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"Fusion."After Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief, he gave the order.

Instantly, Lan Yufeng felt his eyes itch, and the Mangekyo was originally opened. At the same time, Lan Yufeng also gained new abilities.

Amaterasu on the left, Tsukuniyomi on the right, it was so cool.

After retracting the Mangekyo, Lan Yufeng smiled and reached out to touch Na Yuejiang's pretty face.

Hey, this real soft touch is really enjoyable.

If he dared to touch Na Yuejiang like this at other times, he would definitely be thrown into the sea to feed sharks.

Well, this opportunity is rare, it doesn't matter if he commits suicide?

When Lan Yufeng was touching Na Yuejiang's face, the system's prompt sound also rang.

The conditions for opening the platinum-level red envelope on Na Yuejiang's body: help Na Yuejiang cancel the contract with the devil.

Well, this condition is simply picked up for nothing.

It is worth mentioning that Na Yuejiang's magic clone had a gold-level red envelope and the main body had a platinum-level red envelope.

In addition to the red envelopes on a group of prisoners in the prison, Lan Yufeng was very happy.���Feng thinks this time there will definitely be a big harvest.

"Na Yuejiang is indeed my lucky star."Lan Yufeng touched Na Yuejiang's little face and sighed unconsciously.

"Haha, I don't know if I am your lucky star, I only know that you are my unlucky star. Lan Yufeng, take your claws away, believe it or not, I will chop them off for you."Nangong

Nayue on the stone chair suddenly opened her blue eyes and said with a smile.

"Um, Yue-chan, are you awake?"Lan Yufeng silently withdrew his hand and said with a wry smile.

"Haha, if I don't wake up, will you touch me or even violate me?"Nangong Nayue sneered.

Although if she wakes up, the prison barrier will become unstable, thus opening the prison barrier and allowing some powerful magic criminals to temporarily escape, but now that she knows Lan Yufeng's plan, it doesn't matter whether she wakes up or not.

Nayue's words made Lan Yufeng look innocent. Really, is he that kind of beast?

"You really dare to do this."

Then, Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Nagisa, who seemed a little guilty, and Di Shanpo, who looked careless, and finally stopped at Xiandumu Yuma, who looked exactly like her former friend Xiandumu Aye, with a complicated expression on her face.

"Hehe, Nayue, I didn't expect you to wake up on your own initiative. It's really unexpected."

At this time, before Lan Yufeng and others could say anything more, a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing a black kimono appeared in front of everyone. It was Xiandu Mu Aye.

"Aye..."Nangong Nayue's eyes were complicated.

Because of the incident of the secret oath, she personally sent this best friend to the prison barrier. But she did not regret it, because Xiandu Mu Aye's plan was too horrifying. He wanted to eliminate the magic in this world. That would cause a huge riot, all balances would collapse, and countless people would be affected and killed.

"Hey, now is not the time for you two to chat."Lan Yufeng looked at Xiandu Mu Aye and said with a pout.

"Auntie, you don't have the confidence to kill Yue Jiang anyway, so just watch quietly. I'll give you a chance to run later, provided you can seize it."

Lan Yufeng said with a smile, holding the Ten Thousand Talismans in his hand.

"————!"Being hit by Lan Yufeng's Wan Fu Bi Po Ring, Xiandumu Aye was full of fear.

At the same time, it was also because Lan Yufeng was angry. Call her aunt? Is she that old?

Obviously, she is the same age as Na Yue. You call Na Yue Na Yue Jiang, and I am the aunt?

Women all care about age. Xiandumu Aye didn't care at first, but if she was compared with Na Yue, who had a lot of grudges with her, then she would care very much.

However, what Lan Yufeng said also made her silent.

Although she is very strong, there is the fourth true ancestor here. Even if this fourth true ancestor is not very mature, it is difficult for her to deal with it now without a guardian.

At the same time, not to mention that there is a dangerous guy like Lan Yufeng.

Being stabbed by that strange dagger is simply fatal.

However, she was also somewhat suspicious of the meaning of Lan Yufeng's words, so she could only choose to remain silent and think about countermeasures.

Lan Yufeng did not pay attention to Xiandumu Aye, but looked at Na Yue Jiang and stabbed her without hesitation.

Although Nangong Na Yue had complicated feelings about Lan Yufeng's actions, she could only passively accept it.

But to be honest, she was very happy that she could be transformed from a witch into a magician, freed from her shackles, and walk under the sun with a human body again. This was true even if her strength would at least drop by half.

However, it was not just a matter of reduced strength. Losing the prison barrier also meant that a large number of vicious demon-leading prisoners imprisoned inside would run out and gain freedom, which would be extremely dangerous.

However, Nangong Nayue could only trust Lan Yufeng.

This bastard had promised herself that he would solve the problem perfectly. '

Before she fell into a coma, Nangong Nayue had a smile on her lips.

At the same time, a golden humanoid guardian appeared behind Nangong Nayue, roaring unwillingly, and finally disappeared.

At the same time, the contract between Nangong Nayue and the devil was completely lifted by Wanfu Bingying's breaking of the precepts.

From today on, Nangong Nayue is no longer a witch and has gained her freedom.

"So that's how it is, this is your purpose. No wonder you said that."Xiandu Mu Aye looked at this scene, her eyes flickering and her gaze subtle.

She really didn't expect that Lan Yufeng would do such a crazy thing to help Na Yue regain her freedom.

If this were to get out, it would be enough to push Lan Yufeng to Xian Shen Island and to the opposite side of the whole world.

Suddenly, the entire prison barrier became illusory, and all spatial forces and illusions disappeared.

The prison barrier is Nangong Na Yue's dream world, and it is the price she paid when she made a contract with the devil to become a witch.

Now that Nangong Na Yue is no longer a witch, the contract is invalid, and the prison barrier will naturally disappear quickly.

Countless prisoners were thrown out and fell into the sea.

Xiandu Mu Aye, who was well prepared, was flying in the air with sparkling eyes.

Is she really free? There is no damn sense of bondage. Her real���Got freedom.

Although the process of getting freedom was far from what she had planned, she got freedom anyway.

Maybe she should thank that annoying little brat.

Xiandu Mu Aye looked at Lan Yufeng who was standing on the stone bridge and holding Nangong Nayue.

"Hahaha! I’m free! I’m finally free!"

"The damn Void Witch, is she finally dead?"

"Good death!"

Falling to the bottom of the sea, the prisoners, who were originally confused, came to their senses and laughed wildly with ferocious faces, venting their excitement.

However, before they shouted excitedly and cursed Nangong Nayue, the terrifying evil spirit filled the surrounding space, making all the prisoners shudder and look over in doubt.

They saw Lan Yufeng, and Nangong Nayue, who was obviously still alive in Lan Yufeng's arms.

In an instant, their expressions became ferocious, and the terrifying evil spirit filled the area.

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