become the guard of the prison barrier, the doorman, the gate, and the key.

Alone, she continued to seal this huge empty prison until she died.

After all, the prison barrier is the name of the magic that exists to seal the vicious magic criminals - the only user is her. This is the curse imposed on Nayue.

The prison barrier is the dream of Nayue as an administrator, so in order to seal it, Nayue must be locked in another world and sleep forever.

Usually, she appears in Caihai Academy as a teacher, and the one walking in the world is the clone created by Nayue with her own magic power.

"This answer is enough. Lan Yufeng smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although I don't know what you are thinking, I advise you to give up those dangerous thoughts."Nangong Nayue frowned and sighed.

"This is something that cannot be changed"

"No, this can be changed."Lan Yufeng stretched and said leisurely.

"I will change all this perfectly. Don't worry, I won't mess around."

"Then, Na Yue, Sumanilute, and Astraluti, see you later." After Lan Yufeng finished the remaining black tea, he left here in a chic manner.

"This idiot..."Nangong Nayue pressed her eyebrows, her face showing a complex and melancholy look.

"Um, Instructor Nangong, I think Feng Jun is doing this for you...."Although she didn't know about the prison barrier, Sumanilut could still guess a few things.

"Answer, I think so too." Astraluti said softly

"That's why I don't know how to persuade this idiot not to mess around."Nangong Nayue opened her lips slightly, with a subtle expression.

"He always ignores other people's opposition and advice and does things rashly. So no matter how strong Lan Yufeng is, I am worried and I can't stop him."

At the end, Nangong Nayue's eyes became slightly dazed.

"However, this is Feng Jun's way of showing his gratitude to Instructor Nangong, isn't it?"Sumanilute said cautiously.

Following Nangong Nayue, she also met many people. She knew a lot about her and Fengjun.

Without answering Sumanilute's question, Nangong Nayue instinctively picked up the teacup and wanted to take a sip. When she put it to her mouth, she found that she had finished it.

She was stunned by this and smiled with mixed feelings.

On the other side, Lan Yufeng, who got Nayue's answer, hummed a little tune and walked towards his home.

Lan Yufeng had already considered the idea of freeing Nayue from the prison barrier. At the same time, there is also a set of safe methods.

Next, we just need to wait until the upcoming Bolongyuan Festival.

At that time, it will be time for him to show his skills.

Xiandumu Aye, let me use your plan a little.

Lan Yufeng squinted his eyes and looked at the darkening sky, with a slight grin on his lips.

There is also a Xiandumu Youma. I have to find an opportunity to tease him.

Well, this is the way our Lanyu family thanks people.

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